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Leisure Why Did God Give Us Personalities If He Has None Himself?


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
I mean I as the creator is reminding You as the creator that You need to focus and remember that You create by thinking. If You think clarity, You create clarity, right? And If You think as confused, You create confusion and seem lost in Your own game?
I as the creator choose to think cure, choose to think improvement, choose to think motivated. Mai, you are a positive thinker as a result of thinking positive, you create an atmosphere of positivity. The goal oriented positivity.

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Dear Spners

Perhaps I project a personality for the force or perhaps this is only a forum that was created by extractors to plant the seed of ideas in our minds,that may sound a bit like inception, but I was never sure if I watched it or imagined it!The only way to know for sure that you are not dreaming is if you don't finish the senten...


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sorry Astroboy ji sometimes things do add up to Zero like,
well, maybe we as individuals and We as a collective ARE "God's" human personality. (Infinitely wise)


Really in the first place: why do you believe you were "created" by someone else? Maybe you are the creator itself?
(Me not sure lol)

Net Result for me: ZERO, sorry.
Sat Sri Akal.


Nov 20, 2010
Something needs to be said here about the Advaitic ideas presented here. Ever since these ideas were first spread in west in last century they have been 'fashionable' amongst many a spiritual discussions. But most often they are just borrowed from common currency devoid of value and do nothing more that look good on paper.
Most certainly 'I' am not the Creator. The I-ness which is me and the idea of me being the separate individual certainly did not create the universe or even my own body for that matter. When the child is in a mother's womb his thinking does not create either his body or the environment he is in. Yes modern researches indicate that there is some mental activity even in the womb and that foetus actively responds to stimuli from the outside but it can safely and confidently be said that there is no thinking or imagining creating its universe, or outer environment or even its own body. One could take an example of other forms of mammals for this matter too.
Almost all Indian religious traditions including the Bhakti tradition do agree and accept the concept of 'Parbrahma', the single original substance creating everything. Gurbani accepts this idea too as well as the idea of 'Maya' or Illusion.
BUT its important to understand that its not the individual I-ness which is the Original Substance or the creator. The I-ness itself has been said to be the cause of Illusion! And this I-ness or sense of being a separate individual (which is me the person) is clearly NOT the Creator and simply 'entertaining' this idea is harmful and misleading. At the very least it does nothing, nothing at all for any genuine progress. Whatever that progress is, is superficial and is not enduring.
The people who walked the path of Advaita, Swami Vivekananda or Swami Ramatirtha did not attain anything just by entertaining these thoughts. There was a well trodden, ancient journey behind the achievement, a Sadhana.

Gurbani's path is a path of Sadhana too. Guru Nanak says:

ਗਲੀ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਹੋਈ ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਕਰਿ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਜੋਗੀ ਕਹੀਐ ਸੋਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, page 730)
In order to stress that True Realisation of Oneness of existence is 'no mean feat' (so to say) Guru ji further says:

ਨਾਨਕ ਜੀਵਤਿਆ ਮਰਿ ਰਹੀਐ ਐਸਾ ਜੋਗੁ ਕਮਾਈਐ ॥
Thats the test, if the I-ness, if the sense of being an individual is still there, then the game has not been won yet.
Guru ji himself did Sadhna before spreading the message. It was only after doing 'bhaari tapasya' that he won the game, so to say.

ਪਹਿਲਾ ਬਾਬੇ ਪਾਯਾ ਬਖਸੁ ਦਰਿ ਪਿਛੋ ਦੇ ਫਿਰਿ ਘਾਲਿ ਕਮਾਈ।
ਰੇਤੁ ਅਕੁ ਆਹਾਰੁ ਕਰਿ ਰੋੜਾ ਕੀ ਗੁਰ ਕਰੀ ਵਿਛਾਈ।
ਭਾਰੀ ਕਰੀ ਤਪਸਿਆ ਵਡੇ ਭਾਗੁ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਉ ਬਣਿ ਆਈ।
(Bhai Gurdass ji, Vaar 1, Pauri 24)
In my personal view Gurbani's path is better and higher because if ego has to remain its better that it remains as a slave to the Lord. This helps prevent it from thinking that it itself is the Lord!


