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Writing Vaheguru. 51 Thousand Times Or One Lakh?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Naam japp jio,

I will and can only reiterate what i myself understand of Gurbani.
My understanding..is HANDS were given to us by The Creator to do GOOD..the Eyes are given to see good, the ears are given to hear Good..and so on.

1. IF just One Word ..ANY "WORD"...was that powerful..there would be no need for Ten jamas of Nanak Jyot to write 1429 aangs of SGGS...and no need for Guru Nanak ji Sahib to go around collecting the Bhagat banis/Farid Jis bani etc. IN Fact NONE of the GURUS ever wrote this One WORD even ONCE in their Life time...and NONE of the Bhagats or farid Ji also used this "word" even once in their writings.
This fixation with "power of One word" is stressed by the DERAWALLAHS..exclusively. I have so many books of the Nanaksari Saadhs which detail the Immense Power of..so many mantars jaaps of this and that...and EACH WRITING is to ensure that the Person AVOIDS a SEHAJ PAATH of the Complete SGGS - all attention is focussed on making us beleive that so many mool mantars..so many wahegurus..etc are SUFFICIENT and Carry much more "weight" than any Sehaj paath..that a Sehaj paath..and therefore UNDERSTANDING GURBANI..and hence attempts to FOLLOW and USE GURBANI..are all entirely SUPERFLOUS as every MERIT can be earned meely by repeating so amny moolmantars..waheguurs..etc.
The "power" of the Word is in the FOLLOWING...as they say a PICTURE speaks a THOUSAND WORDS...so a PICTURE is in fact even more "powerful" than any WORD ??
Should the SGGS been a PICTORIAL "ESSAY" and thus be more powerful ?? a gurbani student of mine had brought up such a point when we visited the Central Sikh musueum in Amrtisar....and he wanted to know why the GURUS didnt PAINT PICTURES..or allow their sikhs to paint a picture of Guru Arjun ji sitting on a Hot Plate ?? (as an example).
The GURU who sat on the Hot Plate..didnt want us to merely READ his "words"..or merely "look" at his picture..HE WANTED US TO BE READY TO SIT ON THE HOT PLATE..if there was a need to..and THOUSANDS of SIKHS did just THAT..when it was REQUIRED.
Avar UPDESSEH aap na kareh..Our GURUS were NOT like that...they taught us how to ACT...as GUR-SIKHS...aapeh GURU..aapeh CHELA...a GUR+SIKH Combination..INTERCHANGEABLE...no difference between the two..
Before the advent of Guur nanak ji Sahib..there were already THOUSANDS of people, calmly sitting in isolated places..bhoras..himalayan caves..etc etc silently SPEAKING the NAME...over and over...Raam..Hari..Gopal..Krishan....they were practising the POWER of the WORD ??..Experiencing the Power of the WORD ?? BUT GURU NANAK JI DIDNT APPROVE !!! To Him these were FAILURES..Read Sidh Ghost. Did Guru Ji go to them to learn about the Power of the WORD ?? or to congratulate them on the excellent way they were doing this...NO..Guru Ji went to TEACH them it was wrong...This is NOT the way the WORD POWER is to be expressed...ACTIONS speak LOUDER !!..and ACTION means DOING.
BTW..there is not a single record of any Guru sahib..or his Sikhs...till RECENT TIMES when the "SANTS and Brahmgianis" flooded the Punjab..ever encouraging REPETITIOUS WRITING of a Single WORD to earn "merit". There are however Hundreds of instances of "ACTION"..langgar wood seva of Bhai manjh...Bringing water from Beas by Bhai Amardass Ji, Paani dhovaan, pakha ferahn, of Guru Arjun Ji...and of course the SHAHEEDEAN of Gursikhs where they put their religious beleifs into Action. ACTION required would be to BUILD ROADS..build Hospitals...schools.....dispensaries..wells..sarovars...PINGALWARRAS...workshops to give employment to sikh children...GURU SAHIBS did ALL THOSE....no Guru ever collected "books" which had waheguru written 1 lakh times...Guru ANGAD JI began schools/Gurmukhi education..no record He ever asked his students to just write one word...no matter how powerful....( this was left to 21st century guriqbal singh)

