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Dec 1, 2006
Homosexuals can not be Sikh but they humans and can choose to live any way they want as long as they are not Sikh. If the person wants to be Sikh, then the person must be heterosexual.

Some people are born with evil minds who love nothing but killing. Is that right? Aren't those types of people put in jail?

Gurbani and Bhai Gurdas only talk about love between man and woman. Soul is genderless but the physical body is not. Physical aspect can never be ignored.

Guru Sahib told Udasis to go and live a life as a family member with children.
Gays can't have children.

God made mother and father, husband and wife. Who is wife and who is husband in a gay relationship?

If someone loves someone from same gender, it is attachment (moh) and also kaam (lust). Both are bad.

As for translation of laava, English translations don't give the deeper meaning and only word translations are received.

Another thing, all Guru Sahib married and told Sikhs to marry also. Gurbani uses husband and wife concept again and again. Homo is never used because it isn't Gurmat.

It is mental state regardless if it is natural or acquired thus it can be changed if the person wants. If the person only loves God then why can't the person overcome homo feelings and become straight?

Not only that, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji said "Aurat Imaan" as stated in many historical references.
This happened when a celibate sadhu asked why Guru Ji has married.

So it is very clear that Guru Sahib only accepted male and female marriages and this tradition must continue. It can never be changed to suit some people who fail to overcome their moh and kaam.

