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The 4 Classes Of Sikhs And The Destruction Of Sikhism

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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji

Are you saying that the Suraj Parkash passes the Gurbani test? I was not clear about your answer.

Same goes for Suraj parkash, Gur panth parkash e tc etc...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani ji

Are you saying that the Suraj Parkash passes the Gurbani test? I was not clear about your answer.

NO JI....what I am saying is THESE also should be SUBJECTED to the LITMUS TEST of GURBANI as well...and wherever found wanting....should be DISCARDED !! IN FACT...EACH and EVERY historical/theological source has to COMPLY with the SGGS to be accepted.....any "contradiction/failure to agree" with SGGS....is a clear sign its NOT right.

BTW Suraj paraksh has a lot of utter rubbish...which is clearly rubbish even without being tested vis a vis Gurbani SGGS.


Apr 3, 2005
NO JI....what I am saying is THESE also should be SUBJECTED to the LITMUS TEST of GURBANI as well...and wherever found wanting....should be DISCARDED !! IN FACT...EACH and EVERY historical/theological source has to COMPLY with the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to be accepted.....any "contradiction/failure to agree" with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji....is a clear sign its NOT right.

BTW Suraj paraksh has a lot of utter rubbish...which is clearly rubbish even without being tested vis a vis Gurbani Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Gyani ji

the biggest problem is Guru granth sahib can be interpreted in thousand's of ways and people are interpreting it in the way of their thinking.so which intrepretation is right and which is wrong.We have seen some authors even questioning halal meat as they think it is divisive taboo and against the teaching of Guru granth sahib,I have seen kabir ji's quote of "bhavein lambe kesh" is used by some to justify that uncut hair is not required in Sikhism

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani ji

the biggest problem is Guru granth sahib can be interpreted in thousand's of ways and people are interpreting it in the way of their thinking.so which intrepretation is right and which is wrong.We have seen some authors even questioning halal meat as they think it is divisive taboo and against the teaching of Guru granth sahib,I have seen kabir ji's quote of "bhavein lambe kesh" is used by some to justify that uncut hair is not required in Sikhism

Kds Ji,
That is the position promoted by the various DERAS..and is one of the biggest insults to our GURU ( that He is Not clear and speaks with forked tongue...thats is what the take is..the most Famous (infamous in my book) remark is by a so called Gurmat Martand Brahmgyani and so on so on so on who has written that the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains over 1500 MISTAKES !! How could such be aGYANI of BRAHM..he is a BHARAM gyani spreader of bharams and vehams doubts.

The truth is as Prof sahib Singh ji singlehandedly shown that Gurbani has a STRICT Grammar, DISCIPLINE and has only ONE MEANING. The "several" mmeanings stance benefits the Bharamgyanis becasue IF they make a mistake/misinterpret...they can have an escape clause...oh..THIS can also mean this...and this..and this..and that is proof that GURBANI is NOT for the common man..its for the Bharamgyanis like me to tackle...thats why we stress that the AAM amdmee should leave Gurbani to us Bharamgyanis who do Naam japp and get this and that..blah blah blah...a most commonly heard argument form these Babas and derawallahs all the time...This is one reason why the Common Sikh is so afraid of approaching Gurbani...galat ho jaoo...PAAP ho jaoo..rehneh do..Gyani ji hain nah..paath karan nu..uhnah nu keh dehneh haan paath karo ardass karo..blah blah blah...GURBANI is being made a "HIGHLY UNAPPROACHABLE OBJECT"....only the bhramgyanis cna approach the Baba Ji....to do paath you must be dressed like this..bath like that..sit like this..squat like that..wear this..not wear that..the this that....its a self fulfilling scenario...

As a Gurbani TEACHER i face such scenarios daily...and have a tough time UNLEARNING all such nonsense from their minds and hearts..and when after a yera or so of LEARNING what GURBANI really means..they can't thank me enough for showing them the LIGHT...the GYAAN that is our GURU.

IF a person "wants" to "interpret"..he can do it any which way and insist on it... BUT there is always a way to show the Real and TRUE interpretation and what the Guru says and means from CROSS REFERENCING all over Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Of course one can take a horse to water... BUT if it keeps saying NO I am NOT thirsty..or the water is really BEER..then there is only so much that can be done...

