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Leisure Why Did God Give Us Personalities If He Has None Himself?

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I think people are missing my point
If according to Nanak God do not have image then how can god create us in his own image
God is love? Love is emotion. Emotion is from physical body. Soul does not have emotions soul do not have body. How can god love us?

According to Nanak God can be realized by the grace of Guru.
If we accept that Granth is guru then all who read granth must have realizes God. Hum!

Read the mool mantar and try to understand what Nanak said. It is not hard

God can not have personality, we create our own personality don’t blame God. It is like passing the BUCK. We should take the responsibility of our own actions

That God created us in His image is an Abrahamic belief. I am a Sikh.

Whether love is an emotion is a matter of definition. I see love as a matter of will, a way of being, perhaps even a paradigm. Infatuation and romantic love as well as lust are primarily emotional/physical. Those are not the only types of love.

I would no more blame the Creator for my personality than I would blame it for my obesity. I have run across the idea in Sikhi that what is classified as "good" in me comes from the Creator and what is "bad" in me is on me. I accept that in a personal way; it is very easy for me to believe.

BTW, I find it rude to refer to Guru Nanak ji as "Nanak." You can do as you please, of course; I just wonder if the disrespect was intentional.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I am constantly amazed by the amount of abrahamic and verdic thinking that has seeped into sikhism.

What is the point of anyone keeping hair, mumbling a few prayers, and going to Gurdwara and the local Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale show, if they cannot even get the basic building blocks correct, I think it is extremely lazy to derive your information from Babas, friends, relatives, when you should be looking at the source for the foundations, before you even erect a single brick on it.

It saddens me to say this, but maybe Gyaniji was correct, a large percentage of keshdhari sikhs are actually christians and hindus in disguise, and they do not even know it

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Veera, Abraham just called is as he saw it ,billions of peoples founded their faith on his faith, but does anyone really have a faith like his ?Regardless of whether he described God only in a personal dimension and in a simplistic way,it was because of that ancient time ,Guru Nanak was many thousands of years later and he described the entity in the Mool Mantra as was needed for modern times.God appeared before Abraham let me know if anyone who dislikes Abrahmic views has actually had God appear before him ,or has had 3 Major world faiths mention him in their texts.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I think the abrahamic god encourages blind faith, I do no think the gurus encouraged faith to be blind, I think they wanted the faith of sikhs to be grounded and not blind.

In christian/islam etc, I have noticed that prizes are awarded for nothing more than blind faith, whereas in sikhi, you are enlightened by knowledge and wisdom, which then leads to faith in the Gurus being able to assist you in devouring that knowledge, so that you may find wisdom,

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I disagree brother, the god as Abraham describes is petty, angry, needy. grateful and plays games, I do not recognise this as the same creative force as in sikhi.

Of course there is a sinnerhamic god, just as there is a harry god, for us though, the traits have to be as laid down in the SGGS. My Harry god is more like the star wars force, yours may have a moustache and glasses, everyone has a different interpretation

The problem with the Abrahamic god is that the traits as laid down in the Bible point to the personality facets as described above

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Veera you can agree or disagree that does not matter in a discourse ,but I tell you the truth as I see it ,if I said Harry has red joggers and left it at that, that does not describe Hari fully ,but it's still part of the story of Hari which is a very ,very ,long one.Our Great Guru was all knowing but never said a bad word against a particular faith nor did he say that Abraham was wrong,if only Sikhs could follow that example.

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Seeker Ji..

2. Guru Nanak Ji never said anything about Man being made in an Image..thats in the Bible/Koran/Abrahimic religions...

Gyani Ji He did not say it was not true either ,which he could have done if he wanted ,he could have easily explained it and said 'Man is not made in his image' just a few words to say, but he knew more than us and didn't contradict our forefathers.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Veera you can agree or disagree that does not matter in a discourse ,but I tell you the truth as I see it ,if I said Harry has red joggers and left it at that, that does not describe Hari fully ,but it's still part of the story of Hari which is a very ,very ,long one.Our Great Guru was all knowing but never said a bad word against a particular faith nor did he say that Abraham was wrong,if only Sikhs could follow that example.


