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Leisure Why Did God Give Us Personalities If He Has None Himself?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Ambarsariah Ji,
For me..its GURBANI and the "Gurbani banneh hoeh" that is PARAS. There is NO "SANT" except SGGS/GURU....as in "Bhaag hoaa GUR-SANT Milayah"//the One and Only Sant is GURU and for today its SGGS. Period.

Bhai Lehhnna Ji did not becoem Paras by touching Guru nank Jis "feet"...He became Paras when the Tilak..the Knowledge of GYAN via Gurbani came to issue form Him...simialrly all the successor Gurus.

The others named..were the oens we remember as >>"DEkh ke anditth kariah.."..they saw the horrible knife of the butcher cutting out the heart of their toddlers..and ANDITTH that puttar moh..while looking at the SIKHI/Gurmatt/GURU !! They saw the Araa cutting Bhai MatI dass in two..BUT IGNORED that and kept on seeing only the GURU/SIKHI/Gurmatt.
Today I meet several who say..Gyani Ji why not YOU follow Ardass and.."DEKH ke anditth keeta...by IGNORING all those Fake Sants..derawadees...and I say to them..GURMUKHO....telling the TRUTH is NOT advised in ..dekh ke anditth keeta...in this case to IGNORE the Wrongdoing would be "criminally insane" and dangerous to Sikhi. I will always EXPOSE Fake sants who want people to touch their feet...Gurbani teaches SANITY !!! Awareness..JAGGNNA...Gyanwaan honna...not close eyes...
Thats what I meant Jios..GURBANI is PARAS....with ability to manufacture/CHANGE a lowly human into a PARAS..

