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The Five K's, Why


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dear Pk70 ji
The Sikhs who didn't help in no way have changed my opinion of the Khalsa nor do I think what they did says anything about what the Guru ji said it was there choice, I'm pretty sure that for each one who didn't help there are thousands who would if they had been there, I was just trying to show that not all are what they're supposed to be and that its not only Amrit Sikhs that try to follow the right way. Please believe me that I'm not trying to put the Five K's down I'm just trying to get the right perspective of them and trying to dispel what Ive heard from other sources, the best way to find the truth is to ask questions and to put alternative points of view across that way if some one comes along later and asks me why, I can say this is why and if they come up with the same questions I have, then I'll have the answers. The other reason for suggesting the weapons theory is that in Kesgarh their are some relics of the Guru ji, three weapons that start with the letter K, His Kirpaan isn't there or isn't mentioned it may be one that the British stole and have only recently returned but this would make four weapons with the letter K. So not an unreasonable theory. Any way still no one will say if the Hukam is written or not. the truth would stop me asking the same question over and over again. thank you for taking the time to reply it is much appreciated, each post is teaching me something, even if its only to look inside myself for the answer.
Much Respect


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji

The story you posted is really informative. It demonstrates why we should honor the asking of questions. Here is someone who asked questions from the age of 14. And he ended up in a place of spirituality where he is completely at one with himself and with his Guru.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
AAd Ji,
Its GURU NANAK JI Himself who commands us to ASK..ask..and ask yet more questions...and THEN..LISTEN as well. Kichh Kaheah ..Kich SUNNEAH nanak.
Most times we are ever ready to just "ask"..and then DONT listen...
WE ask..and the GURU answers..then we listen. IDEAL situation.
Guur Angad Ji warns...SWAAL JWAAB DOVEHN KAREH..mudhon ghtuthah jayeh..
IF we ASK..and ANSWER...ourselves ( self question/self provide answers)..be the Master and servant at same time...than its a dangerous game we play....that way we will lose all footing and fall.
I am Glad that you are at this stage of your spiritual journey...but remember..many miles to go and many promises to keep...

Have a HAPPY KHALSA DAY..April 14th.:happy:


Jan 26, 2008
"WE ask..and the GURU answers..then we listen. IDEAL situation." -Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji

Absolutely Ji :wah:
Nov 16, 2007
I bet, this 'why?' would have flashed in mind of most of Sangat on Vaisakhi of 1699. Some must have found readymade excuses in mind not to offer head to Satguru (e.g. I have small kids or I have old mother to take care of).
Or duing Amrit ceremony, some smarts in Sangat must be thinking," what is there to show in outside appearance? I am Sikh from inside."
Simple question is "Are you ready?"
Kesh are simply most visible symbol for Sikhs ( called Guru Ki Mohar ). If you can keep it uncut, very good. If you can't ( due to your girlfriend's pressure or convenience ), that is OK. Do it when you are ready. But dont' try to compile list of goods and bads of keeping hair (same can be done with almost everything in world).
Let's change it up and say why do you cut your hair? What are/is the valid reason(s) behind cutting hair?

Here I'll start it off, get a better looking girlfriend:ice:, better date to prom:up:, look cool:cool:, get more winks;) from gurls/guys, whatever you prefer, well that's what I came up with.
May 24, 2008
Tony Ji ,
One more & the most compelling ( & selfish ) reason I find myself following the 5Ks is that as a parent , if I'm living my life according to the teachings of the Guru , my sons & daughters would also follow me willingly/unwillingly . Somewhere down the line they may also be exposed to the fragrance of Gurbani & if Guru's Grace is there then also they may understand Gurbani's true meaning , message & Sikh way of life . We may be avoided the exposure to ( some other ) self-defeating ideologies , exploiting & greedy Deras , Baabas, Saadhs , superstitions , Intoxicants , drugs & polygamy . If we try it by ourselves , we may not be successful because we'll be doing it with a hidden motive something this very-very smart generation will find out easily . But if Guru is asking his Sikhs to follow these directions or do anything , then there is no other way out they will have to fall in line . We may be 100% sure that Guru is going to lead them to right path they will never falter in their lives even if we may or may not live to see that day .


