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Simran Experiences - "As The Inner Vision Is Awakened, One Comes To Know One's Own Home, Deep Within


Feb 20, 2012
Keep it up harry Ji.

I work in I.T also, maybe we will cross paths in the future :)
no one here is saying what is right and wrong, we're just throwing in all of our experiences, the roads we've taken, things we've tried...this is good sangat.
And people shouldn't get angry or upset at you for your views. they need to look long and hard at themselves for why EGO, and ANGER are running their behaviour.

The process of 'seeking' the truth, all the contemplations, asking oneself questions is all done under the grace of god. Maybe one day you will try Simran/meditation...maybe you won't but you'll be guided by your internal guru on your own destined path. Keep talking to him, keep demanding answers...tell guru ji within yourself that you can't be bothered with all the nonsense and you want just the truth.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Taranjeet Singh ji, Harry Haller ji and Chazsingh ji thanks for your posts. Great discourse.

I see that at times we are looking at two sides of the same coin. I believe the following goes without saying and it is implied in our dialog,

  1. Recognition, love, peacefulness of the inner soul as a sought after blessing
  2. In a state so got to act towards rest of creation with understanding so gained
Now the only point of debate is what comes first.

  • Can one do 2 and achieve 1?
  • Can one first achieve 1 and then do 2?
I believe this is where how we are, how varied we are, and how we are so created provides the beauty. God and creator without question seeks and carries out diversity within one base. That is the game that creator has control over and so plays.

I believe both are equally valid approaches. However, one's enlightenment is of no consequence if it results in no consonance with rest of creation. Similarly consonance with internal misery is also not healthy and will sooner or later eat away at your core that overcomes your inner dis-satisfaction while you outwardly satisfy.

Just some thoughts.


Sat Sri Akal.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
And people shouldn't get angry or upset at you for your views. they need to look long and hard at themselves for why EGO, and ANGER are running their behaviour.

You would be surprised how angry some people get when you point out that all the Matha Tekking, naam japping, recitations, ardasses in the world will not help them unless their heart is truly in it, I believe yours is, so our argument is moot

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
    1. Recognition, love, peacefulness of the inner soul as a sought after blessing
    2. In a state so got to act towards rest of creation with understanding so gained
    Now the only point of debate is what comes first.

    • Can one do 2 and achieve 1?
    • Can one first achieve 1 and then do 2?
Very wise words Veerji, I think some wait until they feel that state completely, and then bring it into consonance, knowing they can do no wrong, personally speaking, I tend to get an idea of the state, without complete grasping and then bring it into consonance, resulting in invariable mistakes and quick learning, I feel this practical evaluation hones you better than waiting until you feel you know what needs to be known and acting accordingly but wasting the time you spend learning


Feb 20, 2012
Taranjeet Singh ji, Harry Haller ji and Chazsingh ji thanks for your post. Great discourse.

I see that at times we are looking at two sides of the same coin. I believe the following goes without saying and it is implied in our dialog,

  1. Recognition, love, peacefulness of the inner soul as a sought after blessing
  2. In a state so got to act towards rest of creation with understanding so gained
Now the only point of debate is what comes first.

  • Can one do 2 and achieve 1?
  • Can one first achieve 1 and then do 2?

Absolutely both can be done at the same time :)

Guru Ji says give your dasvand in Seva and Charity towards creation.
I believe this dasvand is also for Simran. This equotes to 2.5 hours a day doing simran out of 24. The rest is spent with creation in Maya. So if Simran helps clear the dirt out of our minds, and raises our consciousness to higher levels, then surely the remaining several ours in Maya will be better spent and Seva will be more pure?

The two go hand in hand. But i think we must understand that through countless lifetimes in Maya, we have gotton so attached to Maya that we are extremely attached to it now.
God had already installed the Shabad Guru (inside of all of us) - the anhad shabad that our consciosness can grasp onto when this attachement becomes tooo much to pull us out of this attachment to maya and make us realise who we really are again.

An example of this is as i used on another forum.
Imagine being lost in a crowded city, aimlessly wondering around trying to find your way. Getting frustrated, losing faith, having doubts over your destination. You cant even think clearly because there is so much noise in the city (mind)

Then you're told that there is a guiding sound/shabad/vibration (anhad shabad) that will guide you the correct way....but that you need to learn to listen to it...to be able to pick it up and detect it.

So in the middle of the crowded city, you close your eyes, you try to silence all the noise from the city trying to pick up this sound/shabad/celestial music.