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
First, let me appologize for seeming overly harsh - it's kind of bleeding over from other events, in which other peoples contrary religious beliefs are being used to 'divide and conqure them', in which I am more than a little involved at this time.( in that case I also apologise if I have offended you)
Let me now, in brief but hopefully soothing form, Praise the Sikhi for every Good Deed - like, say, caretaking an 'abandoned' Mosque, or (if any survive) Temples/Pilgrimage Sites; as this DOES encourage the adoption of Values, by these 'other' people - who are really not 'other' at all, in anybodies but your OWN eyes - that, while they are not entirely unique to Sikhism (Umma Wahid, E Pluribus Unum), have been Admirably Applied by your own 'not other, other' Demographic Denominator.(thank you, sikhs try and see god in everything and everyone regardless)
It helps to Keep The Peace, in a Tense Era, and a Tense Place (read General Pervez Musharifs' Autobiography? {censored}-a-doodle-doo!!! And now, ANOTHER Fast Breeder Reactor?)
I think you should once again, as you always have, only much more so, try to reach out to your Sufi Universalist Comrades to the northwest (if your still in the 'Sikh homeland'), for the following reason:
I refer to 'Global Nuclear Winter' because, even if India and Pakistan exchange just one-quarter of the nuclear {censored}nals (and Pakistans is now getting BIGGER), that will be the Fate oof Us All; and Bangladesh, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, much of Sumatra - depending on the wind - will be Radioactively devastated.(this is not in the power of sikhs, this is a Government issue, between the respective Indian and Pakistan governments, as sikhs there is little we can do to influence policy any more than any other group)
That, by wearing your Faiths Good Will to All Values - and by presenting them as Values that Are For Everybody, through their Universal, Unstinting, and Highly Public Application (across "tribal boundaries", say, within the contrary sociological context of the "highly tribal societies" that inhabit your somewhat dangerous 'home neighborhood'); by Setting The Example, is how You, the Sikhi, can Help Make Peace Blossom where a harvest of only bitter ashes may be all that's to be had.(I agree with all my heart with you on this)
As far as your assumptions regarding my "ego", if you knew that those who, in America, say, attack Sikhs because you "look like Arabs to them" - people like the Austin Texas Klan - have Killed Three People, one of them My Good Jewess Friend; the second, Jessica Williams, was a black girl who they had beaten to death, sliced open, hosed with lighter fluid, and then set ablze - just to **** me off!!! - between May of 2003 and March of 2004 (the last, James Jahar Akbar Perez, a black muslim convert, was shot to death by cop, in the coldest of blood, during "routine traffic stop", 36 hours after they said to me that they were going to "Kill a Ni**er, just to PROVE TO ME that THEY CAN STILL KILL A NI**ER - AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!!") - well, would you Blame Me for wearing My Own Faith "On My Sleave" with some Due Pride?
I faced them down when I was 17 - and now I'm 46; now, they've not just ripped off my Grandfather (and got caught, and went to prison) - now they've killed three people.( I am sorry to hear of these matters, however I do find your reaction at odds with Buddhist principles, however what you say sounds like enough for anyone to show a reaction)
So, you see, God does throw "Curve *****" to some of us 'Crazy Religiously Driven Types' - so, I guess, I'm sorry if wearing it on my sleeve offended you; I knew you would understand if you knew what kind of (Ghandi/MLK Approved Non-Violent-type) Battle I've been in for many years now.
It's made me many strong friends - you should be 'honored' to be one of them, despite all of the things you might have heard I've done to help the MCDA set up and bust KKK-Loyal Policemen aside!!!(I only have one friend, and that is my Guru, however I do empathise with you)
They don't "go down" without a "fight", you know!!! That is, in fact, why they awarded me my Disability Pension for "Crazy", when I have a "Neuropathy" - like MS is a Neuropathy, not "Crazy"; it's all part of the plan to get away with killing three people - are you sure you don't have 'special needs' that are preventing you from seeing that; or - No! The Lashon Talkers didn't mention the Murders they were covering up, is that it? HOW COULD THEY!!! That would be as bad as Altering my Medical Charts, or Manipulating my SSDI Claims!( I apologise for using the phrase 'special needs')
It's a battle of 'schmeers", one might say; and the 'special need' is a clear insight regarding the history of the KKK - how they've killed in the past, and how they've tried to get away with it (and, sometimes, suceeded; usually only because someone was a bit too 'special needs' to figure it all out, though!!!), for example - as well as the kind of Keen Logic neccessary to Foresee their Next Move, the kind of Courage the enables one to put Ones Life On The Line (whilst fending off the 'poo bombs' of the real egotists) in an Effort to Thwart whatever It Is that The KKK might themselves be doing to try and Thwart Justice, and the Dedication - over thirty years worth, say - to Hound Those Sons of Dogs Straight To Hell for what they had done to Jessica Williams (Just enter the name, and "steel bridge" into Google; I know who HIRED her killer).
Now, maybe you understand why I might critique people whose POV sound 'seperatist' or 'superior' to me (the frequent success of the KKK's divide and conqour tactics is truely dismal to behold), as well as why I might sound a little "proud".[/I](you sound like you are in a war zone, I hope your battle is worth it, and you find the justice you are looking for)
If it makes you feel better, ver since a Totally Innocent friend of mine was arrested for no reason (never charged, never told why - maybe he had some Ganja on him), held in jail overnight, where they then cut off his beard to punnish him for helping me out, I've litterally lived in a sleeping bag, to protect the rest of my Friends from - if no one else - PO Jason Serys (the Cop who shot Jahar Akbar - and got away with it, so far).
But then - I meant it when I refered to 'under a tree' and 'in a cave'.
Humble Enough Now, am I? ( my earlier comments were on the basis of your adherent, my understanding of Buddhism was at odds with the tone and style of your post, and as this is a philosophical religious forum, where we express our views on religion and philosophy, my comments were to point out that I felt your post was at odds with buddhism, however, I know accept that your faith is a support to you in your struggle with oppression, I wish you well friend)
Fighting the Good Fight, since 1965.


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Ambarsariah Ji,
For me..its GURBANI and the "Gurbani banneh hoeh" that is PARAS. There is NO "SANT" except Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji/GURU....as in "Bhaag hoaa GUR-SANT Milayah"//the One and Only Sant is GURU and for today its Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Period.

Bhai Lehhnna Ji did not becoem Paras by touching Guru nank Jis "feet"...He became Paras when the Tilak..the Knowledge of GYAN via Gurbani came to issue form Him...simialrly all the successor Gurus.