I am not saying a bad word about any faith, nor am I saying Abraham was wrong, what I am saying is that the force that we as sikhs accept as creator, is extremely different to the creator as described in the bible, this is not my opinion brother, this is fact, as written in Gurbani

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Veera I was talking about you but the dismissive approach of Sikh's in general, who some how think that an Abrahmic God is another God altogether or that they are wiser than the father of the multitude and we should follow them.We are instructed in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji not to say a bad word to another never mind saying it to a patriach, now a man whom God appears before should be respected and his belief understood fairly as it was based atleast 3000 years earlier and the early accounts were oral ones.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
brother, firstly, just to confuse the issue, I do not believe in god in sikhism, so in effect, the abrahamic god may as well be from another planet, I of course respect anyone that believes in such, I do dismiss the concept, as well as many many other concepts including the concept that Jesus died for our sins ( no sin in sikhi), that we are forgiven for our sins, that miracles can happen, that by praying for something, god answers your prayers, that on death, heaven is full of ambrosia custard and 69 virgins, although not possibly together, that hell exists, etc etc etc etc

I respect anyone that believes in that way of viewing creator, but it is not compatible with my beliefs.
Jan 1, 2010
The sikh gurus have described God in numerous ways in their hymns included in the Guru Granth Sahibji, the holy scripture of sikhism. In the Mool mantar in the Guru Granth Sahib jo the basic formula of faith is described as under:
(GG. Pg 1)
— ੴ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥
Ik onkar satinam karta purakhu nirbhau nirvair akal murat ajuni saibhan gurprasad

One Universal Creator God, The Name Is Truth, Creative Being Personified, No Fear, No Hatred, Image Of

The Timeless One, Beyond Birth, Self Existent, By Guru's Grace.
According to Guru Arjan Devji, Guru Nanak ji, God is beyond colour and form, yet His/ Her presence is clearly visible (GG, 74) and Nanak's Lord transcends the world as well as the scriptures of the east and the west and ye He/She is clearly manifest (GG, 397)
The Mool Mantar ends with gurprasai, meaning thereby that realization of God comes through Guru's grace.
So Veerji, we should not be confused on the matter. We should believe in the presence of God. If we keep on counting our sins those will be unnumbered. We shall certainly get the reward of our good deeds and punishment for our bad deeds. We can concentrate to the almighty and should atone to our bad deeds.
Rajneesh Madhok


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Thank you Rajneeshji

let us look at your translation of the first 10 lines,

One Universal Creator God, The Name Is Truth, Creative Being Personified, No Fear, No Hatred, Image Of

The Timeless One, Beyond Birth, Self Existent, By Guru's Grace.

I think this has been taken from sikhiwikki, as it is consistent with the translation there,

Ek Onkar There is only One God
Sat Naam Truth is his name
Karta Purkh He is the creator
Nir Bhau He is without fear
Nir Vair He is without hate
Akaal Moorat He is immortal, without form
Ajooni He is beyond birth and death
Saibhang He is self-illuminated
Gur Parsaad He is realised by the kindness of the true Guru.
This is from another website, see how the translation for kartar purkh is almost contradictory, I have found several more that all differ ever so slightly in translation, thus,
no debate can be had on this unless we all learn Gurbani, and debate in the original texts, anything else is a waste of time, in my view

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I have just read the page from which you based your last post, you will have to excuse my ignorance, but when I post something, especially as a base of argument or debate, I would like to think that I researched the data, and found it to be sound, there are several things on sikhiwikki I disagree with and would not choose personally to copy and paste pages from such a site as proof of anything.

Also, the stand on meat eating, is firmly in the camp of the vegetarians,

"Despite this article outlining the fact that eating meat is not in strict compliance with the principles of Sikhism" etc etc

I stand by the last line in my above post,

many thanks,


May 24, 2008
Far as I know all religions say there is one God. It is the man who claim that his god is real other’s is fake god. Why we fighting on whose god are right n wrong?
I think it is because to look good we have to prove other is wrong.
In Judism the god created every thing. He created Adam n Ave. Rest came from them. What do the Sikhs believe how it happen? I get the answer for that no one knows how it began. What do we explain to those ask us?
It is like saying infinity. There is no such thing infinity it is only we can not measure it or know. Every thing can be measured. Just telling us we are wrong in asking that stupid question. Children ask this question. There is no stupid question.