It takes you a while but you dont give up...then after the effort, you pick up this celestial music/shabad, you focus on it and follow where it is taking you.....to your destination where you are pulled out of the attachment to maya and you realise who you are.

Sounds like something out of a phantasy story...but i know from my experiences that this all exists, and that we need to spend time doing this whilst still functioning in Maya


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Very wise words Veerji, I think some wait until they feel that state completely, and then bring it into consonance, knowing they can do no wrong, personally speaking, I tend to get an idea of the state, without complete grasping and then bring it into consonance, resulting in invariable mistakes and quick learning, I feel this practical evaluation hones you better than waiting until you feel you know what needs to be known and acting accordingly but wasting the time you spend learning
Veer Harry Haller ji thanks.

Just a thought occurred. Isn't there something labelled as Alpha males (here we are having dialog between guys) and may be we are so acting? One's accepting (say non Alpha and the inner first) then acting while others take charge (Alpha) or do then go inside? They remain both males though :singhbhangra:

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
chazsingh ji thanks for your post. I agree with most except the following,
.......... The two go hand in hand. But i think we must understand that through countless lifetimes in Maya, we have gotton so attached to Maya that we are extremely attached to it now........
If at all you mean or imply this to be a physical or otherwise complete re-incarnation or endless transmigration. I believe none exists and no one is unique in nature they are just different. We do live with parts of others around us and those before us and others will live with parts of us when we leave and become ashes. This is the only continuation I can relate to. This continues to happen regardless of you being good, bad or ugly and doing simran. This is creator's ways and being in extreme consonance, being very good or very bad may or may not have any consequence. This may not determine how creator, or creation on behalf of the creator, decides to dispose of us.

Sat Sri Akal.


Feb 20, 2012
chazsingh ji thanks for your post. I agree with most except the following,
If at all you mean or imply this to be a physical or otherwise complete re-incarnation or endless transmigration. I believe none exists and no one is unique in nature they are just different. We do live with parts of others around us and those before us and others will live with parts of us when we leave and become ashes. This is the only continuation I can relate to. This continues to happen regardless of you being good, bad or ugly and doing simran. This is creator's ways and being in extreme consonance, being very good or very bad may or may not have any consequence. This may not determine how creator, or creation on behalf of the creator, decides to dispose of us.

Sat Sri Akal.

Satnaam Ji,

The time for 'I believe' or 'I think' is passing. We can ponder over all the ingredients to a science experiment 'thinking' if something will happen or we can be a part of the experiment and actually do it and record the results.

When Yogi Bhajan went to america, one of the first things he said was "i'm not here to collect students", "i'm here to find teachers"

One person 'experiences' the truth and then uplifts others to experience the truth, who then uplift others also....and the love just keeps on expanding.

janam janam kaa soeiaa jaagai ||
Asleep for countless lifetimes, I have awakened
Guru Arjan Dev Ji Raag Maaroo 1080

If you follow the steps in SGGS Ji, the 'i think' or 'i believe' will dissapear, and you will 'KNOW'

and then:

naanak raam milae bhram dhoorae ||4||11||
O Nanak, they merge into the Lord, and their doubts are cast away. ||4||11||


Feb 20, 2012
Spiritual Experiences

Very good video, i came across this in the past when i also started to have experiences and then wondered why they weren't happening all the time.

This is the most valuable bit of advice someone can be given when doing regular simran. my purpose for simran is to return back to my true self...this isnt an expectation...or a prayer or a demand to god...

My Simran last week was truly blissful...this week it has been tough, mind has been wondering. but this is all part of the journey and one thing i've learnt as described in the video is to never expect any experiences...it'll lead to dissapointment and no two experiences will be the same...I can vouch for that :)

If i was to sit outside my house for 2.5 hours everyday...each day would be a different experience.... i may get some rain, other days snow, maybe heavy wind....then some sun. Temp could be 32 degrees one day, 27 the next day. A bus might drive past and spalsh water on me, A dog may come and have a poo on me :)

Every day is different. Since i started this thread i have not actually spoken about the spiritual experiences, but i feel it is good to discuss the difficulties in sitting for Simran, difficulties with the mind during simran, things that happen which can be strange - like sudden jolts in the body, quick sudden movement of arm or legs, twitches....a beginner may be worried about it, but you start to understand that it's just the energy moving around you during simran - its trying to balance and open up the chakra's (also refered to as the seven seas (sat Sarovar) in gurbani. Its the amrit cleaning you up.

Just be open to anything when you do Simran. Relax and let things be. feel one with yourself and everything around you.

God bless all.


