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What Does Meditation Mean In Sikhism?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Repeating a word is one of initial ways in shabad surat aspect of divine. It's not so much repeating a word is problem, its repeating a word with no receptivity like robotic parrot is a problem with no love and people making out to be all or end all is a problem. It just one of aids which helps mind more focused on shabad-resonance(naad) which takes one consciousness to higher reality as gurbani talks about one of aspect of divine and creation-everything came from shabad resosance(naad) will go back there eventually. These things are not meant to be conceptually debated but rather tried yourself. If it resonates with you thats great if it does not thats great too.

I love this, this is great, see this fella has the hang of it, he has embraced every point I have asked all of the meditation camp to embrace, which is please try and be less definitive. Allow me to highlight the areas which I feel show respect to others.

I can read something interesting without feeling I am doing something wrong in my own pursuit of Sikhi.

Gurbani purifies mind as I strongly believe in gurbani is of 4th dimension-Turiya if one connects to gurbani after adapting good attributes with openness, receptivity it purifies mind but if one is approaching gurbani with their egoic mind conditioning shield around then one may try life times nothing will happen.

Well I don't believe that, but know what, if I ever feel the need to pursue the 4th dimension, you'll be top of my list to find out more (sorry to clarify, this is sincere not sarcasm) :)

Dogmatic means are confined idiloized un-natural means, mind conditioning be it wrapping our head to certain ideology is un-natural. Off course you cannot still mind by un-natural means or by force. One can still mind(Achal-nature of mind as described in gurbani) by love, devotion, intuitive gyan-wsidom, openness, receptivity, jaap concentration/abidance on our real self (Man tu jot saroop hai, apna mool painchain ||)

see, this fella knows the difference between dogma and spirituality, he is as scathing of dogma as I am!

We need to look at naam jaap as different aspects of divine, different stages in divine. For eg- doing vichar is quite higher stage where there is vichar-introspection and listening inner voice within themselves not just conceptually or intellectually with others only but via inner unconditioned intuitive consciousness because conceptual/intellectual/conditioned mind has limitations.

Well, again I don't buy this, but it does not sound impossible, I can see the logic behind it.

Listening inner voice via dyan of shabad gyan/abidance in our unconditioned consciouness(surat) is much more intimate, deeper and profound its revealing of our true nature, its much more profound than confining inner voice following -honesty be humble etc. These good actions/attributes which are supposed to be followed from very beginning before when one starts enter in sikhi.

You write in a humble way that almost makes me want to try this.
But confining sikhi to only following basic human attributes such as honesty, be humble does not do full justice of great gurbani revelation of ultimate nature of all of us... confining anything its unnatural its conditioning itself. In fact, we do not need to try so hard with our egoic conditioning to adapt honest, and be humble. In deeper exploration of sikhi, one finds right actions/speech rises effortlessly risen automatically at right time/right place from directly ultimate divine nature thats beauty of our universal intuitive intelligence its does not rely on conditioned response from conditioned mind which is confined/always have agenda to self egoic preservation. I am not against right actions/right speech- honesty, be humble, stop exploitations. The main question is from absolute point of view- whos is doing? If egoic conditioning does it, since its confined its seems dogmatic/unnatural but if its natural spontaneous response from our true nature then its much more profound and deepening as our true nature does not have much attachment to outcome for eg- love,humility, compassion, honesty risen from our real nature its just as is without any agenda/strategizing/attachment by confined conditioned mind. Our true nature just loves, is embodiment of compassion thats all, its unconditioned its NOT subject of conditioned circumstances.

ok, this is pretty definitive, but nonetheless your passion shines through, it is not written to make everyone else feel stupid or left out, its humble but passionate, and to boot, yeah it makes sense, its not for me, I have my own reasons and issues, but its interesting.

It's been long discussion. I will retire from this thread now. All i would say, ultimately these deep spiritual discussions are best left for one own experience/deep exploration. Conceptual discussion has limitations. Conceptual mind/conditioned mind simply cannot understand whats beyond conceptual mind/conditioned mind.

excellent post! informative, interesting and quite clear it is a personal point of view, thank you


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

When one's mind doubt's are resolved, mind is free from thought for new.

Through blessing of (GURU's BANI)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
ਅਚਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਨਭਉ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ ਅਮਿਤੋਜਿ ਕਹਿਜੈ ॥

Absolute non dual- our undivided spirit-atma-paratma /pure awareness nature is achal- pure motionless afor (without thoughts/forna) stillness (morat)being - where there is anubhav parkash- spontaneous effortless infinite intuitive parkash(bhramgyan knowledge), unfathomable ocean of knowledge. And in that knowledge there is full spontaneous knowing/realization of truth-every creature has the light of god within in, all is god, god is all its not just mere intellectual conceptual understanding its full knowing and realization because its not coming from conditioned mind but rather unconditioned awakened love pure mind which has totally immersed in ਅਚਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਨਭਉ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ ਅਮਿਤੋਜਿ ਕਹਿਜੈ ॥[/QUOTE]

Sat Sri Akaal,

ਅਚਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਨਭਉ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ ਅਮਿਤੋਜਿ ਕਹਿਜੈ

Where the image appear
one have all the visual experience,
where one imagines and experience all the beauty
where are the imaginative experience happens.
is all beautiful and still,
images move,
but on what image appears inside humans is always still,
that is awareness of own self that is said.

Divine Light flows inside humans,

Its one,

before dual nature of light reflects.

If one know of self owned process, one achieves,all of "meditation"

"Meditation" knowledge on "Subjects"

does not give this awareness to humans.


has opened up the


beyond measurable value


ancestral knowledge or "TRUTH"


Sab Sikhan Ko Human Hai GURU MANYO GRANTH

One who wants to learn or "SEEK" follow "GURU" as "GRANTH SAHIB JI"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
N30S1NGH said:
Dogmatic means are confined idiloized un-natural means, mind conditioning be it wrapping our head to certain ideology is un-natural. Off course you cannot still mind by un-natural means or by force. One can still mind(Achal-nature of mind as described in gurbani) by love, devotion, intuitive gyan-wsidom, openness, receptivity, jaap concentration/abidance on our real self (Man tu jot saroop hai, apna mool painchain ||)

Sat Sri Akaal,

Bhul Chuk Maaf,

Not making bounds to free mind,

But yes to keep it free, one shall not justify,

Know Thy Self

That My Action If everyone does, Let it do as universal
If no one do, still I will do, with faith, without justifying.

Even Wearing the Cloth on body is not natural,

Nature has given the feeling of shame, one wears it

If one doesn't have feel, NAGA SADHU's also there

Nature has give feeling of honour, one wear cloth on head also.

One can always justify Role of "EGO" is to justify.

All these discussion are man mat, one shall not justify.

"Jo TUDH BHAVE So Bhali KAAR" <-post full shabad with panna number please! - Ishna

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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