I will say it once again, please don't take Amrit and join the Khalsa Panth unless you are striaght.
Dec 1, 2006
smilMgI sMbMD aqy gurmiq
iesu qn mn mDy mdn cor ] ijin igafn rqnu ihir lIn mor ]{pMnf-1194}
inafry siqgurU nfnk sfihb jI dI inafrI guriswKI ivc vI sm-ilMgI sLfdIaF bfry iCWVI crcf qoN icMqfqur kuJ suihrd gur isWK swjx gurmiq df pwK ilKx dI dfs qoN mMg krdy af rhy hn ijs qoN pRyrq dfsrf ies lyK rfhIN bbyk ivcfrrF leI 'Klk mih "Kfilku-" dy drbfr ivc hfjLr hY:-
1- siqgurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy 1161 aMk dy ienHF pfvn bcnF dI-"bfbf afdm kAu ikCu ndir idKfeI ] Auin BI iBsiq GnyrI pfeI ]"{1161}-aslIXq jfxn leI kIqI pVqfl qoN mhfn kosL dy 98 sPLy qy ies pRkfr iliKaf hoieaf hY:-" bfeIbl aqy kurfn (-eIsfeI aqy ieslfm mjLhbF dIaF Drm pusqkF) anusfr sB qoN pihlf mnuwK ijs nUM KLdf ny afpxI sLkl df imtI qoN bxfieaf, Auh bfbf afdm (Adm) sI. bfeIbl anusfr jd bfbf afdm sON igaf qd KLudf ny Aus dI iek pwslI leI aqy Aus qoN iek iesqRI rcI jo " hwvf'" (Eve) aKvfeI. rwb ny ies joVy nUM adn (Eden) bfgL ivc rwK ky hukm idwqf ik qusIN eyQy afnMd nfl rho aqy Pl afid pdfrQ KfAu pr iewk KLfs bUtf dws ky hdfieq kIqI ik ies df Pl kdy nf Kfxf. sLYqfn ny af ky afdm aqy hwvf nUM vrgLlfieaf ijs qoN AunHF ny Auh vrjq Pl KfDf, bfgL qoN ies aprfD bdly kwZy gey aqy Kudf qoN sRfp (sLfp) imilaf ik afdm dI aOlfd myhnq krky gujLfrf kry aqy mOq df isLkfr hovy. afdm dI Aumr bfeIbl ivc 930 vrHy ilKI hY[[[[[[[. Auprokq dohF ivsLfl Drmf ivc prclq ivsLvfsL anusfr ajokI mnuwK jfqI Ausy joVy dI sMqfn df psfrf hY. Bfv, mnuwK qy iesqRI df joVf rwb ny afp bxfieaf sI. kI gurmiq qoN vI iesqRI mrd df joVf rwbI hukm hI iswD hY ? gurU bfxI df aDfr kQf khfxIaF nhIN hY. gurmiq qF-"hAu afphu boil n jfxdf mY kihaf sBu hukmfAu jIAu "]{763} Bfv ielfhI hukmfAu hI gurmiq hY, aQvf gurmiq ivcoN rwbI 'hukm' qoN bfhrI koeI gl nhIN imldI . afAu pihlF gurmiq dy Aus "hukmfAu" jF "hukm" bfry gurmiq ivcfrF sFJIaF kr leIey :-
2- rwbI hukm-gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI pihlI anUpm bfxI jpu jI dI pihlI pAuVI ivclf bVf arQ BrpUr pRsLnoqr -ikv sicafrf hoeIaY ikv kUVY qutY pfil ]? sMsfrI mfieaf rUpI JUT df prdf ikvyN dUr hovy aqy sicafry ikvy bxIey ?-AuWqr-(1)-hukim rjfeI clxf nfnk iliKaf nfil ]1]-Bfv, muwZ qoN ieh inXm nfl hI bixaf afieaf ik (hukm dy anusfrI rihx nfl dUrIaF imt ky nyVqf bx jfieaf krdI hY). kI rwbI hukm vI AuvyN df hI hY ijvyN srkfrF qoN aQvf vzwikaF qoN jLbfnI jF ilKqI hukm (afdysL) imldy hn ? pr agMm, agocr, ajnmy, ijs aibnfsLI akfl purK df-"rUpu n ryK n pMc qq Tfkur aibnfs "]{816}ijs rwb jI df rUp rMg aid pMj qwqI vjUd kuJ vI nhIN Aus qoN jLbfnI jF ilKqI hukm pRfpq hox df kI arQ ? sgoN ieh hukm qF ajyhf hY ijs qoN:-hukmI hovin afkfr hukmu n kihaf jfeI ]{jpu-pAuVI 2} aQvf-"pfqfl purIaf loa afkfrf ] iqsu ivic vrqY hukmu krfrf ] hukmy sfjy hukmy Zfhy hukmy myil imlfiedf ]"{1060} Bfv, sMsfr dy idsdy axidsdy sfry akfr Ausy hukm qoN bxdy ZihMdy, imldy ivCuVdy af rhy hn aqy Auh hukm hY vI kihxI kQnI qoN pry.-gurU PLurmfn-"qyrf hukmu n jfpI kyqVf iliK n jfxY koie ] jy sAu sfier mylIaih iqlu n pujfvih roie"]{53}-Bfvy sYNkVy ilKfrI Xqn kr Qwkx, ilKq ivc nf af skx vfly Aus rwbI hukm bfry anumfn hI lgdy af rhy hn, Aus df TIk TIk kQn koeI nhIN kr skdf. pr gurdyv jI dy ieh PLurmfn vI axgOly nhIN kIqy jf dkdy ?-"nfnk hukmu n buJeI aMDf khIaY soie "]{955} aqy "jb lgu hukmu n bUJqf qb hI lAu duKIaf] gur imil hukmu pCfixaf qb hI qy suKIaf "]{400}-spwsLt sMkyq hY ik BfvyN kihx kQn qoN bfhrf hI hY pr Aus rwbI hukm df sfr jF isDFqk vjUd jLrUr smiJaf buiJaf jf skdf hY. Ausy aQfh apfr hukm nUM smJ buwJ ky Aus dy anusfrI hox qoN hI anUpm pRfpqIaF df vI ijLkr-A-"hukim mMinaY hovY prvfxu qf KsmY kf mhlu pfiesI "]{471}-a-[" nfnk hukmY jo buJY so Plu pfey scu "][{960}- e-"hukmu pCfxY bUJY scu soie "]4]{232}- s-"sfcI drgh pUC n hoie ] mfny hukmu sIJY dir soie ]6]{832} aqy pMjvF-h-"gurmuiK hoie su hukmu pCfxY mfnY hukmu smfiedf]{1036} Auprokq sLbd ivcfr qoN spwsLt sMkyq imldf hY ik rwbI hukm dI pCfx hI Aus hukmI dfqfr nfl zUMGI jfx pCfx dI pRfpqI hY. 'ibwpRn kI rIq qoN scu df mfrg'- pusqk mflf ivc rwbI hkm dI gl keI QfeIN afeI hY pr CyvyN Bfg ivc Aucycy qOr qy ies hukm nUM smJx smJfAux df ivsLysL Xqn kIqf hoieaf hY. gurU sLbdF dy aDfr qy "hukm" dI ivafiKaf ilKx leI pUrI pusqk vI Gwt ho skdI hY. asF smilMgI sfdIaF vfly muwK ivsLy vl vI afAuNyxf hY. ies leI keI sflF dI zUMGI Koj qoN-rwbI hukm bfry dfsry dy pwly jo KLYr peI Aus df sMKyp rUp ieAuN hY:-gurU bfxI ivc kul 11 Eleven -rUpF ivc ijMnI vfrI iliKaf hukm pd dfsry dI jfxkfrI ivc afieaf, vyrvf ies pRkfr hY -1-hukm=4, -2-hukmu=238, -3- hukmyyyy=98,-4-hukmY=29, -5- hukim=88,-6- hukmI=41-7-hukmo=4[-8-hukmhu=1,-9-hukmf=1-10- hukmfvY=1, aqy-11vF-hukmfAu=1- joV= 508 . {not:- cfhvfn swjx afpxf EMail Address Byj dyx- gurU sLbdF dI sUcI puwj jfvygI}
10 srUpI siqgurU nfnk sfihb jI dy anuBv ivc afey hukmfAu df muK Bfv Auh rwbI inXwm, ijs ielfhI isDFq dI ivafiKaf jpu jI dI dUjI pAuVI dI pihlI pMgqI qoN afrMB ho ky byaMq gurU sLbdF rfhI gurdyv jI ny sfnUM smJfAux df Xqn kIqf hoieaf hY. pRfikRqk inWXm rwbI hukm hI hY., Bfxf, rjLf Aus 'hukm' dy hI rUp hn. Ausy hukm dI atwlqf ivc bwiJaf jIvF df jnm mrx ho irhf hY -"jMmxu mrxf hukmu pCfxu ]{412}-
