Re: Sikh Girls Who Do Not Cut Their Head Hair, But Remove All Other Hair on Their Bod
Dear Singh ji My piont was that all to many are quick to grow their hair as an outward sign of Sikhism and carrying the five Ks is enough,
You might think its just an outside display, but until you dont live it then its hard to say what it is. When Bhai Lehna ji followed Guru Nanak Dev ji with just point of a finger, not just an outside display. The yearning starts from the inside and then becomes an outside display.
The 5 ks is just the beginning of the journey.
Yet they dont following the hukams laid down by the founder of Sikhism, They love to wear the uniform of the khalsa so every one can see them and have them think that they are dedicated to Sikhism when in reality they are followimg only one Gurus teachings.
While your thinking this, what makes you think they are not thinking the samething. Tony ji thinks he so big walking around with the outside display of equality. Also i was going to mention this before, but forgot. When you say the Amritdhari at the store doesn't greet you properly, just putting this out there, then you should greet him with a Fateh and see what happens. Sometimes people make something out of nothing.
If they are going to wear a uniform and become a soldier then they must obey all hukams. An army is made up of well trained disiplined people, they start with basic training, in Sikhisms case that would be with Guru Nanak jis hukams, only when they have learnt each stage do they progress to the next, and only when they have learnt and can demonstrate what they have learnt are they allowed to put on the full uniform.
True some don't learn the basics and some ignore the basics. Either way people should be progressing on the path of Sikhi.
Far to many put on the uniform first and once on they never bother learning the basics. Any one can read and quote from a book, I am still in basic trianing and would never dare insult Guru jis by wearing the uniform of a Khalsa Sikh untill ive have mastered the basics, which appear to me to be the treating all as equals, if you where to start at the other end of trianing then you are taking the weapons without knowing how to use them, the sword is swung out without any precision, it strikes every one including your own cutting them down before they get a chance, in my case,
Everyone is progressing on the path, but this does not make the Khalsa Panth any lesser. You call Guru Sahib a book and I'll never do it.
Members of the higher ranks frown on me because i dont grow hair they think im inferior yet in doing so they are only showing their own failings, they dont understand the basics concept of all are equal.
To you its just an outside display and for many Sikhs keeping of the hair is beyond this. You are trying to understand this through your eyes, step in there shoes and look at it from there perspective. Keeping of the hair comes from within.
it is whats inside that makes a true Sikh. Without the basics the growing of your Hair is nothing more than a ritual, when hair is grown like this it is merely a worldly item that can not be taken to the next so are the rest of the five Ks, without the basics they are nothing as is the taking of Amrit they are just rituals. the prove is the order in which they are written down.
If you read Gurbani, Guru Sahib is against performing rituals for attaining God so in no way did the Tenth Nanak make Amrit Sanskar a ritual. If he did then he would be going against Guru Nanak Dev ji, which is completely impossible.
Start at the beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib ji and see for yourselve. The Gurujis taught it in that order with the taking of Amrit and the Khalsa coming last for a reason. starting with equality, being humble, serving all, considering yourselve below all others,
In Guru Nanak Dev ji's time Amrit was given to his disciples, but in a different way.
Now it is started at the end first, they put on the uniform and behave like the Generals giving out the orders saying what is right and what is wrong without knowing the real truth. One other thing could you please tell me where in the Granth does it mention body hair as i cant remember ever reading it.
If you wish to make a change then attack the problem from the head. Take on SGPC and Badals clan head to head. What I have a problem with is when people complain and complain and complain and complain, I see this coming from Amritdharis and the others, but no one is stepping up to the plate and doing something about it. Discussing is a great way for new ideas, but no one seems to carry them out. Every Sikh in this world is to blame for the state of Sikhi today. And watch now every Sikh takes a step back looks both ways, and will run away.