You have given the quote of Kabir Ji saying that it is USELESS to Keep long hair..or Go Bald. This is in reference to HINDU RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENTS of BOTH TYPES - Baldness where the hair roots are DESTROYED by rubbing ash and pulling out hair from the roots...and on the other extreme..the HAIR is not cut at all BUT rubbed with various substances like the SAP of the Pippal tree to make it grow long..and the long hair was kept MATTED, UNCLEAN, no combing etc.. allowed at all..just "LAMBEH KESH". Now Clearly these TWO OPPOSING symbolism of HAIR as a RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENT is transparent...and its EASY to see Bhagat Kabir Jis CONTEXT....and the CONTEXT or MORAL behind kabir Jis Mention of these two "hair styles" is that RELIGION CONCERNS THE SOUL/MANN/MIND...and so when we CROSS REFERENCE FURTHER in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on this subject..we come across another CLEAR INDICATOR..Kabir Ji asks BLUNTLY.....Why "mundd" (bald the head) when the MANN has wild growing "hair" on it !!! Meaning the Mann has Hair of Bad habits bad actions etc etc growing wild....SO When all those "Pattits, clean shaven sikhs...etc etc rush headlong and quote the Lambeh Kesh quote in DEFENCE of their not keeping KESH as per Pahul Requirment..they have no answer when confronted with the SECOND KABIR QUOTE...mann munddiah nahin ??? IS the first quote really an "endorsement" by Kabir Ji that its Ok for a SIKH to cut his hair ?? Obviously its not meant that way at all and clearly the Kabir Tuk has a completely different context form the KESH requirement for a Sikh Amrtidharee...because while a "BALD" (Forceful intentional REMOVAL of all hair by the roots was a RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENT of one faction of HINDU RELIGIOUS ORDER..there is no such requirement for a PATIT/Clean-shaven Sikh ( that is his own personal choice !! ) so the TWO cannot be compared at the same level... hence this TUK is misused in the cleanshaven sikh defense context. No way is this the FAULT of the GURBANI... Gurbani is crystal clear..its our own fault if we handle the CRYSTAL CLEAR GLASS with greasy oily hands..and then blame the crystal for not being clear..messed up and dirty....and along comes the so called BHARAMGYANI to admonish us..I TOLD YOU not to touch the crystal glass...see how dirty it looks..ONLY I am qualified to handle it..see how clean my hands are..leave it to me !!! and we are back to square ONE !!..see no touch..when the greatest pleasure of our Guru is to see..touch..feel..enjoy....hold up to the light and wonder...we are no BULLS in a China shop..we are SIKHS of the GURU who left us a WRITTEN RECORD of His teachings to study and learn..and follow....something which no other prophet ever did....and we still behave like others who have only oral traditions/myths to depend on..or -Forty-third hand accounts passed on centuries after their prophets were dead...:singhbhangra:


Apr 3, 2005
Kds Ji,
That is the position promoted by the various DERAS..and is one of the biggest insults to our GURU ( that He is Not clear and speaks with forked tongue...thats is what the take is..the most Famous (infamous in my book) remark is by a so called Gurmat Martand Brahmgyani and so on so on so on who has written that the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains over 1500 MISTAKES !! How could such be aGYANI of BRAHM..he is a BHARAM gyani spreader of bharams and vehams doubts.

The truth is as Prof sahib Singh ji singlehandedly shown that Gurbani has a STRICT Grammar, DISCIPLINE and has only ONE MEANING. The "several" mmeanings stance benefits the Bharamgyanis becasue IF they make a mistake/misinterpret...they can have an escape clause...oh..THIS can also mean this...and this..and this..and that is proof that GURBANI is NOT for the common man..its for the Bharamgyanis like me to tackle...thats why we stress that the AAM amdmee should leave Gurbani to us Bharamgyanis who do Naam japp and get this and that..blah blah blah...a most commonly heard argument form these Babas and derawallahs all the time...This is one reason why the Common Sikh is so afraid of approaching Gurbani...galat ho jaoo...PAAP ho jaoo..rehneh do..Gyani ji hain nah..paath karan nu..uhnah nu keh dehneh haan paath karo ardass karo..blah blah blah...GURBANI is being made a "HIGHLY UNAPPROACHABLE OBJECT"....only the bhramgyanis cna approach the Baba Ji....to do paath you must be dressed like this..bath like that..sit like this..squat like that..wear this..not wear that..the this that....its a self fulfilling scenario...