Feb 20, 2012
Bad dreams after Simran Sessions

Sometimes if i missed several days of simran, or just on random days (during daily simran) i would tend to have some scary or bad dreams.

Yogi Bhajan used to say that he never ever dreamt anything, that his subconscious mind was so clear that there was nothing to dream about. he had no fears, worries, or anger towards anyone. So why was i having these dreams.

The 5 thieves live inside our minds, deep in our subconscious, they appear as thoughts in our minds dependant on what situation we are in. They want to have control over you. When they realise that you are starting to do Simran, they realise that you are becoming aware of god...so sometimes after Simran you will have an uncomfortable dream - don't be worried about these, this is just the 5 doots not wanting to let go.
Other than a few times when this happens, most times Simran will give you nice relaxed sleep.

And when we are blessed with extra long sessions of Deep Smadhi Simran during amrit vela, the Simran/mediation itself will rejuvinate your body better than sleep itself so you will come out of 2.5 hours of mediation feeling like you've had 8 hours of sleep.

God bless all.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Spiritual Experience of Naam Simran

Tarlochan Singh Mann*

*3 New York Avenue, Stonybrook. N.Y. 11790. U.S.A. This is based on Bandgi-nama by Raghbir Singh Bir.

Recitation of Gurbani and meditation or Simran are complementary to each other. While Gurbani brings us closer to an understanding of God’s purpose, Simran truly unites us with the divine. Recitation from Guru Granth and repetition of a particular verse roots its sense in our mind in order that the mind is moulded accordingly. Naam - Simran increases concentration and raises levels of consciousness to higher level and unites us with the wonderful Lord, Waheguru.

Philosophy of Simran: As soon as the name of any object is mentioned, its form, nature, attributes, and our re-action to it, rush into our mind, and we visualize the image of the object as picturised and projected. Similarly when we repeat God’s Name our mental picture of God gets picturised before our mind’s eyes. Gur-Bani by projecting the attributes of God helps us to form some sort of mental picture of God. In Simran when we repeat God’s Name this picture grows clearer to us.

Even if we may have no mental concept of God, by mere repetition of His NAME God’s attributes are not only visualized but are also slowly assimilated. Naam-Simran is the secret of simple mindsbecoming Saints.

Peculiar quality of our mind is that if some thing impresses us profoundly and if we repeatedly aspire, by continuous Simran, to be shaped in the pattern of that thing (may be saint, God), we are gradually moulded accordingly:

Jaisa sevai taisa hovei. (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

Methodology of Simran: Significance and worth of Naam-Simran can be appreciated only by personally practicing Simran persistently, regularly, with patience and perseverance till it becomes a habit, and goes an unceasingly.

Recommendations for beginners: Choice of a secluded and fixed place and regular hours help in inculcating Simran habit. A special room, or a niche in a room, reserved for Simran is very conducive. Time - prescribed is 2.00 A.M. to 4.00 A.M. in Summer and 3.00 to 5.00 A.M. in winter. We can sleep for two hours after Simran before our daily work.

Body Pasture
- We should squat cross-legged on the floor as erect as possible. The avoid fatigue a cushion may be used.

Tuning the mind - It is necessary to guard it from wandering and falling into negative thinking and making the entire Naam-Simran exercise of the day a futile venture Modus-operandi for tuning the mind recommended by the author may be followed or each individual should evolve and adopt his own personalized technique.

Three Stages of Simran: The author describes how and why he selected "Wahe-Guru" for Simran in preference to so many other names of God mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The first stage of Simran is audible Simran. Lips more and sound is heard. We speak aloud and fix our attention on the sound produced. It is necessary to improve our concentration. If necessary beads of rosary may be used, to start with, but in no case pictures of Gurus be used to improve concentration, as it creates problems in higher spiritual stages as illustrated by our own experiences. The second stage is of mental Simran. When lips cease to move, vocal chords alone help in creating sound rhythm of Wahe-Guru Shabad. For convenience the seeker may synchronize the Simran with the rhythm of breathing, regulating the vibrations of respiration. Uttering Wah on inhaling, and uttering "Guru" on exhaling. This mental Simran focuses our attention and increase our concentration which advances spiritual development. The third stage - The Gentle sound of mental Simran picks up a higher pitch and becomes louder and louder to the exclusion of all external sounds. Mental Simran ceases and this sound seems to come down from navel and is heard from within our entire being. This concentrated Simran raises the level of consciousness and the spiritual development advances to the higher stage. The mind feels perfect peace and gets inebriated with the joy of bliss that defy description. This advanced stage of spiritual development is called stage of ‘SAHAJ’. From this last stage of Simran first stage of "GYAN’ starts and the seeker starts having a number of mystic experiences. But the seeker has to guard against the delusions of this stage viz (1) Ceasing of Simran gives the impression that it is waste of time as there is no worship of God without Simran (2) The seeker is gripped by the sleep of ease called ‘TANDRA’ and seeker is deluded to believe that he has reached the final stage of spiritual progress. This writer follows in details the methodology suggested by Late Sant Attar Singh Mastuana and Baba Nand Singh Kleran helped him to come out of first delusion regarding waste of time. Edward Carpenter’s book ‘A Visit to a Gyani’ redeemed him from the delusion of ‘TANDRA’.