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Many people don't believe in a personal God ,they refer to God as a life-force, an entity or some supernatural being.

If we are personal why would he be any different ,are we not made in his image,he is described very often as friendly, kind,loving and forgiving, these are all very personal characteristics.

Logical reasoning would dictate that the individual has to take a personal journey, if you not personally identify with your Self who is taking the journey?

I feel the message in our Guru's word is addressed to our person ,each one of us has to try interpret it personally ,if God has not a personal aspect how could we possibly relate to him?

Dear All

According to Sikhism, God lives in all of us and beautifully defined in the preamble (mool mantra) of Jap Ji Sahib is the God of the house of Baba Nanak. Moreover, Guru Gobind Singh Ji further praises and defines the attributes of the Sikh God head in Jaap Sahib. Here again, he concludes that the almighty is featureless and is beyond the comprehension of the mind, akal murat ajuni sahbhang. Only and only through the workings of this clockwork uiniverse we can have but an iota of the magnificence of what Akal Purakh is and how every fibre of creation is permeated by it.

As regards personality look no further than pauri 38 of Jap Ji Sahib where Baba Nanak Ji stitches a garment to be worn by the prospective Sikh to whom all mankind must at some point in their life aspire to. The essence of what Guru Nanak Ji is saying about personality is - as the rough diamond is dull and lifeless when first removed from the Earth, so does the spiritual nature of man in its fallen state reveal little, if any, of its inherent luminosity? Just as in the hand of the skilful Gem Cutter the shapeless stone is transformed into a sparkling gem so does the soul of man upon the lathe of the divine Gem Cutter is grounded and polished until it reflects the glory of its creator and is ready to receive the holy nectar.

Hope this helps to realise how fortunate we are to have Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to reflect upon when ever in doubt over minor minor obscurities and misconceptions. The Golden Rule to follow is, keep the mind closer to Sri Guru Granth Sahib JiJ and of course, there is no harm in looking at our fellow human beings and adopting some of their good traits, should they appeal. The God in you is also the same God in them, save the path of a Sikh is clearly defined. Act in a way that would attract the rest of humanity - the loving, caring sharing and the altrustic way.



Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Why does any one believe that god created us in his image? It is this belief that create an personality.

That is the Abrahamic belief. It says so in the Jewish/Christian Bible. I think it also says that in the Qu'ran. I have read and heard many explanations of what "created in the image of God" means. None of them are satisfying to me.

Sikhi, of course, doesn't teach that, since one of the most basic teachings is the Deity has no body, hence no image. How could we be the image of the imageless?

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Dear Spners

Perhaps the Abrahamic belief is not talking about the physical what if it means in spirit.Is not personality an image in itself why does it need an image to create itself?

Yeah, that's the most common explanation. I don't buy it, though. When I read the Bible, it really sounds like the author is talking about the physical.
This is a tad off topic, but it's still close and I'm too tired to correct it.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
As I've explained to many of my more Iconoclastic (No "Idols", "Holy Images", etc.) Judeo-Christian-Islamo' friends, the way many Eastern Faiths Represent God, or the 'Dharma-Karma Equivilant' of "Archangels" - i.e.: as 'many armed, many eyed' beings - is an expression of just how difficult it is to attach a 'singularity vector' to a trans-temporal/trans-dimensional being; is a sort of 'knee jerk-but-in-the-opposite-reaction' to Gods 'seeming omnipresence, and general vastness of being', from one of the Gurus whose descriptions (or, the words of those who've done this thing, in these days; like myself) of what it is like to have ones Clear Light merge with that of Gods (or, "The Entity that caused a white streak to appear in my hair while I was in Communion with It" - my answer to not giving it a Name, per it's request), we still have.
The concept of a "Collective Soul" has, perhaps, validity.
I know that we have 'personalities' for the same reason we have Gravity, Entropy, and Karma; it's all part of a kind of Matrix in which we live as 'chrysalysis' - the Realm of Form, of Maya, and Mara, and the Enlightened Path of the Greatest Gurus Greater Gurus to guide us down the path betwixt them.
When, as you stand beneath The Great Eye, you see the Dharma - you SEE IT, as You SAW YOUR HAND BEFORE YOUR FACE A MOMENT BEFORE........
Then, you will have learned, Grasshopper.
Then, a small villa - on the outskirts of Shambala - will be prepared for you; when your not busy doing whatever it is Beings who've been Granted Higher Encarnations do - like Being Green Tara, or Thor/Kali/Mars/Ares/Athena.
Peace, Love, and Blissfulnesss.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
JimRinX ji thanks for your post.