3- smilMgI sMbMD:-' afpxf afpf rc ky Aus afpy qoN rcI apfr isRsLtI df kfr ivhfr clf rhy hukmI dy hukm bfry Auprokq ivcfr dy nfl hI ieh gurU hukm-:"logf, Brim n BUlhu BfeI ] Kfilku Klk, Klk mih Kfilku, pUir rihE sRb TFeI "]{1350}-ienHF gurU bcnF anusfr sfzy leI jLrUrI hY ik asIN smilMgI sLfdIaF df mslf Ausy rwbI hukm qo imldIaF syDF qoN hl krIey:-eIsfeI qy ieslfm dy Dfrimk ivsLfvfs vflI bfbf afdm dI gfQf qoN ssfr dy bVy vzy Kyqr dy lpkF ivc bxy ivsLvfsL anusfr 'ajokf mnuwK' Ausy bfbf afdm (Adam) aqy hwvf (Eve) KLudfeI joVy df hI prvfr-psfrf hY. purfqn gRMQF qoN ieh toh vI imldI hY ik pihl pihlF mnuwK AunHF hI jMglI jfnvrF vFg Coty vwzy vwgF (JuMzF, toilaf) ivwc rihMdf sI ijnHF psLUaF pMKIaF ivc kyvl nr qy mdIn ivafhuqf joVy vFg iekwTy rihMdy af rhy hn. sfry psLU pMCIaF df aQvf jIv jMqUaF df joVf kfm sMBog KLfs KLfs ruqf dy KLfs idnf ivc kyvl bwcy pYdf krn leI hI krdy hn. apfr psfry vflI kudrq dy axigxq jIv jMqUaF ivc koeI joVf smilMgI vI huMdf afieaf hY ? aqy kI kdy munwKF dI brfdrI ivc vI smilMgI joiVaF ivc ivcrdy rihx df irvfj irhf hovy- ienHF sLMikaf bfry purfqn (jF nvIn) ieiqihfs ivcoN koeI sbUq nhIN imldf.
4-gurmiq df pwK-srbwq dy Bly dI kfmxf nfl ilKy gurmiq igafn ny iesqRI mrd dI sLfdI vfly igRhsqI jIvn nUM hI srb AuWqm mMinaf hY. pqI(mnuwK) pqnI (qIvIN) df joVy nUM hI rwbI rjLf drsf rhy gurUbfxI-igafn dy aQfh BMzfry ivcoN kyvl vMngI mfqR kyvl iqMn gurU PLurmfn:-1"Dn (-pqnI) ipr (-mrd-KLsm) mylu Bieaf pRiB afip imlfieaf rfm" {af:m:3-439}--2-Dn ipr mylfvf hoaf gurmqI mnu mfinaf ] {770}-3-Dn ipru eyih n afKIain bhin iekTy hoie ] eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIaY soie ]{sU:m:3-788} eysy qrHF hI gurmiq ivc sMqfn AuqpqI df atwl rwbI inXwm-"jYsy mfq ipqf ibnu bflu n hoeI ]{872}" mfq ipq dohF df hoxf dws ky ipqf dI ibMd Bfv vIrj qy mfqf dy grB dI rkq qoN jIv inMmdy drsf rhy keI gurU PLurmfnF ivcoN kyvl Audfhrx mfqR gurU bcn:- 1-rkqu ibMdu kir inMimaf agin Audr mJfir ]{704} rkq=mf (mdIn) dy grB ivc Ausdy KLUn qoN inMmxf (bxnf). ibMd=ipqf (nr) df vIrj-2-mfq ipqf sMjoig Aupfey rkqu ibMdu imil ipMzu (-dyh) kry ]{1013} nr mdIn aQvf iesqRI mrd df joVf bnfAux qo kudrq df muwK Bfv sMsfr ivc keI pRkfr dIaF rOxkF Bry jIvn mrx df Kyz-mylf cldf rwKx qoN hI hY. sm-ilMgI joVf bWcf pYdf nhI kr skdf ieh kyvl kfm Lust iqRpqI ihq kyvl agLlfm rog shyV bihxf ? ajyhI soc rwbI nymF dy ankUl nhIN hY.
5- motf pRsLn icwnH ?-vzI hYrfnI hyY ik ijs mnuwK nUM-(A)- cMgy mfVy dI prK krky afpxy jIvn ivc soDF krdf rihx Xog (jLmIr, bwuDI, akl) idmfgL, aQvf inq nvIaF lfBdfiek kfZF (Inventions) krvf rhIaF kfmnfvF df BMzfr ‘mn’, ‘icq’ afid AucycIaF bKLsLsLF kIqIaF hoeIaF hn,-(a)-ieslfm ivc ijs mnuwK nUM "asLrPL-AuWl-mKLlUkfq ikhf igaf hY, (e)-aqy gurU PLurmfn-avr join qyrI pinhfrI ] iesu DrqI mih qyrI iskdfrI ]{374}- Bfv, gurmiq ny qF mnwuK nUM sfrIaF jUMnf df srdfr mMinaf hY. iPr kI kfrn hY (kiQiq) 84 lwK jUMnF ivcoN inafrI sUJ bUJ vfly Ausy mnuwK dy hI afcrn ivc kudrq ivroDI ajyhf avYVfpn ?:-
kfrnf df vyrvf- idwlI dy hkIm bUalI sInf dy ilKy kok-sLfsqr ivc arQ BrpUr isiKaf dfiek dlIlF nfl smJfieaf hoieaf hY ik, iks Aumry iknHF nUM ikvyN smilMg sMbMD joVn dI afdq pYNdI hY aqy ies bd-afdq qo arogqf qy pYx vfly dUr-rs iBafnk iswty kI huMdy ? Ausy kok sLfsqr ivc ajyhy smilMgI kfm sbMDF nUM "agLlfm rog" iliKaf hY. ies rog df asl kfrn by-lgLfm (by-kfbU)hoeI kfm-agnI ilKI hY. mnuWK koloN jfn lyvf bVy nIc krm krvf rhy ‘kfm’ Sex bfry gurU bfxI dy PLurmfn-
(1)- hy kfmM nrk ibsRfmM bhu jonI BRmfvxh ] icq hrxM qRY lok gMm´M jp qp sIl ibdfrxh ] alp suK aivq cMcl AUc nIc smfvxh ] qv BY ibmuMicq sfD sMgm Et nfnk nfrfiexh ]46]{1358}
Bfv arQ:-mnuwK Bfvy ikzf vI jpI qpI qy AuWcI jLfq vflf hovy kfmdyv sBnF ƒ afpxy kfbU ivc krky ajyhy kfry krvfAuNdf js qoN jIvn nrkI duwKF df isLkfr bixaf rih ky gl sV jFdf hY. ies dI mfr qoN AuhI bcdf hY jo sfD gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI sLbd-ivcfr-sMgiq qoN prmfqmf nfl zUMGI jx-pCfx bxf lYNdf hY .
(2)- inmK kfm suafd kfrix koit idns duKu pfvih ] GrI muhq rMg mfxih iPir bhuir bhuir pCuqfvih ]1] aMDy cyiq hir hir rfieaf ] qyrf so idnu nyVY afieaf ]1] rhfAu ][[[4]5]127]{pMnf 403}
arQ:-hy kfm-vfsnf ivc aMnHy hoey jIv ! (ieh ivkfrF vflf rfh Cwz, qy) pRBU-pfiqsLfh df ismrn kr . qyrf Auh idn nyVy af irhf hY (jdoN qUM ieQoN kUc kr jfxf hY) .1.rhfAu. hy aMnHy jIv ! QoVf ijqnf smf kfm-vfsnf dy suafd dI KLfqr (iPr) qUM byaMq idn duwK shfrdf hYN . GVI do GVIaF mOjF mfx ky ipwCoN muV muV pCuqFAuNdf hYN .1.
