lol @ sikh atheist. I guess, if that's what you wish to call me. I'm not really Sikh though.
What is my purpose in life? Liberate people's minds, change the world, help the poor, connect the wealthy nations with the starving nations in a newer vehicle. End the stupidity of television which controls the masses, mass media entertainment. Lots of purposes in life, all which are relevant to this life and this time period.
Yes, I have no goal or purpose in life that consists of merging with some infinite being to live forever or re-incarnate myself as some better being.
My purpose in life is to help humans, today.
I'm eagerly awaiting your scientific evidence
by the way I didnt call you a Sikh Atheist, Your username is Sikh , and you said your beliefs are that of a Atheist ... so I just put 2 and 2 together
ok so here we go..
First of all, id like to congratulate you and let you know your not a athiest.. lol
You are a agnostic. Basically a person stuck on a bridge between "god is? .. god is not?"
Thanks for answering my question, by the way you have great goals but none of them are "a purpose" you are just pointing out things that you believe need to be changed.
You can become a billionaire like opera, and help the poor (trust me she has helped a lot of people in Africa)
you can become like bill gates and donate money like crazy and help others...
but at the end they all say one thing... the world is still hungry... even with all our wealth combined people will still remain hungry...
now imagine how much brain power it takes to make so much money to help others?
its like winning the lotto... not many people have the financial power/ political power to get ahead and help others the way u are trying to do....
but then here comes a lil old lady, who just prays and helps.. prays and helps... (naam japna, seva karna) and guess what she gained popularity all over the world, (jaapji sahib as evidence : those who constantly dwell on the name of god gain infinite powers)
so basically just by praying, and helping she was able to accomplish much much more of what any of the rich guys , opera, bill gates did...
who was she? Mother Teresa... I know she is not Sikh .. lol but your sikhi is not limited to religion, it is more scientific then religion ever is, and far more logical then science itself will ever be.
Mother Teresa worked on the basic principals of your SIKHI, of Guru Nanak. Naam Japo, Seva Karo..
so now .. what are your chances of getting your bank account to have the exact same balance as opera/bill gates? Compared to your chances of getting up and going to a homeless shelter to help feed the hungry, while doing simran?
Part 2... the saga continues...
Religious people do become depressed.. but there is a reason for their depression, the reason is this that they are trying to reach god and are unable to... that is why they become depressed.. Guru Nanak Dev Ji also became depressed and when a local dr. was trying to find the cause , Guru Nanak Dev Ji Replied and said "It is not the body that needs to be fixed, it is the soul"
Those words of Guru Nanak Dev Ji hold fact till this date... The illness in the body is always related to a mental condition. first your mind gets weak, then the body falls apart.
I know ... I know.. u want "scientific evidence", you would rather believe the buddha with certificates then the Giani who reads the Shiri Guru Granth Sahib...
here :
Diamond, E.L. (1982). The role of anger in essential hypertension and coronary heart disease.
Psychological Bulletin, 92, 410-433. (review of the literature which concludes that anger and hostility play an important role in development of hypertension and coronary artery disease) (heart)
(5 chors.. remember, heart disease is realted to KRODH)
but ....
if a Athiest becomes depressed... what is the reason? money? power? greed? lust? attachment? ego?
is there any other reason besides those why, a atheist might become depressed?
Your Guru Nanak made another statement in Jaapji Sahib,
if you get heaven, and if u live forever... what then? what is ur purpose?
Simpler terms;
lets say in a war game, (C&C Tiberium wars) lets say one team needs to defeat the other, your team creates so many tanks, so much man power that you can take over the enemy base with one click....
what then? only purpose you have left is .. Click or No Click ... what happens after that?
after you defeat everything.. what then?
you can save the world from hunger, you can do exactly and everything that you have stated as your purpose.. but what then?
you will still need to be loved, that is where Guru Nanak says... I have my god.. I am married to him.. A Sikh's purpose is to meet with his God, and God himself can never be reached as defined by Japji Sahib, therefore a Sikh's purpose in life is never complete.. he is constantly in search.... This entire play of hide and seek is described in Japji sahib .. as the hindu gods/ goddess search for god all over the universe and yet they do not find him...
You mentioned you keep your kesh because of your family.. your a team. They are not your only team members... so are we.