The person who wrote about halal meat was not a follower of any dera but an Author of TLH from where the question shifted to Sikhchic.Yes AKJ,DDT do interpret and misinterpret gurbani in their own way of thinking but others are also doing.

Even on SPN so many people do arth of Gurbani which do not match with pro Sahib singh's interpretation and those who agree with support that arth and these people are no follower
of any Dera , so in other word Dera or no dera people are accepting only that arth which match their thinking

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kds Ji.. by "Derawadee" i mean people who have derived a certain MINDSET based on certain methodology.. One Example.... Jathedar Gurbachan Singh Ji of Akal Takhat may NOT belong to "any" dera per se.. BUT his Sikhism is derived form certain source which is miles away from the one espoused say by the likes of Prof Sahib Singh.... So GS comes down heavily on Dasam Granth side (101% Guru Kirt..) He comes down heavily on placing a cremated ones ashes in Kiratpur (late Badal wife's ashes were immersed in this place by no other than JATHEDAR KESHGARH SAHIB when the SRM MARYADA he has sworn to uphold clearly declares OTHERWISE !! Jathedar Keshgarh likewise is NOT seemingly attached to any "DERA".... its something akin to the IT instruction..."PRESS ANY KEY"...but when a new comer looks at the KEYBOARD..he can search till hes blue in the face he will not find "any" key... he will find all sorts of keys, alphabets, numbers, wierd signs, Enter ALt and all those..BUT the "ANY" key ?? NO way. So a person can go blue in the face trying to figure out who is "DERA" and who is NOT...while the IT Savy person can see this from a MILE away...

The DERA mindset is rock solidly based on Vedanta (Akal Takhat Jathedar was so proud of his base that he called himslef VEDANTI..and NEVER Sri Guru Granth Sahib JiANTI..or GURBANIANTI...another one Puran Singh declared Sikhs are descendants of LUV-KUSH the legendary sons of a Ram that is no where to be found in History but in MYTH..it makes no difference to him that ONE of those LUV-KUSH twins was a Creature made out of TWIGS and GRASS and had life breathed in it by a Rishi..he still adamantly insists we are his aulaad ---descendants..THAT is the MINDSET a SIKH brought up on Prof Sahib Singhs Gurbani aarths would NEVER have !! Nirmalas, This PANTHI and that PANTHI.. Babas, UDASIS of Baba SRI CHAND, various DERAS that have NAMES and LIVING "Gurus/satgurs/bhagats/babas/mahapurash" running or sitting on their gadees/thrones are all microcosms of this MINDSET i call DERAWADEE !!

ALL "DERAWADEES" accept Dasam Granth 100000001% as GGS kirt..never mind all the pornography etc...so EVEN IF such a Sikh also accepts Prof Sahib Singhs aarths on some shabad..it makes no difference...

There are GORA "derawadees" in 3HO who haven't seen the front or back of any "named DERA" in Punjab.... but their Guru Harbhajan Yogi taught them that "mindset" and they find no difficulty in eugolising Baba Sri Chand while SIKHS would NEVER do that because it NEGATES Guru nanak jis choice of GURU ANGAD JI as His successor... to these Sri Chand is just an accidental section of Guru Nanak jis household who STRAYED from His PATH of GURMATT and started his own wayward pagdandee.. AWAY from GURMATT passed on to Guru Angad Ji... we are concerned with the "GURMATT PATH".. the derawadees are concerned with the BLOOD TIES between sri chand and his father ... and rather unfortunately it was these WAYWARD UDASIS who had sole control over Sikh Gurdwaras, dharamsalas, books, literature etc etc for more than a CENTURY while the Sikhs of GURU NANAK ji were busy fighting for their lives.. it was during this time that the "Udasi MINDSET" gained a stranglehold over Gurmatt "SOURCES".. BUT ALL these were not able to do that to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji/ and the Gurbani enshrined within...hence the TOUCHSTONE PRINCIPLE to determine what is MILK and what is WATER.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
It is well known fact that Humans always choose easy way rather than difficult one

Incorrect. If that was the case then psychology wouldn't be such a vast discipline!! However, people aren't that simple to understand. If people always took the easy path how are there so many people following Sikhism inside and out? People don't change so the challenges were there in Guru's time and are there now but in different guises. Still many choose this path. If people always took the easy way out why would so many people choose work which is lower paid but does more good (I work in hospital rather than private practice despite earning less but get more job satisfaction). Why would so many people go to remote communities and do aid/charitable work for people who they have absolutely no relation to! So many more examples, yet people always focus on the negative. Perhaps you need to widen your social circle and activities to see good in people.