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dear Dalbirk Ji
Thank you for posting your personal reasons for keeping the five K's. they arent selfish in my mind and I hope it works, anything that helps another to tread the right path isnt selfish at all and if I thought it would help my children I would gladly grow my hair. Thank you again and goodluck.
Lalihayer ji
Thank you for your post, I quite agree with you, It is about when your ready and that is why I ask, If I know what they are for and how they help then when i am ready I should know how to use them and what purpose they serve. Dalbirk jis responce is a very good reason and was hoping for more like that, No one can disagree with a personal reason.
Gyani ji
I dont know if youve noticed but I am listening to the answers that are given, I have tried to respond to every post, If a post has answered with a personal reason then theres no problem, How ever if a post is just another Quote from the SGGS then it answers nothing as we both know it isnt answered in here as the last entries came prior to the Hukam. I have asked the question is it written any where and still no one has answered it, You also have this habit of changing the thread direction and accuse others of hiding in the majority. If a student asks a teacher a question it would be nice if the teacher answered it truthfully without beating about the bush making claims theyre hiding. No one is hiding just asking questions and listening to the answers. Thank you
Dear Singh ji
Why do I cut my hair, well its not for any of the reasons you have mentioned, Already married and not interested in taking another (one is enough for any man No disrespect to the ladies ), To old to be worrying about prom dates, same for looking cool, Not sure how many men wink at me but have had a few offers from gay men and most ladies at my age are beyond winking at men, I have used my hair to make many statements of identity, Long hair as a youngster to not conform to the norm, Many different styles as a Punk ( some quite good ones, very colourful), and now I shave my head, Originally as a thug BNP NF movement, but now just because I have very little to show, When it grows it irritates me so another reason why. Hope that as answered your question fully, but the thread is about the FIVE K's, Not just hair. so why do you keep them and how do you use them in your daily life
Thank you all for your posts and sorry if Ive not answered any body.


Mar 12, 2009
Dear Tony Ji,

IMHO Sikhism is Universal faith. Take your time to understand the principles and do according to your own understanding. May Akal Purkh bless you with Bibayk Budhi (Discerning Intellect) to progress in spirituality.




Apr 24, 2006
I bet, this 'why?' would have flashed in mind of most of Sangat on Vaisakhi of 1699. Some must have found readymade excuses in mind not to offer head to Satguru (e.g. I have small kids or I have old mother to take care of).
Those are not excuses but valid reasons.
Or duing Amrit ceremony, some smarts in Sangat must be thinking," what is there to show in outside appearance? I am Sikh from inside."
The poinjt was not to show from the outside, the point was to take on the tyranny of Mughals. You are simplifying the first amrit ceremony and the situation way to much.

Simple question is "Are you ready?"
See, those who understand "Why?" will be asking this question. Those who don't know why, will be asking "Why?".
Back then people knew Guru Sahib was a great general and they knew he was planning to take on the Mughals. This is the "Why?", so when Guru Sahib asked for a head, it was then "Are you ready?".
But if we say that we keep hair because it went against the mughal conversion code. Then the "why" is answered, but in this case, "are you ready" doesn't follow the "why". Do you get what I am saying?
There is no "are you ready?" in today's time.
Who cares, the tyranny is over, now we have to tackle new problems and we need new ways of doing so. The same solution will not work for every problem.