The others named..were the oens we remember as >>"DEkh ke anditth kariah.."..they saw the horrible knife of the butcher cutting out the heart of their toddlers..and ANDITTH that puttar moh..while looking at the SIKHI/Gurmatt/GURU !! They saw the Araa cutting Bhai MatI dass in two..BUT IGNORED that and kept on seeing only the GURU/SIKHI/Gurmatt.
Today I meet several who say..Gyani Ji why not YOU follow Ardass and.."DEKH ke anditth keeta...by IGNORING all those Fake Sants..derawadees...and I say to them..GURMUKHO....telling the TRUTH is NOT advised in ..dekh ke anditth keeta...in this case to IGNORE the Wrongdoing would be "criminally insane" and dangerous to Sikhi. I will always EXPOSE Fake sants who want people to touch their feet...Gurbani teaches SANITY !!! Awareness..JAGGNNA...Gyanwaan honna...not close eyes...
Thats what I meant Jios..GURBANI is PARAS....with ability to manufacture/CHANGE a lowly human into a PARAS..

Ambersariaji used the words 'man in the street', is this a polite way of saying we have to make sure everything is idiotproof? , if so, then how far do we go, to save the idiots from themselves? Is not the whole point of gurbani to make you think and exercise the muscles in your brain, so that they become big and strong, and they can handle concepts that idiots cannot comprehend?

We are all basically idiots,some less so than others, so idiot is possibly the wrong word, but certain people, people that need miracles, babas, sants, rituals, etc, would they not be better off outside sikhi anyway rather than pollute the purity of bani with their ritualistic approach, as indeed the SPGC has been polluted, can we say to people, stay out, you are not bringing that into our sikhi?, and how does that apply to me, as a mona, drinking, sikh, well, the minute I stand up and say that cutting hair and drinking can be a part of sikhi, cancel my membership
Oct 21, 2009
Dear MR. Harry, Coming back to the first question of the post; Gurbani states that HE is incomprehensible , beyond intellect and beyond any reasoning and Time and space network that we are used to.
Our understanding of the things is not that high that we can comprehend the acts and deeds of the entity that cannot be described. The Acts and deeds of such an entity are just a drama for him [khel tamasha ..and we are part of that Tamasha..May be -per HIm we have no personality at all.] It is we, who think so, because our vision is myopic as we are in domain of time and space.. He is Time less ..since ages ...not known to us. It the drama that he has staged for HIS pleasure and not for ours. Though we may be part of that whole.

It is HIS order and command and for hIs pleasure only..we are just pygmies to find out How's and why's of His actions. Guru Nanak dev ji has said at many places the fact the he is betond out intellect.
If that be so per Gurbani ,it stands to logic that what ever HE does..he only understands.. and we are there to obey HIM
Our, so called personality..outer garb is also his gift. And , per Gurbani we cannot understand this as to why have we been give personality if he has given us.

Since I have given a direct answer , it should be helpful. All that I stated above is as per Bani , to the best of my knowledge.

May HE bless us All.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Would anyone be disappointed if a Spiritual Master, possessed of the Ultimate Thing of Value, could not turn something into gold?
That's the corruption of faith that I whine about all the time; the idea that God, if worshiped dutifully, will 'give you things' - it's "snake oil", it's a "buy off", it is to 'appeal to the lesser values and motivations' in order to 'encourage the maintainence of Faith', and that it wrong.
Same thing with Caste: I mean, can you imagine being a Yogi/Guru of 2500 years past whose had a 'Nobleman" ask you what his next incarnation was going to be like, and, knowing in your heart that they Evil ****** deserves and will probably receive a next Life that ends in a 'septic death abortion', while also knowing that, if he tells His Lord the Truth, than His Lord will probably behead him (What? You're saying that I - The Greatest Lord of Lords, The Greatest Warrior of Warriors, will be reincarnated as a WHAT?!?) - well, I've always figured that that's how the Idea of 'same caste reincarnation' Infected the Dharma-based Faiths.
Again; this is probably why I'm attracted to Sikhism - your 'Paras' create Real Wealth, more Paras able to create even more wealth.
Real Spiritual Worth - it's so hard to find, anymore; it's all "pray like we pray, and you'll have all you're Evilest and Most Base Desires fulfilled.....!!!"
Thanks for being "Real".


