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Why Are We Not Allowed To Cut Hair When It's Ok To Cut Nails, Since Both Are Created By God?

Sep 8, 2010
Los Angeles
Do You think mods and admins on this site are fools?

Perhaps the strongest argument for proving that skeptic.freethinker ji is the same person as harry.puttar is the insulting language he hurled at respected forum leader Kanwardeep Singh ji. Even the style of his rhetoric is the same. Too bad.
Comments deleted.
Yours truly, spnadmin

Response from Skeptic.freethinker1:-
I did not post any such thing in this post which needed to be deleted. You are just censoring anything which doesn't fit your view. I didn't even use the word fool. It was Kanwardeep ji who used it.

An allegation was made against me and I have every right to question that and ask for proof. I understand you might not be able to do that because of your privacy policy but this doesn't mean anyone can make any such wild allegations just because I am a new member.

If you don't appreciate such discussions on this forum then just let me know instead of trying to censor me.

I strongly urge you to restore my original post.

The common theme that seems to have emerged in majority of the posts after I left is that we shouldn't really be looking for a rational or logical reason to do something that our religion asks us to do and instead we should do it because of our faith.

I feel there are two things that matters while following Religion. Faith and Love. If i talk about myself, Love comes first then the faith. It can take years for the same or few seconds. The only thing matters is taking the first step towards it even if u don't have faith or love for that. Starting with Moolmantar or Jap Ji Sahib may be the simplest way.
Quoting it again,

ਚਰਨ ਸਰਨਿ ਗੁਰ ਏਕ ਪੈਡਾ ਜਾਇ ਚਲ
charan saran gur eaek paidda jae chal
ਸਤਿ ਗੁਰ ਕੋਟਿ ਪੈਡਾ ਆਗੇ ਹੋਇ ਲੇਤ ਹੈ ॥
satt gur kott paindda agae hoe laeth hai ||

It reminds me of the incidence when Bhai Lehna Ji (Guru Angad Dev Ji) came to meet Guru Nanak Dev Ji for the very first time. Guru Ji Himself went to receive Bhai Lehna Ji. Awesome moment that must be. :)

Now I realise that probably I wasn't clear myself as to what I wanted to ask. My problem probably isn't with the reason behind keeping my hair. If I had enough faith I wouldn't be asking this question at all. My problem seems more because of my lack of faith. And faith isn't something you can generate within yourself. You either have it or you don't. And when you do convert from one side to another, it's not usually because you found some real good reasoning to have faith or to not have it. It's mostly because of your state of mind and events that happen in your life. So although I am tempted to ask if someone could give me a good reason to have faith in our religion, I do realise it would be a silly question because of the above mentioned reasons.

Some of the members mentioned that the 'reason' behind them keeping their hair is their belief in our Guru's teachings. That makes sense when I consider that these people have firm faith in the religion. But I don't anymore, and that's my problem.
Exactly. But this is not what we should be sorry for. While learning, no phase is wrong.

What a person of faith calls 'belief' is just a plain superstition for a person like me who doesn't really have enough faith. I have an aunt in India who refuse to follow a route if a black cat crosses her path. Now for me it is a blind superstition since there is no logical reason behind her behavior, but since she really believes in it, for her it's her 'belief'. She just chooses to believe without looking for reason.
This reminds me one point Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen used to tell abt 'Blindfaith'. In Religion Blindfaith is important provided the One u are following is not Blind.

I don't know where I am headed spiritually, but that's probably my own journey and no one can help me with that.
Some of the members had recommended listening to Gurbani to find the answers. I tried going through english translations and did cover lot of text. But I realised even that doesn't do anything for you if you don't really believe in what you are reading. And that probably is the case with me. My mind continues to search for reason behind what is being said in the Gurbani and I find none. At least not right now.
Anyways, I will continue to read and see where it takes me.

I really really appreciate ur efforts and I will pray for u and for me also. Try listening to Bhai Guriqbal Singh Ji. I'm his big fan :p welcomemunda welcomekaurhttp://www.sikhnet.com/artist/7595/audio
Another thing is, try reading Gurbani from Gutka Sahib even without translation if u can read Punjabi well.

Best Wishes and Regards.
Its just because of You, i have learned a lotttt. Heartiest Thanks for that.
Re: Why are we allowed to cut nails but not hair?

ManinderSingh ji,
:blinkingmunda:I think human body is the most beautiful thing in the world and that is the reason artists from ancient times have created such wonderful

sculutres of the human body all over the world,e.g. in Greece, Rome and even in India.

It is the perverted mind that sees uglyness in a naked body.

If you believe that God created us ugly ,how can you say in the same breath that the hair is beautiful?swordfight

well, i never said that God made us Ugly. He s the Master and has created the Best. I felt ur comment was a bit sarcastic. 2ndly I just told u what Guru Ji has to say(if u are following Sikhism) abt ur point of roaming naked. No other intentions i had.

