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Sep 16, 2004
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

Dear rajs

3 if yes then i means that any other religious leader or preacher like muhammed, nanak , buddha were
a) just nonsense personality disorders
or b) god was some how happy with them due to thier efforts or what ever so made them one with himself but they were not the way for others
or c) they may some how have been in contact with jesus through bible or some other means

Please see the thread – "An ex-Sikh's journey in faith"
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stand condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s only begotten Son.” (John 3:18) As you can see, to be saved by Jesus does not depend on a person, being a Christian (any denomination) or not. Salvation is in the person of Jesus Christ, not in the religion, Christianity, or for that matter, any other! The three steps guide to receive salvation and to inherit the Kingdom of God is presented in (Acts 2:38 – “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.)

I have seen the thread

But still no answer of the questions can you help or it is the case that you don’t want to say it directly that in your view all these people v Muhammad, nanak , Buddha , mahavira were bogus with no connection with god or father of Jesus

Also I have noticed that since you have found your faith in Jesus you have become quite bitter and judgmental about others specially Sikhs (but I may be wrong)

No human can predict the time of Jesus’ second coming. The Bible says it will happen at an appointed time as set by God. It can happen today, or it can happen tomorrow, or it can happen the day after tomorrow- we are not asked to predict but expect the second coming of Jesus. (Matthew 24) The Bible only speaks of “signs” that will take place before the second coming of Christ. If you wish to know, for more descriptive analysis, there are numerous Christian websites on the Internet that you can visit and read about it. The Bible does provide us with lot of clear-cut hints and one of them being foretold to his disciples at Jesus’ ascension:

Then who predicted his first coming all the stuff you are telling looks so imaginative just like LORD OF THE RINGS NOVEL and in a sense it is much better than what you r telling because it causes a lot less confusion

Then one day, apparently wounded by a hunter’s arrow, HE DIED

Ram-Rajya” meaning peaceful and a perfect kingdom. Finally one day, HE DIED.

HE DIED at the age of seventy. However, nine further “Gurus” (spiritual authorities) were anointed to lead this religious movement. The last Guru, Gobind Singh, before DYING, put an end to this transfer of divine ruler-ship by proclaiming their scriptures “Granth Sahib” to be the supreme authority for all believers. It is ironic, that the original message given by Nanak “there is no Hindu nor Muslim but all are equal,” ended up forming a new identity, to be called a Sikh (disciple) or, to be known as Khalsa (pure) if baptized.

He went on to lead many expeditions and wars in Mecca and Medina region, in order to, remove idolatry and advance Islam. In 632 AD, few days after returning from pilgrim in Mecca, HE DIED of an illness.
Later, his wife and son also became monks and at the age of eighty HE DIED of an illness, after eating some unclean food!

By reading above written by I can see how you see other people and faiths in your heart
As you have found faith in Jesus and as you are progressing I can very clearly see what will happen when you will saint and fully forgiven , your bitterness and diplomacy toward other people and faith will increase to a extent that you will ready to kill every body except Christian and your brother Hitler has already tried that

I really felt very bad that Christian who have found faith like think like this , for sure I consider those Christian who haven’t found faith (… don’t go church) are much better than you and these are the people who has made this earth a beautiful place .

v Jesus was NOT created after God created the world but, in fact, through him all things were made. He was not created from dust like Adam and Eve. He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:15)

Mohammed or Nanak or Buddha, did not have pre-existence but were born as any other child, according to their parents’ will. Jesus, however, forsaking his spiritual existence, and to do God’s will, took up a body of flesh and blood, to save us from our sinful nature. He was born not because of parents’ will, but was born of the Holy Spirit. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. (John 1:14)