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Taranjeet ji
Thank You for sharing this: Although I've tried, I've failed to describe to other peoples how the Diety can be both "comprehensible" to the Human Mind, when in communion with it, but also "....beyond intellect and beyond any reasoning and Time and space network that we are used to."
How to put it into words what it's like to be, ".....walking, though I had no legs.....; seeing, though I had no eyes.....", is a thing that I often ponder.
If you try to pray to me, or touch my feet, I'll shoo you away, though.....on the other hand, I've tried to start giving 'advice' since the advent of my Physical Disability forced me to 'change carreers'.
Maybe it was a "sign", I thought.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ambersariaji used the words 'man in the street', is this a polite way of saying we have to make sure everything is idiotproof? , if so, then how far do we go, to save the idiots from themselves? Is not the whole point of gurbani to make you think and exercise the muscles in your brain, so that they become big and strong, and they can handle concepts that idiots cannot comprehend?

We are all basically idiots,some less so than others, so idiot is possibly the wrong word, but certain people, people that need miracles, babas, sants, rituals, etc, would they not be better off outside sikhi anyway rather than pollute the purity of bani with their ritualistic approach, as indeed the SPGC has been polluted, can we say to people, stay out, you are not bringing that into our sikhi?, and how does that apply to me, as a mona, drinking, sikh, well, the minute I stand up and say that cutting hair and drinking can be a part of sikhi, cancel my membership
Harry Haller my brother you think like me and physically are like me from what I discern apart from age, weight, height, color, etc. Many a times you rightfully pick my emphasis in my post, 'man in the street'. I understand what Gyani Jarnail Singh ji means. However, it should be our social and panthic duty/visibilty to at least give some thought to this aspect in our post(s). However how it will ever get to the "sant/babey feet touching people" through SPN, I don't know.

May you have a wonderful day.

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Taranjeet ji
Thank You for sharing this: Although I've tried, I've failed to describe to other peoples how the Diety can be both "comprehensible" to the Human Mind, when in communion with it, but also "....beyond intellect and beyond any reasoning and Time and space network that we are used to."
How to put it into words what it's like to be, ".....walking, though I had no legs.....; seeing, though I had no eyes.....", is a thing that I often ponder.
If you try to pray to me, or touch my feet, I'll shoo you away, though.....on the other hand, I've tried to start giving 'advice' since the advent of my Physical Disability forced me to 'change carreers'.
Maybe it was a "sign", I thought.
JimRinx ji thanks for wonderful posts. I don't believe creator is picking on you nor doing any telepathic communication.

I am very sorry to hear of your situation.

Brother, life is a fragility in creation. We are such a delicate machine in many a ways physically that it does not need much to mess up without the ability to prevent at times ahead of such or forecasting such items ahead of time.

We need to remember our origination that there was a miniscule chance of us being created as we were born. There could be uncounted other variations being from the same union of our parents. So we got to take it as it is as we don't have a choice.

Making use of what we are given, we do have a choice and such creator does not individually restrict us from. May you have the ability to ever better use what you have and same for others.