Kesh are simply most visible symbol for Sikhs ( called Guru Ki Mohar ). If you can keep it uncut, very good. If you can't ( due to your girlfriend's pressure or convenience ), that is OK. Do it when you are ready.
But dont' try to compile list of goods and bads of keeping hair (same can be done with almost everything in world).
Why not compile a good and bad list? I think we should. I will take this thread and summarize everyone's points into good and bad, and then we'll weigh out the options, see what we get.
If such a process leads to an undesirable outcome, then what's wrong with that? We are humans, hair are not our only identity, reasoning is as well. So if we go against all reasons to keep hair then we don't understand the meaning behind hair, (like you said) identity. I believe reasoning is more important than hair.

I bet, this 'why?' would have flashed in mind of most of Sangat on Vaisakhi of 1699. Some must have found readymade excuses in mind not to offer head to Satguru (e.g. I have small kids or I have old mother to take care of).
Coming back to this. Those Singhs who got up probably listed the good and bad of the situation.
Were their kids and mothers more important than their freedom?
If you weigh it out, freedom has alot more weight to it just because if you have freedom, you can take care of your kids and mothers properly. Their current state was bad and were hoping to improve it.
So, do you still think we should not list the goods and bads?
Dear Dalbirk Ji
Dear Singh ji
Why do I cut my hair, well its not for any of the reasons you have mentioned, Already married and not interested in taking another (one is enough for any man No disrespect to the ladies ), To old to be worrying about prom dates, same for looking cool, Not sure how many men wink at me but have had a few offers from gay men and most ladies at my age are beyond winking at men, I have used my hair to make many statements of identity, Long hair as a youngster to not conform to the norm, Many different styles as a Punk ( some quite good ones, very colourful), and now I shave my head, Originally as a thug BNP NF movement, but now just because I have very little to show, When it grows it irritates me so another reason why. Hope that as answered your question fully, but the thread is about the FIVE K's, Not just hair. so why do you keep them and how do you use them in your daily life
Thank you all for your posts and sorry if Ive not answered any body.

Thanks Tony for sharing your reasons. Your reasons speak about individuality, ego. As in Sikhi keeping of the hair is not about this. We keep hair for identity and accept the hair God has given us. Keeping of the hair is a way to show we accept your(God) will. For me and many many other Sikhs the Hukam by Guru Sahib is the only reason needed to let the hair grow.

Let's see what valid reason's people can come up with for cutting hair.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Sikh Youth Pull Away from Tradition

Let's try to think of the 5 K's as Bana rather than symbols.

Sometimes we forget that there was a progression of ideas from one Guru to the next regarding hair. Among the early Gurus Sikhs were encouraged to keep hair as part of the social message of Sikhism regarding the equality of humans of all levels of society. Only the rich kept hair and wore turbans through the time of Gurus Nanak, Angad ji and Amar Das ji. Lower castes cut hair and wore a more modest form of turban or head wrap. This kept the difference between rich and poor, aristocrat and laborer, high and low, and powerful and powerless clear and visible. In keeping hair and wearing a turban a message of social reform was broadcast. In time hair and dastar became distinctive features of a Sikh male. By the time of Guru Gobind Singh ji hair and dastar carried a strong, value-added message of religious freedom, political reform and social justice. This message had already become a theme by the time of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev. Finally Guru Gobind Singh made hair and dastar more than symbols, they became Bana -- the attire of one who inwardly and outwardly identified with the message of all the Gurus. These were/are the khalsa. They were/are saying Hear This!
Hair and dastar are not meaningless symbols.
As part of Bana they are statements for the rest of the world to "get" about freedom and justice. And that is why restrictions on Bana are experienced so deeply by Sikhs as painful and with outrage. My opinion is that sejhadhari should not be marginalized from the panth or made to feel as if they are not complete as Sikhs. At the same time endless quibbling about Bana (all 5 k's are Bana) is unhelpful and distracts everyone by getting the focus on symbols and away from the importance of Bana.
Nov 16, 2007
You are right. Hair is not a meaningless symbol. How it could be? Thousands gave their lives in Delhi because they have symbol of hair to identify them.
Yet thousands were watching ninth Master sacrificing His head, yet nobody knew they were Sikhs ( no hair!). And people still need a reason to grow hair as a symbol of being a Sikh of Guru.


