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Understanding Gurbani


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
The language of God. Raag is what God speaks. Raag is the musical classifications of
the divine dialogues, divine words, Shabad Guru, scriptures.
This divine music is the Amrit and is heard in the Dassam Duaar on a never ending and continuous basis.
GurBani says, “Anhad shabad dassam duaar vajjyeaa taa amrit naam chuaayeaa thaa.”
Oct 21, 2009
<> vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]
The Lord is one and the Victory is of the Lord.
Ik Oankaar Waheguroo ji ki Fateh||

sRI BgauqI jI shwie ]
May SRI BHAGAUTI JI (The Sword) be helpful.........................................................1
Sri Bhagauti ji sahaae||

vwr sRI BgauqI jI kI ] pwqswhI 10 ]
The Heroic Poem of Sri Bhagauti Ji (Goddess Durga). (By) Th Tenth Kingg (Guru)......2
Vaar Sri Bhagauti ji ki|| Patshahi||10||

ipRQm BgyMqI ismir kY guru nwnk leIN iDAwie ]
In the beginning I remember Bhagauti, the Lord (Whose symbol is the sword and then I remember Guru Nanak............................................................................3
Pritham bhagauti simar kai Gur Naanak laee dhiaae||

iPr AMgd gur qy Amrdwsu rwmdwsY hoeIN shwie ]
Then I remember Guru Arjan, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das, may they be helpful to me.
Phir Angad Gur te Amardas raamdasai hoee sahaae||

Arjn hirgoibMd no ismryM sRI hirrwie ]
Then I remember Guru Arjan, Guru Hargobind and Guru Har Rai.
Arjan Harigobind no simrau Sri Hariraae||

sRI hir ikSn iDAweIAY ijs ifTy siB duiK jwie ]
(After them) I remember Guru Har Kishan, by whose sight all the sufferings vanish.
Sri Har Kishan dhiaaeeai jis dithe sabh dukh jaae||

qyg bhwdr ismirAY Gr nau iniD AwvY Dwie ]
Then I do remember Guru Tegh Bahadur, though whose Grace the nine treasures come running to my house.
Teg Bahaadar simariai ghar nau nidh aavai dhaae||||

sB QweIN hoie shwie ] 1]
May they be helpful to me everywhere.1.
Sabh thaaee hoe sahaae||1||

In the above Guru Sahib is referring to


2.The Heroic Poem of Sri Bhagauti Ji (Goddess Durga). (By) Th Tenth Kingg (Guru).
3.In the beginning I remember Bhagauti, the Lord (Whose symbol is the sword and then I remember Guru Nanak.

Is the reference made to the Almighty as Bhagauti or it is made to Chandi, Durga or Kali?
As an aspirant and as the common sense goes the meaning should be assigned to the Creator. Nonetheless, the assumptions may incorrect.
May like to share your views and throw some light.

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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
twinkle ji

This has been discussed on another thread. It is a topic that leads to endless variations on a theme and goes nowhere.

Why not look up a different problem from Gurbani. I will find the Durga/Sword/ thread and paste it here for you so you can read the discussion.

Oct 21, 2009

sRI hir ikSn iDAweIAY ijs ifTy siB duiK jwie ]

(After them) I remember Guru Har Kishan, by whose sight all the sufferings vanish.
Sri Har Kishan dhiaaeeai jis dithe sabh dukh jaae||.....................................................................1

qyg bhwdr ismirAY Gr nau iniD AwvY Dwie ]
Then I do remember Guru Tegh Bahadur, though whose Grace the nine treasures come running to my house.
Teg Bahaadar simariai ghar nau nidh aavai dhaae||||.................................................................2

Respected N Kaur ji,
Very many thanks for the reply. Shall skip over as suggested by you. Switching back to the part of Ardas, as quoted above, the Tenth master states specifically about the consequences of meditating upon Guru Harkishan and Guru Teg Bahadur ji Maharaaj. [some benefits that would accrue to the devotee on meditating/remembering upon the two Gurus.]

All the Gurus are considered as one 'jyot' and the advantages/consequences/benefits that should accrue by remembering/meditating upon one Guru or the second or the ninth should be same and exactly the same if the above premise holds good.

Kindly correct the erratic thinking by throwing some light on this aspect. Hope I could express that was intended.

Regards as usual.

Note: I cannot ask these sorts of question to my friends who visit Gurudwara and hence am bothering the cyber -friends here on this site.

Fonts made smaller because big fonts are hard to read. Narayanjot kaur
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
twinkle ji =

If you read the entire Ardaas you will come to a different conclusion. You have singled out one seciton --

It is my humble understanding that this particular section is meant to teach particular lessons learned from the sufferings of Guru Harkrishan and Guru Teg Bahadur. In other words, each one had a story we can learn from if we meditate on their lives. Guru Harkrishan contracted and died from smallpox because of his seva to victims of smallpox. Guru Teg Bahadur was falsely accused and his death particularly horrible in his seva to victims of religious injustice. The lesson: There is no greater love than to serve even when seva exposed us to trickery, slander, and ultimately death. Death is not as terrible as a world where no one lifts a hand of compassion or utters a word of truth.

Of course all of the Gurus teach these lessons, but read Ardaas and you will see how it is divided up so that particular points of meditation and simran are spot-lighted.