keI duKdfeI Bfixaf ivcoN idRsLtFq mfqR:-(A)-sMn 1941 ivc dfsrf rOxkF Bry ksby mIaF-cMnUM (ijLlf mulqfn pfiksqfn) dy hfeI skUl ivc pVHdf sI. awDI CuwtI smy asIN kuJ vidafrQI cONk vfly hlvfeI dI dukfnoN KLfls iGAu dIaF pUrIaF Kfx qy mlfeI vfly dhIN dI lwsI pIx cly jfieaf krdy sF. iek idn dukfn dy sfhmxy nMNg DVMg bIbI afpxy ipsLfb vflI QF qy duhwQVF mfrdI hfVy kwZ rhI sI ik koeI brPL rwK ky sVdI mrdI nUM bcf lvy. iek guaFZI dws irhf sI-'BlI lok ies bIbI df vYlI Grdf ikqoN bfhroN ibmfrI Kwt ilafieaf jo ies ivcfrI dy ihwsy af geI." eyny nUM do krmcfrI stycr lY ky af pwujy qy Aus nUM cwuk ky hspqfl lY gey . asF afpxy mfstr jI nUM Aus duKdfeI Gtxf bfry dws ky aslIXq jxnI cfhI. sfieMs mfstr cMdr Bfn jI ny ipafr nfl keI kuJ smJfieaf qy bIbI nUM af cMbVI nfmurfd ibmfrI df nfm 'afqsLk' disaf . AunHF ny sfnUM ikhf hux dsvI pfs krky qusF keIaF ny kfljF ivc jfxf hY. quhfnMU ajyhIaF ibmfrIaF bfry pUrI jfxkfrI hoxI cfhIdI hY. AunHF ny sfnUM kvIrfj hrnfm dfs jI lfhOr vfilaF dy ilKy hdfieq nfimaF bfry aqy hkIm bUalI sInf dy kok sfsqr bfry dws pfeI. asF keIaF ny Auh pusqkF KLrId leIaF qy kfm csikaF qoN lwgdIaF ibmfrIaF df hfl piVHaf. AunHF pusqkF prfqp hoeI isiKaf jIvn ivc bVI lfhyvMd iswD hoeI. lg-Bg 500 sfl pihlF ilKI rfmklI mhlf 1 dwKxI EaMkfr bfxI ivc anUpm siqgurU nfnk sfihb jI dI ieh icwqfvxI -"kfmu k®oDu kfieaf kAu gflY ] ijAu kMcn sohfgf ZflY ]"{932} Xfd afeI qF ihrdy ivcoN vih qurI Dnvfd-ardfs-"hy sMpUrn siqgurU nfnk sfihb jIE ! DMn ho qusIN DMn DMn DMn ho N. gurbfxI ivcfr qoN ieAuN vI iswD hoieaf ik kfm aqy kRoD sdf dovyN hI mnuWK dI srIrk aqy afqmk afrogqf qy hmlf krdy hn. ijvyN Aupr asF kfm bfry AucycI gurU-isiKaf pVHI hY eyvy hI hux kroD bfry vI gMBIr icqfvxI:-" Enf pfis duafis n iBtIaY ijn aMqir k®oDu cMzfl ]" {40} aqy iPr pMjvyN srUp smy kRoD bfry ieh Aucycf AupdysL:-hy kil mUl k®oDM kdMc kruxf n Auprjqy ] ibKXMq jIvM vs´M kroiq inrq´M kroiq jQf mrkth ]{1358} bfv, hy JgVy dy muwZ koRD! (qyry aMdr) kdy dieaf nhIN AupjdI . qUµ ivsLeI jIvF ƒ afpxy vws ivc kr ky bFdr vFg ncfAuNdf hYN . kfmI mnuwK df kroDI vI hoxf gurmiq df kOVf swcu hY. lg mfqRf dy mfmUlI ijhy Pyr bdl nfl 7 qrHF nfl kfm qy kRoD pdF df joV gurbfxI ivc 196 vfr afAuxf pfTk dy mn ivc XkIn bxf idMdf hY ik kfmI mnuwK kRoDI vI jLrUr huMdf hY. krm vfr gurU sLbdF df sUcI df sMKyp vyrvf:--1-kfmkRoD-78,-2--,kfim kRoiD-17, -3-kfmu kRoDu-80, -4-kfm kRoDu-8, ---5--kfmu kroD-2, ---6--kfm kroD-3 --7---kfm kroDu-8 kul joV=196 -keI gurU sLbdF ivcoN kyvl idRsLtFq mfqR:-"jo dIsY so afs inrfsf ] kfm kRoD ibKu BUK ipafsf ] nfnk ibrly imlih Audfsf ]8]7]{223}-"kfmu k®oDu qin vsih cMzfl ] Dfxk rUip rhf krqfr ]2][[ 4]29] {24}-kfmu kroDu kptu ibiKaf qij scu nfmu Auir Dfry ] [[4]2]{435-36}- cfhvfn gurmuK EMail Address Byj dyx gurUsLbdF dI sUcI puwj jfvygI.
(a)- srhflI Tfxy dy pRisD ngr dy iek kfm kuwTy nOjvfn ny afpxI ibrD dfdI jI nfl blfqkfr kIqf. kmjLor ishq ibRD mfqf ajyhf sdmf nf Jwl skI. post mfrtm krvfAux leI imrqk dyh nuM pulIs lY geI qy-qn mn ivcly kfm ny blfqkfrI nojvfn dI ajyhI miq mfrI ik Aus ny Pfh lY ky afqm afqm hwiqaf kr leI .
(e)-qrnqfrn qsIl dy hI ipMz dI dsvIN klfs dI ividafrQx bIbI dI lfsL Gr nyVy dy KUh ivcoN kZvf ky zffktrI jFc krvfeI qF Auh iqMn mhIinaf qoN grBvqI sI. pVqfl qoN iswD hoieaf ik bwcf Aus bIbI dy sky vIr df hI sI. jo vI Ausy KUhI ivc pY miraf. bykfbU hoey kfmdyv dy ajyhy inq nvyN kfry vfprdy af rhy hn. afqsLk, sUjLfk qy hor keI KLqrnfk kfm-rogF dI jVH-'inmK kfm suafd kfrix koit idns duKu pfvih ]' QuhVy smy df kfm cskf qbfhIaF df kfrn?- cMgy Bly GrfinaF dy sUJvfn aqy axKIly bicaf dI miq nUM kI hoieaf ?
(3) iesu qn mn mDy mdn cor] ijin igafn rqnu ihir lIn mor ] mY anfQu pRB khAu kfih ] ko ko n ibgUqo mY ko afih ]1] mfDAu dfrun duKu sihE n jfie ] myro cpl buiD isAu khf bsfie]1]rhfAu]{1194}
arQ:-hy myry mfDo ! afpxI cMcl mwq awgy myrI koeI pysL nhIN jFdI . ieh zfZf iBafnk duwK (hux) mYQoN shfiraf nhIN jFdf .1.rhfAu.-myry ies qn mn ivc kfmdyv (ajyhf) cor af vwisaf hY, ijs ny igafn-rUp myrf rqn (myry aMdroN) curf ilaf hY (Bfv, ijs ny myrI smJ ivgfV idwqI hY) . hy pRBU ! mYN (bVf) afjjL ho igaf hF, (afpxf duwK qYQoN ibnf hor) iks ƒ dwsF ? (ies kfm dy hwQoN) kOx kOx KLuafr nhIN hoieaf ? myrI (gLrIb) dI kIh pFieaF hY ? ajyhI bylgfm ivsLeI puxf mnuwK nUM keI qrHF df bycfrf bxf ky mfrdf hY. Auprokq gurU hukmf anusfr awj smilMgI sLfdIaF df rOlf vI AuhI pf rhy hn ijnHF df igafn rqn kfm rUpI cor ny curf ilaf hoieaf hY aQvf kfm agnI dy kfrn ijnHF dI miq itkfxy qoN ihwl cuwkI hY-
6- smilMgI sMbMDF dy ivroDI sMkyq vfly guurU PLurmfn :-
1- pr Dn, pr qn prqI inMdf aKfiD qfih hrkfieaf ] sfc Drm isAu ruic nhI afvY siq sunq Cohfieaf ]3]{402} pd arQ:-pr qn=prfieaf srIr . prqI=prfeI . aKfiD=cIjLF jo KfxIaF nhIN cfhIdIaF . hrkfieaf=hlkfieaf . ruic=rucI,—ipafr . Cohfieaf=Cuh lwgdI hY, guwsf afAuNdf hY .3.
2- pr Dn, pr qn, pr kI inMdf, ien isAu pRIiq n lfgY ] sMqh sMgu sMq sMBfKnu hir kIrqin mnu jfgY ]2]{674} sMBfKnu=gl bfq, guPLqgU, bfqcIq, bcn iblfs, gosLit.
3- pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdf pr apbfdu n CUtY ] afvf gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]{971}
apbfdu=dUjy nfl ivroD, dujy nfl JgVf.
Auprokq iqnF hI gurU PLurmfnF ivc 'pr Dn pr qn' pMkqI sFJI hY. qn df arQ ipMzf, srIr jF dyh hY . qn pd df Bfv iesqRI mrd dohF leI sfvF hY. gurmiq anusfr prfey (mrd dy jF iesqrI dy) qn vl mYlI njLr (kfm rucI vflI qkxI) df dosL prfieaf mfl Dn curfAux qul aQvf prfeI inMdf qul hoxf gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df PLqvf hY. inMdf bfry gurU PLurmfn-"inMdf BlI iksY kI nfhI mnmuK mugD krMin ] muh kfly iqn inMdkf nrky Goir pvMin ]"{755} spwsLt hY ik mnuwK nUM sMq sUrmf bxf rhy, srbwq dy Bly dI kfmnf sihq nfjLl hoey, srbsFJy gurmiq igafn ivc smilMgI sMbMDF nUM koeI QF nhIN hY.
gurbKLsL isMG