The other mystic experiences this writer had are -

l Discovery of centers of consciousness within the body including cortex of the brain called ‘DASAM DWAR’.

l Seeing glimpses of sweet cool luminosity.

l Hearing melodious sounds: punch nad or Anhad nad.

l Experiencing sweet smells.

l Low gentle rhythmic sound in the brain inducing bliss and lightness of mind.

l Getting into peaceful trance/Samadhi.

l The realization that the universe is the creation of an all-pervading force beyond our comprehension.

source: http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/reiki_transcendental/SikhReview/july2000/naam.htm


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Chazsingh ji I am losing track of what you are postulating here.
Bad dreams after Simran Sessions

Sometimes if i missed several days of simran, or just on random days (during daily simran) i would tend to have some scary or bad dreams.


God bless all.
Can you please perhaps help and clarify specifics as,

  • Are you repeating words, lines or parts of Gurbani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and please share exact unless you are doing all of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from start to finish or any other way!
    • How you plan to read or relate to rest of Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji aside from your Simran?
  • If Simran is supposedly creating freedom why are you at the same time identifying dependencies and almost show manifestations of fear in bad dreams, etc., when you miss Simran?
  • Did you have difficulties sleeping before that the current plan helps you with and what was your 8 hours of sleep like without Simran and do you do any physical work or exercise in normal living?
    • Reason is that a laborer carrying bricks all day will use a brick as a pillow and sleep without all this modern world mind bender perturbations!
    • Why would what you achieve with what you do any different from a laborer of pious and simple mind tiring through labor and toil?
I am sorry I will not comment on Yogi Bhajan stuff as he is not here to defend himself and there is no question many people felt or got lot of good through his teachings. I personally would not have found much use for his teachings as Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is pretty simple to understand if you approach it with love.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Dec 3, 2011
Chazsingh ji I am losing track of what you are postulating here.Can you please perhaps help and clarify specifics as,

  • Are you repeating words, lines or parts of Gurbani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and please share exact unless you are doing all of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from start to finish or any other way!
    • How you plan to read or relate to rest of Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji aside from your Simran?
  • If Simran is supposedly creating freedom why are you at the same time identifying dependencies and almost show manifestations of fear in bad dreams, etc., when you miss Simran?
  • Did you have difficulties sleeping before that the current plan helps you with and what was your 8 hours of sleep like without Simran and do you do any physical work or exercise in normal living?
    • Reason is that a laborer carrying bricks all day will use a brick as a pillow and sleep without all this modern world mind bender perturbations!
    • Why would what you achieve with what you do any different from a laborer of pious and simple mind tiring through labor and toil?
I am sorry I will not comment on Yogi Bhajan stuff as he is not here to defend himself and there is no question many people felt or got lot of good through his teachings. I personally would not have found much use for his teachings as Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is pretty simple to understand if you approach it with love.

Sat Sri Akal.

Ambarsaria ji, I understand your point and comment.
It's a very good point indeed.
I can say from my own personal self that the simran can help one to relax and focus more so on the message. I say 'help', meaning someone may get the message without it.

I have lived life in the fast lane for too long. To be doing something like simran to help me calm down and think has itself worked.
Then again, if I had done something else physically relaxing, i'm still sure that would have helped.
The meditation and simran is a very physical thing at first that does help you relax and then to get in touch with your true innerself and the creator within you, only then does it become spiritual. I can vouch for this and say that it has helped me here. But it doesn't mean it's the only way. But with my lifestyle, it seemed the only way, as I never had any space for spirituality.
Your point about learning the gurbani and messages from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib by approaching it with 'love' is very valid.- This 'love' is very important.