Warm Regards :)


Dec 17, 2010
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

Sanget ji,

Thank you for sharing your experience. Please bear in mind that different people are different. To you, at this time in your life, you have chosen not to keep kesh. Fine, that is your decision.

However, please remember that Sikhi is about much more than hair. Please also remember that what is a bother and seemingly traumatic to you may be beautiful and meaningful to others.

Let's see. You are 16 and you sound very angry. You will grow up and many things about you will change. Possibly this, possibly not.

I wish you well, my young brother, and hope to see you back one day with or without kesh, when you want to learn what Sikhi is all about.

Remain in chardi kala!


Oct 26, 2009
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

sangat ji

Your post is somewhat ok somewhat not.I and lakhs of sikh are having similar experience of keeping the keshas forcibly due to community and parental pressure.

Actually keshas are not important for materialistic life BUT are must for spiritual upliftment.


Until unless we are away from guru ,guru shabad,gurbani or COMPANY OF blessed soulS, (sangat) kesha are almost have no meaning but once we are in gurbani fold that this life is to recite NAAM GURBANI SEVA SIMRAN and we are not meant for running behind materialistic things BLINDLY.

your saying that you are living life to full without hair is your perception only.You mean that all those who are not having full hairs are happy and satisfied is WRONG.

continuous vichhar of gurbani shabads can help to change the thinking



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

Sanget ji

Speaking as admin,

I want first of all to ask you to write in standard English so that we can comprehend you without struggle.

The second thing I beg is that you avoid gross generalizations such as "sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars."

Now let's get down to brass tacks. You have made a decision that suits you. I am relieved. However...What works for you is not a prescription for anyone else. OK...so you know what works for you! Don't stretch beyond that point. What works for you is not the solution for any other man or woman who is trying to make his/her own decision about kesh. What is "stupid" to you may be a valid question to someone else.
May 24, 2008
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

Dear Sanget Ji ,
I would like to give you my example . I am a Sikh living in India ( Punjab ) . I have never cut my hair in my whole life , not to say that I was very spiritually inclined , it was just pressure of society which kept me from doing so , however in last four years when I have discovered what Sikhism is all about , I have thanked God countless times that He did not let me go down that path . Since last four years I have become many times more happier , more at peace with myself & made great progress in my business . It is all due to the clarity of thought , wisdom , the disciplined lifestyle ( not to be controlled by five vices : Lust ,Anger , Greed , Attachment , Ego ) which our Guru , Sri Guru Granth Sahib asks us to follow though I am not still regular on waking up at Amritvela & doing Nitnem of five baanis . I may suggest you to stop thinking about hair & just follow the teachings of SGGS ( even you keep cutting hair ) . Hair or no hair is irrelevant , when you do not wish to commit adultery you are always comfortable with your looks . You have only one life why waste it in EATING , DRINKING & MAKING MERRY only .


May 15, 2008
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

Sangat Ji,

First I would like to request you read it very carefully than think what you have written based on your needs. You can not comment on Sikh Men
We are proud to be a Sikh

Emblem of Honor (Long Hair)
Like his predecessors, the tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh kept long hair and beard. He was an undisputed spiritual guide and his dominating personality always signified his spirituality. In order to follow him in character and in sprit, his follows realized that it would be easier for them to emulate the qualities of the great Guru if they could begin by looking like their Guru. Being in the image of the Guru would certainly have its spiritual impact on them. Therefore, in making the wearing of long hair one of the conditions for those taking the baptismal initiation of Amrit, the Guru was cautual regeneration.

With the creation of Khalsa, the spiritual impact of long hair for Sikhs becomes so great that they began to prefer death to the sacrifice of their hair. Among those who sacrificed their lives for preserving their hair are Bhai Mani Singh, Bhai Taru Singh, Bhai Mati Das and Bhai Dayala. They are among the hundreds of devout Sikhs who laid down their lives to preserve the sanctity of their hair.

Keshas are symbol of masculinity and strength. The tenth Master ordained his Sikhs to wear long hair and keep them till their death even if they had to make sacrifice for retaining them.

The turban is our Guru's gift to us. It is how we crown ourselves as the Singh’s and Kaurs who sit on the throne of commitment to our own higher consciousness. For men and women alike, this projective identity conveys royalty, grace, and uniqueness. It is a signal to others that we live in the image of Infinity and are dedicated to serving all. The turban doesn't represent anything except complete commitment. When you choose to stand out by tying your turban, you stand fearlessly as one single person standing out from six billion people. It is a most outstanding act.