Jan 22, 2005
You are right. Hair is not a meaningless symbol. How it could be? Thousands gave their lives in Delhi because they have symbol of hair to identify them.
Yet thousands were watching ninth Master sacrificing His head, yet nobody knew they were Sikhs ( no hair!). And people still need a reason to grow hair as a symbol of being a Sikh of Guru.
It is a shame that we still need a reason to grow hair instead why do we cut. If you want to cut it go ahead, this is your pesonal choice no body stops you. Anyone in any shape is welcome to our Gurdwara and to pray. The problem only comes when you justify use of one line gurbani tuk to suit your agenda in order to hide your guilt and want to take over and deprive the privileges of running gurdwara and other availed by the minorities and wants to destroy the whole institution. Naaleh chor teh naaleh chatar.
Sahni Mohinder
Last edited:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Bhagt ji,
You wrote..<<<Who cares, the tyranny is over, now we have to tackle new problems and we need new ways of doing so. The same solution will not work for every problem. >>>

are you really sure..Tyranny is OVER ??
1947.....India pakistan Border..
1984...Amrtisar..more than 60 Gurdwaras all over Punjab..streets of Delhi..Kanpur..Pune..etc etc etc..SIKHS ( identified by long hair and dastaar) were burning on the streets with long hair streaming behind them..and tyres around their bodies...

..TYRANNY is OVER ?? really ?? Tyranny is NEVER over..not then..not now..not in the future...human greed, overlorship desires, primal instincts etc etc will never let it be over...

Tyranny exists even in the USA..if a Single SIKH is discriminated agaisnt..shot to death..simply for his kesh/dastaar....its tyrranny!!!
The KHALSA is FOREVER...created to Fight injustice and tyranny.
May 24, 2008
Tony Ji ,
This is in addition to my earlier reply .I have practically seen & come to this conclusion , it may be applied as a thumb rule . Whosoever has cared a good deal about Bana (5ks ) , his family life was fine , his/her children consistently grew up to be good humans , good siblings , good spouses , good family persons , sucessful economically whereas who were a bit lax on 5Ks or made fun of 5Ks had their children grew up into Eat , Drink & Make Merry types . They were almost a complete disaster when we compare them on Eastern Values' parameter like family , jobs & high on alcohal , drugs etc . They remind me of these words of the TENTH MASTER " Jab Tak Khalsa Rahe Nyara , Tab Tak Tej Deon Main Saara ; Jab Gahe Eh Bipran Ki Reet , Mein Na Karoon In Ki Parteet " . Ringing 100% true in my ears , after all how could our DASHMESH PITA Ji declare anything which may not come out to be true ultimately .
Regarding Hair being an inseparable part of our body is that Human hair take birth , after living their due age they die out & they r removed when we comb our hair . Wearing a turban was a similar order of defiance by Guru Gobind Singh Ji like not eating Muslim Halal Meat which is another of the four Bajar Kurehits as per Sikh Rehit Maryada . Apostate is I suppose being PATIT , not being a Sikh anymore . Regarding the radiance of a face with beard , I can only say it ' Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder .'