Sikhism does not believe in,

  1. God
  2. God's messengers
  3. God's Exclusive sons or daughters
  4. God's Directors like Hindu deities
Sikhism believes in one creator and,

  1. Creator is unchanging truth
  2. Creator cannot be fully known by any one
  3. Our choice is to try to understand as much as we can and live in consonance with rest of creation
Hence Sikhism does not assign a personality to creator.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Just a tiny viny bit....Guru nanak ji says that Akal Purakh is SAIBHANG....one of His attributes as Self existant..meaning HE does everything Himself.....
Now what does this eman for us..the ordinary human SIKH...in a tiny viny way it means that a SIKH must also strive towards being SAIBHANG as much as he can...a person/Sikh who CANNOT even make his own bed after waking up, folding his blankets, rearranging hsi pillows, etc....who cant keep his bedroom tidy and clean..who depends on others to wash his bathrooom...etc etc is NOT attempting to be "SAIBHANG"....thats is the Discipline of GURBANI..the REHAT....the Moolmantar has to eb FOLLOWED...the GURBANI has to be Chweed off, eaten, swallowed, digested..in order to PRODUCE "GURBANI " muscles..flesh..bones..( For the Mann)...etc just like the normal physical food we eat does all those things for the physical body...

What does Karta Purakh mean for me..in practise..it means I also try to be "karta and Purakh"...i try and create...i dotn plagirise..copy from others and claim as my own..i try and be a "MAN" and face the music..or stand up and be counted...i dotn run away and hide...those in a tiny viny way are attributes of Karta and Purakh...

The Mool mantar are not just or simply "words' to be chanted like a Mantra....like "many" think..like what "others " say....if thats the way you think..then you are also one of the "others" or among the "many"..but NOT Guru nanak jis SIKH.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Aaaaah, you just hiit upon the very heart of why I've become atrracted to Sikhism - despite your slightly fanatical infatuation with being "other", and the reprecussions that have affected, and are affecting, the World at Large......but that's Politics.
God, with whom I've 'Communed' does not, indeed, have a "personality" as we perceive them, it is simply Too "Vast" - though, as usual, I find that Mortal Words, which may be ideal for describing Mortal Experiences, are doing a Very Poor job of relating the obsequeous ineffibility of the Greatest Guru.
I do have One Point To Make.
We are ALL of God - the Same God, no matter how we portray it, what we call ourselves, etc..
I would be sinning against the Greatest Guru if I did not tell you it's very disappointed with this kind of talk: especially from Sikhs!!!
Why? Because You, and the Sufi, COULD prevent a Global Nuclear Winter, that's why!
But you want to be "special" and "apart" - "Better", even; in your minds, at least; and, in this, you betray your Own Beliefs.
You were once a force for Positive Change, Sikhi - now you're wrapped up in ablanket of faux nationalism; Maya & Mara, doing Shivas dirty work.
Because God revealed to me the nature of that which divides us - the how's and why's of how our various beliefs strayed from the Dharma, and thus became a Tool for those Evil Ones who would bring us into Conflict with One Another - Hear My Words, O Sikhi!
You are beloved, by God - but so is the misguided (by Caste, Racism/Fascism, etc.) Hindu, the Well-Meaning (but misled) Taliban, the Decent Pashtu and Righteous Tajik, even the Portland Political Activist/Fool On The Hill/Guy who spends a lot of time under a tree or in a cave......
Guru Nanak tasted this Wisdom - I see it in The Words of teh Guru Granth Sahib.....I urge you to meditate upon my critique; or you're blowing another chance to fulfill Your Destiny - which is to Unite; and you can't Unite, when you want to divide yourself from these perceived 'others'!!!
In the Greatest Gurus "....eyes, that are not eyes.....," THERE ARE NO OTHERS!!!:blueturban:
Jul 13, 2004
He made us as His own image. While growing and living in the 'society', we got disconnected and reprogrammed. And now we are asking such questions as if we are different and not inter-connected with each other or the Supreme One. Anyways, still there is a good news... He has given us all the mechanism to realize Him and realize ourselves. Guru Sahib says to get rid of ego as the first step. When one loses own identity, that gives way to merge with the Super Consciousness... The One