Mai Harinder Kaur I am sorry that calling Nanak hurt you. But I did not disrespect Nanak by calling him his name. I see people here use names like ram,krishn,jesus,abrahim. I don’t see you or any other protesting why? Here some one called abrahim was wrong.
If some one say one of the guru was wrong why should all hell brake loose?

Nanak never claim to be guru, so his name is Nanak n there is nothing wrong by calling him by his name. His real name was Nanak Mehta. Other are just added by us to glorify him. Just like Gobind Singh said use name Singh ( although it was used by rajputs before Gobibd gave it to us) With that act there will be no one will know parson’s cast. Yet we all use our last mane (got)

Wht there are over billion Christian n billion muslim n billion hindus and only few million Sikhs? All those people believe in wrong god?
To get respect one have to respect.

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Seeker3k Ji Rare is the a Sikh who sees humanity and it's faiths as one ,as the Guru saw mankind,they see the other and are deluded but think they know.They protect other faiths no longer like the Guru did and now only take other faiths literally while using a different level of study for their own .

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
brother, firstly, just to confuse the issue, I do not believe in god in sikhism, so in effect, the abrahamic god may as well be from another planet, I of course respect anyone that believes in such, I do dismiss the concept, as well as many many other concepts including the concept that Jesus died for our sins ( no sin in sikhi), that we are forgiven for our sins, that miracles can happen, that by praying for something, god answers your prayers, that on death, heaven is full of ambrosia custard and 69 virgins, although not possibly together, that hell exists, etc etc etc etc

I respect anyone that believes in that way of viewing creator, but it is not compatible with my beliefs.

Harry ji,

Guru Fateh.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that Ik Ong Kaar is not the god people talk about because Sikhi is idea based not a deity based and the other gods are all deities. In fact Ik Ong Kaar is not god at all the way he/she is described by the other religions. And you are also right about the praying, the chanting,miracles etc etc which are nothing but a blackmail and are not part of Sikhi and nor is there such promised land called Heaven or a hot cauldron called Hell in waiting.

There are many threads regarding this in this forum and you will love the following:



Tejwant Singh


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Seeker3k ji
While it's true that God, when Hirm is perceived by one of us mere mortals while one of us is in the transcendant state, God has no 'form'; and it is also true that, what one DOES perceive, when one looks upon God (with ones "eyes that are not eyes....."), is (and I hate to sound 'cliche') a 'light'; it is also true that, when one is in that state, and 'God looks back at you', God perceives YOU as a 'light', too..
Therefore, the oft stated assumption that "God created us in It's Image", is essentially True - only the original Prophet/Seer/Seeker who made that remark, was talking about how God 'created' the 'light' that is Us (aka: the Clear Light), in the image of the 'light that it is'.
Is that better?
Gotta go - out of time; we'll talk more, later.
Aug 18, 2008
Staten Island, NY
Many people don't believe in a personal God ,they refer to God as a life-force, an entity or some supernatural being.

If we are personal why would he be any different ,are we not made in his image,he is described very often as friendly, kind,loving and forgiving, these are all very personal characteristics.

Logical reasoning would dictate that the individual has to take a personal journey, if you not personally identify with your Self who is taking the journey?

I feel the message in our Guru's word is addressed to our person ,each one of us has to try interpret it personally ,if God has not a personal aspect how could we possibly relate to him?
gingerteakaurIf God is immanent, then we ARE his personality. Maybe that's the answer? Pretty hard to get your head around that one. Or, he is hard-wired in our brains. Living in there as a higher guidance. Most people know right from wrong. If so, maybe it lets us do what we want, but is "waching" from within, so to speak, and is there for higher guidance. I've struggled with this question for a long time. It's a duality thing. Is it separate or just us? I would like to think it is something higher, hence not listening to that voice within can get you into a lot of trouble.
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