.Look at world Sikhs have only secured rights in UK,canada and USA where they still have sizeable population.
Sikhs have secured rights in these countries as there have been Sikhs willing to make the effort for those rights. It is not just about numbers.

Does your way of Thinking is same as in 20s.The fact is Younger generation have very little interest in 20s ,it is only in later life they move toward their religion
Completely disagree with this. It is about mindset and sangat. I know many many people in their 20's who came toward Sikhi and spirituality and started keeping kesh even. I think it very much depends on upbringing, the company kept and personality. Go to any youth Gurmat camp and you will find they are full of interested 20 somethings interested to learn. As you say Harry ji, we need to make more of an effort to educate the youth.

Kds, I cannot and will not share your negativity. If Sikhi will die it will be through this downhearted, anti-Chardi Kala attitude. If we always look to others and think I will not because he isn't or why should I? then no-one will aspire to be a role model adn that sets up a vicious circle. Lets focus on ourselves and then others around us will also be inspired!


Apr 3, 2005
Incorrect. If that was the case then psychology wouldn't be such a vast discipline!! However, people aren't that simple to understand. If people always took the easy path how are there so many people following Sikhism inside and out?

In this world of 7 billion people do you find 1-2 million who may be really following sikhism too many?do you know that there were some estimates that population of sikhs reached 8-10 million at the time of maharaja Ranjit Singh but after the end of Sikh kingdom population declined drastically ,even britishers wrote a letter that Sikhs are reverting back to Hinduism and may be this religion is going to Finish by the time of 1870 only 1-2 million sikhs left and then Singh Sabha movement again bought so many Sikhs

If people always took the easy way out why would so many people choose work which is lower paid but does more good (I work in hospital rather than private practice despite earning less but get more job satisfaction).

Oh really How many of NRI sikhs are ready to move back in Punjab and render their service to their less fortunate Sikh brothers and sisters.99% of Sikh forums are dominant by NRI sikhs who talk about sikhism ,Punjab and everything but very few of them are ready to leave their well paid Jobs in developed countries for the sake of development of Punjab.The facilities provided by developed countries are too difficult to leave yet they want Sikhs of Punjab to stand up for Khalistan

people go to remote communities and do aid/charitable work for people who they have absolutely no relation to! So many more examples, yet people always focus on the negative. Perhaps you need to widen your social circle and activities to see good in people.

Very few people go compared to requirement in poor area's .O.K just tell me why there is mad rush in Punjab for moving to developed countries ,is it not because they all want Lifestyle which you people who went earlier are getting compared to hard life of third world punjab.

Its easy to talk from a developed country what lifestyle I choose because the facilities you get their you know your future is secured ,whether you do private practice or Govt job but in a third world country like India Your thinking just change according to circumstances.


Apr 3, 2005
here are some other examples of choosing easy life over difficult one

1) IITians despite studying on 2 million rupee subsidy by Govt they prefer to work for high paying MNC's or 70-80% go abroad instead of rendering their service to Govt(Easy life)

2)Top Indian doctors as above prefer to render service to USA or Europe rather than serving rural India( easy life)

3) Indian civil servants either taking bribe or turning blind eye toward it (easy life )Don't want to get posted in remote area's

4)Women prefering high earning men as husbands compared to low earning one ( Easy life)
The list goes on and on

Here is an example of person choosing difficult honest life as Forest officer


Facing plenty of harrassment from Govt.If mjority of people are like chaturvedi choosing difficult life over easy one then today India would have been one of the most advanced economy of world.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Haha!! You've just proved my point! Some people take the easy road and others the hard road so your statement that humans always take the easy way out is incorrect. Such sweeping statements can never hold otherwise the world would fall apart. Things happen in cycles. There is improvement then things get worse and then improvement etc :interestedkudi:


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Oh really How many of NRI sikhs are ready to move back in Punjab and render their service to their less fortunate Sikh brothers and sisters.99% of Sikh forums are dominant by NRI sikhs who talk about sikhism ,Punjab and everything but very few of them are ready to leave their well paid Jobs in developed countries for the sake of development of Punjab.The facilities provided by developed countries are too difficult to leave yet they want Sikhs of Punjab to stand up for Khalistan

I do not want Khalistan as I personally feel Sikhs should spread over the world. I have not worked in India as getting a visa has been difficult. I have worked in Africa and South America as well as working with those less fortunate in my own country. How am I less of a Sikh for not working in Panjab? How many Indians do anything for those less fortunate than themselves? Very few from what I see.