All Guru Sahibs or Sikhs served their Masters to the full extent of losing their own identity, and overall merged with them. They became Masters themselves.


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Aaaaah, you just hiit upon the very heart of why I've become atrracted to Sikhism - despite your slightly fanatical infatuation with being "other", and the reprecussions that have affected, and are affecting, the World at Large......but that's Politics.
God, with whom I've 'Communed' does not, indeed, have a "personality" as we perceive them, it is simply Too "Vast" - though, as usual, I find that Mortal Words, which may be ideal for describing Mortal Experiences, are doing a Very Poor job of relating the obsequeous ineffibility of the Greatest Guru.( I see he allowed you to keep your ego...)
I do have One Point To Make.
We are ALL of God - the Same God, no matter how we portray it, what we call ourselves, etc..
I would be sinning against the Greatest Guru if I did not tell you it's very disappointed with this kind of talk: especially from Sikhs!!! (or your pride...)
Why? Because You, and the Sufi, COULD prevent a Global Nuclear Winter, that's why!( If you are referring to possible Global Nuclear War, I think sikhs are very very small, even non existent players)
But you want to be "special" and "apart" - "Better", even; in your minds, at least; and, in this, you betray your Own Beliefs.(I think I would rather be special, then special needs, because that is my opinion so far)
You were once a force for Positive Change, Sikhi - now you're wrapped up in ablanket of faux nationalism; Maya & Mara, doing Shivas dirty work.
Because God revealed to me the nature of that which divides us - the how's and why's of how our various beliefs strayed from the Dharma, and thus became a Tool for those Evil Ones who would bring us into Conflict with One Another - Hear My Words, O Sikhi!(what divides us all are people unwilling to compromise and accept anothers point of view, whilst maintaining their own is the right way)
You are beloved, by God - but so is the misguided (by Caste, Racism/Fascism, etc.) Hindu, the Well-Meaning (but misled) Taliban, the Decent Pashtu and Righteous Tajik, even the Portland Political Activist/Fool On The Hill/Guy who spends a lot of time under a tree or in a cave......(so we are all beloved by god, every living thing, than you for reminding us)
Guru Nanak tasted this Wisdom - I see it in The Words of teh Guru Granth Sahib.....I urge you to meditate upon my critique; or you're blowing another chance to fulfill Your Destiny - which is to Unite; and you can't Unite, when you want to divide yourself from these perceived 'others'!!!
In the Greatest Gurus "....eyes, that are not eyes.....," THERE ARE NO OTHERS!!!:blueturban:

JimRinxji, I have read this 4 times now, and I still am not sure exactly what you are urging us to do


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
First, let me appologize for seeming overly harsh - it's kind of bleeding over from other events, in which other peoples contrary religious beliefs are being used to 'divide and conqure them', in which I am more than a little involved at this time.
Let me now, in brief but hopefully soothing form, Praise the Sikhi for every Good Deed - like, say, caretaking an 'abandoned' Mosque, or (if any survive) Temples/Pilgrimage Sites; as this DOES encourage the adoption of Values, by these 'other' people - who are really not 'other' at all, in anybodies but your OWN eyes - that, while they are not entirely unique to Sikhism (Umma Wahid, E Pluribus Unum), have been Admirably Applied by your own 'not other, other' Demographic Denominator.