Dec 13, 2005
If the person wants to be Sikh, then the person must be heterosexual.

ok then doh!!

Some people are born with evil minds who love nothing but killing. Is that right? Aren't those types of people put in jail?

uh no sikhism rejects duality therefore evil is a semitic concept, life places us in situations where one can commit murder why is that evil i might have killed you out of anger and anger alone not cos the devil is motivating me, sikhism rejects the idea of man-made justice, khalsa was enshrined to uphold mans conscience or bibek as form of day to day judgement of things, you have just made a joke of that by accepting evil which is the reason why india was plundered time and time again, the mughals saw kaffirrs as evil too, dwell on it a while.

Gurbani and Bhai Gurdas only talk about love between man and woman. Soul is genderless but the physical body is not. Physical aspect can never be ignored.

why is youre mind besotted with the physical body because you are driven by kaam, i would seriously question whether you understand what love really is, why is it that homosexuals can live to gether without engaging in sodomy?, and it is nice that bhai gurdas talks about love between a men and a women, they also make references between the sexual antics of animals too does that me we should allow deers to be married in the gurdwara aswell have some sense.

Guru Sahib told Udasis to go and live a life as a family member with children.
Gays can't have children.

gays can have children if they wanted dristhi jeevan means householder there is no emphasis on children hence you write " with children".

God made mother and father, husband and wife. Who is wife and who is husband in a gay relationship?

why should there be either is see a blissfull union.

If someone loves someone from same gender, it is attachment (moh) and also kaam (lust). Both are bad.

As for translation of laava, English translations don't give the deeper meaning and only word translations are received.

anand karaj is unique its only about the soul not bodies. I have addressed these stupid assertions in my earlier post i suggest you take a day off from being hateful and read through my earlier posts.

It is mental state regardless if it is natural or acquired thus it can be changed if the person wants. If the person only loves God then why can't the person overcome homo feelings and become straight?

why would you? i have no qualm with people having the feelings in the first place youre argument is misplaced.

Not only that, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji said "Aurat Imaan" as stated in many historical references.
This happened when a celibate sadhu asked why Guru Ji has married.

i believe he refers to the love with his wife being his bedrock.

So it is very clear that Guru Sahib only accepted male and female marriages and this tradition must continue. It can never be changed to suit some people who fail to overcome their moh and kaam.

youve proved nothing!

I will say it once again, please don't take Amrit and join the Khalsa Panth unless you are striaght.

I will say once again youre vichar is poor i hope you do better in youre studies leave sikhism and gurbani vichar to others and dont embarass the sikh religion with your rubbish.

As for youre other post it is just as incomprehendable,

Have a gayday!

Dec 1, 2006
It is not me who is driven by kaam, it is you guys who promote homoism. That article is also there. Find me one quote from Gurbani which says homosexuality is okay.

"they also make references between the sexual antics of animals too does that me we should allow deers to be married in the gurdwara aswell have some sense"

Where does Bhai Gurdas say deer are equal to men? You are just jealous becuase you have no solid basis to promote homosexuality other than attacking me.

Do you even know how to understand Gurbani? Do you even know the difference between feminine and masculin?

I did read your comments and they aren't solid at all.

What is the point of gristhi jeevan if it has nothing to do with children? It is not like gays and benefit the society in any positive way over long run.

Why don't you leave Sikhi and Gurmat maryada alone and not make a mockery out of Anand Karaj by saying gays are allowed to marry in Gurudwara.

You new age masands need the same treatment as given to masands of old times by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Are you even Amritdhari?

No Guru Ka Sikh says that gays are allowed. It would be the biggest shame to kaum to see two bearded men or 2 women sitting in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji waiting to be married.

Did Guru Sahib didn't use the word satan?

Rahay Sitaanee Duniyaa Go-ee

Paap Kmaavundeyaa Tayra Koee Naa Bailee Raam

Kaajeyaa Baamnaa Kee Gull THukee Aagadd Prai Saitaan Vay Laalo

Of course wrong exists. Wrong things exist thus they are banned in Guru's Panth.

Homosexuality is an addiction just like drugs. A drug addict can't be enrolled in Guru's marg so same way neither can a gay person.

Gays are free to live in society as humans and should not be discriminated against but they can not be part of Khalsa Panth.
This is final decision made by Panth.


Dec 13, 2005
It is not me who is driven by kaam, it is you guys who promote homoism. That article is also there. Find me one quote from Gurbani which says homosexuality is okay.

give me the article in english and i will rebut it straight away. Why does gurbani have to say homosexuality or heterosexuality is ok, if noone mentions something krodhees like you and vedanti make stuff up for nothing.

Where does Bhai Gurdas say deer are equal to men? You are just jealous becuase you have no solid basis to promote homosexuality other than attacking me.

in the sggs it talks of love of god the same as love between species of animals, it talks of songbirds calling their beloved, love is the same, why do you ask for the equality of animals to humans?, i know so you can argue that whilst the animals love also that they are not equal yet you need to show how animals are not equal yourself before you argue from that point.

Do you even know how to understand Gurbani? Do you even know the difference between feminine and masculin?

yes each sikh has is own understanding of bani we do not need anyone individual to take authority on translation, masculine and femine are energies they are not confined to male and female.