Then why didn’t he created him more different than conmen being ( three eyes , large sige ) OR just I should have been imprinted on this face or back that he is son of god , as it might had been quite difficult for jesus to convince other illiterate shepherds like him that he is son of god . Not to say any body in a situation where he doesnot knew who is his father ha sno choice other than to say my father is god . if god was so keen in creating such a wonder in which ( A child without contribution of man ) then why didn’t he also put a book in hand of a child when he was born telling what he was and what he stand for ( as god has done much of magic of producing child without sperm than he can also produce book along with it). As you know you can imagine a scenario where this nonsense propaganda is going on that a virgin is going to give birth to a child , at the same time lot of Illegimate child are being born to mothers (.. as it even happen today) any body more outspoken can just start this that mine child is the one that has to come
OR somehow if he has taken birth and being able to fit in a criteria of nonsense propaganda a of “son of lord” them atleast god has given him enough skills to write his wish or message himself so that people like you may not find it difficult to defend 14 different versions of faith .
Jul 30, 2004
let An ex-Sikh has a Journey in Sprituality

Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
Halelujahh Brother Rajs,
so Brother Rajs,you have ultimately agreed that by jesus god did bring in some change at least for Sacrifise.

Jesus also talked about circumcenstion on Spritual levle than on physical levlel.

Anyway other things like kosher in which God clearly states to Moses(Hazrat mussah Ahle sallah) and Abraham(foremerly abram ie Hazrat Ibrahim Ahle Sallah) that as blood is life and animal killed so that life ie blood is removed.so it is order of God and who are we to judge it as ritual. Say all people who lived at the place were jews lived or all Jews in the World over to whom does it Valid. If it is for Jews in desert then it apllys to whole mankind in that area where comnadments were given.If to all jews than to Jews who live in Japan also.

if such 'rituals' which God ,The Fahter,'himself' ordered are now not valid for salvation then how is eating the bloood and flesh of jesus(Wine and wafer) or Baptism of Water ,Such things were told by son of God.(Das personly says that all are not mere rituals but have deeper meaning ie to obey the faith in deeds by following the order of God thought as well as in deeds.)

So how could some one judge that they are only for health evenh if for health then why to disobey God.

Anyway now das comes to point. You have yourself told that God is capable to do all things. And in nfact in one of the Gospel did jesus said that he will not follow thier(jew's) mosess.So did he opposed the law given by God ie stoneing to death. Chrestians do not do this. As per Jews and Islam if adultrous is left unpunished then it is encouraging of satanic sin but Followers of Jesus do not Judge as if they do not want to be judged.

If if God Can send Jesus(often refered as an Angel by Jews winess cult as all angels are son of God but this son of God died for man.This one had human body and came via womb. This has body of infant grown to human,till dove (after baptism)did not came into him he did not revealed himself. So by Jesus heavon ie Jerusalam which was to decend on earth after last day of hjudgement was open to non jews.

How can you say on behalf of the God that one who does what 'he' please and not bounded can not send Rasool Akram Salal la he sale va vassalam ie Prophet Muhamud(as by understanding Holy Kuran in nthe light of Gurmat we understand it opens door of heavon to all humans weather muslims or not as those who have faith in God,Do Good,Belive that one day they will be judge by thier deeds).

But as Islam too was misinterpreted so was Our Guru sent(see Vachitra Natak,Dasam Granth Ji),
Sir as God is Omni potent ,Can do what 'he' pleaeses. Can you take gurantee of 'him' that he did not meet Guru Nanak dev Ji or told him to preach Faith in 'him'. You said that our God can forgive hitler or Musileni,Yes it it your God too who could forgive Saul by making him Paul.

Maybe Bush and blairs or any other pro Jew western head was Nazi during last birth.God is making him protect the same person who were killed by him in last birth(if you ask for the rebirth Das ask you prof of your Yerusalam decending on earth but oxygen,hydrogen or other chemiclas or energy of one body can be recycled to be the part of others body,mabe matterial of the body of Das has been in human from in past too). So God wants to have a democratic systtem of Salvation as 'he' told us via Gumat.God is not Chrestian or communal like evenglist missionaries that 'he' will give salvation to follower of Christ,'he' will salvage who so ever 'he' wants.

How can you gurantee that God will not destroy our Soul,Hevon,Hell or Satan.All were Not thier. Bad or Evil thought of man are creation of God. All things belong to lord so are all deeds.

Brother like at that time chriest was sent and at that time baptism or conversion to chrestianity was must this was till Mumumud was not sent and Islam was Valid till Guru Nanak was not sent.(See Vars of Bahi Gurdas or Vachitra Natak for the reason of sending Sikh Gurus). Like by giving life Chrisit gave a chance to non jews to attain salvation by converting to chrestians by taking our life(Panj Piaras) Nanak in Tenth form made us immortal Khalsa.