It helps to Keep The Peace, in a Tense Era, and a Tense Place (read General Pervez Musharifs' Autobiography? {censored}-a-doodle-doo!!! And now, ANOTHER Fast Breeder Reactor?)

I think you should once again, as you always have, only much more so, try to reach out to your Sufi Universalist Comrades to the northwest (if your still in the 'Sikh homeland'), for the following reason:

I refer to 'Global Nuclear Winter' because, even if India and Pakistan exchange just one-quarter of the nuclear {censored}nals (and Pakistans is now getting BIGGER), that will be the Fate oof Us All; and Bangladesh, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, much of Sumatra - depending on the wind - will be Radioactively devastated.

That, by wearing your Faiths Good Will to All Values - and by presenting them as Values that Are For Everybody, through their Universal, Unstinting, and Highly Public Application (across "tribal boundaries", say, within the contrary sociological context of the "highly tribal societies" that inhabit your somewhat dangerous 'home neighborhood'); by Setting The Example, is how You, the Sikhi, can Help Make Peace Blossom where a harvest of only bitter ashes may be all that's to be had.

As far as your assumptions regarding my "ego", if you knew that those who, in America, say, attack Sikhs because you "look like Arabs to them" - people like the Austin Texas Klan - have Killed Three People, one of them My Good Jewess Friend; the second, Jessica Williams, was a black girl who they had beaten to death, sliced open, hosed with lighter fluid, and then set ablze - just to **** me off!!! - between May of 2003 and March of 2004 (the last, James Jahar Akbar Perez, a black muslim convert, was shot to death by cop, in the coldest of blood, during "routine traffic stop", 36 hours after they said to me that they were going to "Kill a Ni**er, just to PROVE TO ME that THEY CAN STILL KILL A NI**ER - AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!!") - well, would you Blame Me for wearing My Own Faith "On My Sleave" with some Due Pride?

I faced them down when I was 17 - and now I'm 46; now, they've not just ripped off my Grandfather (and got caught, and went to prison) - now they've killed three people.

So, you see, God does throw "Curve *****" to some of us 'Crazy Religiously Driven Types' - so, I guess, I'm sorry if wearing it on my sleeve offended you; I knew you would understand if you knew what kind of (Ghandi/MLK Approved Non-Violent-type) Battle I've been in for many years now.

It's made me many strong friends - you should be 'honored' to be one of them, despite all of the things you might have heard I've done to help the MCDA set up and bust KKK-Loyal Policemen aside!!!

They don't "go down" without a "fight", you know!!! That is, in fact, why they awarded me my Disability Pension for "Crazy", when I have a "Neuropathy" - like MS is a Neuropathy, not "Crazy"; it's all part of the plan to get away with killing three people - are you sure you don't have 'special needs' that are preventing you from seeing that; or - No! The Lashon Talkers didn't mention the Murders they were covering up, is that it? HOW COULD THEY!!! That would be as bad as Altering my Medical Charts, or Manipulating my SSDI Claims!