I did read your comments and they aren't solid at all.

and yours are pleeeeeeeeese dont make me proclaim you a cybertankhaa!!!!!

What is the point of gristhi jeevan if it has nothing to do with children? It is not like gays and benefit the society in any positive way over long run.

homosexulas have contributed more to society than heterosexuals in fact they are known to be very rich go to any gay village and see the standard of housing compared to heterosexuals who keep shitting out hateful kids and polluting society with their bad upbringing, let homosexulas be a measure of the worth of their lifestyle, what you deem as worthy is obviously personal to you, homosexuals maybe very happy with childless lifestyle and there is always surrogacy so if you feel like the population will decrease just pay them for ivf and its sorted.

Why don't you leave Sikhi and Gurmat maryada alone and not make a mockery out of Anand Karaj by saying gays are allowed to marry in Gurudwara.

why do you keep smearing sikhi with youre semitic orthodoxy and allow all people to marry the way anand karaj was supposed to be ie, soul marriage.

You new age masands need the same treatment as given to masands of old times by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

vedanti and co are neo-masands the quicker you all renounce hate you will be much better thats why you are suffering now, read youre post why do you keep getting banned from websites, what will it take for you to realise you are treading the path of falsehood.

Are you even Amritdhari?

no i am not but i understand it to be the ideal, will i loose credibility now and do you really think i care either ways.

No Guru Ka Sikh says that gays are allowed. It would be the biggest shame to kaum to see two bearded men or 2 women sitting in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji waiting to be married.

you need to deal with the shame you feel because its the sodomy you have a problem with be honest you really have no other argument other than the thought of anal sex,be honest and admit all these long winded explanations are crap and you know it.

Did Guru Sahib didn't use the word satan?

Rahay Sitaanee Duniyaa Go-ee

Paap Kmaavundeyaa Tayra Koee Naa Bailee Raam

Kaajeyaa Baamnaa Kee Gull THukee Aagadd Prai Saitaan Vay Laalo

Of course wrong exists. Wrong things exist thus they are banned in Guru's Panth.

seriously you have no right to lecture anyone on this forum about gurbani vichar that made me laugh me and my family had a good laugh at that one why dont you do stand up comedy?, the world is conniving yes but not driven by a fallen angel!!!!!!

Homosexuality is an addiction just like drugs. A drug addict can't be enrolled in Guru's marg so same way neither can a gay person.

it is a beautiful addiction which has no side effects.
Gays are free to live in society as humans and should not be discriminated against but they can not be part of Khalsa Panth.
This is final decision made by Panth.

i agree if such a decision has been made however with time you will be shamed, the sad reality is the catholic, islam faiths are all being proven wrong about there suscpicions of homos we as sikhs did not need to take a position but with the return of patriarchy to the punjab we have again failed!!!

good luck with youre bigoted attitude i will like to see how far it will take you, believe me its no where.

Dec 1, 2006
You don't know Gurmukhi.
You aren't Amritdhari.
You say I am full of hatred when you are the one spitting foul and calling me pedophile.

"give me the article in english and i will rebut it straight away. Why does gurbani have to say homosexuality or heterosexuality is ok, if noone mentions something krodhees like you and vedanti make stuff up for nothing."
You issue that you can't understand Gurmukhi thus you support gays because you didn't merge with Guru Shabad.

"in the sggs it talks of love of god the same as love between species of animals, it talks of songbirds calling their beloved, love is the same, why do you ask for the equality of animals to humans?, i know so you can argue that whilst the animals love also that they are not equal yet you need to show how animals are not equal yourself before you argue from that point"
What are you on now? Animals are lower level species but Guru Ji used their example becuase those examples are easy to understand. Don't tell me that animals can also become Sikh.

"yes each sikh has is own understanding of bani we do not need anyone individual to take authority on translation, masculine and femine are energies they are not confined to male and female."
You don't understand becuase you rely on translations. Missionaries take authority on translations and Akaal Takht has accepted their translations. E.g. Prof. Sahib Singh. So we do have authority.

"and yours are pleeeeeeeeese dont make me proclaim you a cybertankhaa!!!!!"
What is that?

"homosexulas have contributed more to society than heterosexuals in fact they are known to be very rich go to any gay village and see the standard of housing compared to heterosexuals who keep shitting out hateful kids and polluting society with their bad upbringing, let homosexulas be a measure of the worth of their lifestyle, what you deem as worthy is obviously personal to you, homosexuals maybe very happy with childless lifestyle and there is always surrogacy so if you feel like the population will decrease just pay them for ivf and its sorted."
How are they going to contribute positively? By promoting more gays and lesbians? Is society not messed up enough already that people like you want to mess it up more? Homosexuals were prob. bad people in their previous lives so they paying for it now. We pay for our paaps whether we do it in this life or next.

"why do you keep smearing sikhi with youre semitic orthodoxy and allow all people to marry the way anand karaj was supposed to be ie, soul marriage."
Last time i checked, Anand Karaj wasn't only soul marriage. Souls don't have babies, the body does. Once again, don't ignore the body part. Code of conduct says to have sex with wife only after marriage. Isn't this physical? Now are you wiser than the whole Panth? Someone who isn't even Sikh is teaching me what Sikhism allows. ****

"vedanti and co are neo-masands the quicker you all renounce hate you will be much better thats why you are suffering now, read youre post why do you keep getting banned from websites, what will it take for you to realise you are treading the path of falsehood."
It has nothing to do with hate. It has to do with what is allowed in the Sikh religion. According to you, Banda Singh Bahadur was also filled by hate because he killed dushts.

"no i am not but i understand it to be the ideal, will i loose credibility now and do you really think i care either ways"
If you don't care then what heck are you doing on a Sikh forum messing around with Sikh ideology? Why don't you go preach your views on some homo site and leave poor Sikhs like me alone? We are tired of attacks on Sikhi of Guru Nanak by anti-Panthic elements. Mughals, brahmans, yogis, masands, pathans, british, tantrics, shakians, rss, shiv, sena and now homos.

"you need to deal with the shame you feel because its the sodomy you have a problem with be honest you really have no other argument other than the thought of anal sex,be honest and admit all these long winded explanations are crap and you know it."
Of course sodomy is part of it. Who doesn't know. However, there are other issues as mentioned in the post.

"seriously you have no right to lecture anyone on this forum about gurbani vichar that made me laugh me and my family had a good laugh at that one why dont you do stand up comedy?, the world is conniving yes but not driven by a fallen angel!!!!!!"
is your family messed up like you?

"it is a beautiful addiction which has no side effects."
Says who? Are you Mahapurakh? Side effect is messing up the society and going against nature.

