Please add any meat discussion to fools who wrangle over flesh thread.
It willl be deleted from here.
It willl be deleted from here.
Its no only Halal meat but any sacrificed meat. This would include Kosher and even Bali (which is a Hindu sacrifice). All these forms of slaughter have one thing in common and that is sacrifice in the name of God or to God. According to Sikhism, God requires no such appeasement or sacrifice.
The term Sikhs use for ritual purification id "Kuttha".
thanks randip ji this is eye opner for all sikhs who think that jatka done by hindu for bali can be consumed by sikh
once again thanks
Bali...sacrifice...basically murdering an animal (not by its choice) in order toa sk the goddess/god/devi/devya etc for something...good harvest..a son..children..rain...whatever.
Thus definitley TABOO for a GURSIKH. Gursikhs dont bargain with God...
Thanks for putting in those words - Sikhs don't bargain with God. I hope I remember this phrase, Gyani ji, because it is one of the concepts that sums up why Sikhism is different.![]()
When a Sikh does Jhatka, he thanks God for the food, and does not say to God "here this is for you" from some sense of misplaced guilt.
Always trying to override nature is the hallmark of human species. That's how we have survived for so long, and that's our only hope for survival in the future.We accept the natural order of things. We don't try and change it.
Always trying to override nature is the hallmark of human species. That's how we have survived for so long, and that's our only hope for survival in the future.
I don't agree that we should accept the natural order of things but rather learn about it as much as we can.
I need my clothes in the cold, need surgery when body has been damaged and hope to visit another planet/moon in this lifetime:happy: ... All of which are overriding the natural order of things.
e.g. the attempted sacrifice of Ishmael, the prophet Abraham's son. It says in the Quran that it is not the blood or flesh that reaches Allah but the intention and devotion that the believer brings to the ritual.
We maybe on a different pitch here, Randip Singh ji but what you said is basically humans working with nature to counteract it.Actually nowadays the opposite is true.
Actually bHaghat Singh ji, that thinking has changed, due to the catastrophic nature of Global warming.
Working in a "Green" industry, we are trying to work with nature nowadays, rather than against it. In the UK we have a massive programme of wind and tidal power generation and moving away from harmful fossil fuels.
Even Scientists have realised we must work with nature. The greatest example of working with nature has been Penacilin. Created by nature and the laws of nature, yet because we didn't posses the knowledge we neever knew it was there.
I rest my case.![]()
There are times when one has committed a sin e.g mad an oath that was improper or a legitimate act that could not be fulfilled or in commemoration of some act e.g. the attempted sacrifice of Ishmael, the prophet Abraham's son
Tejwant ji,
Thank you for your question.
It is not a matter of lying but a matter of a decision to interpolate the only son Isaac into the test and trying to change the story to keep for themselves every act that shows how they were under the eyes of God throughout history even though tey committed acts of disobedience that were condemned by the prophets.
Abraham had a vision in which he was asked
"to sacrifice your son,your only son Isaac," according to the Bible (Old Testament) which was accepted by the Christians without question.
Why was it necessary to say parenthetically," your only when he had another son Ishmael, the first born. Logically, the test would be if he id have only one son and not if another son was there to carry on his line.
It would seem that this change was necessary because of racism that wanted to have Isaac exclusively as the center of attention.
The position of Hagar by some Christian scholars also has been elevated above that of Sarah because of her obedience to the angel's request to return to her mistress after fleeing her abuse.
Abraham also prayed that Ishmael would "live" in His(God's sight even though he was not the child of the covenant. He would be a great nation was the answer.
Although the Qur"an mentions that Ishmael willingly accepted being sacrificed, it was primarily a test of Ibrahim's devotion. Ishamel means "He(God) heard and Isaac is she laughed(referring to Sarah questioning the promise of having a child at her age.
The Jews do not commemorate the sacrifice while Muslims do at the end of the pilgrimage rites which includes the running of Hagar between 2 hillocks in search of water.
Christians do not include Hagar and Ishmael in their bible stories especially as they reject Hagar as a legal wife and that Abraham accepted Sarah's offer to have a child when he was told that he would have a child by her.
In the collection, "Legends of the Jews" Hagar and Ishmael are treated more fairly and Hagar under the name of Keturah is said to have rejoıned Abraham together with Ishmael.
A rabbi in a commentary also criticized Sarah for "abuse of power" which was offered as a lesson for Jews of today.
The substition of the ram was to fulfill Abraham's readiness to make a sacrific even though it was not demanded from him by God and now every year since the beginning of Islam, countless Muslims do the same in commemoration.
Jews stopped performing ritual sacrifice after the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed as the only legitimate place and it only could be performed by those who were Kahins(Cohens) If they decided to do it they would have to identify the legitimate Cohens and do DNA testing.
It is similar to those Muslims who claim to be descended from the Prophet (Sayyid) if we want to bother to find out something which is unnecessary.
We maybe on a different pitch here, Randip Singh ji but what you said is basically humans working with nature to counteract it.
Wind and tidal power generations are being created to producve electricity. Why? One reason, To counteract the cold (nature) and heat our houses.
Penacillin is there to counteract disease (nature), etc.
I know we are not supposed to bargain with the Eternal; all else aside, it's ridiculous because we have nothing to bargain with. But can we be honest? Is there a single one of us that hasn't done it?