The fact that God has a name like 'God','Alláh' or 'Yehovah' is a system thats been around since humans developed a connection with their higher consciousness, we can't keep using sign language, and I'm sure you sikhs have a number of names attributed to the same.Zahim Nasir,
Guru fateh.
Thanks for the response.
Thanks for sharing your belief. This world is full of them. The fact of the matter is that Allah came into existence for the Musilms much later than the God/s of the other two Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity. Islam is the third one. This fact can not be denied no matter how much one tries.
As God is infinite, then once you give it/him/her a name, it ceases being infinite but becomes finite. So your claim that"There is no god but Alláh", makes Allah nothing but a finite one. Dogmas based on subjective truths make this happen which is very common in dogmatic religions.
So, if your God whom you call Allah sent a messenger then it shows that your God Allah is nothing but a personified deity, a being. Only a personified deity can send some so called messenger and that too only one claiming monopoly,which itself makes no sense. And he came a bit too late in the picture of the existence of mankind. But as it is your belief and beliefs are not based on any truth, hence the name belief, I respect that.
Thanks for the history about your religion where hatred among Muslims is a norm not an exception but you have failed to respond to my questions for the reasons only known to you.
1. Why do Sunnis and Shias hate each other?
2. Why do they kill each other without any discrimination?
The fact is that suicide bombers are everyday occurrences in the Muslim world.
3. Do they consider each other infidels- kaffirs and yet to serve the same personified deity called Allah?
4. Do they kill the fellow Muslims in the name of Allah?
5. Why all this hatred in the name of Allah when Islam is supposed to mean peace?
6. Is this some kind of self defeating prophecy in your claim,"There is no god but Alláh"?
Here, you are mixing apples with oranges and I hope it is an oversight rather than a deliberate attempt to mislead.
We are not comparing different religions here but we are strictly talking about Islam. So, let's stick to that otherwise it seems nothing but a cop out and some lame excuse and nothing but a dishonest attempt by a Muslim like you.
In the above, you have done nothing but to play Allah, your personified deity. I am sure you have similar kind of feelings about the Sunnis. So, in other words, these factions have nothing to do with "There is no god but Alláh" but the men of Allah who hate each other. The suicide bombers are the factual manifestations of that and the killings happen daily. Do you deny that fact as a Muslim about the killings?
It is easy to blame the Western media when there is a censorship and a shameless lie by the Iranian President when he was in the US and claimed that there were no gays in Iran which is hillarious to say the least.
Why do you think he lied about this trivial matter and why there is so much censorship in Iran and people being oppressed and getting disappeared?
Do Musilms usually lie in this shameless manner? Is this part of Islam?
And all this is thanks to the Western media called YOU TUBE that we can witness the massacre against the fellow Muslims daily, all in the name of Allah.
The fact is that Muslims are being killed by other Muslims in Iran and also around the world in other Islamic countries and you can not deny that fact no matter how much you try it and then Islam is called the religion of peace which is mocking the personified deity called Allah by his own followers.
Here is my take about Nuclear energy. I am glad at least you are honest enough to say that this is all about making nuclear bombs which your own government has denied in a cowardly fashion.
No one can stop anyone from gaining knowledge which in this case is learning to have the nuclear capabilities. It is the wrong approach to do that and it is nothing but a defeatist attitude in my opinion by those who are trying this.
What the Europeans and especially The US could have done many years earlier if they had the vision is to offer the technology to all who wanted and could afford it. This would have created a better monitoring system and would have been the true pathway towards peace.
I think they should have this foresight even noe and offer the nuclear technology to all the oil rich Sunni, Shias and other middle eastern countries, even Iraq because as I said before that no one can stop anyone to have knowledge so it is wise to offer it and be proactive rather than reactive.
Brasil, Argentina, South Africa have had the nuclear power plants for years and it has not created any rift there.
As far as Persians being proud is true for all the cultures and countries. So, for you to carry this pride flag on your own shows nothing but naiveté and ignorance.
And about Iran being a Mickey Mouse state, I agree with you. YOU TUBE daily images show that Iran is an oppressive state and daily kills its own Muslim people, all in the name of Allah.
I hope to get some honest answers about my questions to show me how proud a Persian you are in an honest manners.
Thanks & regards
Tejwant Singh
Whether this deity is personified or not isn't the issue, its about accepting a higher existence, the reason we say there is 'No God but Alláh' is that too many Gods lead to to many conflicts thus defeating the essential objective.
You said, "And he (Mohammed pbuh) came a bit too late in the picture of the existence of mankind" But as it is your belief and beliefs are not based on any truth, hence the name belief, I respect that." Well in that case, that would make a mockery of sikhism since you cannot accept any Prophet after your last Guru whose ethos was paradoxical to your founding Prophet, besides this goes against Shia Islam, as we accept that the Mahdi will re-appear. This is where Sunnis divide. Sunnis and Shia do not hate each other, in Iraq marriages between muslims was the norm as much as Saddam was once an enemy he later became a silent hero against Bush who wanted Iraq to break as they wanted Iraq's oil reserves.
Suicide bombers are unusual in Iran, they are usually Hamas, Qaeda, Tamil operatives.
Every community has its extremist a*holes, those who kill in the name of any religion will remain an a*hole. You remember seeing Vienna killings few months back where sikhs killed pious old folk.
You say "So, let's stick to that otherwise it seems nothing but a cop out and some lame excuse and nothing but a dishonest attempt by a Muslim like you" That's very impolite as well as patronizing so I won't answer.
While we are on the subject of Gays, how many Sikhs openly admit they are gay? In fact how many gay admit they are gay? What is the Sikh code of conduct regarding gays?
Also try to read before making comments, Libya is not Iran, and as for youtube you will find joke videos about everything including sikhs.
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