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dear Singh JI
Thank you for your post but you seem to think that I'm only asking about hair, I'd also like to know why about the rest, Why you keep them and how they help you in every day life please. You say that I cut my hair for individuality ego reasons but the reasons are no different to yours, Both are about identity yours and mine that is, A sikh uses hair to say an individual is a Sikh, As a punk uses his hair. A skin head uses his or lack of hair, all are a statement of what they are, all are to say that the individual doesn't conform to the norm, to the socially acceptable. So as you are a Sikh and Sikhism is about the truth please state where you have seen this Hukam. Thank you again for taking the time to post
Thank you Antonia ji for your positive input, I can see what your saying with the message of religious freedom, but Using your hair or any other outward sign to send a message to others is a for of egotism, it as you stated says hey look at me I'm a whatever, When i was growing up there where many in England who used their hair to send this message to identify what group they belong to, it is away to separate people. People use an individuals look to put them in groups to classify them, This also works in religion. Take away a persons outward image and no knows what group/ religion they are, No identity, No class, No race, No ego, No more look at me look what I am, Basically No more separation. Why is there a need to state who you are in Sikhism, It only puts up another divide is there any reason to say I'm on a journey to seek the truth. If no one thought or cared about how we look then no one can persicute them for it. Just my thoughts.
Lalihayer ji
I can understand your thoughts on those who have gave their lives to fight for religious freedom, but fights only start when we identify and challenge others with it, Sikhism is a personal journey towards the truth is their any need to shout about it the look at me syndrome. Let them have the world the earthly riches, I would rather find peace when its all gone all left here for some other fool to gather. If you want to show outward signs of faith do it with actions not identity, its identity/ ego that causes fights. Does it really matter if some one knows who you are. Sorry just my thoughts on how to make the world a better place.
Japjisahib ji
I no all are welcome, But as yet I not seen any of the Sehajdharis use one liners to justify the cutting of hair, its the other way round, people twisting the SGGS to say we shouldn't cut hair, when there is clearly no mentioning of the need to grow hair, if there was then My hair would already be on its way to shoulder length (well whats left anyway).There is no mention of the other four K's either, that's why I' asking why and how do others use them to help in every day live, but every one seems to think this thread is just about hair, Its not its about the FIVE K's and to help others get a better understanding, I'm looking for positive reason from both sides please. Thank you for your comments.