Very few people go compared to requirement in poor area's .O.K just tell me why there is mad rush in Punjab for moving to developed countries ,is it not because they all want Lifestyle which you people who went earlier are getting compared to hard life of third world punjab.
What about those that stay?

Its easy to talk from a developed country what lifestyle I choose because the facilities you get their you know your future is secured ,whether you do private practice or Govt job but in a third world country like India Your thinking just change according to circumstances.
Nothing is secure in the current economic climate and I am sick of hearing about how life abroad is easier. It is not true. The challenges are just different.

I refuse to continue this discussion otherwise you're going to drag me down into depression with you with the relentless negativity. I think you need to learn to laugh!! :rofl!!:We obviously see the world through very different eyes. We also have a different way of viewing our own actions and place in the world!


Apr 3, 2005
Haha!! You've just proved my point! Some people take the easy road and others the hard road so your statement that humans always take the easy way out is incorrect. Such sweeping statements can never hold otherwise the world would fall apart. Things happen in cycles. There is improvement then things get worse and then improvement etc :interestedkudi:

It looks to me either you don't understand what others are saying or you don't try to understand .How many people are their who are like chaturvedi 1-2 or may be 5 % ,they are in category of exception.The people who choose hard way are exception.When we talk about society we always take what majority do .When we say Punjab is in drugs it does not mean every Punjabi is taking drugs ,it means good percentage of youth are in drugs.When we say Indian politicians are corrupt then it means a very good percentage are corrupt of course there are politicians in India which are honest but they are in minority

What I am trying to say that majority always choose easy life ,of course there are exception who may prefer hard life


Apr 3, 2005
I do not want Khalistan as I personally feel Sikhs should spread over the world. I have not worked in India as getting a visa has been difficult. I have worked in Africa and South America as well as working with those less fortunate in my own country. How am I less of a Sikh for not working in Panjab? How many Indians do anything for those less fortunate than themselves? Very few from what I see.

The discussion is not you and me ,the discussion is not about who is more or less Sikh,One thing
I never understand that why You always think in discussion that the other person is pointing towards you.When I say NRI I don't mean Findingmyway again I mean large percentage of Sikhs which are running various websites ,which appear on Forums ,which conduct various rallies ,etc. I mention this point because they always are very vocal about 1984 ,Punjab problems ,Decline of Sikhi yet none or very few of them are ready to leave their lives of UK,canada and USA etc

As far Indians are concerned Yes they don't do much but on the other hand they are not vocal about these issues.I am sorry but it leaves very bad impression that we Sikhs can only talk but do nothing.

What about those that stay?

Again what I say above they are exception and very few

Nothing is secure in the current economic climate and I am sick of hearing about how life abroad is easier. It is not true. The challenges are just different.

I refuse to continue this discussion otherwise you're going to drag me down into depression with you with the relentless negativity. I think you need to learn to laugh!! We obviously see the world through very different eyes. We also have a different way of viewing our own actions and place in the world!

I don't know about Life in UK but I know one thing that life is always much better in developed countries thanin third world countries, Also it is the people of India that are queuing outside the embassies of UK,USA ,Canada for Visa and not the People of UK standing Outside embassy of India for Visa of India


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kds1980 ji

If findingmyway had not pushed this discussion as far as she did and to the point it finally reached, my own impressions of your comments would stick. That you are someone who is deeply depressed and cannot see any light for any one anywhere in Punjab or India. Someone who has given up. Who sees no good in India. Who has no hope. Who sees every glass half-full. Who has no faith or trust in the ability of anyone but a few to pull out of depression. Who thinks NRI's are a pack of hypocrites. At this point my view of your comments has changed a lot. This is something to think about...the impression that we leave with words. We all need to think about that. What message do we send without realizing it is so. And that is why debate is so important, because it makes us clarify.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
NRI did move back to India...the Gadarites who came back and fought were from abroad...becasue they realised that having a "Backward/enslaved" Motherland put them at a distinct disadvantage even when living in a free country like USA Canada etc...and the solution was in freeing their motherland..and they did it....