Our Salvation is not the greed of destructabe hevoan made by God our having a life like gods. Our Salvation is to see God in universe and serve that universe.As per us Duja Bhav(Davait Bhav in Vedanta) ie sense of thinking othewrs as seprate from us is the main cause of sorrow as God is in all.our Salvation is achived while we are alive when we have faith of God occupieng all space and serve God by serving all.

you may think das is under the influnece of Satan,Das has faith in Hehova,If Hehova wants das to get salvaged weather das is heathon or Pagan or follower of Jesus,Omni potent God is not Bounded by bible or Adi Guru Darbar(Das is sorry to be rude ) But God manifested self in holy books. Books mentioned themselve support the view of Das as God bounds all and not bounded(in Japu Sahib perhaps Abandhe or Arekh means un bounded or unlimited.

If God of Chrestian lives in heavon only then it may have body occuping some space in heavon so that could be static or dynamic,regular or irregular form,Till God occupies whole the space God can not be form less.
Till God is not capbale to do anything even salvaging non christians, How can God can be omni potent. Had God did not want Sikhism to be in world like did sinking the Phereoa who followed Moses God would not have let Guru Nanak reappear from vein River.

Das is not quating Chrestians who became Sikh as we are not sheeps as only in sheeps who followe other blendly.we are lion(Sheeps of Jesus have chance to be lionie Singh of his fahter Yehova ie Akal) we are capble to make way for us and our pride(gruop). Sadh Sunder Singh,Bakhat Singh Hebron were many people who Akal thought to be unfit to be salvaged but to wait in grave till world ends.You may know how end came to them.
But by the mercy of your own God ,Father of Jesus,Light in Jesus,Holy Ghost in apostle ,Das tells you to be faith full to God,Who made you to sing 'his' glory. And not to undermine 'his' potential. You can abuse Prophet Mohumud or Guru Nanak or even our (who is your too) God,Whenever you will confront 'him',he may ask you why did not you understand what you have read from this article.

God is just in front of you in you keyboard,in moniter everywhere,If you have full faith in 'him' you will see him ,The way many Sikhs and non Sikhs have seen.

Forgive das if any hurting thing is said as you and your heart are nothing without God. God in you wanted to das to to write for 'his' glory so did das saw your writing.Das thanks you that while wrting for you Das did something far which he was given the human body.God is enrgy which creats matterial,Matterial create sapce and time. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So thus bible say omega and alfa,the begining and the end,Who is ,Who was and who is to come. God is God of gods. No one beside 'him'.ie nothing else bu God Exists. If you do not belive it and God want to you to belive this Das is sure that soon God 'himself' will realise this thing to you.
Jul 30, 2004
Brother are you my grand father

Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
From the source
Das got this infomation

<This person Rajs who is posting here is a Christian missionary. I think he should identify himself as such when he posts. There are other Christian missionaries who hang around where-ever they see a discussion forum on Sikhism. You can see these missionaries posting on Sikhism discussion forums under the names such as Raj, Rajs, Rajinder Nijjar, Rajinder Singh, Rajinder Singh Nijjar (I think it is one and the same person or a group of missionaries). Their whole purpose of initiating a topic on these forums is to create misinformation about Sikhism and Gurbani. They do their preaching by disguising it as reasoning???. You can see their posts at (to name two sites) http://www.sikhnet.com/sikhnet/discussion.nsf/by+Author
( search for these names under the authors and read the posts)
And on the punjabonline forum
http://www.punjabonline.com/servlet/community.discussions?Action=Main >

Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
So Brother Rajs if you are nijjar Baba das's beloved Grand Father like person,Rember two things
Das has read Bhagvat Gita and other vedantic scripts too while being with hindus and Nirmala saints.
1. If it comes to faith father or mother or elder does not matter.
2. In book of Job you could see that if younger person like son says something it is not always false.
3. Even the company of great man like jesus can not reform wrong person who is destained to be wrongewd by Father in heavon ie 13th unlcuky apostal st judes.
4. Even in the blessed tribe like that of jews wrong people can take birth.
5. Lastly as it is golden rule by jesus as you attempted to convert us to your faith it was natural by golden rule of son of God that we also thought the same for you. Words of word(Gospel of St John) who was God and who is God are eternal.Deal with others as you want others to deal with you.


