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Sep 30, 2006
there will be a great war , were we will have to once again draw our karpans and shed blood ,

to die in battle is to die honorabley ,
this is what sikhism means to me .... i don't care what you do behind closed doors , but as long as you fight couragously beside me is what will define you in the eyes of god.

i'm far from being an expert in sikhism (being called a coconut many times) ,.... but didn't all the guru's break/push the bearers?
Jul 13, 2004
.... i don't care what you do behind closed doors
This is the type of attitude that breeds homophobia. You do not want to see a same sex couple holding hands on street because you just can't handle the concept that a man could love another man. People with hypersexualised mentalities reject homosexuality because whenever they think about it they imagine sexual positions and images of two men. Realising this does not turn them on, they develop a deep hatred for gay people.
In the case of jaga, he seems to be saying that being gay is half ok, as long as it not brough to a social level - basically he cannot be bothered to fight for a minority which isn't himself.

It is so lovely to see in countries like Britain where you see so many minorities such as Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Jains, Afro-Carribeans, Eastern Europeans. That racism is abhorred yet they do not care about other minorities being hated, even though you will find that gay people feel they can relate to the hatred these minorites face. Homophobia is much worse than racism.

The British government wants to stop racism as opposed to homophobia when Britain has always been a multi-sexuality country and only for about 100 years been a mutli-faith, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country.

Well, that's the SCUM that Britain in particular is. I will not go on to the rest of the world... Please excuse my little rant.


Oct 20, 2006
i take it u know of non practising sikhs which are homosexual ???
non practising sikhs arent really joined in with sikh society so that probably what leads them away

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
How is a life of a hetrosexual affected by a homosexual? Not a bit. Sikhi doesnot preach tolerance but something much better, acceptance. Tolerance is a controlled disdain whereas acceptance is the first step to understanding. Gurbani is based on the latter not on the former.

Jul 30, 2004

There are a few instance in nihungs regarding homosexualtiy as it was mentioned in Sanatan Sikhi.

Anyway das did talk about homosexual or lesbians to Mahant of Nirmala order to which das is associated.As per Mahant Ji,they are welsomce in Dera and to cary out devtotion and reserach.In general sexaulity is discourged in Nirmalas,Be it hetro or homeo.
Jul 30, 2004

Well in them it is prefered to be a calibate though many great of them are maried.yet more emphsis is givne to other Chkaras or gland then Swasdhyan Chakra used to reproduce.

So generaly in males seman production can be stoped or say it gets out whith urine,But not lust is left.

in Nihungs things are differnt.

It is more general things probbly.


Apr 28, 2005
dear readers.

homosexuality is not a God given attitude . Sex is with a women called sex. if you do out your thing by hand or any other places in the bodyor between breast or mouth or ear ring ,place made for going to tolilet is one 's choce .

it is matter of choices. we can not call it sex by releasing your self by hand or other places other than proper places. the only where sex is counted wh were it meant to be for pruducing further generations.

even animals knows where to go!. that is where is the big difference is. God has given you complete freedom to do whatever you want to do and reap the cosequences for it. period. no debate but do not publicized it. all people should understand and must accept the choices one made as long as it is not imposing on the rest of society what they are doing .

recoginition of marriages do not make any sense at all. if the choices are made to be togther. fine . there should be no law existing against that .

that is the end of this public debate on homosexuality regardless of any relegion. it should not be called homosexuality but abnormal with false pretances having a sex .what is so big achievement if you are homo . you are having a diffrent thoughts or life style fine and the society accept your choices then why complain and getting recognitions in the justice to be recognizd as married staus.Marriages are based on men and women for the purpose ofhealthy living and proper acts and produce the coming generations.if you have a better explanations please reply me back.



(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
isn't this going against nature ?

<Well in them it is prefered to be a calibate though many great of them are maried.yet more emphsis is givne to other Chkaras or gland then Swasdhyan Chakra used to reproduce.

So generaly in males seman production can be stoped or say it gets out whith urine,But not lust is left.
Jul 13, 2004
Jaspi - I refuse to even acknowledge your argument since you have not shown awareness of anybody elses.

Personally I think celibacy is a Hindu thing. If Sikhs are doing this then it is clearly a Hindu influence. Originally celibacy in Hinduism was 8-fold but these days it has come to mean 'no spilling of the semen'. Celibacy is an austerity which means to renounce the world which is pricisely what Sikhism is against.

Furthermore, Sikhs need to ignore Catholic influences. You cannot say that because something is natural it is moral and something that is unnatural is immoral. Especially with homosexuality as people debate that homosexuality is unnatural REGARDLESS of the empirical evidence that homosexuality exists in every species/age/gender/nationality/religion/race/country/culture/animal.
Jul 30, 2004

they have some other reason.

They had to trevel a lot in past as Ramat Akhara or roaming instituion.as per that they use to carry out preaching from village to village.

they were actuly permanetly nomands(Gurus on the other hand had family).That could be one of the reason that they did not made family at all.

Again there are and were mnay nirmalas who were married.and in thier tradition calibate was in no way higher then married rather some time opposite could be done more when they interacted with Nihungs.

If ads is not mistaken unlike it is in Islam,that all are forced to married,here if some one does not want to get marry then Gurmat does not oppse that,.Gurmat does says both in verse unto St. Kabeer and in Akalustat,that reamaing calibate is no way to get God else eunuch could have gpt salvations.

Yet fi some one finds it more convientent to have a life without wife as he will be treveiling the whole life to preach and does not want wife to suffer being stay away from husband,it could be one reason.But females also are preachers in Nirmalas but could be more married.

anyway it is strictly told to not to go to jungle away from socity but serve with all you have by staying within socity.

Yes many people can do this even with own family but many may not be capable to do both the task.

Then comoing to lust.Yes it is not as per nature.But people claim that by this life people tend to get supernatural powers.But in case of our Bhai Randheer Singh ji,he got those powers with married life also.


Jun 24, 2005
We all know Homosexuality is destined to be extinct. I am not sure why we are spending so much time and energy on discussing something which by definition is bound to go extinct.
Jul 13, 2004
We all know Homosexuality is destined to be extinct. I am not sure why we are spending so much time and energy on discussing something which by definition is bound to go extinct.

'We all know'... who are you referring to? Definately not me so it's not all... I'd like to see your evidence for this please. As far as I'm aware homosexuality has been around since the stone ages.


Apr 28, 2005
as homosexuality is here since ages so as the bad deeds. it gives no logic to continue the same path today when we entering 21 century. we have to wake up with the idea of understanding more each other than carrying all kinds anti-social behvior.

leaders shouls forget the ideas of colonizing again other country who are striving to grow out of their poverty and being imposed democracy value on them . democracy comes with education not wars.

Jul 30, 2004

Das discussed this thing with one docter ,who is our member DRkhalsa on this issue.As perhim,himosexuality may not be the so called fault of the one who indulges in that.

further thing over here is that as per some medical theories over which research is been done.It may be due to configuration of ones brain or body.


Apr 28, 2005
Configure of brain should have never occured if one person is not associated with that kind of friends whoes brain has been already configured. So the solution is like "a man is known by the societ he keeps"

Best solution is to follow the Guru teachings or amke your friends having no problems especially avoid those who disrespect the parents. Remeber the TRINITY . 1/3 of our soul belongs to the spirit and 2/3 belongs to the parents. If you do not belive in trinity then all kinds if immorals deeds will follow you, off course it is abnormal !you do not have to be genoius to understand that. it is abnormal.good luck.

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