I can only speak for myself here- Sadly, I'm not sure if I could have approached it with love before as my life was very much in the fast lane, 24/7.
I really needed to break away in some manner and only then could I achieve the 'love' to approach the gurbani. So, in my case the physical meditation and simran helped me with this and now I can read shabads with much more love and understanding that i can't remember having before.
So, if one can approach gurbani with 'true love' without having to find yourself by relaxing and meditation, then very good. Unfortunately, I couldn't and I needed it to gear me up.

I hope that makes you understand it a little better.

Besides the well being and experiences you encounter whilst doing simran, I can say that it has definitely helped me conquer the 5 vices much better than before even though I never intended. It just happened and is happening all the while.
For a while, I actually felt that my whole personality was changing as I couldn't quite understand why I had done such things in the past. (simple things like sacrificed my health just to earn more money). -Then later I realised that I had simply began to conquer desires, attachments and ego etc...
So, I can say and feel that it has definitely put me more in touch with the creator within me.

What Yogi Bhajan says about not dreaming, Chaz ji has mentioned a couple of times before. I do recall reading or seeing a video where he stated this, BUT I never actually bought it all then or now because scientifically we ALL dream. We cannot always remember what we dream, but our mind is dreaming all the while, it is active when we are asleep.
In a night most of us will have several dreams but we wake up and can only recall 1-2, and some of us cannot recall any.
I don't want to talk too much about this here as it will go off topic, but if someone says they don't dream- then they are in fact saying that they don't remember dreaming- Bottom line.

You are correct when you point out if the focus should be just be on 1)simran/meditation or (2) to be reading and studying the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and contemplating the creator.

Well, the focus should be on Both.
It's just that for many of us it helps to do 1 and then 2, but that doesn't mean that someone can't do 2 without 1.
For me, I needed to do 1, and now find it beneficial doing 1 and 2.
In this same manner if I were to be teaching a novice, I would just like Yogi Bhajan recommend that they first try 1 and then 2 and then both. My valid reason would be my self experience. Just as a student learning physics would be recommended 1-2 text books due to the teachers self experience, in the same way I would recommend meditation as an aid.
Remembering this, that there would be a few students that wouldn't need to read the physics book in great depths compared to others as they may grasp the theories and concepts first hand without the need for reports and experiments.- A few students can do this quite well.

I have not encountered any nightmares or negatives as such, but I think this is more to do with physiological and biological functioning as well as inner fears that you may not be aware of.

It is nothing to do with the fact that you didn't say waheguru the night before or such. GOD LOVES YOU, HE DOES NOT PUNISH AND CAUSE HARM AND SUFFERING if you are too busy to say waheguru.
So Chazji, I don't think your nightmares are related in this sense, but then again anything, I mean absolutely anything that you think or feel happens and it helps bring out the good in you (which is simran in this case), then that is a personal benefit and good thing. There is nothing wrong if you actually feel this way and it helps you to jap more naam.
So even if eating unhealthy cakes, helps one to jap more naam, then so be it- carry on.

We are all different and no matter what the approach, as long as we understand and feel the ultimate love for the ultimate almighty, is what really matters every living day until our death.

I try to avoid reading about spiritual experiences of simran and meditation, as this way I actually feel it more personal and it stops me looking or expecting for things to happen.
It has been more than amazing at times with feelings of immense love for God Almighty that I can't really explain, but the biggest factor is that it has definitely helped me to become a better overall person. I actually feel and know what my purpose for life is and what I should be doing.

I know just how much of my life I have wasted chasing the rainbows. But it is ALL about learning and experiencing.

Only through experiencing do we truly learn.

In my case experiencing fast lane life and then giving it all up with the help of the lord through simran and learning from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, I feel I have learnt, only upto now though, As I have the rest of my life to learn even more, we carry on learning every day.- One can never know it all.
Tomorrow I will know a little more than today and tomorrow I hope to have more immense love for creator and creation than today.
As Sikhs, we have the perfect name for learners.

Learning the truth is never ending,as I said, I or anyone will NEVER know it all.
We should try to learn more and more each day until the very last day.
The simran is a nice tool for me that can help me learn and love much more.
Today there is more immense love for creator and creation than yesterday and tomorrow there will be more than today. This is how I want the rest of my life to carry on. This is from what I know now, at this moment, as tomorrow I may feel and know different and want my life another way.



May 29, 2012
"Continuously or Always Aware". It is a very fundamental teaching and guidance.