Na kahon ab ki Na kahon tab.
Sunnat (Mulim way) hoti sab ki
Agar naa hotey Guru Gobind Singh

Bhul Chuk Maaf
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Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
I used to keep my hair, I kept my hair for 5 years. Keeping my hair reli screwed my life, i got depression, i constantly got sick, my life suxed, and I was so frustrated. And the reason for keeping my hair? Just because guruji ask to.... What a stupid reason.. I just took a scissors and cut my hair. And now, I am living my life to fullesh, I am so happy now. I look better, more hygienic, 99X happier, dun need to suffer the pain of combing my hair and all the other crap. And now, I have 0 belief in Sikhism and I consider Sikhism as ********. Every sikh men who says they have no problem keeping their hair are liars. Pls cut off your hair if you're not happy with it, dun pretend. You are not doing any good to yourself or the world by keeping your hair, you're just troubling yourself.

Are you sure you can be happy when you are so full of anger!!

Hygiene is not a relfection of more hair or less hair but a reflection of the effort made by the person the hair belongs to and how hygienic they are ;)


Aug 20, 2009
Sanget ji

Dalbirk ji has kindly shared, albeit briefly, his own experiences with Sikhi in his post above. There are many others like him, including me. I too had similar experiences myself. At 16 it is understandable the way you feel now about hair and Sikhi. You are not alone in this as many of our youngsters are growing up in the midst of so many distractions uncertainties. The way some older Sikhs are seen to be conducting themselves does not help. You need to look for good role models around you, although - in your present state of mind that may or may not help - only time will tell.

I have written several articles (including the five negative traits lust, anger, greed, attachment, egotism) for our young friends like you, many of them posted on SPN, but there is one in particular one which I did not post here, entitled “Why I am a Sikh” (www.arshiwaves.co.uk). In this I article I acknowledge how blessed and proud I am to be Sikh. This was not always the case. These articles are written no less to educate myself on the great tenets of Sikhi.

When I began researching into Sikhi and reading and interpreting Guru Granth Sahib Ji I started to realize how lucky and blessed I was to have been born into a Sikh family. I am fast approaching 70 and still learning and still counting my blessings. Please do not dismiss what I am saying by merely looking at my age as even today I work with youngsters in universities and other institutions. My students come from all ages and faiths. The respect and appreciation I have received as a Sikh has far exceeded my own expectations, and everyday I thank my Guru, like Dalbirk ji, for not letting me stray too far away from the path of Sikhi. I am still praying for the Guru to show me the way.

I do wish you well in whatever you do but please do feel free to drop a line here or even on my site.

Remain in chardhi kala.

Rajinder Singh ‘Arshi’
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Feb 1, 2010
Aman Singh ji, don't you cut your nasal hair or do you tie it in a goot once they come out of your nose? What about pubic hair? Do you tie a knot down there?

Why everyone stops short of keeping hair as Guru's Hukam? Hukam also includes honest life, respect towards women, etc. How come one of the states with MOST hairy people like Punjab is also the most corrupt, has highest female foetecide, dowry and racism. Looks like Guru's hukam didn't filter out of the hairy Bush that you endorse.


Dec 3, 2011
Aman Singh ji, don't you cut your nasal hair or do you tie it in a goot once they come out of your nose? What about pubic hair? Do you tie a knot down there?

Why everyone stops short of keeping hair as Guru's Hukam? Hukam also includes honest life, respect towards women, etc. How come one of the states with MOST hairy people like Punjab is also the most corrupt, has highest female foetecide, dowry and racism. Looks like Guru's hukam didn't filter out of the hairy Bush that you endorse.

drpranavsingh ji
The hair in your nostrils,ears and pubic hair only grows to a specific maximum length depending on individuals.
If you wish you can tie it or make dreadlocks as you please, if you find it helps!!!!

A simple answer to the topic is that your nails are dead from beyond the digits on your hands and feet, therefore cutting from these points is eliminating dead cells.
Your skin also sheds dead skin cells continuosly.

The hair is living while it is intact in the hair follicle. Once out of the follicle, it is dead throughout.
When cut, whilst still attached to the follicle is actually cutting a living hair even though it has no sensory function.

To say hairy punjabis are corrupt compared to non hairy is just a ridiculous statement, to say the least.
Like saying that all doctors(dr) are just crazy compared to non-doctors.
Feb 1, 2010
Lucky Singh ji,
Thanks for replying on behalf of Aman Singh ji. I am not interested in your reply as it doesn't make any sense to me. So try not to answer for others.
Pranav Singh


Dec 3, 2011
Sat sri akaal

This is a sikh forum, where we all share our opinions and views, not a one to one dialogue.
If you are only interested in a reply from a specific being, then you should contact them via message facility and not the main posts on the forum.

Your question is on the central forum and therefore addressed for attention of all, even if you do write someone's name at the beginning.

