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Will You Marry A Girl With A Beard?

Kaur 1968

Dec 29, 2010
canada bc
I think we can forgive a woman for wanting to look like a woman.[/QUOTE

instead of giving support to your sisters and daughters, you are humiliating women, who gave you this right to forgive women. I respect those women in bottom of my heart, I know it is very easy to remove facial hair, extremely hard to keep it. you should invite some women who keep their facial hair and ask about their experiences and journey. I am sure there will something special about them otherwise who wants get nasty comments from the society

please forgive me brother if I used harsh wording

guru fateh

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I think we can forgive a woman for wanting to look like a woman.[/QUOTE

instead of giving support to your sisters and daughters, you are humiliating women, who gave you this right to forgive women. I respect those women in bottom of my heart, I know it is very easy to remove facial hair, extremely hard to keep it. you should invite some women who keep their facial hair and ask about their experiences and journey. I am sure there will something special about them otherwise who wants get nasty comments from the society

please forgive me brother if I used harsh wording

guru fateh


You are passionate and fiery, make no apologies for that, yes your wording is harsh, the charge of humiliating women is a strong accusation, and I plead not guilty.

Although hair is a huge part of Sikhism, in my view, it can also be used very easily to imply enlightenment. I know of one lady who wears her three hairs with huge pride, yet they could be plucked out in a few seconds. If people are prepared to be as Sikhi towards everyone and everything around them, then wear those hairs with pride, but of Sikhism is in fact just those three hairs, then that is very poor indeed.

I also have an aunty with a full goatee, she pretends it is not there and never mentions it, its just something that happened, that she accepts, its no big deal, I have a lot of time for her, not because of her beard, but because that beard only adds to the beauty of someone already beautiful, and I mean an aura, rather than physical accepted notion of beauty.

I am sorry to say this, but I could not care less about the journey of someone who had battled life with a load of hair in the wrong place, every minute spent in this battle is a moment lost to seva, to connection, since when did Sikhism mean we laud those who have 'battled' with a bit of facial hair? The Gurus battled, Banda Bahadur battled, as did Nalwa, Akali Phula, all battled, you seem to think that this huge focus with facial hair somehow makes them better people, people worthy of respect, I am not so sure.

However, we are free to pursue our own path, you are free to pursue yours, and if this topic is important to you, to deal with it as you see fit, what I object to, strongly, is the effect on some young girl, who is going through hell about a few facial hairs that are in the wrong place, reading this, and assuming that Sikhism has suddenly become the hairs on her face rather than the wisdom in her mind. Such focus I find unhealthy and raising what should be a natural expression of love, into a huge issue as to whether a person is truly Sikh or not. That only lies in the heart, by all means keep it if you are comfortable with it, and much respect to those that are, those that truly just let it be, like my Aunt, I am happy to bow down to and see as a person of much wisdom and enlightenment, but if instead it causes much internal pain and anguish then do not feel bad about coming to peace with yourself. Whether that be by grabbing the tweasers, or finding enlightenment until understanding kicks in, is everyones personal choice and must be respected.
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May 26, 2011
Why shouldn't one take it off? When it is not meant to be there it shouldn't.

lol, not shaving it off is like saying you won't do surgery when needed or something because it distorts the body.


Nov 11, 2009
Yes, these girls should accept it as will of God and do not remove them. Anybody can accept these as daughter-in-laws, if any situation arises? :tablakudi:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Lots of "MEN" also think the hairs shouldnt be where they are and remove them daily...so whats the big deal anyway...True GURMATT is not limited to hairs, legs, or whatever...its ONLY limited by HUKM...HUKM RAZAII CHALLNNA is the BOTTOM LINE..hairs or no hairs is a tiny matter.

Bhai Mani Singh Ji was mandated by the Kadi to die by being cut from JOINT by JOINT....and when the Butcher/Executioner tried to take a "Shortcut"...and tried to begin by just chopping off his HAND at the WRIST..Bhai sahib ji stopped him and POINTED OUT that each FINGER has 3 JOINTS...and He should OBEY HIS MASTERS HUKM..as Bhai mani Singh was doing to His Masters HUKM....Some one might well say..so whats the Big deal..Arm chopped off in 3 chops - wrist, elbow and shoulder..or really JOINT BY JOINT ?? The HUKM by the Kadi was meant to EXTRACT MAXIMUM sufferinga nd pain to instill max fear..of pain and death....

This is what we see in most paintings of Bhai Mani Singh Ji..He is POINTING out the Kazis Hukm to the Executioner...Wouldnt following the Kazis way mean more "Hairs" would be cut in the process ??..Shouldnt Bhai mani Singh ji be worried about "saving" the maximum HAIRS ?? Some may well argue that way ??? LOL...such logic and arguments have no BASIS in REAL GURMATT..its called CHURNING WATER....SIKHS should CHURN MILK to obtain BUTTER as Kabir Ji instructs...:tablakudi::tablakudi::tablakudi::tablakudi::tablakudi:


Jan 19, 2014
This may sound a little wierd but i was asked this question by a woman who was having hair on her chin.
Due to some hormonal imbalances some girls have some unwanted facial hair which look like beards and moustaches. Girls of other religions get rid of them by threading, shaving or some cosmetic surgery, but in sikh religion removing hair from any part of the body is prohibited.So in such a situation what would a sikh girl do?
Why do then sikh boys don't accept them as wives?
Some sikh preachers advocate that these girls sould accept it as will of God and do not remove them.Then another question arises, Why don't these preachers have such girls as their daughter-in-laws?
I am having no answers to these questions, can anyone help me?

A lot of Indian girls grow facial hair.

Could it be that some men look at the whole package when considering a woman to marry? What about her character, her intellect, her career, her family? If you marry a girl just for her looks, you are going to be unhappy down the road because her looks are going to fade. Even if she is beautiful, she may not treat you well or be a good mother to your children.

There is someone out there for everyone. If you are true to yourself, you will find happiness.

You will always find haters who are insecure with themselves and resort to ridiculing those who are happy. They are just jealous because their lives are not what they wanted them to be.

Don't be surprised if you come across a girl with moocha who is happier and more content than a supermodel.

Again, it is up to the individual if they want to keep their hair. There is no compulsion. If you want to remove it, then fine. If you want to keep your hair, then great. There is no need to ridicule how another person lives their life. It only exposes your unhappiness with your own life.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
A lot of Indian girls grow facial hair.

Could it be that some men look at the whole package when considering a woman to marry? What about her character, her intellect, her career, her family? If you marry a girl just for her looks, you are going to be unhappy down the road because her looks are going to fade. Even if she is beautiful, she may not treat you well or be a good mother to your children.

There is someone out there for everyone. If you are true to yourself, you will find happiness.

You will always find haters who are insecure with themselves and resort to ridiculing those who are happy. They are just jealous because their lives are not what they wanted them to be.

Don't be surprised if you come across a girl with moocha who is happier and more content than a supermodel.

Again, it is up to the individual if they want to keep their hair. There is no compulsion. If you want to remove it, then fine. If you want to keep your hair, then great. There is no need to ridicule how another person lives their life. It only exposes your unhappiness with your own life.

SPOT ON Sherdill ji....

Heres one example of such a KAUR...


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Would anyone want to marry a Hindu girl who has hairy legs and wants badly to convert to Islam...while following the ways of living taught by the Catholic Convent Nuns she went to school with...always crossing her arms and mumbling Hail Marrys...while having a tiny Ganesh/Krishan statue on her dashboard for "blessing"....this question is just as valid...:grinningkudi:
whats a little facial hair compared to this dilemma...:grinningkudi::grinningkudi::swordfight-kudiyan:

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