Sat Sri Akal.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Ambarsaria ji
I've never implies, or thought, that the 'creator was picking on me', and the idea that there's 'Telepathic communication' going on is right out of my real, quite mortal, enemies playbook; which leads me to wonder if, since they monitor my activity, they've been lying to you too.
Here's the scoop; I'm an "Ex-Catholic", when I applied for SSDI, it was for a Physical Disability (HNPP: an MS-like Neuropathy) - not a 'mental illness'; despite this, due to the desire of certain so-called Christians to "Prove to me that the Buddha is 'nothing', and only Jesus saves", to, "Make me suffer for refusing the Lord", to deprive me of my Pain Medicine for the latter purpose, and - most importantly, an I AM an "Anti-Ku Klux Klan/Pro-Civil Rights Activist" who has, amongst other things, had the KKK retaliate against me, and my familly, by trying to rip off my Grandfather in 1984 (I got one of the &*^%& Court Marshaled, in 1982 - in AUSTIN TEXAS, which should explain the origin of all of the trash talk of the last 10 years, as well as why my SSDI was awarded to me for the wrong reason, two months after 'Austin Texas Governor, Bush' became, 'Austin Texas Preisdent, Bush').
They also sent the daughter of the convicted Grand Larcenist, from 1984, to have an affair with me, then had her lie - to several hundred hard-core Irish Catholics, who watched her trying to knock my block off, in the Dubliner Pub (I Chef/Managed the attached Restaurant, the Brass Grille), in Omaha, NE., in 1993 - by telling them that she's "retarded" and that I'd "raped her".
It was all BS, of course; and the result?
Ms. Jessica Dolin, of Portland, OR. - who I'd made friends with, in 1998 - being conned into becomming a "Dominatrix", in Dec. of 2000; my accidentally getting her fired from Cascadia Behavioural Health Care - not knowing that I was helping the KKK set up a Jewish Lesbian for a "Blood Libel" type attack! - her taking 'revenge' on me for 'betraying her', on May 14th, 2003; her being found DEAD, on May 17th; and then - the coup de graz - the KKK's Street Goon, James Daniel Nelson, beating Jessica Williams to death, slicing her open, hosing her witrh lighter fluid, and setting her on fire.
They also had a white cop shooot James Jahar Akbar Perez to death, in March of 2004.
When I accused former USAG John Ashcroft of being 'too close to David Duke' (the KKK's "Grand Wizard", and former Louisiana Gov), for him to have NOT been involved (I actually submitted quite a pile of 'hard evidence' to the FBI) in setting the whole thing up, in my second FBI Report, on Oct. 31st, 2004, his RESIGNATION was the headline, on Nov. 2nd!!!
More than that has happened - like a corrupt Judge, and her 'gigilo', both of whom I'd also reported (I was tipped off that the gigilo was being paid to mess with me, in 1997) as being 'enablers', the judge (Alicia M Fuchs), and her gigilo (Kris Kopp) intercepted me on a Bus, then offered at least a $100 for a SINGLE ONE OF MY PAIN PILLS.
Okay, now - why did I tell you this?
Well - can you see why these people would want you to think I'd "crazy"?
I'm getting almost NO support from the 'Judeo-Christian Community', they actually sent a Christian Chinese to my Temple (Miao Fa Chan, Portland, OR.) to tell Master Fa that I took LSD and saw "wavy lines about my head when I looked in the mirror".....etc., etc..
That's also BS.
I DID, as I've shared with you - being my 'fellow dharma-karma people' - have a 'Transcendant Experience'; when it was over, I DID have a "White Streak" - not a Halucination - in my hair, above and between my eyes, that HAD NOT been there before; and OUR COMMON ENEMIES OF JUSTICE AND FREEDOM are LYING TO EVERYONE WHO'LL LISTEN TO THEM ABOUT IT!!!
Think about it!
I AM right about these peoples mistakes leading to those MURDERS - and, well, if there's anything that the KKK, andteh Catholic Church can agree on, it's that they should 'get away with' killing a Jewish Lesbian.
This is an AWFUL THING to be accusing anyone of; but the more I see this 'he's crazy', you should 'humor him' cancer spreading about, the more I know I'm right!!!
Soooo.....do me a favor, respected jios, DON'T MAKE ANY REFERENCES THAT MAKE ME SOUND CRAZY!!!
I've had the Honor - the Blessing - of having had the Most Wonderful Thing that could ever happen to a Mortal happen to me, and I've tried to share it with you both because I said (to Waheguru, Yaweh, Allah, you-know-who) that I would, but also because I'm seeking Strength In Numbers, by letting you know (well, those of you in the US) that OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS have been CHALLENGED BY MURDERERS!
White Streaks don't just 'appear' in your hair 'like magic' while you're lying on the grass with your eyes closed for half an hour; it was what my 'soul', my 'clear light' was doing, while my body lay there inert, that caused that to happen.
It is not to 'halucinate' to have an employee of mine see the white streak the next day; to have me tell him the Truth about my souls little 'journey' the day before; to have to FIRE that employee two years latter (too drunk to walk); to have HIM wittness the little %^&* try to knock my block off shortly thereafter; to have THEM - a KKK Agent Provocateur, and ticked off Catholic JERK - 'team up', get involed in teh Dominatrix thing, get Ms. Dolin killed, etc., etc..
No, that's the Catholic Church, and thier New Best Pals, the KKK, trying to pull the wool over your eyes!!!
No need to be "sorry", jios; I knew what I was doing when I "Betrayed the KKK" - I knew that they're SCUM, that they might "retaliate", I took this Duty upon myself willingly.
I'll Keep Fighting the Good Fight! You can help my minding the above (and telling me if anyone has been lying to you about me, or bad mouthing me; as I, and the local DA's Office, need all of the evidence that we can get!!!)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Jimi ji I commend your life. It takes marbles to do what you have achieved. May you always be more successful for just and noble endeavors.