Gyani ji looks as if your getting heated up. You seem to be only answering those that ask nothing of you. I have asked you many questions, but as yet you have only misquoted gurbani and never answered any of my questions, You mentioned Kesgarh, so here's A question for you. there are many artifacts there belonging to Guru ji, all the ones that are mentioned are weapons that belonged to him, If the five K's are that important and the weapons aren't, then where is his. where is is kara, kecheera, his kanga, surely if they where his Hukam they would have the pride of place, They may be there but on all the Sikh websites there is no mention of them, Why ?.
If no body had an identity then no one would die for it, Identity creates ego, creates division.
Dalbirk ji
just seen your last post, and unfortunately must disagree, My partners father was strict Sikh, five Ks as is my friends father and a few other Sikhs that I know, none of their children follow Sikhism, none go to the gurdwara, My partner isn't that interested in our children following Sikhism, so unfortunately it doesn't work in all cases, and the opposite side of the coin is that I wasn't brought up in a Sikh house hold yet I'm doing my best to follow and also to get my children interested not only in Sikhism but the language of panjabi as well, I will say though that while you idea may work outside the Uk, Here there are far to many distractions for the young and the strict panjabi/ Sikh culture puts them off.They seem to prefer the designer wear and flash cars to the Five K's. I must also disagree with you on those who live together out side of marriage. Just because some one doesn't think that a big showy wedding is for them or that they need a piece of paper to say I love you or I will be with you for ever,does make them a sinner nor does it make them anti Sikh, I no many people who have been together for long than myself and my partner, they live good honest family life's and bring their children up to do what is right, a piece of paper and flashy wedding say nothing, many have big showy weddings spending many thousands of pounds with much food going to waste just to say look at me, Anti Sikh behaviour if ever I saw it. many men still cheat on there wife's even after this, I could name at least ten Sikhs three of which are amritdhari Sikhs who have cheated on their wife's. So wedding and all its big flashy statements are meaning less and originally they where only for saying I possess you now you belong to me. Sorry for disagreeing these are just my views based on what I see in the UK and of the people I've met.
Once again thank you to all for your comments, but please try to remember this thread is not just about the hair, Its more about how you use the five K's to help you in every day life and if you Know where I can find the Hukam I would be most grateful.
May 24, 2008
Daer Tony Ji ,
I have sahred with u my experiences , my observation of countless families here in India , not very fimiliar with the situation in UK or diaspora . One thing I like to add is that though the earlier generation was adherent to 5Ks but maybe they were not quite fimiliar with the real message of Gurbani or SGGS , practical benifits of which which their children could not see in daily life . Also some exceptions r always there , whole Amritdarees cannot be painted with the same brush due to actions of a few . Guru is not asking them to do so , there is no contradiction in Gurbani's message nor in 5Ks . Just like a doctor taking oath on gratuation to serve humanity but takes the way of fleecing the public but due to action of a few doctors whole medical profession cannot be scrapped , banned or hated .Or a woman taking marriage vows but goes on having affair with all & sundry , the action of that woman cannot be the baisis of condemning the institution of marriage .
Regarding the lavish marriages , if u see Sikh Rehat Maryada , these type of LAVISH PUNJABI MARRIAGES r banned in SRM & r considered anti-Gurmat .
Sikh Reht Maryada, The Definition of Sikh, Sikh Conduct & Conventions, Sikh Religion Living, India
It is due to the ill-effects of culture or Hindu norms which encourage such marriages . Dowry is prohibted , minimum Baaratis r allowed , Liquor , Mujras ( Orchestra , DJs ) r prohibted , Anand Karaj is to be held in a Gurudwara . Recently DSGPC has made it mandatory for whole marriage ceremony , Baarat's reception to be held in Gurudwaras only with minimum expenses even for super-rich Delhi Sikhs . I'm living in Ludhiana , in Sarabha Nagar Gurudwara at least one marriage takes place every Sunday ( average marriages r four )in which about 50-70 Baaratis come directly to Gurudwara have breakfast , after that Anand Karaj happens , Guests have lunch & doli goes directly from the Gurudwara to groom's house . The entire expenses comes to about 50-60,000/ ( 1000 -1200 USD ) . Both the sides r usually very well-off . This is in Sarabha Nagar perhaps the most posh residential area in whole of Punjab where land price is around 70,000-80,000/ per sq. yard . In Model Town Extn . also another posh area where I live at least 2-3 such marriages take place in a month . So many positive changes r happening in the society , due to more communication ,more awareness people r realising Sikh traditions & ways ( different from Punjabi cultural traditions ) .
Regarding children's interest in flashy cars etc , it is the tendency of human mortals to get attracted to Maya but once Gur-Parsad ( Guru's grace ) is there a human strives to have higher stage , the Naam of God is all he thinks about , Gurbani directs him/her all the way to success ( God ) , all- round well-being in life .


Mar 12, 2009
Dear Tony Ji,

I read your response to others as the true perception of Sikhi. One is known by his/her actions and association. A book cover does not tell what is in the book.

It reminds me the story of Kabir when he was being treated by Brahmins as a low, menial class weaver as to how he can come up to the status of Brahmin. Kabir replied to the Brahmin in Raag Gauri, AGGS, Page, 324;

ਗਰਭ ਵਾਸ ਮਹਿ ਕੁਲੁ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਤੀ ॥ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਬਿੰਦੁ ਤੇ ਸਭ ਉਤਪਾਤੀ ॥ਕਹੁ ਰੇ ਪੰਡਿਤ ਬਾਮਨ ਕਬ ਕੇ ਹੋਏ ॥ਬਾਮਨ ਕਹਿ ਕਹਿ ਜਨਮੁ ਮਤ ਖੋਏ ॥ਜੌ ਤੂੰ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣੁ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਣੀ ਜਾਇਆ ॥ਤਉ ਆਨ ਬਾਟ ਕਾਹੇ ਨਹੀ ਆਇਆ ॥ਤੁਮ ਕਤ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣ ਹਮ ਕਤ ਸੂਦ ॥ਹਮ ਕਤ ਲੋਹੂ ਤੁਮ ਕਤ ਦੂਧ ॥ਕਹੁ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੋ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਬੀਚਾਰੈ ॥ਸੋ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣੁ ਕਹੀਅਤੁ ਹੈ ਹਮਾਰੈ ॥