It's a battle of 'schmeers", one might say; and the 'special need' is a clear insight regarding the history of the KKK - how they've killed in the past, and how they've tried to get away with it (and, sometimes, suceeded; usually only because someone was a bit too 'special needs' to figure it all out, though!!!), for example - as well as the kind of Keen Logic neccessary to Foresee their Next Move, the kind of Courage the enables one to put Ones Life On The Line (whilst fending off the 'poo bombs' of the real egotists) in an Effort to Thwart whatever It Is that The KKK might themselves be doing to try and Thwart Justice, and the Dedication - over thirty years worth, say - to Hound Those Sons of Dogs Straight To Hell for what they had done to Jessica Williams (Just enter the name, and "steel bridge" into Google; I know who HIRED her killer).

Now, maybe you understand why I might critique people whose POV sound 'seperatist' or 'superior' to me (the frequent success of the KKK's divide and conqour tactics is truely dismal to behold), as well as why I might sound a little "proud".

If it makes you feel better, ver since a Totally Innocent friend of mine was arrested for no reason (never charged, never told why - maybe he had some Ganja on him), held in jail overnight, where they then cut off his beard to punnish him for helping me out, I've litterally lived in a sleeping bag, to protect the rest of my Friends
from - if no one else...

But then - I meant it when I refered to 'under a tree' and 'in a cave'.

Humble Enough Now, am I?

Fighting the Good Fight, since 1965.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Arvind Ji....
Master...and becoming Masters....is explained by the PARAS example (metaphor) in Gurbani.
Paras is that mythical stone that when touched to any object..turns that object into GOLD..solid 24carat GOLD.
1. Any "Paras" has this ability...to touch iorn and make it Gold..touch a brick..and make it Gold..etc etc..

But there is one major difference bewtween the Other Master Parases..and the SIKH GURUS...The SIKH GURU is that special "MASTER PARAS" that when touched PRODUCES...another PARAS !! Gurbani is Factory of PARASES.
Thats how Bhai Lehnna Ji became PARAS..and not just "GOLD" when touched by Guur nanak Ji Sahib....Bhai Amardass Ji..Bhai Jetha Ji..etc etc..as well as Bhai Mani Singh..Bhai bachitar Singh..Bhai Mati dass Ji..etc etc etc..all PARASes..coming off an Assembly Line....and the beautiful thing is even TODAY the Paras Factory is still in full production mode...and the Management is in the PANJ PIYARAS able hands !!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Arvind Ji....
Master...and becoming Masters....is explained by the PARAS example (metaphor) in Gurbani.
Paras is that mythical stone that when touched to any object..turns that object into GOLD..solid 24carat GOLD.
1. Any "Paras" has this ability...to touch iorn and make it Gold..touch a brick..and make it Gold..etc etc..

But there is one major difference bewtween the Other Master Parases..and the SIKH GURUS...The SIKH GURU is that special "MASTER PARAS" that when touched PRODUCES...another PARAS !! Gurbani is Factory of PARASES.
Thats how Bhai Lehnna Ji became PARAS..and not just "GOLD" when touched by Guru nanak Ji Sahib....Bhai Amardass Ji..Bhai Jetha Ji..etc etc..as well as Bhai Mani Singh..Bhai bachitar Singh..Bhai Mati dass Ji..etc etc etc..all PARASes..coming off an Assembly Line....and the beautiful thing is even TODAY the Paras Factory is still in full production mode...and the Management is in the PANJ PIYARAS able hands !!
Arvind ji and Gyani Jarnail Singh ji I hold you in great esteem and respect.

However this talk of " Paras" by Gyani ji and "merging" by Arvind ji though innocently and genuinely presented in a great way is very dangerous.

Man or woman on the street will translate,

  • Paras:
    • Touch a sant's feet (they will forget about Gurbani part) and become gold
      • A mighty trick used by charlatans galore
  • Merging:
    • We are never unmerged and the issue is do we understand what we are merged with
    • It is only the understanding of merging with creation that is missing not the merging part
      • Lot of the life's problems are the lack of understanding and not lack of merging
      • This leads to disco kirtan and trances
        • A mighty trick employed by many to empty people's pockets versus give or share Gurbani wisdom
Please accept regrets in advance if it challenges anyone the wrong way.

Sat Sri Akal.
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