Jan 17, 2005
Re: Brother are you my grand father

Hey Raj, maybe you can answer some of my questions in reguards to Jesus.. peace be upon him..

He was a Jew, and came to build the kingdom for the jews and bring them victory.. etc etc...
basically from my understanding he came for the JEWS.. not the world.. christainty was created AFTER jesuses death?.. was it not?.. if i'm wrong please correct me..
Also why does christianity have many pagan holidays fused into it. for example chirstmas being on Dec. 25, Sunday being the day for the church, Jesus was obviously a Jew and the Sabath(sp?, jewish holy day) is on a saturday.

best reguards :)


May 17, 2005
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

this is reply to rajs why christianity is diffrent from others. if jesus is alive reason is there for that. jesus was lifted alive to heaven because he has to come back to the earth to establish messianic kingdom.do not forget that elijah and enoch were also lifted alive like jesus. jesus had not any distinct characters. moses ,solomon and other prophets did miracles like jesus and adam was created without father like jesus.

jesus was only a prophet who was sent to purify old laws of moses. and he told people to worship elohim(allah). but after jesus departed paul didtorted books of jesus to appeal pagans of europe. this is how paul got great success. do not forget that jeus had not a single roman in his group. it was paul who travelled and spread christianity in europe.and paul gave his religion attributing it to jesus.and christian gospels were written after 70 ad. and many people rejected the verses of paul. one sect which rejected paul is ebionites .ebionites rejected divinity of jesus and accused paul of trying to prove supremacy of christian laws over mosaic law. then some bishops like paul of samasota,arius and lucian also rejecte trinity but they were excommunicated


May 24, 2005
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguruji ki fateh

rajs please do explain
1. in the begining there was the word. word = shabad naam. where has it gone from christianity? why dont christians do naam jap?
2. according to the bible, god ordered moses that all his believers should have long hair and uncut beard. why is his order not obeyed???
(i had noted down the exact page, i cant find it at the moment , pls send me a personal e-mail and i will definitely find it again for you).
3. how come confession in church cleanses one of his sins?

jesus christ was indeed a great prophet nodoubt, he was wahegurus chosen one, all sikhs have to repect him. but if you havent understood that god almighty is AJUNI (has never been born), your whole life is a wast. Please read and understand our moolmantar in our japji sahib, and understand and absorb it. please try and understand that god gave birth to maya, the cause of sins and wants us to overcome maya ourselves so that we are freed from our sins. we have to overcome our minds.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

The death of Jesus paying the price for sins. One needs to study changiayan boriayan ..karmi apo apnee kek nellrey ke door. Cause and reaction. The death of Jesus paying for sins is merely a means of God communicating to mankind that God has already invited us for forgiveness. All nature testifies to this. People don't see it, so God allowed the cruel treatement of Jesus. More than a few eyes have opened up to this realization. If you are filed with Holy Spirit, in Hebrew Ruach Hakodesh means Holy inspiration, then this is the Christian and Jewish version of experiencing Amrit. Your arrive in equinimity, where pain and pleasure are the same. Dookh sook saam. Samavaniya. Read and study Guru Granth Sahib, and I guarantee you, you will get a deeper understanding of Bible.
I have completed all my required courses towards a MA, thesis not completed, in Biblical and Rabbinic Literature. I thought I understood Bible, but when I started studing Guru Granth Sahib, I get a much deeper understanding of Bible. It wasn't the so called magic of Nanak that made him great. It was the wisdom of how to be successful, Gur gian that he spread for mankind. The gospel of how to live truthful, how to take the blindness off our eyes caused by our ego. Jesus answered the same way, "Your kingdom come Your will be done" "Hukam razaee chalna, Nanak, likhya naal. The will of God operates, Nanak says, it is written so.


