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Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

If any human being has "ENTHUSIASM" then he/she can unite with GOD without anything or anyone .

Uniting With God Does not means Meeting the God personally and discussing that world has become EVIL.


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

sat sri akal ji. mukti is not a greediness.it is process which every one has to go through with every one's deeds. if you have a good deeds you will find your soul mukat from all these coming back one birth to another birth. one has no choice. so just do the things and listen path but must understand the meaning. because every teachings are in Gurr Granth Sahib Ji. appreciate the creator and praise the creation.
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Instead of focusing on MUKTI one should focus on DEEDS.

In this world NO ONE CAN be absolute GOOD OR absolute BAD . GOOD AND BAD has to be balanced .

Sometimes you do bad without even knowing that you are doing bad.


Mar 18, 2005
Southampton, England
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

By the way, did anyone in UK watch channel 4 2 Nights ago.. about how Christianity is Root of All evils.. Such as Abhraham offering his daughter's honour to the person who was about to kill his guest, or Jesus who died for future sins.. the presenter said "If God wanted to forgive all sins, then y couldn't he do it without the torture of Jesus? Who was he showing off to?!"

It was quite interesting programme
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Oh Dear

It is okay that christianity is the root of all evils .

You have the channel programme Right !

So , you are aware that where right now you are living is the land of christians .

So , what are you doing there !!!

Come on come down to your native land !

By the way why you are living in England ?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

devinesanative said:
Oh Dear

It is okay that christianity is the root of all evils .

You have the channel programme Right !

So , you are aware that where right now you are living is the land of christians .

So , what are you doing there !!!

Come on come down to your native land !

By the way why you are living in England ?

A pity that you were not around to ask the SAME question to the Christians that came to INDIA..and AMERICA..and AFRICA...not long ago. THEN..all these people had the LAND..and RICHES..but the Christians had the BIBLE.... the Christians very cleverly persuaded the natives to accept the "bible"...and ROBBED them of their Lands and Riches and freedom...for centuries until forced to go home...those NATIVES that followed them HOME to ENGLAND are jsut trying to pay back the FAVOUR !!..Hey hey Goriyio...after robbing us blind for centuries..now you just cant get up and just leave for home..no no no..we are coming back with you !!! ha ha ha. Very soon there will be NO CHRISTIANS ( all their churches are being sold off and converted to GURDWARAS)...ha ha ha.

Just a little tongue in cheek humour guys....and a lot of facts as well

Jarnail Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

IMHO..too much "Emphsis" on DIE/DIED/DEAD...for ALL Prophets except JESUS. But doesnt have any actual PROOF that JESES BORN to an unwed mother, suffered on the CROSS and DIED in front of vast crowd. Rest is hearsay and fairy tale. IF in reality Jesus DID NOT DIE...and awoke Lazarus etc from the DEAD..then BOTH Jesus and LAZARUS should be around TODAY and FOREVER...but they arent. SO ?? are they DEAD like nanak or are they NOT ?? I can say I am coming BACK..so can a lot of people..whats the big deal....NO ONE has COME BACK...and ever will. Thats the TRUTH.

No offense to anyone..GOOD luck with your new religion..BUT you dont know a thing about SIKHI or the GURUS.

Jarnail Singh.
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Dear Friends

Each and every person wants to be appreciated or important . In doing so some keep their name as gyani , guru , sant .

The read volumes of Books , they meet volumes of people , they do whatever they can , but

Its very difficult and impossible to predict and understand the person for whom you are giving the judgement .

People can earn degrees , upadhis , maha upadhis , pandits , but

They will never never never never will be able understand , comprehend or predict about the other person .

What ever anyone predicts is Just 180 opposites and sometimes out of focus .
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
A pity that you were not around to ask the SAME question to the Christians that came to INDIA..and AMERICA..and AFRICA...not long ago. THEN..all these people had the LAND..and RICHES..but the Christians had the BIBLE.... the Christians very cleverly persuaded the natives to accept the "bible"...and ROBBED them of their Lands and Riches and freedom...for centuries until forced to go home...those NATIVES that followed them HOME to ENGLAND are jsut trying to pay back the FAVOUR !!..Hey hey Goriyio...after robbing us blind for centuries..now you just cant get up and just leave for home..no no no..we are coming back with you !!! ha ha ha. Very soon there will be NO CHRISTIANS ( all their churches are being sold off and converted to GURDWARAS)...ha ha ha.