"i agree if such a decision has been made however with time you will be shamed, the sad reality is the catholic, islam faiths are all being proven wrong about there suscpicions of homos we as sikhs did not need to take a position but with the return of patriarchy to the punjab we have again failed!!!"
They failed because they only care about #rs. Guru Gobind SIngh Ji rejected masands even when they wanted to come back. Guru Ji wants quality over quantity. Gays might increase the # of Sikhs but it won't give quality and we don't care what Christians or Muslims did. Khalsa is Nirmal.
Dec 1, 2006
Make your gay comments in the Homosexuality thread.
Maybe if the gays didn't interfere with religious codes then they wouldn't be hated as much.


Dec 13, 2005
You issue that you can't understand Gurmukhi thus you support gays because you didn't merge with Guru Shabad.
i understand gurumukhi you provided me with a bunch of letters translate it into english and ill deal with it.

What are you on now? Animals are lower level species but Guru Ji used their example becuase those examples are easy to understand. Don't tell me that animals can also become Sikh.
lol, animals are lower level species - where are you getting this hierarchy from?, the use of animal metaphor is about love of god and the soul so why does physical same ness distract this love it is still beautifull, answer the questions raised instead of taking me on a whirlwind!!!

You don't understand becuase you rely on translations. Missionaries take authority on translations and Akaal Takht has accepted their translations. E.g. Prof. Sahib Singh. So we do have authority.
exactly and i dont translate it with homophobic intent so make sure your mann is saaf before you translate.

What is that?
a tankhaa in the modern it age havnt you read the new hukumnamma?????

How are they going to contribute positively?
by working and and paying taxes
By promoting more gays and lesbians?
i have never seen a gay prommotion campaign but then again you are from canada.

Is society not messed up enough already that people like you want to mess it up more?
hate messes up society when we get rid of hate then we will see how heaven will come to earth.

Homosexuals were prob. bad people in their previous lives so they paying for it now. We pay for our paaps whether we do it in this life or next.
what part of gurbani did you translate this from is it the khalsafaujpakyaan

Last time i checked, Anand Karaj wasn't only soul marriage.
last time you must have been drunk read it again.

Souls don't have babies, the body does.
well done whats youre point, why is procreation mans purpose?

Once again, don't ignore the body part. Code of conduct says to have sex with wife only after marriage. Isn't this physical? Now are you wiser than the whole Panth? Someone who isn't even Sikh is teaching me what Sikhism allows. What a ****.
when homosexuals can get married what prohibition are you referring to vedanti sure as hell doesnt speak on behalf of all sikhs he never consulted me so why should i believe an iota of his edicsts, i suggest you liberate yurself from listening to these pretend parcharaks. Have you ever asked your mother why she was a ****ing ***** who produced a hateful son maybe you should ask her and then rethink youre insults.

It has nothing to do with hate. It has to do with what is allowed in the Sikh religion. According to you, Banda Singh Bahadur was also filled by hate because he killed dushts.
i never said that about banda he never hated i can kill someone in defense does not mean i hate, dont talk about people in the past you are not like them so you dont have the right.

If you don't care then what heck are you doing on a Sikh forum messing around with Sikh ideology? Why don't you go preach your views on some homo site and leave poor Sikhs like me alone? We are tired of attacks on Sikhi of Guru Nanak by anti-Panthic elements. Mughals, brahmans, yogis, masands, pathans, british, tantrics, shakians, rss, shiv, sena and now homos.
i have to free sikhism from fake preachers like you thats why.

Of course sodomy is part of it. Who doesn't know. However, there are other issues as mentioned in the post.
it all about the ***

is your family messed up like you?
oh pleeese youre mother married her brother thats why youre so screwed up in the head , ther there its not youre fault youre backwards, do some extra naam simran youll get better, trust man!

Says who? Are you Mahapurakh? Side effect is messing up the society and going against nature.
what ******** reason, where has society been messed up? show me, dont say

They failed because they only care about #rs. Guru Gobind SIngh Ji rejected masands even when they wanted to come back. Guru Ji wants quality over quantity. Gays might increase the # of Sikhs but it won't give quality and we don't care what Christians or Muslims did. Khalsa is Nirmal.

all of which had nothing to do with what we were discussing

come on pakandi baba show me wot ur made of



Dec 13, 2005
You issue that you can't understand Gurmukhi thus you support gays because you didn't merge with Guru Shabad.
i understand gurumukhi you provided me with a bunch of letters translate it into english and ill deal with it.

What are you on now? Animals are lower level species but Guru Ji used their example becuase those examples are easy to understand. Don't tell me that animals can also become Sikh.
lol, animals are lower level species - where are you getting this hierarchy from?, the use of animal metaphor is about love of god and the soul so why does physical same ness distract this love it is still beautifull, answer the questions raised instead of taking me on a whirlwind!!!

You don't understand becuase you rely on translations. Missionaries take authority on translations and Akaal Takht has accepted their translations. E.g. Prof. Sahib Singh. So we do have authority.
exactly and i dont translate it with homophobic intent so make sure your mann is saaf before you translate.

What is that?
a tankhaa in the modern it age havnt you read the new hukumnamma?????

How are they going to contribute positively?
by working and and paying taxes
By promoting more gays and lesbians?
i have never seen a gay prommotion campaign but then again you are from canada.

Is society not messed up enough already that people like you want to mess it up more?
hate messes up society when we get rid of hate then we will see how heaven will come to earth.

Homosexuals were prob. bad people in their previous lives so they paying for it now. We pay for our paaps whether we do it in this life or next.
what part of gurbani did you translate this from is it the khalsafaujpakyaan

Last time i checked, Anand Karaj wasn't only soul marriage.
last time you must have been drunk read it again.

Souls don't have babies, the body does.
well done whats youre point, why is procreation mans purpose?

Once again, don't ignore the body part. Code of conduct says to have sex with wife only after marriage. Isn't this physical? Now are you wiser than the whole Panth? Someone who isn't even Sikh is teaching me what Sikhism allows. What a ****.
when homosexuals can get married what prohibition are you referring to vedanti sure as hell doesnt speak on behalf of all sikhs he never consulted me so why should i believe an iota of his edicsts, i suggest you liberate yurself from listening to these pretend parcharaks. Have you ever asked your mother why she was a ****ing ***** who produced a hateful son maybe you should ask her and then rethink youre insults.

It has nothing to do with hate. It has to do with what is allowed in the Sikh religion. According to you, Banda Singh Bahadur was also filled by hate because he killed dushts.
i never said that about banda he never hated i can kill someone in defense does not mean i hate, dont talk about people in the past you are not like them so you dont have the right.