Garabẖ vās meh kul nahī jāṯī. Barahm binḏ ṯė sabẖ uṯpāṯī. Kaho rė pandiṯ bāman kab kė ho¬ė. Bāman kahi kahi janam maṯ kẖo¬ė. Jou ṯūʼn barāhmaṇ barahmaṇī jā¬i¬ā. Ŧa¬o ān bāt kāhė nahī ā¬i¬ā. Ŧum kaṯ barāhmaṇ ham kaṯ sūḏ. Ham kaṯ lohū ṯum kaṯ ḏūḏẖ. Kaho Kabīr jo barahm bīcẖārai. So barāhmaṇ kahī¬aṯ hai hamārai.

In the dwelling of the womb, there is no ancestry or social status. All have been created from the Seed of God. O, Pundit and religious scholar, tell me since when have you been a Brahmin? Don't waste your life by continually claiming to be a Brahmin. If you are indeed a Brahmin, born of a Brahmin mother, then why didn't you come by other special way than the common way? How is it that you are a Brahmin, and I am of a low social status? Is it that I am formed of blood, and you are made of milk? Says Kabir, one who contemplates God, is said to be a Brahmin among us.



The full shabad:

ਗਉੜੀ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀ ॥
gourree kabeer jee ||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:

ਗਰਭ ਵਾਸ ਮਹਿ ਕੁਲੁ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਤੀ ॥
garabh vaas mehi kul nehee jaathee ||
In the dwelling of the womb, there is no ancestry or social status.

ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਬਿੰਦੁ ਤੇ ਸਭ ਉਤਪਾਤੀ ॥੧॥
breham bindh thae sabh outhapaathee ||1||
All have originated from the Seed of God. ||1||

ਕਹੁ ਰੇ ਪੰਡਿਤ ਬਾਮਨ ਕਬ ਕੇ ਹੋਏ ॥
kahu rae panddith baaman kab kae hoeae ||
Tell me, O Pandit, O religious scholar: since when have you been a Brahmin?

ਬਾਮਨ ਕਹਿ ਕਹਿ ਜਨਮੁ ਮਤ ਖੋਏ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
baaman kehi kehi janam math khoeae ||1|| rehaao ||
Don't waste your life by continually claiming to be a Brahmin. ||1||Pause||

ਜੌ ਤੂੰ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣੁ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਣੀ ਜਾਇਆ ॥
ja thoon braahaman brehamanee jaaeiaa ||
If you are indeed a Brahmin, born of a Brahmin mother,

ਤਉ ਆਨ ਬਾਟ ਕਾਹੇ ਨਹੀ ਆਇਆ ॥੨॥
tho aan baatt kaahae nehee aaeiaa ||2||
then why didn't you come by some other way? ||2||

ਤੁਮ ਕਤ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣ ਹਮ ਕਤ ਸੂਦ ॥
thum kath braahaman ham kath soodh ||
How is it that you are a Brahmin, and I am of a low social status?

ਹਮ ਕਤ ਲੋਹੂ ਤੁਮ ਕਤ ਦੂਧ ॥੩॥
ham kath lohoo thum kath dhoodhh ||3||
How is it that I am formed of blood, and you are made of milk? ||3||

ਕਹੁ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੋ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਬੀਚਾਰੈ ॥
kahu kabeer jo breham beechaarai ||
Says Kabeer, one who contemplates God,

ਸੋ ਬ੍ਰਾਹਮਣੁ ਕਹੀਅਤੁ ਹੈ ਹਮਾਰੈ ॥੪॥੭॥
so braahaman keheeath hai hamaarai ||4||7||
is said to be a Brahmin among us. ||4||7||

edited by aad0002
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