Just a little tongue in cheek humour guys....and a lot of facts as well

Jarnail Singh

Christians robbed India or they taught India how to Sunak their Nak .

What about before christians ?

If sikhi is so great why you left India and went Abroad ?

Each and Everyone is fooling the other person just to make his own desires fullfilled .
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

People give GOOD DEAL OF LECTURE of 5 VICES , and pose themselves as Mahatmas , by the way what type of reflection does your posts reflect about you dear Mahatma ji .:)
Jul 30, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

devinesanative said:
Christians robbed India or they taught India how to Sunak their Nak .

What about before christians ?

If sikhi is so great why you left India and went Abroad ?

Each and Everyone is fooling the other person just to make his own desires fullfilled .

Cool dowen man!

anyway das does not like Sikhbashing by Christians and vice verca ie Sikhs Bashing Christians.

But das request you to not to be personal with our respected Gyani Sahib Ji who has been source of inspiration to worms like Das.

then when we think of going outisde the country.

Well as per wrong interpetation of old scriptures hindus were not alllowed to leave India.So all otehres from outside came and enslaved them.

But Sikhs are allowed to go out.And Guru himslef went to preach in China,Africa(Sudan),Europe(perhaps rome),Middle East etc.(ref Map showing Gurus udasis).

So to preach or to live outside India Sikhs are known to live the world over and making it thier home.Baba Virsa Singh Ji and Yogi Bhajan made many natives as Sikh.We can not afford to let Panth die in the Hands of undeserving Punjabis who are unworthy to restrict Gurmat to them racialy or regionaly.

As God of Sikhs is AJAAT(Raceless),Athan(placeless) as present in alol and everywhere so Sikh should not have any problem to live any where as God is with him/her.

Love to India or Hindustan let it be Mubrak to RSS and let them do jingoism of Vande Matram while poor Jaats or Chamars who are not remotly related to any Hindutva Party die on border.

Anyway Das wants RSS's Cadres to get enrollled in military Service as Bajrang Dal people have done.
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Dear Vijaydeep ji

I hope you know very well that its a different matter that people leave India , and about your explanation .

But there is one more thing which you as well as me and the other sikhs know that why they leave India .

Its good that sikhs are present all over the world .

But , not all can go abroad .

My question is that if people say that religion is only thing to prosper then why the same person does not prospers here in india and why they prosper abroad .

Please don't get biased towards sikhi ok , now think is logically .

If people say that Sikhism is great then why the same people from punjab are leaving India .

Same religion , Same sikhs but different places , If sikhs can prosper abroad then why not in India .

Now don't give me the exception examples .

Today I am very much fired and fired with all these leepa pothis of the sikhs .

Today every other sikh wants to marry to the NRI . Are the people living in India are so bad ...
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

one more thing RSS also means

Rashtriya Sikhs Sangat

Really Simple Syndication

How do people predict that a particular person is a christian , hindu , sikh or a member of RSS , or Muslim ?

Are people 100% right in their predictions ?
Jul 30, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith


sometimes it is there that With Sikhism it is better to leave India and live abroad.

Das has seen many cases in a foregn country where these people left just to maintain there faith some by govenment and other by say terrorists if they are to be belived.

There faith in say differant Maryada could have killed them by terroists or say on the otherside law makers.

As there faith is Sikh they do want to come back.There are instaces that Eight Guru made Kiratpur Sahib and Ninth Guru made Anandpur Sahib as tactical base Area.

Rasool Akaram Sallal Lahe Salle Wa Wasallam did Hizrat from Mecca to Madian.

Bhagwan Krishna did leave Mathura to go to Dwarka.A Bihari (like das) called Jarasandh was after him.Later he used Bheema to kill Jarasandh.

Jews also did exadus.

But they all return.

Leaving Punjab for better life is sickness mnay pople have.

Even some hindu go abroad, later tobecome agents of terrorirsts and latter bomb Delhi.Decpt nation for personal gain.

But such people may not be called Sikhs at all.Das had chance to gain Passport of another country mnay poeple from your Punajb die to go.

Das knows many other Sikhs who were often eilgible to get say British Passport.but they returned.