BTW - why do these recent posts on the thread ad look like trolling to me?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This should clear all of your doubts



dsW pwqSwhIAW dI joq sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy pwT dIdwr dw iDAwn Dr ky bolo jI vwihgurU!
Oct 21, 2009
twinkle ji =

If you read the entire Ardaas you will come to a different conclusion. You have singled out one seciton --

It is my humble understanding that this particular section is meant to teach particular lessons learned from the sufferings of Guru Harkrishan and Guru Teg Bahadur. In other words, each one had a story we can learn from if we meditate on their lives. Guru Harkrishan contracted and died from smallpox because of his seva to victims of smallpox. Guru Teg Bahadur was falsely accused and his death particularly horrible in his seva to victims of religious injustice. The lesson: There is no greater love than to serve even when seva exposed us to trickery, slander, and ultimately death. Death is not as terrible as a world where no one lifts a hand of compassion or utters a word of truth.

Of course all of the Gurus teach these lessons, but read Ardaas and you will see how it is divided up so that particular points of meditation and simran are spot-lighted.

BTW - why do these recent posts on the thread ad look like trolling to me?

That is sufficient to answer the question.
BTW:For someone the answers may look to be simple and common-sensical and hence the posts may appear to be a troll to someone who is adept in almost all aspects.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
That is sufficient to answer the question.
BTW:For someone the answers may look to be simple and common-sensical and hence the posts may appear to be a troll to someone who is adept in almost all aspects.

You give me too much credit veer ji, and not enough credit to your own self.
Oct 14, 2007
Narayanjot Ji, you have presented your case in this matter very diligently but being a full time practicing advocate myself, i would like to go at the bottom of the story behind the question asked by dear twinkle which still stands:

Switching back to the part of Ardas, as quoted above, the Tenth master states specifically about the consequences of meditating upon Guru Harkishan and Guru Teg Bahadur ji Maharaaj. [some benefits that would accrue to the devotee on meditating/remembering upon the two Gurus.

Why would the Tenth Master state the names only these two Gurus, He could have choose name of other Gurus as well... i am sure, you like to shed some more light on this issue in more depth... for the benefit of our jury, i mean, our readership... :)

Kindly explain..... Regards to All
Aug 28, 2010
Ref:Gurbaani understanding,
In the SHABAD under consideration the following are important words which need proper understanding.
1....SATiGUR The reference is for GUR not for GURU
3....GURMUKH(i) This word is with Sihari matra so this is not reference for persons
4....GUR POORE Again the reference is GUR not GURU

The correct understanding of above refered words would reveal more correct meaning of the SHABAD..

We should look to the correct reference meaning of Gurbaani words then only we shall be able to get the True Message of Gurbaani.
With best Wishes


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
prakash.s.baggaj i

This would be the second time in 1 week when you have made a cryptic comment, and previously when I asked you to elaborate for the benefit of readers, you supplied another cryptic response.

Please state your case. Do not allude to special pronunciations, spellings, and word meanings, without details, as has happened so often in the past. Either give us your clarifications and explanations, or I will need to delete your posts. I would not ordinarily make an issue of this. However, the pattern has been to take a thread of course, away from topic and onto a discussion of linguistics. Could we make a fresh start? Thank you
Aug 28, 2010
Taking note of your message I feel that probably I am unable to understand the requirement of Forum Readers.It seems every body wants to understand in his own ways Which I find difficult to agree .So this is going to be persistent problem with my postings.
Therefore henceforth I have decided to withdraw myself from the Forum because I do not want to put you in any embarassing state where you may be required to have different view.
With best wishes to all.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
prakash.s.bagga ji

That sounds like a drastic solution to a problem that is actually very practical. All I ask is that you develop your ideas in more detail. It is the nature of a forum that people of every stripe will disagree and debate. With that debate there is a learning curve. Even if someone does not agree with you, they have to thank you for giving them the chance to clarify their own thinking. That is one way that you, and others, contribute without realizing that it is a contribution. The choice is yours. However, I think elaboration and explanation is the better choice.

Thanks so much. :)
Aug 28, 2010
Accept my Divine Greetings,
I fully appreciate your suggestions.I understand that the network is not exclusive for my postings.The conents of the posts are equally important .
I find that there is Divergence right from A of Gurbaani understanding and my views are many times diametrically opposite to what has been said so far.But I present nothing out of Gurbaani.
If you give a little thought to a view about the fact that we all refer to the numerical number ONE as indicative of GOD is ONE.Whereis such a concept in Gurbaani.?It means GURU and GOD are two distinct identities and we are required to meet GOD thru GURU.Gurbaani is not telling so.Gurbaani is all about THE WORD GURU only .There can be nothing beyond this.
So if our A is wrong then how can the rest of understanding be correct?
I am basically a technical person with academic background.Due to my background I may be poor in presenting my views in a way to be understood easily.I do admit that.But I am not confused about the Basic Concept of Gurbaani which is based on THE WORD GURU only.
I may try to improve my presentation but for sometime it would be better for me to be away from interaction in the Forums.
With best wishes,once again thanking you.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
spadmin note:

onybiz/Taranjit ji I have put in a request for an IP check to see if impersonation could be the case. In any event, we may decide to replace the avatar on our own. Sikh80 ji has not visited SPN in some time and may not even know of your request. An impersonal avatar should resolve the problem all the way around. But first we need to look into this.