Your argument would hold water if other kinds of ideologies (philosophies, political ideologies, political parties) labeled children at birth.There is nothing I dislike about religion more than the labeling children with their parent's religion (your (probably) not a child, of course, but you still are only Sikh because of your family
I can assure you that I am not a child (but what defines a child?) Now if you had any conception of social theory as to why children adopt their parents faith you would not "dislike" this social fact but "understand" why it happens! (more or less be neutral)
religion is not blame for this labelling but societal organization and parents themsleves
from a pure darwinian explanation children are a continuation of the parent species (with slight modification of course). A parent will always think for the benefit of his/her progeny as this is the marker that denotes succession of genetic material (and remember human parents make extreme energy commitments to the rearing process, thus success is wanted).
Participating the child in a religious social environment increases the level of security a parent feels. This participation is a process through which a child meets new people, makes contacts, makes freinds, etc etc. This active involvement of children in a social setting ensures their survival in an increasingly polarized and competitive environment. Which is why a parent would push a child into religion, sports or any other social setting.
(nowhere is this more true than in multicultural society's where ethnic minorities routinely form "ethnic enclaves"). Please read up on this.
The parents feel that introducing the child into a religious setting increases the likely-hood of progeny survival. In the end we are a social species and flock towards groups whenever we get the oppurtunity (because they are alway beneficial). You cannot really push your kids into atheism because there is no large mainstream atheistic organization...thus no benefit...which I personally beleive is a shame.
ties built on community commitment are beneficial to the individual. The community itself can organize and form a politcal organization (which is the case with sikhs in India, america, canada, uk and around the world). This ensures community survival (perpetuation of organization and continous benefit of membership).
(this however is a more macro study of group formation).
an agnostic to an atheist:
try to understand before you critique and throw out a knee-jerk opinion.
You would have written something different had you born to a hindu family ...![]()
Check this link out, and look into it further, trust me, there is only 1 truth!
YouTube - Miracles of the Quran
I have more information for you, but please do let me know.
Sorry to all other fellow humans, i do mean to offend any one.
kay, could you please stop preaching islam in a sikhism forum? it's really annoying.
Kelly ji
i don't know... i tend to agree with his points and i was born to a completely non-religious family. it's possible to change one's beliefs as one grows and learns...
Friend (skeptic), you are being very irrational! Use some common sense god has given you. He has given all humans an intellect, please use it! sorry but no offense.
Lol...muslism tryign to question the sikh faith... thats how they get people converted..what a bad way to do so...listen...
Sikhism teaches that all religions are the same. There have been peopel from different faiths questioning sikhi people... 'why do you wear a turban..ther is no reason...and peopel actually convert to anjother stupid...peopel dotn look deep into what sikhism..its spiritual religion..infact its not even a religion..its how mankind should act..about the turban..thats a way to show your identity that u are pure... its not as big as teh teachings in the sri guru geranth sahib dnt question the way sikhs look...question our holy guru granth sahib ji...its basically the worlds encyclopedia.... and miracles...what are you on about? Miracles..its liek your trying to state that this world is cruel..and a miracle...has made u happy from their alienated world?...Man...its too much of a formality or being afanatic talking about miracles..its liek u all talking about power rangers or some movies...thats why i disapprove soem religions....they talk about proving that quaran or so is the words of god...LISTEN PEOPLE...Everything is the word of god....sikhism is scientific and straight to the point..its scientific....its philosophy of the speaks alienated stuff or anything that sounds like a greek myth..or power rangers..nothing like that....
friend proove it?
lol Thank You for your post Kay,
See that my friend, when you say "I am not a Sikh" look at all the offers you are getting.
Islam steps forward first and asks you to join them (Join today and you get Free Circumcision),
Hindus are on the other side (Join today and you get Free Dhoti),
Christians are also ready to accept you too (anytime, anyplace, everywhere Free Bible)...
And then of course there is a option for being Atheist (Nothing free, better have money cuz faith doesn't exist where god doesn't exist, that means no money no honey)
The next few lines might offend people so please forgive
look bro, if the turban in Sikhism is a problem and is putting you down, go ahead get rid of it, the beard too? go ahead get rid of it.(The 5ks have no meaning if you yourself don't know who Guru Nanak is)
Wanna hang out? fit in? Party? go for it.
Satisfy your hunger, your thirst, until you hit depression.... (trust me ur gonna hit it afterworlds)
A Muslim's faith in god helps him rise out of the dirt,
a Hindu's faith in god helps him rise out of the dirt,
a Atheist? has no faith , has no god.. remains in his own hell.. ends up either in a mental institute or with a quack (of course better have money to pay fees, or else only other place is homeless shelter where people of different faiths will come to give free food (again god comes to help at the end)).
even science makes it clear "those who believe in god are much stronger and healthier human beings compared to those who dont"
(I dont have the reference for it, but look it up on Google and u should find some info.)
anyways, the point is, its your life.. your parents are your guardian angels here only to offer advice, and so is the sangat that is here... don't feel bad with the anger of the sangat , they just love you too much to see you falling apart.
life is a very long journey, your gonna need faith to help you walk, I dont want you to blindly accept Sikhism, go ahead and take your share of the beating in life..all I suggest is that as you live your life (time is limited) keep in mind that you were offered Sikhism, and compare it with the rest....
It is not your fault that you knowledge is limited, it is his Hukam,
"hukmi hukam chal rahea, nanak vigsai veparva"
Have faith, believe in god. births after births, you'll become stronger.
Your parents, Sangat, Sikhs, all want you to become stronger in this life time ,
so yeah don't mind us pushing you to become stronger. Like a dr. who forces the kid in the room to take his shots... the kid always has the option to run out.. but later on he is gonna be back desperately wanting the shot
its your life, you make the choice... but keep in mind, Guru Nanak's home will always have its doors open day/night for you. Walking towards it.. is up to you
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
even science makes it clear "those who believe in god are much stronger and healthier human beings compared to those who dont"
(I dont have the reference for it, but look it up on Google and u should find some info.)