It is more a personal choise.
Say in Punjab we may lack personal liberites to put our views and some people due to pagan influnce have dogmatise the Panth.

But they are put in back burner by Sikhs in Delhi or Bihar or Maharashtra.

So in Delhi some Sikh who comes from Punajb may not want to go abroad as Sikh Panth gives him air to live his own life but same can not be true to some areas in Punjab.

Yet within Punajb there are some Area Sikhs are not running out but still working and living.Areas where missionaries or Taksal are very active.

So Religeon,situation and intellect of persoan all matters but All matter is composed of Akal who works in all.

who even made Tenth Master's camp looted by foe(Tenth master said that as Master Wanted this happened just as proof that I am also under of someones control,Gospels of new Testments also talks similr things by Lord Jesus).Guru once left Anandpur Sahib.

He got fatal wound by dagger of Gurra Khan.So Religeon which you call Sikhism is not the topmost but God of Sikhs is ultimate ruler.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

devinesanative said:
If sikhi is so great why you left India and went Abroad ?


What has Sikhee got to do with me living in M:wah: alaysia ? I was BORN here and I am a Malaysian Citizen.

What about the American Born Sikhs/Whites who are CITIZENS of USA/CANADA etc...??? Should all of them be DEPORTED to PUNJAB..becasue they are also SIKH..and YES they also beleive SIKHI IS SO GREAT..thats precisely why they Left Christianity behind.

By your logic...Christians should ONLY be found in JERUSALEM !! What are they doing all over the World ?? Why so many of them in Malaysia ( and many are NOT BORN here !!).

????? If you really have a good reason why RELIGION should RESTRICT people..then please do enlighten us...Then begin to restrict All Christians to Jerusalem, All Muslims to Mecca, All Buddhists to Ayudhia...Good luck.( Where will the Hindus go..because they have prophets who were born all over India..and what about the Chinese, the red Indians..etc etc..)

Love..and yes..do cool down...no offense to anyone..just Love from the House of nanak...to ALL.

Jarnail Singh
Sep 11, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

Oh dear Giyani Ji

It seems you have misinterpreted .

I never said that religion should restrict anyone .

But , it was so that when people know that each and every living creature on this planet earth has to ;

1. Survive
2. Sustain
3. procreate
4. Enjoy the Life

Whatever a living creature does is does so for the above , then why pull religion in every matters instead of understanding the problem .

Religion is not the theme of life but may or may not be the just part of life .

In another thread Drkhalsa and I were just discussing that why muslims do so .

But , I think what muslims are doing is doing right . Its the question of survival .

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

vijaydeep Singh said:

sometimes it is there that With Sikhism it is better to leave India and live abroad.

Das has seen many cases in a foregn country where these people left just to maintain there faith some by govenment and other by say terrorists if they are to be belived.

There faith in say differant Maryada could have killed them by terroists or say on the otherside law makers.

As there faith is Sikh they do want to come back.There are instaces that Eight Guru made Kiratpur Sahib and Ninth Guru made Anandpur Sahib as tactical base Area.

Rasool Akaram Sallal Lahe Salle Wa Wasallam did Hizrat from Mecca to Madian.

Bhagwan Krishna did leave Mathura to go to Dwarka.A Bihari (like das) called Jarasandh was after him.Later he used Bheema to kill Jarasandh.

Jews also did exadus.

But they all return.

Leaving Punjab for better life is sickness mnay pople have.

Even some hindu go abroad, later tobecome agents of terrorirsts and latter bomb Delhi.Decpt nation for personal gain.

But such people may not be called Sikhs at all.Das had chance to gain Passport of another country mnay poeple from your Punajb die to go.

Das knows many other Sikhs who were often eilgible to get say British Passport.but they returned.

It is more a personal choise.
Say in Punjab we may lack personal liberites to put our views and some people due to pagan influnce have dogmatise the Panth.

But they are put in back burner by Sikhs in Delhi or Bihar or Maharashtra.

So in Delhi some Sikh who comes from Punajb may not want to go abroad as Sikh Panth gives him air to live his own life but same can not be true to some areas in Punjab.

Yet within Punajb there are some Area Sikhs are not running out but still working and living.Areas where missionaries or Taksal are very active.