As for what you are up against at times I believe it is Harry Haller ji who had a brilliant thought like (I paraphrase),

Christians are born with a prepaid SIN card. Jesus looks after their faults as he died for their sins and they just need to believe in him."
So from your write up it is abundantly clear that you are up against such guilt less people both high and low.

Again all the best for you and thanks for sharing your experiences.

Sat Sri Akal.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Many people don't believe in a personal God ,they refer to God as a life-force, an entity or some supernatural being.

If we are personal why would he be any different ,are we not made in his image,he is described very often as friendly, kind,loving and forgiving, these are all very personal characteristics.

Logical reasoning would dictate that the individual has to take a personal journey, if you not personally identify with your Self who is taking the journey?

I feel the message in our Guru's word is addressed to our person ,each one of us has to try interpret it personally ,if God has not a personal aspect how could we possibly relate to him?

No personality? Maybe he's and Accountant :p


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
God is like superset of absolute qualities. And since all the qualities in Him are complete and homogenous, we don't see a separate persona. He is NIRVAIR and He is NIRBHAU. But because He is NIRVAIR, He is also NIRBHAU. We just see total goodness. In humans, all qualities are in different fractions (always less than 1, sometimes 0). Hence they appear so discreet. So when all our qualities become complete (by factor of 1), they converge together into one undeniable but unverifiable entity , called by mortals as God.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Kanwaljit ji
You've just expressed, in 'mere words', "The Nature of God" about as beautifully - and accurately - as I've ever heard anyone do so.
And, indeed, it is the Purpose Of Life - of struggle, and of experiencing pain and joy as much as the giving of them - that we should develop these 'qualities' to, as you say, 'completeness'; as it is only then that we will be 'ready' to live in Shambala (or Heaven, or whatever you might chose to call it) - it's only then that God will 'want us', nay, 'allow us' to converge together with it's undeniable unverifiability - To become a 'more vital, and aware' part of the Collective Soul that I (poorly, and plagaristically) refered to in my earlier post.
Tom Tommorow, who does the very, very funny This Modern World Comic (now on DailyKos), describes God as an, "Unseeable, Unprovable, Omnipotent, Diety Entity" - which makes me laugh, especially in the context he uses it in, as - unlike what some people seem to think - God has a healthy self-depricating sense of humor.
I mean, if God couldn't take a Joke - would that not indicate a "fearful" and "hateful", rather than a "loving" and "fearless" nature?!?
Hmmmm......I think I'll tell certain friends (Khalid, Samaah did you guys ever check this site out?) of mine to put that in their Hookahs, and smoke it!


May 24, 2008
Nanak ji explained very eloquently in the mool manter.
Sat naam= true is his naam
Karta purak= purak do not mean man it mean some thing else(later)
Nirbhau= not afraid of any thing.
Nirvair= no one is his enemy that men no friends also. Netual.
Akal murat= no image
Ajuni she bhang= not born or die
Gur parsad= can be realized by the grace of GURU.

