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Why Is Sikhism The True Religion?

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Jul 17, 2010
When you say tha Jesus says he is the only way to the Father from which version of the Bible do you get that translation?


There are many Bible passages that have troubled both scholars and laymen alike over the centuries.People have questioned everything from where Cain got his wife to how so many animals could fit on the ark. Many of the sayings of Jesus have been hard to understand as well, but what He says in John 14:6 is not one of them.

In John 14:6 Jesus makes the best known of seven "I am" statements in which He clearly claims to be not only the way to God but God Himself. Jesus had just told His disciples that he He was leaving to prepare a place for them in His Father's house, and that they knew the way to the place He was going. The apostle Thomas asked Jesus how they could know the way, and Jesus answered:

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Before going any further, I should make clear that in the original Greek in which the New Testament was written, the actually said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." But in the Aramaic language (which Jesus spoke), this really meant: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Now that we've cleared up the translation issues, what did Jesus mean when He said this? He meant that there was no other way to the Father than Him. In all of his "I am" statements, including this one, His use of the phrase "I am" was in direct reference to what God told Moses at the burning bush. Moses asked what he should say if the Israelites asked what God's name was, and God answered, "This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you' (Exodus 3:14)." The significance of the use of "I am" would not have been lost on the listeners of Jesus' day.

One of the most common, and most erroneous, arguments made by those who do not believe Jesus was the Son of God was that He never claimed to be. They say only His followers made this claim about him. Well, if John 14:6 isn't proof enough that Jesus did in fact claim it, the perhaps Jesus words before the High Priest will convince skeptics.

While on trial for His life, Jesus is asked by the high priest if He is the Son of God, and He answers "Yes, it is as you say (Matt 26:63-64)." Jesus could have avoided crucifixion by simply answering "no" to this question. But the true answer was "yes," which is how Jesus answered.

Can you not see that the fact that there are many to choose from and that each do not contiane the same words is testement to how easy it is to corrupt the words of the Bible?

here you have over 20 english translations, where you can compare the text:

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john 14,6&version=AMP

you will see, no one will permit a different understanding.

In addition if holy scripture can be changed how holy is it?

The bible cannot be changed, but translations always permit to say the same thing in different words.

Woe betide anybody who attempts to change even a single full stop(period for our State side brothers and sisters) in the pages of Guru Granth Sahib.

Give his book to ten translators, and see......

You speak about absolute truth, I only know of one indeed Guru ji tells us what it is.

If this is what you want to believe, keep believing it. I believe , the bible is the only true revelation of God.

Your comments on Pantheism and monotheism show me that you have not grasped my point about window dressing.

I didnt mention this based on what you said.
Sep 27, 2008
kairos Ji that is the part i do not agree with at all, where it says " I am". It was written long after his death. Having read the bible i must say i loved the parable of "The good samaritan", to me Jesus in that parable is simply saying you do not have to be a high priest or a religous person to be a good person. Even in the old testament moses seems to be writing about himself long after his death.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Daily quotes from the Bible that Kairos claims to be the word of God:

GE 19:4-8 A group of sexually depraved men demands that Lot turn over to them his two male visitors. Lot offers his two virgin daughters instead.

GE 19:30-38 Lot's daughters have sexual intercourse with him while he is drunk and both become pregnant by their father.

This is the omnipotent God that Kairos serves who created incest and immorality. As one follows this kind of God, one has to have these traits too. As it is all God's creation and his omnipotence, God that Kairos serves make people commit these atrocities and indulge in immoral things. It is all of Karios' God's doing.

How can this kind of omnipotent God be loving? The question Kairos should ask her/himself.


Jul 17, 2010
kairos Ji that is the part i do not agree with at all, where it says " I am". It was written long after his death. Having read the bible i must say i loved the parable of "The good samaritan", to me Jesus in that parable is simply saying you do not have to be a high priest or a religous person to be a good person. Even in the old testament moses seems to be writing about himself long after his death.

Well, i actually believe, the gospel of John was written by the apostle John, which was a eyewitness. It makes no difference, how much after Jesus dead and ressurrection it was written. I believe the holy spirit of God inspired the writer to write down exactly, what God wanted him to write.
Sep 27, 2008
Ok i see your point but i do not quiet agree. Tejwant Ji has just posted a quote from the bible regarding Lot from Sodom & Gomorah. Can you grasp the thinking of these people ? another quote from the old testament i cant remember where it is but i will find it, its about a prophet who offers his dear beloved wife for prostitution to a certain tribe so they will not harm him while he passes through that land. To me it sounds discusting but we all have our own opinions. Ask yourself this would you do or think on those terms ?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Kairos ji

You at this point are engaged in pure proselytizing. And the longer we engage you and even repeat/quote your comments, the longer we are permitting you to go in this direction.