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

very intrestingly you have a knowledge of all the relegion and their teachers or you can call prophets. first of all let me tell and expplain as said by Guru nanak dev ji. "that no one can expalin the God nor any one can write or can not be created."it is like a river talking about the ocean and one day emerges in the ocean and looses its identity ans becomes a ocean.same way our souls which is yearning to emerge in that almighty and becomes a part where it came from. i go through all the prophets and son of God but only see one message love and resopect for all fellowhuman being.

one can go on critisizing every profits weather they were born through a pit of a grass or born to human and got revelations by angles or other means but to day when man is more understandable and living in modern sociaty ,we must follow the teaching of individual prophets according to their belief than getting involve he was right or wrong in every relgion . all relegion are excellent for all us but it only becomes dangerous and full of hate when our so called priest dictate us differntly with differnt interpretations. Lots off preist are still alive who gave thier blessing to waer going soldgers and died but priest is still living.

the human kind is brainwashed by so called self seeking respect priests.these preachers are talking about the jesus christ life styles of living and doings as all Hiis life he wore a very humble cloth and helped needy and yet our pope is dressed in most expensive dress and adorned with all kids of most expensive jewelery.being always protected with bullet proof galsses and securtiy arround the clock. why he is not harming any one .because he is very rich figure . all that money in vetican go to the dtarving human being on this earth. no but having all those most expenses gathering and praying for the peace in the world by saying words in one of the most expensive settings. that is not the way to represnt the life of jesus christ.

how many billions of dollars are in the bank in vatican and other relegious oraganisation yet millions babies are dying every day. never approch those dying human being by organizing the funds or requesting the arms builiding countrires to spend trillion of dollars to help the poor dying every day without food and deseases .wonder !why it has been going on for centuries. may be we need another jesus to topple all the grand living and falsehoood .i am sure even in modern society will fhoot Him down because putting Him on the cross will be very old styles.

i wish we wake up and love our own being.
sat sri akal(true is GOD)
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Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Profits are not born, but prophets are. There are corrupt priests in every religion. Guru Nank preach against pakandee religious leaders. He was more concerned with our ego hurts than the actual religious differences. We just need to walk truthful and accept hukam.


Jul 23, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Few Questions:
[1] Why do people quote Bible as if it is [a]the ultimate truth or Pure law or [c] Pure word of God or [d] at the very least even represent what Jesus [who was only a man for sure] wrote??

[2] Bible was written 50 years after Jesus died and it was written by people who were using him to further their cause not Jesus' cause. Just liek terrorists or fraudulents use religion now so why do people fall for this scam. I am sure Jesus was a good man and I honestly think that Bible has nothing to do with his thinking. SO why quote as if he signe dthe Bible like Gurus SIGNED their WORD from God with their writing so nobody could use it improperly by changing it.

[3] WHy do people keep on changing Bible every 50 years or so to make it bow to changing times. At oen time Bible said no INTEREST, then Protestants said YES INTEREST! THERE was NO DIVORCE but HEnry VIII said YES DIVORCE. Then BIBLE said Earthat CENTER of EARTH then POPE blushe after 500 eyars and said ooops we were wrong!
I mean we cna go on and on.

LET me tell you something --

GOD's WORD must be signed by pure prophets and not rewritten by impure people.
SriGuru Granth Sahib Ji is the only book in the whole world which passes all scrutiny with flying colors. No wonder some are one eyed and others blind and shall be until follow Guru Ji!



Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

sat sri akal ji. i appreciate your comments and the truth about it. you have made a explaination which i agree100%.

Guru Nanak Dev ji showed many pakhandee and sidhs to rigteous path and teaches us the most practical way of honest living."there is non difference in any genders"says Nanak . there is no lower or greater class among all human being even some one born in higher class. all depends on each one's deeds . Guru Nanak Dev ji also teaches us to run our lives honestly and truly.like"TRUTH IS THE HIGHEST VERTU AND HIGHER IS TRUTHFULL LIVING"also showed us the way for direct praying than passing through the so called preists.
jaspal singh
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