There no better definition of god any where. No other religion has explained it like this.
The problem is that we try to explain it human terms and we can not. One get confused by reading all the posts her and listning to granthi and parchark.
Even Bhai Gurdas was confused. He said one of his var that nira-kar took birth as Nanak.
When Nanak told us god can not be born then how can bhai Gurdas claim that he did
It also mean that when Nanak passed his soul to second and so on the nirakar was also in their bodies too.
It take rocket scientist to know what Nanak wrote in mool mantar

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
No Jios..its not necessary to become a Rocket Scientist to "know" what Guru Nanak Ji meant..His Gurbani is for the COMMON MAN..the peasant..the uneducated cobbler, the mason...the bricklayer..the weaver..the Sajjan Thuggh and the Kauda "rakash"...the King babar and the carpenter lalo...

I cna very well understand why Bhai Gurdass Ji feels that "Nirankaar" has taken "birth" as nanak...why the BHATTS say what they say in their Swaiyaas in SGGS...becasue I face it almost daily in my life....people who knew my father...always mention to others..Arshi makes us feel as if Daler (dad) is among us...it seems like Daler speaks through Arshi...and when I went to Punjab and met my elderly Bhua (almost touching 106) she "recognised" me instantly despite having never set eyes on me...thats my fav brother she said...and when I spoke..she said I am sure its Daler come to visit me at long last..I am waiting for so long...and strangely i felt the SAME WAY....and I ma just an ordinary JOE..while the TOWERING GURU NANAK must have so impressed the likes of Bhai Gurdass Ji...and the Bhatts and all...that they ahd no difficulty recognising the ALMIGHTY...and hence what they wrote...aap kaladhaar nirankaar jag mehn...the words KALADHAAR tell us that just as when someone tells me I remind him of Daler doesnt mean that he is saying that daler has been REBORN as Arshi...thats IMPOSSIBLE and he knows it and I know it..BUT its a poetic license to say it...the TROUBLE with many of us is we love to "Take words apart..do surgery in order to prove that we are indeed Rocket Scientists..and we thus MISINTERPRET simple PUNJABI POETRY....and our "Rockets" dotn even lift off the Pad..or drop down soon after lift off...and we become the laughing stock rocket scientist who cant even make a fire cracker fly/explode....its always bettert o keep our feet on the ground and call a Fire cracker a fire cracker rather than expect it to be taken as a rocket...THE SIKH GURUS had BOTH FEET firmly planted on the GROUND !! the proof is in the SGGS.:singhbhangra:


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Seeker3k ji
Why, you ask, would someone LIE about the nature of God - especially if, by doing so, they claim that 'they have a special relationship', or that, 'they've received a gift of wisdom' (I have been so blessed, but I'll NEVER Lie to you about it! Because I agree with your observations, regarding Guru Nanak Jis descriptors, that's also why I've joined SPN!), and that they thus, 'have special priviledges/or the right to Command others in the Name of the Divine', you ask?!?
Where should one begin? The Crusades? Al Qaedas Excesses? The American Ku Klux Klan, and their supposedly "Jesus Approved" Violence against all non-WASP's?
Why, the History of India alone - again, Phew!!!
Many Mortals - as they stood before the Great Eye to be Judged, and saw the Error of their Arrogant mispropriation of some supposedly Divine Right - have found themselves 'wreathing like worms', because they made such a foolish mistake!!!
Above all else; God is LOVE - and it's only when we learn to Love One Another, as God Loves All Things, that we will have 'achieved anything of Real Worth in this Universe of Maya and Mara'!


May 24, 2008
I think people are missing my point
If according to Nanak God do not have image then how can god create us in his own image
God is love? Love is emotion. Emotion is from physical body. Soul does not have emotions soul do not have body. How can god love us?

According to Nanak God can be realized by the grace of Guru.
If we accept that Granth is guru then all who read granth must have realizes God. Hum!

Read the mool mantar and try to understand what Nanak said. It is not hard

God can not have personality, we create our own personality don’t blame God. It is like passing the BUCK. We should take the responsibility of our own actions
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