Arshi ji,
Guru Fateh.
Thanks for your response.
I apologise for being blunt from the get go. You many feel more hurt and distressed because that is what truth does and Gurbani teaches us to be honest in order to dwell in truthful living.
I am still confused by it though. Why this doublespeak? We as Sikhs learn from each other, not hide behind sort of kind words when in reality they are meaningless because of the venomous nature of a pretend kindness. Hypocricy is not part of Sikhi but honesty is.
Allow me to show you that from your own posts. It is for all to see and check.
Your Post no 50 (Tuesday 20 August 2013 – 05.18 am) has caused me some hurt and distress, to say the least. But it is OK between brothers.
Here is the first example of true anger with a doublespeak of pretend kindness.
You are hurt and distressed by my remarks but it is OK between brothers. If is is OK between brothers, then why feel hurt and distressed? The question you should ask yourself. What are you truly trying to say behind the veils?
I do not mind a good debate but when it gets personal it is time to quit.
I agree Arshi ji, but sorry to disappoint you, it is you who made it personal, not me. Here again, you are passing the blame on others rather than taking any personal responsibility.
Here is one of many examples where you have not shown kindness, nor understanding of what was being said.
Your words:
I have written and posted many articles on this site well liked by admin and others including Tejwant ji.
I have shown nothing but utter respect to Tejwant ji but his post above leaves a lot to be desired.
You applied the same trick here as you applied in this post about,
"But It is OK between the brothers". Can you see your own hypocritical doublespeak?
I felt your post was provocative and do not want to engage as we must set a good example for our younger brothers and sisters. If I were to answer my reply could run into dozens of pages. But I am not going to fall for it.
Arshi Ji, I totally agree with you that
,"we must set a good example for our younger brothers and sisters".
Then I would suggest that you should ask yourself, your comments towards me
"This, in my opinion, is some what mischievous."
What sort of examples are we setting for our younger brothers and sisters with your above comments?
Tejwant ji, one cannot survive in universities and colleges in UK and abroad for 35 years without developing a thick skin. One thing I have learnt is to ignore, forgive and forget – Gurbani has taught me that much - repay wrongdoing with benevolence and dont harbour any grudges.
This again has the tinges of doublespeak. First and foremost:
Forgiveness exists only in the mind of the forgiver, and therefore requires no "acceptance".
Secondly, only Ik Ong Kaar has the power to forgive, the rancor of man is incapable of doing that.
Lastly,you are being dishonest about forgetting too. Your own posts show that. Here is one of many examples:
First of all let me clear the point regarding the PM – I have exact copies of these. My last post to you on the forum was on the 9th December 2009. As I did not hear from you for several days, I wondered what was wrong and sent a PM as below on the 13th December 2009:
“I expected some sort of response to the answers provided, either on the Forum or through PM. Since none has been forthcoming, I take it that you are either satisfied with the answers, or much more likely, I have fallen short of providing them. I am not looking for a detailed response on the Forum because of my pending travel schedule starting tomorrow but a short note would be nice.”
Arshi ji, let me ask you a question, if it is OK between brothers then why keep all the PM's from years ago?

You see how it shows your doublespeak.
I am glad I do not keep any PM's from the years gone by because for me it is really OK between the brothers and also I think it is a useless endeavour in my opinion unless one has a different agenda than one regularly sermons about.
I am sure you have all the PM's because it shows it is NOT OK between brothers from your side. However, this is what I wrote in another thread regarding the PM from you.
I have received you PM. Thanks for that and I requested you that this interaction should be where it belongs, that is in the forum, not in private. I hope you will agree with me on that.
I have always treated you with utmost respect and have said this on many occasions, and I intend to keep my end. My respect for you was derived, at a very early stage in our exchanges (2009), from the work you said you do for Sikhs and for the wider community, including your involvement in setting up schools. You have also alluded to that in your post above. This is, indeed, commendable. Whilst I am appreciative of your good work,
Arshi ji, I never said anywhere I did this work. I am surprised you remember our exchanges of 2009, so according to your own admission, there is no such thing as forgive and forget I must say.
it endears you to me but does not make you my faith leader, as you suggest in the case of Bhai Sahib. My only faith (spiritual) leader is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and I have made this clear many times.
Arshi ji, I want to thank you for
finally admitting this although you fought with tooth and nail against the same very thing. Thanks for admitting that Bhai Sahib, Dr. Mohinder Singh, the Chairman and the main honcho of GNNSJ is NOT your faith leader, which proves, according to your own admission that he is a faith leader of a cult, not a faith leader of Sikhi, the point you vehemently denied earlier.
So, taking your words on the face value, you admit now that this faith leader of the cult works for his own fame and also for the benefit of the cult using his Sikhi garb as a calling card by shaming Sikhi with his actions. He disdains mona Sikhs and I am sure you were aware of that even before Lucky Singh mentioned about it, but sadly did not fight for equality and nor did you speak against it. As you and I agree that your and mine only faith leader is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru and it urges us to fight against injustice.
In view of the above, I must bow out gracefully from this discussion. I hope you will respect my wishes.
No, we should not, and we will not as you have responded to other people's queries and/or pitched in. Sikhi is all about interaction. It is all about learning from each other and I will never let you stop teaching me from your Gurmat wisdom.
I still would like to hear your views on the YUGS article I wrote and need your input about the similarities and differences in the thought process of what you wrote about the Five Realms and also your input about the futility of separating the pearls of this beautiful necklace called Jap.
We may if Waheguru desires, sometime, meet personally, possibly on my travels to the States. I may get an opportunity (if I am permitted, of course) to do kirtan (nishkaam sewa, if I can call it sewa) at your local Gurdwara, and you can see that despite my dastar and multi layered fifty, you refer to, there are no horns attached :winkingmunda:[/FONT]Its pure kirtan, no lecture or parchar.
It will be an honour to have your gracious presence when and if you visit Las Vegas. All seva is nishkaam in Sikhi, hence it is called Seva.
Regarding your multi layered fifty, it was not to make fun of it but to appreciate it because it looks cool on you. In fact during 9-11, some Sikhs gave me Red, White and Blue fiftys to wear but I only wear black under-turban and I was distributing Red, White and Blue ribbons to all, so I decided to wear that ribbon for a year till the first anniversary where I was the first Sikh to be invited to talk about the tragedy.
Another esteemed member/mentor of this forum has met me recently on my visit to Delhi in 2009, and can vouch for that. I am sure, if and, when we meet, there will be no distance between us, in mind or spirit, and we will embrace each other Punjabi style (jaffi, vaffi) like good old brothers.
Arshi ji, I do not need any vouching from anyone regarding your kind heart. I know that you have it. I will be always indebted to you for your insights about Sikhi from which I have learnt a lot and will keep on learning from you.
Arshi ji: It is OK to have disagreements and even heated arguments among brothers. One can only have that with one's own, not with the stranger. So, please do not take it by heart.
Lastly, lets both do what Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru (our only faith leader) says"Keep a steady eye On what lies ahead; Waste no time On what is past!" Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, M5, 1096:12
With utmost respect.
Tejwant Singh