If you don't care then what heck are you doing on a Sikh forum messing around with Sikh ideology? Why don't you go preach your views on some homo site and leave poor Sikhs like me alone? We are tired of attacks on Sikhi of Guru Nanak by anti-Panthic elements. Mughals, brahmans, yogis, masands, pathans, british, tantrics, shakians, rss, shiv, sena and now homos.
i have to free sikhism from fake preachers like you thats why.

Of course sodomy is part of it. Who doesn't know. However, there are other issues as mentioned in the post.
it all about the ***

is your family messed up like you?
oh pleeese youre mother married her brother thats why youre so screwed up in the head , ther there its not youre fault youre backwards, do some extra naam simran youll get better, trust man!

Says who? Are you Mahapurakh? Side effect is messing up the society and going against nature.
what ******** reason, where has society been messed up? show me, dont say

They failed because they only care about #rs. Guru Gobind SIngh Ji rejected masands even when they wanted to come back. Guru Ji wants quality over quantity. Gays might increase the # of Sikhs but it won't give quality and we don't care what Christians or Muslims did. Khalsa is Nirmal.

all of which had nothing to do with what we were discussing

come on pakandi baba show me wot ur made of

Jul 10, 2006
Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh

All the post have not been deleted. They have only been set to "unapprove" for the time being

Please try and refrain from personal attacks. But please do continue the discussion.
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Juat to make a reply, while we may not agree with it, that does not mean we have the right to disrespect those who choose that path. Some of the people i work with are gay, and they are nice people to speak to.

Whats the point of this thread still being open???


Dec 13, 2005
just like to say i had a killer response but mods deleted it so i cant be bothered to write it again, but you havent heard the last word i am gonna write an article and post it all over the net and then you can all complain about beadbi for the next millenia cos youve got sad lives:}--}:


Oct 3, 2005
Dear Kandola & other Sikhs and members of this site
All questions and and discussions sometime only present doubts and reasons to prove something right which may otherwise be viewed in this world wrong. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has made one thing very clear and that is "Man Jite Jag Jeet" in Japji and the sole purpose of this life is to connect to HIM through MInd and for that align your MIND BODY and Soul. Naam is given the an analogy of a Ship. "nanak Naam Jahaj Hai, Charaiy so Utre Par".

So all discussions moral boundries right and wrongs doubts can be mitigated by "naam Simran" not discussions or debates, these are just "Naam Bina sab Gali Hochian".

Understand one thing Guru made Sikhi as simple as Akal Purukh made our taking breath while living. It is hard to comprehend by ordinary people how can Naam cangive me all solutions and answers. The fact is our Guru has given us a written Gaurantee in Sri Guru Granth Sahibji. Yes GAURANTEE that too in writing.

Dear friends instead of creating doubts after doubts by unnecessary discussions and MANMATT" Follow "Gurmatt" and just engage your self in Naaam Simran.

Naam is such a sharp tool it will mitigate all so called sins and ego and you will in Sahaj avstha win your mind and become a King of this Universe. I am no not saying that Guru nanak Said.

We need not spread Sikhi because by Gurus definition all are Sikhs who comes in His sharan. spread Naam "Soi Gur Ka Sikh Kahai ---Aap japey awra Naam japavey".

Khalsa is akal purukh ki fauj the care taker of Sikhs and Guru Granth sahib is our living Guru "naam ka Jahaz" Naam ke Bauhetey". Every Sikh has an ultimate goal to be Khalas the member of Akal Purukh ki fauj. and in that state of mind and physical regalia Guru has blessed five khalsa to represent him and also said "Khalsa mera roop haiy khas".

So dear friends Naam is more important than any thing else in Sikhi, but it is unfortunate that we have indulged ourselves in the egoistic debates and disciussions and in the process forgotten the real gem of Sikhi.

HP Luthera
Jul 8, 2007
ok, i'm sorry i'm saying this but same sex marriage is just WRONG! i do not believe it is how god intended us to be and sex marriage is based on nothing but LUST! proved by the article above it said : "When I first met her I felt like touching her) :advocate::shock: I know u should keep ur opinions to ur self, but i just HAD to say something about this.


Apr 3, 2005
ok, i'm sorry i'm saying this but same sex marriage is just WRONG! i do not believe it is how god intended us to be and sex marriage is based on nothing but LUST! proved by the article above it said : "When I first met her I felt like touching her) :advocate::shock: I know u should keep ur opinions to ur self, but i just HAD to say something about this.

The problem with same sex marriage is that some people just even know whether they are straight or homosexual two years ago two girls of punjab did the same thing and take a look what happened

TWO WOMEN from Amritsar, who had exchanged wedding vows at a temple and had even tried to get their marriage registered, separated on Thursday after two and a half years together The separation brings to an end the firstever lesbian "marriage" that had taken place in Punjab. Raju (25) and Mala (21), both residents of Sandhu Colony at Majitha Road, had grown up playing together And during the course of their childhood, the two fell in love. But when they came out in the open about their relationship, the two sets of parents put their foot down. Nonetheless, the couple eloped, reached Delhi, and got a priest to sanctify their marriage. The relationship blossomed for a couple of years. But then Mala yearned for a child. And it is this yearning that brought her close to Sonu, a man from the same neighbourhood whom she has now decided to marry and have children with. "My affection for Raju has not decreased. But I have developed a strong desire to marry a man so that I can have a child," she said. Raju, though, said: "Mala has never been like this. Her decision to marry a man has left me in shock." kmann@rediffmail.com
These 2 girls openly took this bold step and said on tv that if they were separated then they will commit suicide.But now mala is marrying a man just because she want's a child
So all those threats and revolt against parents and society was just for living 2 years.


Dec 13, 2005
These 2 girls openly took this bold step and said on tv that if they were separated then they will commit suicide.But now mala is marrying a man just because she want's a child
So all those threats and revolt against parents and society was just for living 2 years.

who's to say she wont dump her husband after she gets a kid and take the kid back to her lesbian freind? how do you know this isnt a plan? do u think she became heterosexual overnight?

live and let others live if the gurus had thought it were a problem they would have said so, they didnt therefore we shouldnt make an issue out of it either.



Apr 3, 2005
who's to say she wont dump her husband after she gets a kid and take the kid back to her lesbian freind? how do you know this isnt a plan? do u think she became heterosexual overnight?

live and let others live if the gurus had thought it were a problem they would have said so, they didnt therefore we shouldnt make an issue out of it either.


she could but the question is why the girl dumped her lesbian partner for a male husband.
i don't think child is the only reason for this.she could have adopted the child or she could
use artificial techniques for getting pregnant.you revolt against the society and your parents you threaten to commit suicide and then you leave your partner just after 2 years
what is this.as far as live and let live is concerned this is applicable to mature persons who very well know the consequences of their actions.majority of 19 and 20 years are not capable of doing this they sometime take rash decisions.
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