What are examples of continuously aware,

  • You see an animal, a bird and such and you marvel
    • You make eye contact and the two souls touch each other
  • You interact with a person over the internet
    • You get pleasant feeling, your souls touch and you generate happiness out of little effort
  • You do a spontaneous act of generosity or goodwill towards someone
    • A spark of love flies
  • Even observing yourself where you are at any instance in time and recognizing that to be a unique moment as each moment is unique in life that could not be so preplanned in minute detail if we so observe
The more you experience "awe or moments there of", the more you are closer to the creator and the creation so in consonance. I find doing it for self through various methods or techniques is rather selfish but it is not for me to guide others if they so enjoy.

So taking it beyond enjoyment and making it a way of life is perhaps an equally noble or valid objective to consider.

Satnaam Ji

The examples in your post are nice. We begin the path to freedom from the worldly experience chase when we begin to recognise God in all things...

When this happens, a beautiful balance of energies occurs- All is Him- in the good and the bad, in the laughs and the cries, pleasure and pain. The Awe begins to extend to the hells and the heavens and beyond.

When we can truly recognise our Beloved in our haters and lovers, in our negative and positive karams- that is when the True Awe begins- when the true contemplation begins.. The unconditional love that we begin to experience lifts us to a feeling so blissful that mortals cannot comprehend it. It is a frequency beyond- it is Truly Divine....

We become fearless in recognising and accepting him in all karams, regardless of the image and how controversial the scenario- and All loving in Loving all of him- not just one part of him(sukh).

We can live a life full of happy karams, of laughter, birds and bees- but then what would we truly learn? How could we feel the equal(for both is Him) dukhi that leads us to give ourselves up to him completely with every fibre of our being- with the realisation that we can do Nothing?

He is our lover and our saviour- he saves us from the ******** and the illusion of happiness(whilst still carrying around the weight of pain) that the mortals endure- and gives us the most blissful, intoxicating gift that we never saw coming and could never have even dreamt of.

To do this truly, we simply see Him as both- the image is false- it's just Him in His state of all Pervading Frequency of Nothingness.

To do this requires discipline- maya will keep on deluding and instigating us to rise to slander, arguments, even violence. We must try and remain in the knowledge of His Truth throughout, and not react in maya(5 thieves).

To keep going further, we must pass such tests that it becomes impossible to Not be out of True Love(true enjoyment).. Our hirdas blossom and we realise that it is All Love- we keep moving forward because we love Him.

Hence the reason our beloved Gurus were able to Embrace Martyrdom-Their Love was True.
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May 29, 2012

Satnaam Chaz Ji

One of the first things i started realising on this path is that the Ego should be held to one side as much as possible. That we should never think that we are the doer, or that our efforts are providing the experiences.

Beautiful, when we hold this stance, the evolution can occur naturally and it becomes easy to recognise His line of communication....

EVERYTHING is him, we are just the spectator. Even the thoughts or the motivation to sit and meditate or do Seva is his Grace, his Will that is doing everything.

I for one, don;t care where i am spiritually, or what realms i traverse through. As of yet i haven't felt scared or un-comfortable with what i've experienced and that I hope is the love for Guru Ji that always protects me. Always keep hold of the sounds and vibration of Waheguru and Satnaam, they'll keep you moving in the right path and safely.

Great, living in Truth is living in Hukam- We learn what He wants us to learn as He wants us to learn it- All on His terms

Going further, we apply the gyan continuously that it's All Him- accepting the hukam fearlessly and lovingly- not reacting in maya(the theives).

My biggest blockage was to accept and believe that God is within me, and that i don't need to go anywhere but to understand that all can be experiences within. Once i got over that blockage i started to understand that God is one with me at all times and it is He that is meditating with me :) This will open you up to all that is Him.

Yep, He's with us, All around us- where is He not? He never left us..

Everything is is Gurbani, both the technology and info of the spiritual path.

Living Gurbani is what the bhagat does- The Gyan is the Guru and the Guru is the Gyan.

God bless you all on your journey.

God bless you too

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May 29, 2012
Only through experiencing do we truly learn.

In my case experiencing fast lane life and then giving it all up with the help of the lord through simran and learning from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, I feel I have learnt, only upto now though, As I have the rest of my life to learn even more, we carry on learning every day.- One can never know it all.

Tomorrow I will know a little more than today and tomorrow I hope to have more immense love for creator and creation than today.
As Sikhs, we have the perfect name for learners.

Learning the truth is never ending,as I said, I or anyone will NEVER know it all.
We should try to learn more and more each day until the very last day.
The simran is a nice tool for me that can help me learn and love much more.
Today there is more immense love for creator and creation than yesterday and tomorrow there will be more than today. This is how I want the rest of my life to carry on. This is from what I know now, at this moment, as tomorrow I may feel and know different and want my life another way.