Aug 28, 2010
How sprituality is related to Kesh I am yet to know but one thing is sure the KESH give you a distict identity of being known SINGH. This is very important to understand.
We should know a point that even before creation of Khalsaa by 10th GuRu Gobind Singh ji,
In India there were communities like RAJPPUT,JATS and THAKUR making use of the word SINGH with their first Name. So in this contxt the KESH as distinct identity
is prbably the best identity to know a person as belonging to Khalsaa as SINGH.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Aman Singh ji, don't you cut your nasal hair or do you tie it in a goot once they come out of your nose? What about pubic hair? Do you tie a knot down there?

Why everyone stops short of keeping hair as Guru's Hukam? Hukam also includes honest life, respect towards women, etc. How come one of the states with MOST hairy people like Punjab is also the most corrupt, has highest female foetecide, dowry and racism. Looks like Guru's hukam didn't filter out of the hairy Bush that you endorse.

Although I do cut my hair, and have done so for 15 odd years, I find your reasoning quite odd and childish. I have never cut my nasal or pubic hair, I have never had the need to, I suggest you contact the Guinness book of records and see if you can get an entry, certainly if you have enough to tie a knot down there.

As much as your argument is quite immature, 'why are the hairiest people also the most corrupt', unfortunately, it does carry some weight, the answers are known to us already, in a mire of confusion, and with little decent leadership, Sikhism is going through a change, the people you speak of certainly exist, but Sikhism is not limited only to the Punjab, what you are describing is Punjabi culture, not Sikh culture, your argument does not carry so much weight when directed at say 3HO converts in the west, or all those that seek harmony with Creator with the hair as a side effect, a sign, an outward facet that shows the world, I am a Sikh, I am in harmony with Creator.

Too many have the hair, but not the heart, it is tempting to persuade them to do away with the hair, sure, one less turbaned Sikh, but also one less bad ambassador for Sikhism so that people like yourself who only look at the bad, and laugh from the sidelines, can have one less excuse to be part of the problem rather than the solution.

However, this must never happen, We must forgive those that do not have the heart, We must encourage understanding, We must hope such people at some point educate themselves, at some point yearn for Khalsa, We must never stop working towards this rather than join the ranks of the those that would stand by and watch the fun.
Aug 28, 2010
The significance is of KESH which referes to the hairs of HEAD only.The hairs at any oyher place of body are hairs only. This needs a diiferent view about what is required to be maintained as KESH.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Moderation note. TOS state posts must not be personally insulting. Please debate issues not personalities. All personal insults directed towards another member will be deleted.

Aman Singh ji is the designer and administrator of the site. He is not responsible for all the content, views and opinions expressed and he is not responsible for answering each and every person.

Thank you for your co-operation

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The significance is of KESH which referes to the hairs of HEAD only.The hairs at any oyher place of body are hairs only. This needs a diiferent view about what is required to be maintained as KESH.

Parkash Ji,

This is wrong.

KESH as on the HEAD/FACE are the MOST IMPORTANT..YES definitely............BUT the ROM ROM is mentioned...and Rom rom refers to each and every single tiny hair on the human body. Rom/romaan de beadbi is a KUREHIT. Raam in Gurbani..rom rom vich raviah hoyah....means that entity which is resident in each tiny hair of the human body...sikhs who are totally familiar with the Right Simran will also tell you that the Naad resounds via each and every tiny hair on the human body...so each hair is vital..no matter where and how small or big.
The SRM is very very CLEAR on this aspect. Please do read the relevant parts which a SIKH should have memorised within a day of becoming a SIKH and committed to as written in stone a day after becoming a KHALSA.
The Sikh code of conduct is called Sikh Rahit Maryada (SRM) and stipulates four major mandates, or cardinal commandments, for the baptized Sikh which are mandatory after being initiated as Khalsa. The initiate must refrain from:
  • Hajaamat – Dishonoring, removal, or alteration, of any hair on the body, face, or scalp.
  • Halaal – Eating of flesh especially that killed in the manner of sanctioned sacrificial slaughter as proscribed in Islamic law.
  • Haraam – Adulterous relations with the spouse of another. Relations with a Muslim woman for whom consequence might be death penalty for consorting outside of marriage or Islam.
  • Hukaa – Use of tobacco and other intoxicants.
If any one of these four mandates is breached it is considered to be a major misconduct. In order for the offender to be reinstated into the good graces of the congregation, the transgression must be rectified. The transgressor must appear for confession and chastisement before the panj pyara, the five administers of the Amrit initiation ceremony. The penalty of chastisement is called Tankhah, and is meeted out for a designated number of days on an individual basis, and make take the form of:
  • Community service, such as shoe seva, (cleaning shoes of the congregation).
  • Assigned reading or recitation of a particular selection of scripture such as is found in Nitnem, the Sikh daily prayerbook.
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