Guru is God or God is Guru ?
prove what, exactly? how does one prove faith? this is not some hard science where mathematical equasions mean anything... although we could probably make up some tests to "prove" things if we cared...![]()
Sikhs believe that God is beyond our understanding and comprehension. how could we mere mortals understand something as overwhelming as God? and how could we possibly devise tests and formulas to prove something as great as God?
any "test" that "proves" God is just your ego taking over, nothing more.
ਮੰਨੇ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਕਹੀ ਨ ਜਾਇ ॥
Mannė kī gaṯ kahī na jā­ė.
The state of the faithful cannot be described.
ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਹੈ ਪਿਛੈ ਪਛੁਤਾਇ ॥
Jė ko kahai picẖẖai pacẖẖuṯā­ė.
One who tries to describe this shall regret the attempt.
ਕਾਗਦਿ ਕਲਮ ਨ ਲਿਖਣਹਾਰੁ||
Kāgaḏ kalam na likẖaṇhār.
No paper, no pen, no scribe
ਮੰਨੇ ਕਾ ਬਹਿ ਕਰਨਿ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥
Mannė kā bahi karan vīcẖār.
can record the state of the faithful.
ਐਸਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨੁ ਹੋਇ ॥
Aisā nām niranjan ho­ė.
Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.
ਜੇ ਕੋ ਮੰਨਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਮਨਿ ਕੋਇ ॥੧੨॥
Jė ko man jāṇai man ko­ė. ||12||
Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. ||12||
Why has god given us an intellect? Whats the function of our intellect? whats the source of our intellect? What about the source of apples, bannas, rice, oxygen, rain, water? Don't you think that this source has the right to be recognised, and that we should only obey, worship, follow, listen to, none but him, not any human being no matter what their theories are only but him?
Please no theories!
Why has god given us an intellect? Whats the function of our intellect? whats the source of our intellect? What about the source of apples, bannas, rice, oxygen, rain, water? Don't you think that this source has the right to be recognised, and that we should only obey, worship, follow, listen to, none but him, not any human being no matter what their theories are only but him?
Please no theories!
That's a very good question my friend,
there are many world religions out there, how do you know you are on the right one?
Well I have a great answer for you!
Firstly please do realise that if a sikh does not follow his scriptures, that does not make him really a sikh. This is the same for all other religions.
Check this link out, and look into it further, trust me, there is only 1 truth!
YouTube - Miracles of the Quran
I have more information for you, but please do let me know.
Sorry to all other fellow humans, i do mean to offend any one.
1 Question:
Did Mohammed write the Quran?
And What's your point .sikhs also worship the god.
Why has god given us an intellect? Whats the function of our intellect? whats the source of our intellect? What about the source of apples, bannas, rice, oxygen, rain, water? Don't you think that this source has the right to be recognised, and that we should only obey, worship, follow, listen to, none but him, not any human being no matter what their theories are only but him?
Please no theories!>>
maybe its an assumption
and you too make an suumption that the "source" has the right to be recognised..
now if anyhting is beyond comprehension, all we can do is make assumptions
is my assumption better than yours?
or someone's better than mine?
there is no point of reference...hence any discussion is baseless and will be without an answer.
i have a question for Kay... where in the qur'an does it tell you to push your religion on other people? just curious because i've read most of it and i've never seen that passage...
sorry to be annoying, to be honest, i dont think i am approaching you people right, my fault, but yes - its not fair for me to know the truth and not tell anyone else, yes it does say to preach with wisdom.!
my point is that you are not doing what god wants you to do!
The logical conconclusion you can draw, after reading the quran is that it is impossible for a man to have writ that, this is also the conclusion drawn from many top scientists in the world,
Islam Guide: Video Clips of Scientists Comments on Science in the Quran on sceince The Bible, the Qu'ran and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge: Books: Maurice Bucaille - this scientist analysed a lot of science in the quran, and concluded that there is not a single verse in the quran that contradicts with modern science.
YouTube - Zakir Naik vs William Campbell-Quran and Bible (pt 1 0f 10) - watch this debate, make sure u find all the clips, otherwise i can find it for you if you want me to, i think they are on the right.
Also the quran gives a falsification test, that if you can find one contradition in it, this is sufficient to say that it is not from God, because god cannot make mistakes!
Friend be wise and think well ahead. There are a lot of garbage out there, but always be searching for the truth, ask god to guide, you and you will find it!