You paste quote after quote from the Hebrew and Christian testaments, and then say they are not open to interpretation. You say that forum members have to answer questions for themselves (as you did to me in an earlier post). You either do not read or do not attempt to understand what others are saying to you if it interrupts your flow of expression.

You are using this thread to dodge serious discussion. You have no intention of defending you point of view. You are looking only for one thing. An opportunity for oratory so that you can attract followers to your point of view.

After thinking through some of what you have posted, I may delete some of it. If you do not heed by advice and start discussing then I will have to take other steps. So far we have been very liberal, very lenient.


Jul 17, 2010
Ok i see your point but i do not quiet agree. Tejwant Ji has just posted a quote from the bible regarding Lot from Sodom & Gomorah. Can you grasp the thinking of these people ?

well, where does the bible say, God aproved their behavior ? The bible doesnt give a moral judgement of the act, it just describes what happened.

another quote from the old testament i cant remember where it is but i will find it, its about a prophet who offers his dear beloved wife for prostitution to a certain tribe so they will not harm him while he passes through that land. To me it sounds discusting but we all have our own opinions. Ask yourself this would you do or think on those terms ?

Abraham went to egypt, and offered his wife to the pharao as wife, saying, she was his sister, which weren't true. He did it, because he feared the pharao. Again, the bible doesnt make any judgement of his behavior, but just relates what happened.


Jul 17, 2010
Kairos ji

You at this point are engaged in pure proselytizing. And the longer we engage you and even repeat/quote your comments, the longer we are permitting you to go in this direction.

well, people are keeping asking for questions, and i am responding, what i believe. But if you would prefere to discuss Sikhism, you could answer, how God can be a part of creation, if creation had a absolute beginning with the Big Bang. A God, that has a beginning, cannot be God. God by definition must be eternal.
That would be a good start, to begin with.

You paste quote after quote from the Hebrew and Christian testaments, and then say they are not open to interpretation.

The versicles i quoted, are not, but others are.

You are using this thread to dodge serious discussion. You have no intention of defending you point of view.

Isnt that what i am doing all the time now ?

After thinking through some of what you have posted, I may delete some of it. If you do not heed by advice and start discussing then I will have to take other steps. So far we have been very liberal, very lenient.

I think you have no reason to accuse me of not discussing, since that is the only thing that i am doing here.

Rather searching for reasons to delete my posts, as a good moderator i would advert a other poster, which has attacked me personally in a unfair and unacceptable manner. Or are you applying two weights , one for the followers of your religion, and a other to the ones, that follow a different faith, and challenge yours ?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Reasonable people will have to disagree with you on your point above Kairos ji. So far I am not convinced. It would be a good idea if you stopped posting from the testaments for the time being. Go back an look at questions that various members have asked you and respond in your own words, without making the claim that because the testaments say x, y or z, that it must be true.


Jul 17, 2010
Reasonable people will have to disagree with you on your point above Kairos ji. So far I am not convinced. It would be a good idea if you stopped posting from the testaments for the time being. Go back an look at questions that various members have asked you and respond in your own words, without making the claim that because the testaments say x, y or z, that it must be true.

i am here to testify what i believe, and not to cite the bible makes no sense whatsoever, since questions and points about the bible its all about.

Describing and explaining what you believe is part of discussion. "Testifying" is proselytizing. This is my second warning. Truly I say unto you that I will start deleting if you are unable to discern the difference.
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Sep 27, 2008
Well i am only a human being and i certainly do not condone that kind of behaviour. Abraham was a very old and high prophet for the jews, christians and the muslims. Why would he give his dear wife to a pharoh because he was afraid ? where was his faith ?. faith is what christianty is all about is it not ?.


Jul 17, 2010
Well i am only a human being and i certainly do not condone that kind of behaviour. Abraham was a very old and high prophet for the jews, christians and the muslims. Why would he give his dear wife to a pharoh because he was afraid ?

exactly. but that is left to us, to judge his behavior. The bible just tells us what happened. Nothing more.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
i am here to testify what i believe, and not to cite the bible makes no sense whatsoever, since questions and points about the bible its all about.