The entire Bible was not written 50 years after Jesus. Most of the Bible was written by ancient Jewish prophets. If you study the Dead Sea scrolls, they were written way before Jesus's time with alarming accuracies and only minor differences. If you study Damdami Taksali's and other prints of Guru Granth Sahibs that are not approved by the Shromeni Committee of Akal Takht, then there are over 22,000 errors. One must compare them the very old ladeevar Guru Granth Sahibs, where words separated not at the wrong place. Mehela 3 when it is supposed to be 4. How do I know? I read Akhanda Paath when there are two or three going on at the same time. My Shromani committe Guru Granth Sahib says Mehela 4 and the other says Mehela 3 on the same shabbad. Most of these errors are printing errors with no proofreading. The New Testament was written about 60 years and more after Jesus. The books of the New Testament were not written with the intention of being part of the Bible. The Council of Nicea decided to make a Christian Bible, and some of the members of the council were anti Jewish and argued, "We don't want any of the books of the Old Testament, because they were written by Jews, children of Satan."
I have a MA degree in Biblical Literature from the Hebrew College, short the final thesis, and I know that the style of the New Testament and the rest of the Bible is interpretation of what happened. Some parts are geneology, some parts are like janamsakhi, some parts are code of Jewish Law. Many things written in New Testament are products of word of mouth. Scholars in those days memorized a text and even memorized who quoted from who. If you read Talmud, the Oral Jewish Law, one teacher is quoted by another teacher, and this string of acknowledged who learned from who can go on to over ten names. So people remember much. Many Sikhs can recite the entire Sukhmani Sahib, and many of the older ladies can't even read, but they recite by memory.
Bible is not a historically account. It be basically interpretation of events. If you want to pass heavy judgement of Bible, then I suggest you study it in Greek and Hiebrew, then study archaeology of Israel and history. I can not agree with you that impure people wrote the Bible. I will agree that the way people are teaching it are either corrupt or just blind followers of pakandi teachers that twist Bible into extremem funamentalism.
God's word is not a book, it is gian wisdom. You can learn the same wisdom by studying nature. Guru Granth Sahib is a collection of shared thoughts of Bhagats of different castes and of Sikh gurus. Bani Guru Guru he Bani, and Maaru Raag teaches. Bani is the truthful teaches. Guru Granth Sahib is the contemporary, clear version for the modern man, to learn how to explore Hukam of God which controls all of nature. You can get Guru Granth Sahib on a computer disc. The letters are not the bani, but the actually teaching wisdom is. People idolize Guru Granth Sahib, but rare is the one who studies Guru Ji. Sikhism seems to be evolving into a pakandi Brahmanistic ritualism to make money and deprive the Sangat of understanding the shabbads.
Gurbani existed before Guru Nanak's time. Look at Bhagat Jaidev, a thousands years or more ago. His bani is in Hindu and Sikh scripture, ang 526. Parmaad purekhmanopimang sat aad bhav ratang.


Jan 16, 2005
on earth
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith


thank you for bringing some well deserved objectivitity

if sikhi is to break from its shackles and become a truly universal religion as is implied by the shri har mandir sahib.
a mandir for har, for all, it has doors open for buddhist, christains, hindus and muslims
with no conversion objective, only praise of GOD.

all of god's people are trying to point to the moon and try to explain what they see.
if their explianation isn't consistent with what has been programmed in mind that doesn't mean it isn't right, just not right for you.
if we all looked and tried to look at the moon and understand it for ourselves
there wouldn't be this need to break off those fingers that are pointing to the moon.

i humbly request we start a thread that shows commonality between the religions and teachings, rather than the differences which breds this silly one upmanship.
THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING AS TRUE TEACHINGS AREN'T COMING OUT TO NOURISH THE PEOPLE. (70 million kids have died this year due to starvation and yet we have 4 times the food on the planet than we eat) TIME FOR SANT SAPHIYEES TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. HELP OTHERS THAN JUST THEMSELVES.

as i remember earlier thread that said we are all students in this school of life.
we shouldn't bash anyone or any thoery just coz they have greater or lesser understanding than ourselves.

very humbly
your sota veer



Jan 16, 2005
on earth
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

the easter story
suffering, death and ressurection.

once an individual percieves akal and true spirit.
his ego goes through suffering as he realises his own ego responsible for his own mess.
once the ego dies space for spirit to fill the body and person is ressurected.
three days of death of the ego.
three days jesus was in the cave DIED then came to life.

three days also guru nanak dev je was in the river before he spoke the japji sahib.
three days of pure simran in our akand paths

any connections??
death of the ego begins true spiritual journey
umm and arring about this and that is ego based.
spirit knows the truth always.