Waheguru<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

It's true that everyone in maya is experiencing God- for He is All. We understand though, that the first line of Gurbani specifies that His name is Sat(Truth). And hence- we focus on discovering the Truth.

This earth is a test world- our deeds- good and bad are counted- the game of Karam is perfect. Life is simply a game to discover Truth- it is the reason we are here. Yes we can marry maya for a while according to His will due to our past deeds- but we are here now- every single person who visits this forum has been given an oppertunity to join the path.

Knowing now that life is a game to discover Truth, getting caught up in wordly pleasures(attachment/greed/ego etc.) would be foolish. One may argue that if we do not experience all worldly things- we will not learn. The fact is that when in Truth- we are experiencing/embracing the whole- both experiences of Dukh and Sukh- hence fragments are of no value. This gyan is beyond logic- it must be experienced.

When we're in Truth- we are opting out of the khel. When we stop living sukh- the dukh we are fed lessens- for we are fed an equal amount of both.

We start to detach from the worldly experience chase when we begin to live in Truth- from that point- we begn to actually delete our negative karams instead of creating more by continuing to embrace wordly(false) sukh (hence creating more dukh).

We continue to keep paying off our karams while living in Truth until one day- we Become free of the game= Jivan Mukht.

On this path, we have zero desires(we are Nothing/ there is Nothing afterall so what is there to desire in Truth?) and zero conditions. This is unconditional Love. Even if He decides to make us fall- we accept the karam, get up and keep moving. Even if He decides to free us after 100 more janams or 2 million more- we accept. Even after we reach the unshakable state of Atal Awasth- the journey does not end- it is Infinite like Him.

Satnaam Ji


May 29, 2012

Satnaam Ji

in Sikhi: ]Guru is the bani (shabad/word) and bani (shabad/word) is the guru
in christianity: in the beginning was the Word (shabad), the word was with god...the word WAS GOD

It's crazy how Truth principles still remain(although many religions have been very corrupted by scholars who twist Brahmgyanis words) in different faiths- showing the Truth to be One, yet people still like to segregate themselves in Ego.

In our reality exists the outer world, and the inner world (within our own body)

When the bhagat reaches a certain point of realisation they understand that the outer world is the same as the inner world- We Are the Entire Creation- the journey is within- and we go deeper when we embrace this fact(Nirboah and Nirvair)- for we are able to let the universe be without resentment- and there is Silence

on the inside exists the Anhad Shabad (unstruck sound current/Shabad/the word)
on the outside exists the Sound current/shabad/word in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

While we cannot at first hear the inner sound current. We can start to meditate on the outer word/shabad/gurbani. This will eventually tune your consciousness into being able to hear the inner sound current.

The inner sound is the same as the outer. Naam is Truth- it is a Frequency of a Balanced Gyan that applies across a universal spectrum(All pervading) that lives to discover while remaining detached from the nasha of the discovery(highs and lows- to remain in the balance i.e Truth i.e the Frequency of God).

Anhad naad is symbolic reflection of this Truth/silence- In the Truth even sound doesn't exist. Eventually the Naad quietens down to Nothing.

There are two stages if your thirst, hunger and Love exists to experience god...only then do you get the gurpursaad.

1st stage
najar bhee ghar ghar thae jaaniaa ||2||
As the inner vision is awakened, one comes to know one's own home, deep within the self. ||2||Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Raag Gauree , 153

The inner vision is the Hukam. Once we open our minds and hearts to learn as and how he wills it- not according to our own expectations and requirements- we actually begin to See and Recognise the tests he's giving us and the lessons he's teaching us- to recognise His line of communication. He teaches us gyan from within..

I am 32 years old, was a disgusting shameless sinner

Join the club- we are all sinners and traitors in one way or another- But one of His virtues is that He is all loving beyond measure(Nirviar and Nirboah). So don't ever dwell on the past- the past is the past and the future is out of sight- Only this precious moment matters.. You just do your best not to make the same mistakes again

...i still Sin,

It's important that as Bhagats- we don't drink or smoke(causes spiritual weakness, enhances vices) and we keep the vices in check with simple simple Truth application

but the thirst for Guru Ji was welling up so much i was going to explode, and Guru Ji has awakened this inner vision. I now am Shown this inner vision every day when i meditate and do Simran. I say that i am shown, because i don't actually do anything...its all guru ji...i'm just the spectator. The visions are beautiful...sometimes you can feel the true amrit inside cleaning you up :)

A really important thing on this path is not to get attached to imagery- the Jivan Mukht does not need symbolic reflection to aid their discoveries- when we focus on the Truth of the Nothingness(For that is the Truth from where we all originate) anything else happens naturally

2nd Stage:

When you mediate on the word, the shabad, the gurbani. Sounds/vibrations of Satnaam and Waheguru...your consciosness is being lifted very gradually to prepare you for hearing the inner Word/Shabad.

gur kee baanee naam vajaaeae ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Bani, the Naam resounds; Raag Aasaa

At the moment during my meditation/Simran i have not come across the inner Anhad shabad. but it WILL happen when the time is right and when i am ready for it.