Today India is a free independent Nation...IF the Sikhs want anything..they will have to VOTE WISELY....But in spite of billions of NRI Money pouring in to Punjab from abroad for the past 100 years or more, Punjabi Sikhs back home have been busy grabbing the lands and properties of thsoe who went abroad/spending the money sent in by those who went abroad like it grows on trees in USA/UK/Canada...buying flashy motorcycles, cars, building castles, having the best DRUGS, drinking like FISH..adopting Babas and deras as if they are the sole salvation, becoming lazy and worthless by importing cheap labour form UP Bihar etc ..and wasting millions to agents and fraudsters to go abroad !!

Whenever any NRI points out these shortcomings to the Punjabi Skhs..they go cry baby and start syaing..YOU COME HERE if you dare ( There is a very tiny MINORITY of Punjabi Sikh who has NOT YET paid an agent/paid for a passport etc to get a Visa to go abroad by HOOK or CROOK - BUT they wnat the NRIs to come back to the hell hole they created...Khalistan or no khalistan...when i LOOK at the THOUSANDS of these Punjabi Sikh ILLEGALS rotting in our Jails...working at MENIAL LABOUR ( but stop by for a while..and they will say..WE are Jatt PUTT SARDARAN DE..Punjab vich we have 100 killas of land. tractor ghar da..biharee naukar hai..pannee da glass nahin peeta aap..all done by Naukars....blah blah blah..and the logical querstion is .."WHY are you collecting Sh.it like an ordinary BHANGEE/Choohrra here in a foreign country ??)

PUNJABIS back home VOTE in ******* at each elction every 5 years without fail..and then cry for the NRIs to come back !!!..a peg of desi sharab sell their souls...and ask for NRIs to return (or exchange places with them ha ha)

Punjabis got to pull up their boot straps and get a handle on life..improve..and then maybe the NRI will come back to lend hand...any NRI who returns now is like putting a gold chain on a majh...utterly useless..

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Although this debate is going of on a slight tangent, I have to confess to some sympathy with Kdsji. From where I am sitting, the Punjab he talks of, is a Punjab that has the US as its idol. My parents have also told me that everything in India is very modern now, and you can eat at Mcdonalds and KFC. The Punjab I remember only had two types of cars on its roads, now there are hundreds. This begs the question, are we only good when there is no temptation around. As countries prosper, leisure time increases, and we are drawn towards the seedier side of life. Kdsji, I feel you want an India with no temptation, but for that to happen, we would have to have an India with no future either. You cannot deprive people of knoweldge, the people that now get the best drugs and the biggest cars and houses, they were always like that, they just never had the opportunity before.

It is ironic that of all the sikhs that went out into the big wide world, many stood their ground, refused to cut hair, refused to drink, and built gurdwaras for the other sikhs to worship in. This was all done in a foreign environment with all the temptations that are present. Yet as soon as the same temptations arrive back home, the majority seem to be unable to display the same discipline and moderation that NRI sikhs showed.

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
To ,Spnadmin Ji ,Finding my Way Ji

I'm new I know ,but we are brothers and sisters we should append eachother with Ji.
Do you not think calling someone "deeply depressed "would be personal and disparaging remark .

We should be better than that and discuss issues not each others personal traits or mindsets.

S S Medare


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
To ,Spnadmin Ji ,Finding my Way Ji

I'm new I know ,but we are brothers and sisters we should append eachother with Ji.
Do you not think calling someone "deeply depressed "would be personal and disparaging remark .

We should be better than that and discuss issues not each others personal traits or mindsets.

S S Medare

Sinner Singh ji

I do many times subscribe to your sentiments. There are, however, times when issues cannot be discussed without attention paid to the negative mindsets that push the discussion of issues in this direction or that. Use of the word "depressed" in some instances is just as needed for moderation, as use of the terms "off topic" or "hostile" in other instances.

And as admin I will call attention to attitudes that weaken a discussion, just as findingmyway ji may do as moderator. You may think these words are too strong, and we may see it otherwise. There are times when negativity just goes too far.
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