Jan 16, 2005
on earth
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

anyone heard of alternate story of jesus's death.

well here goes as i remember it
the roman centurion who gave jesus vinager, herbs whilst on the cross.
was acutally concoction that stimulated death.
he was then put in cave as everyone thought he was dead.
then two- three days later - ressurection
but in our modern day terms was a resusitation.
out of coma state back to life.

he left the middle east to find and teach the lost tribes of isreal, with mary magdalene
(see da vinci code for points but not fully correct)
there is spot/shrine in Kashmir were there is footprint of man who holes in his feet.
they called him ISSA - the greater healer.
issa and jesus in arabic is the same.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Christians have a teaching of "wearing the full armor of God." as recorded in New Testament. The breastplate of righteousness, the sword of salvation, the shield of salvation. something like that. I don't remember where in New Testament. These war suit is the spiritual armor to aid in defending ourselves against our ego, pride, lust, etc.

When a Sikh takes the Amrit, this means he has accepted the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib, which focus on God's kingdom, His hukam to defend ones self against the five vices, ego, greed, lust, anger, etc. When one tastes this Amrit Word of God, this gian information for success, then Guru Gobind Singh prescribes the Amrit Sanchaar initiation for us to become a soldier against evil, exploitation, ego, etc., in order to enhance both ourselves and humanity. By merely shaking Amrit without experiencing the Amrit Shabad Amrit Har Bani, one would only be faking it. Don't get caught in Brahmanism Amrit Shaking. Taste the relish of Amrit Guru Granth Sahib before you consider going through the Amrit ceremony. God does not need us to sak amrit. God needs nothing from us. We need to first taste the Amrit of Guru Granth Sahib in order to understand what we are a soldier of - of truthfulness and the grace of God for all.

The Amrit is the benefits we get from accepting the meanings in Guru Granth Sanib. We begin to experience ecstacy, peace, encouragement, power and holy inspiriation. When Christians experience the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which is there version of tasting Amrit Word of God, then they feel the similar experience. The Bible says, "Many are called but few are chosen." The reason why few are chosen is because only a few truly understand and walk sincere with God. These types of Christians truly experience their version of Amrit. In Sikhism, many memorize shabads, read bani all day, do lots of sewa, but do not understand what they are reciting. Some are pakandi fake sikhs. But Gurbani says, "Virey bujhey." few are those who understand.
In both Christianity and Sikhism, amrit is open to all. The only cost is free - just accept the hukam Kingdom of God, accept His free salvation that He worked out for us. Deya karnang dookh harnang oocharnang Naam kirtaneh. Jetsary Mehela 5 ang 705 "Grace done for us, pain destroyed...to those who live the kirtan of the Word of God, the Science of Reality and Living by it. This is the salvation, born-again experience. Born again meaning we are given a second chance in this live to life a fullfilling life. Both religions teach we can't bribe God, but this is not an excuse to stop sewa. You can't save yourself by good works. Performance of good works enhances when one experiences mukat salvation.
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Though many people whether sikh , hindu or muslim say that they believe in their religion , but somewhat they do assimilate and absorb the christianity though not directly but indirectly .

If it is not so then all those people who left India would have succeeded in India only .

A person who has a crab like mentality in India , but when goes abroad and returns his mentality totally changes and he is no more the same person.

It means that they do are influenced by Christianity though not directly but Indirectly .
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Though many may hate christians , but it is really appreciable that christians are sincere , they do know the balance between religion and practical life . They don't leave everything to miracle , but know how to utilize the resouces and gifts endowed by God .

They believe in giving first and talking later . They really have faith and belief in their religion both theorectically and practically on the grounds .

Not like others who are religious theortrically but different on the practical grounds.
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Constant preoccupation with laser sharp focus on "MUKTI" , "MUKTI'....

is nothing but a "Greediness" towards "MUKTI".....

Doing something in return for MUKTI. is same like Giving gifts to others and at the same time expecting the gifts from others.
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