Reference:: Sikh Philosophy Network http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/showthread.php?t=38569

By His Grace, you listen to the sound current of the Naad
Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag Gauree, 270

At first it will sound like drums and various instruments that we are already accustomed to:

It can be different for different people

God Bless you
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Feb 20, 2012
Chazsingh ji I am losing track of what you are postulating here.Can you please perhaps help and clarify specifics as,

  • Are you repeating words, lines or parts of Gurbani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and please share exact unless you are doing all of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from start to finish or any other way!
I meditate on the Mantras 'Satnaam' and 'Waheguru', sometimes both...sometimes Mool manter, sometimes in deep meditation the mantra stops and it's pure silence. initially it was mechanical...now it just flows as it pleases, switching from one to the next. All his HIM.
  • How you plan to read or relate to rest of Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji aside from your Simran
I dont plan...All is HIM...there is no 'I' involved :)
Guru Ji shows and explains me the 'WAY'...by His grace i sit in deep contemplation and though. Through his Grace he shows me what he wants or what He thinks i need to know or see. Doubts start to disspear. Fear starts to depart...all his him...whats to fear?

He dips you into the mansarovar, then when you return to Gurbani, the meaning has evolved...it means even more to you than before...

You continue your journey, deeper into mansarovar, then when you return again, other verses, paats start to unlock and illuminate you further.

Its endless. mind is now open to Him...the journey has begun to understand that all is HIm and only He exists.

Mansarovar is infinately deep...so dont profess to be anywhere spiritually...by His grace my actions will become His, pure and sweet.
hopefully the 'I' Ego will dissolve.

  • If Simran is supposedly creating freedom why are you at the same time identifying dependencies and almost show manifestations of fear in bad dreams, etc., when you miss Simran?
Until Jeevan Mukt, 5 thieves are dragging us all around. I suffer at their hands immensly, but through Simran they have now started to appear as seperate entities...i am aware of their workings and through further Simran and Gurus Grace i can have them in complete control.

Fears, anger, hate, hurt, ego, karams exists in the subconscios mind (to my understanding and experience). From my experience (may be different for others) Simran puts you face to face with your evils 5 thieves. Sometimes they manifest in my dreams.

From my experience the Simran is working to eradicate these fears, evil thoughts etc. Its the Amrit at work.

Others may not have dreams, the cleanup process may manifest in other forms, or the level of 5 thieve control may be less in others. Like i said, i;m a filthy sinner and guru ji is helping to clear it all.

I am sorry I will not comment on Yogi Bhajan stuff as he is not here to defend himself and there is no question many people felt or got lot of good through his teachings. I personally would not have found much use for his teachings as Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is pretty simple to understand if you approach it with love.

SGGS Ji is perfect and simple! yet the mind makes it so complicated as we see with the questions and thoughts in this forum and others.

Sat Sri Akal.

God bless you and all the Sangat


Feb 20, 2012
Learning the truth is never ending,as I said, I or anyone will NEVER know it all.
We should try to learn more and more each day until the very last day.
The simran is a nice tool for me that can help me learn and love much more.
Today there is more immense love for creator and creation than yesterday and tomorrow there will be more than today. This is how I want the rest of my life to carry on. This is from what I know now, at this moment, as tomorrow I may feel and know different and want my life another way.


Thanks for the post LuckyJi, exactly why i wanted to set up this thread, full of useful insight, how simran has helped you, difficulties etc etc.
Actual experience and practical feedback from you. :)

With regards to Yogi Bhajan Ji and dreams. I personally think he was BrahmGiani - he never said this, no true brahmgiani does.

ma(n)nae kee gath kehee n jaae ||
The state of the faithful cannot be described.

The state of their awareness, mind and being, i'm guessing will be way beyond the rest of us. So maybe he doesn't dream and is aware of everything whilst in sleep?

This is something maybe we'll all be able to answer as Guru Ji keeps us progressing on this path.

God bless you and the sangat.
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