So Religeon,situation and intellect of persoan all matters but All matter is composed of Akal who works in all.

who even made Tenth Master's camp looted by foe(Tenth master said that as Master Wanted this happened just as proof that I am also under of someones control,Gospels of new Testments also talks similr things by Lord Jesus).Guru once left Anandpur Sahib.

He got fatal wound by dagger of Gurra Khan.So Religeon which you call Sikhism is not the topmost but God of Sikhs is ultimate ruler.

Dear Vijaydeep Singh Jio,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

In this aspect may i give example of our own GURU SAHIBAANS.

If you study Sikh History you will notice on Trend...Each NEW GURU..didnt stay back in His GURU's DERA/TOWN, as His Property..BUT went To ESTABLISH a New Town of His own...Example Guru nanak ji established KARTARPUR...but when Bhai Lehan Ji got Gurgadhi as Guru Angad Ji...they went on to KHADOOR SAHIB....similarly Guru Amardass ji moved to GOINDWAAL SAHIB when He became GURU...Guur ramdass Ji began to Establish Ramdass Chak..and Guru Arjun Ji established AMRITSAR...Guru Hargobind Ji moved to Wadali.....and so on..Guru Teg Bahdaur Ji bought Anand Pur sahib lands and established this new settlement...and SIKHI spread further and further..

THAT was the main point..GO FAR and WIDE...our Gurus travelled all over the KNOWN WORLD..spreading SIKHI....from Kannia Kumari to the Tibetan Highlands..from Mecca to East Bengal....they were NEVER ones to just sit quietly in one DERA and fight over that "property".. PUNJAB is our Birth Place..but we also have the Divine Right to spread as wide as possible....all over the world...

Jarnail Singh Gyani Arshi


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith

dear giyani jarnail singhji.

wonderful title you have as a "Giyani"and hard to find that you have so light thinking topic. we have to be above than these thinking. first of all any one follows their so called teachers we call that groups by their relegion. infect relegion come from who or which teacher or prophet who knew better than you and me .

christinty begins from jesus christ
budhism from budha
moslim from mohmmad
sikhism from guru nanak deveji "sikhs" followers of truth . because that is what guru nanak dev ji beleived in.

similarly other relegion followed their teachers. teachings of all these so called teachers is the same well discribed in diffrent holy books but the priest interpret to suit his own way to accomodate him in the society. some iterapatation brought a terriable wars and massacrae of inncent people for the sake of relegion.

we have to stop thinking diffrently because of the relegion or other diffrences. we are all human being and share our love and magic word "EMPATHY" towards less previlaged fellow being.sikhiism teaches us love among us and treat every one as a human being. no one is better by taking birth in higher class . it all depends on your deeds from where you will be recognized in the society

we are all equal regardless of what your faith is.remeber the "NAM" and do good deeds. that is it. the rest leave upto the lord.

Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
What has

Sikhee got to do with me living in M:wah: alaysia ? I was BORN here and I am a Malaysian Citizen.

What about the American Born Sikhs/Whites who are CITIZENS of USA/CANADA etc...??? Should all of them be DEPORTED to PUNJAB..becasue they are also SIKH..and YES they also beleive SIKHI IS SO GREAT..thats precisely why they Left Christianity behind.

By your logic...Christians should ONLY be found in JERUSALEM !! What are they doing all over the World ?? Why so many of them in Malaysia ( and many are NOT BORN here !!).

????? If you really have a good reason why RELIGION should RESTRICT people..then please do enlighten us...Then begin to restrict All Christians to Jerusalem, All Muslims to Mecca, All Buddhists to Ayudhia...Good luck.( Where will the Hindus go..because they have prophets who were born all over India..and what about the Chinese, the red Indians..etc etc..)

Love..and yes..do cool down...no offense to anyone..just Love from the House of nanak...to ALL.

Jarnail Singh
Jul 30, 2004
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus ? An ex-sikh’s journey in faith


There is one Sakhi also that Guru Maharaj First Master did bless a good village to get scattered while bad village was told to remain establish where it has been.So that good people may sperad.It happened near Decca.

Perhpas there we had Gurudwara till 1971 and Kar Sewa is again on with the help of Takhat Patna Sahib.

But so far we are not able to preach Sikh faith to much of the Bangldeshis.

But about 2 Crores of Hindu there who want to make a new nation for them called Beer Bango can be attracted to us and lte them be Khalsa and let there be Sikh nation in east of India.Just a plan.
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