Kairos ji

You have been warned. Let me point out the the title of thread indicates it is about Sikhism, not about the Bible. Heed my words. I am going to check back in an hour and then will make my decision. You have time to reconsider.
Sep 27, 2008
Ok for the second time can you briefly give me your take on those quotes. What do you think of them ?. Do you agree with them ? do you think we should follow those examples ?. I have told you i am a human and i think some of those quotes are discusting. I could not even think on those terms never mind go through with them. Just tell me what you think without using the bible.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Kairos ji

You at this point are engaged in pure proselytizing. And the longer we engage you and even repeat/quote your comments, the longer we are permitting you to go in this direction.

You paste quote after quote from the Hebrew and Christian testaments, and then say they are not open to interpretation. You say that forum members have to answer questions for themselves (as you did to me in an earlier post). You either do not read or do not attempt to understand what others are saying to you if it interrupts your flow of expression.

You are using this thread to dodge serious discussion. You have no intention of defending you point of view. You are looking only for one thing. An opportunity for oratory so that you can attract followers to your point of view.

After thinking through some of what you have posted, I may delete some of it. If you do not heed by advice and start discussing then I will have to take other steps. So far we have been very liberal, very lenient.

Narayanjot ji,

Guru Fateh.

I totally agree with you. Kairos is not here to learn but to spread immorality that his religion has taught him. He is not able to debate and is too insecure to answer any questions.

Proselytizing is his agenda. It is sad to notice the treasures and nuggets of goodness this forum present to him but he is not ready to make the best use of them. He is abusing the freedom of this great forum that has been allotted to him.

He is neither here to share, nor to learn but lasso some ignorant people, which he does not understand Sikhs are not, to follow his rapist, murderer God.

No one with a bit of commonsense would do that but Kairos does not get it. He has the blinders on.

As they say," One can awaken the one who is asleep but one can not awaken the sleepwalker".

We have not been able to awaken this sleepwalker. Hence, his posts have become useless and a big distraction for this forum.

I am sure you and the administration of this wonderful forum will take the right steps even if that requires banning because of his agenda of proselytizing which is a big NO,NO>.


Tejwant Singh
Sep 27, 2008
Very well said Tejwant Ji. Narayanjot Ji you are right. I will end my post regarding a answer to me from Kairos. Kairos you said to me about that Lot quote that god is not judging but only telling us what happened. You are wrong again that same God killed everyone in Sodom that day and let Lot live but turned his wife into stone. It was the work of the angels the God of the bible sent. Is that not judging and taking sides ? lol Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
It is ironic that having dodged so many plain questions put to him that Kairos Ji is repeating questions we have already answered quite plainly, like the Big Bang created God argument!

I fear he is struggling to keep his head above water and if we remove his malfunctioning life jacket of endless hyperlinks and quotes from the Bible, he will surely drown!

If on the other hand he wants to have a proper debate, I and others are ready to continue

Let me prophesise now...Kairos Ji will query what questions he has dodged and continue to copy and paste freely and not really demonstrate any real knowledge or understanding...

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Well i am only a human being and i certainly do not condone that kind of behaviour. Abraham was a very old and high prophet for the jews, christians and the muslims. Why would he give his dear wife to a pharoh because he was afraid ? where was his faith ?. faith is what christianty is all about is it not ?.

ugsbay ji,

Guru Fateh.

The fact is that Abraham was married to his sister Sarah, not to his cousin as the Christians proclaim in order not to feel ashamed. Abraham was also a rapist like the God he worshipped and Kairos worships. He raped his slave- Hager, who gave birth to Ishmael.

It is sad to notice that Kairos' religion is based on incest and rapes and he claims them to be morally good traits, which is OK with me because these kind of immoral values do not belong to Sikhi.

Our Gurus were visionaries and they gave us the tools through SGGS, our only Guru how to breed goodness within and share with others, irrespective of their hue, creed or faith.

It is sad to notice that Kairos refuses to take a dive in this nectar of goodness but is here to spread his immoral values that his god has taught him.


Tejwant Singh


Jul 17, 2010
Ok for the second time can you briefly give me your take on those quotes. What do you think of them ?. Do you agree with them ? do you think we should follow those examples ?. I have told you i am a human and i think some of those quotes are discusting. I could not even think on those terms never mind go through with them. Just tell me what you think without using the bible.

i think the same as you.
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