You also mentioned that the identity will go away in 1-2 generations.... Why underestimate your Guru? your Khalsa?
You keep your Kesh because you cant stand to break the heart of your mother... just so her heart doesnt break you will keep your kesh all your life.....
then ..
what makes you think a Sikh will let his Identity die because of modern times? a Identity of his Guru, a Identity for which the Saadh Sangat gave their lives? a Identity for which 2 young children were bricked alive......
so much blood, so much sacrifice has been given to keep the Sikh faith alive... what makes you think that we will allow it to degenerate over time?
If you cant stand to see your mother’s heart break.. do you think a Sikh will stand to see his Guru’s Sacrifices go to waste?
The blood in my veins has a natural tendency to burst out......

This Khalsa is not as small and weak as you might picture it...
Do not compare your Guru Nanak with the bible, or with the quran, or even the Bhagvat Gita.... Sikhi is Science and Logic at its core.... read some Sakhis of your Guru.. He went against the hindus beliefs of pouring water towards the sun, and the Christians belief of putting all the animals in one boat...
Guru Nanak traveled all over just to correct religious saints, scholars , etc.. with logic and pure evidence.
Final words…….
I still cant believe you said I was pulling stuff from air.. ? lol .. if voice can travel in mid air and reach a cell phone... if satellites can send HD quality picture to your home in mid air... why cant I pull knowledge from air?
Its true what they say in the GURBANI... when the Guru speaks to you ... you just cant tell anyone.. cuz people demand evidence... its like putting a ladoo in the mouth of a man who cant speak... and so people ask "how does it taste?"..
Here is your scientific evidence about why belief is in god is healthy... but before you check them out.. I just wanted to say.. dont limit your thoughts with just science, add some faith to your life style, you will feel much lighter…
Dalal, A.K., & Pande, N. (1988). Psychological recovery of accident victims with temporary and permanent disability.
International Journal of Psychology, 23, 25-40. (prospective cohort study of convenience sample of 41 patients experiencing major injuries within the previous week and hospitalized in government hospitals and private nursing homes in India (ages 16-42, 38/41 male, 48% auto accidents, most from lower middle-class Hindu families, 21/41 permanently disabled; when patient's asked which of 7 factors were most essential to recovery, more than half of both permanently and temporarily disabled patients at both times indicated God's will); causal attributions for accident to Karma and God's will were the factors most strongly related to actual psychological recovery (.37, p<.10, and .24, p=ns, for overall sample), especially at Time 1 for permanently disabled (.43 and .48, both p<.10)
Desmond, D.P., & Maddux, J.F. (1981). Religious programs and careers of chronic heroin users.
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 8, 71-83. (prospective cohort study of religious program participation among 248 San Antonio addicts (87% Hispanic, mean age 26, average years of opioid use 8, 95% heroin); over a 12-year period, only 11% entered religious programs (small number); among those entering religious programs, 45% were followed by a year or more of abstinence, which markedly exceeds that from conventional treatment or correctional interventions (2-18%))
DeVellis, B.M., DeVellis, R.F., & Spilsbury, J.C. (1988). Parental actions when children are sick: the role of belief in divine influence.
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 9, 185-196. (convenience sample of 72 parents with children ages 4-9 and no experience with an asthmatic child, who were chosen by church leaders (Unitarian, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Lutheran, Episcopalian); given six hypothetical vignettes about illness in their children; examined belief in divine influence and parents' spiritual action in response to illness; concluded that the actions parents endorse in the face of their child's illness may be influenced by beliefs about who or what controls health, in particular beliefs in divine influence may play an important role)
Diespecker, D.D. (1973). Some characteristics of attempted suicide.
Medical Journal of Australia 2, 121-125. (84 records of suicide attempts over 12 month period in New South Wales around 1970; compared proportion of religious affiliations with 1966 general census; found that Catholics (n=18) less likely (p<.05), and those with no affiliation (n=5) significantly more likely than might be expected (p<.01); low N, very weak study)
And there you have it.. your certified buddhas who have done their research....
if you need more evidence.. let me know.. ill pull out 100s more... I just didnt want to fill this forum up with all of them lol
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh....
and No Guru Nanak's Philosophy, and his Khalsa is not getting knocked out in the coming years.. we are here to stay till the end.
Raj Kare Ga Khalsa