Bhagat Pooran Singh of Pingalwarra is a modern 20th Century epitome of GURSIKH in ACTION. Literally 24 hours of his day was spent in taking care of his inmates...writing pamphlets/books on the Environment, sikh history, social issues, women folk, education, gurbani araths ( Bhagat Ji was not highly educated at all hardly literate..BUT just read any of his pamphlets/books..and you will see how "brilliant" they are...and especially taking into account the little time he had to spare from the duties of taking care of the mental and other sick in the pingalwarra..only an "inner light" could be responsible for them. His NITNEM was ACTION ORIENTED....not the Himalayan Sidhs type. Plenty of Himalayan Sidh types of DERA operating sants etc..BUT not a SINGLE BOOK on Gurbani aarths..on the environment etc ever emerges from any such..whatever "naam kamaii" these people do ( i doubt any..but give them the benefit of the doubt anyway)..is FOR THEIR OWN selves only..NOTHING for the LOKAII..the SANSAAR...Opposite to what GURBANI tells us..GURSIKH is FOR the Lokaii..the world...only what we DO will follow us.

PS. btw the "plastic" SGGS sounds just like plastic money...so easy to spend..get into debt....go bankrupt..apply for govt aid to bail out..go back to same habits...a "sound" i dont think fits the SGGS which is all out against such. My friend was in Sydney recently...there he was sitting peacefully in his patka and small beard and all on the LRT..wehn a DRUNK Gora came abroad. He headed straight for Singh..and started off like this...EH you..EH YOU..with the Bandana and Robin Hood Beard...I am talking to YOU !! You think you are a Big Gangster ?? Wearing a bnadana..beard..look at ME..I am a REAL GANGSTER..I got a REAL GUN ( took out his gun and waved it..)..YOU bandana beardie..do you ahve a Gun ? I know you bandanas carry a small BLUNT KNIFE..show me..show me the knife..you PLASTIC GANGSTER !! When my friend ignored him..he went away...BUT when he returned and narrated this anectdote..we laughed so much i nearly choked...the word PLASTIC came to mind- we have made the WEAPON KIRPAN..into a BLUNT PLASTIC SYMBOL...i fail to see what practical use a blunt kirpan is...sorry for digression...i also fail to see what good a plastic sggs will be...the "Saskaar BABAS" sure wont like it because then they cant ask for too much SUDH DESI GHEE to plaster the pages..with the Paper SGGS at least they are sure the GHEE will be hundreds of kilos in EXCESS..because "GURSIKHS" think they can BUY MERIT by donating GHEE for saskaar of their GURU...doesnt matter if its all in excess..who wants to be left out ..sorry if i offended..i am very passionate about what i beleive in...??...ramblings..ramblings..take what is Gurmatt and discard the rest...JIOS.:advocate:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Please take no offence but i do prefer opening a microsoft word document on my laptop and do what ever i do... i can type waheguru waheguru a billion times without even destroying a single tree, more environmentally friendly. :D

Moreover, i even prefer, reading Gurbani on my laptop, more readily approachable and more readily available for searching the various translations, quoting, bookmarking, cut and paste jobs and what not.

Does reading and contemplating Gurbani on a laptop reduces my devotion to my Guru in any way?

Aman Ji..Gurfateh.

Even before the advent of Lappys and Microsoft Word...the Buddhist Lamas have come up with ingenious ways of "repeating" these "words of Power"..
Several Years ago, in the 1990s when I visited Lhasa I went to a Monastery where they had literally thousands of Paper Pakhiaan...Paper Mills going round and round in the WIND.... Each Paper Mill or pakhee had Budhhist Mantras written on them..and as they swirled in the WIND...the Mantras swirled too..and the "merit" went to the person who "Math-tekked" that Fan to the Monastery. Stands to REASON that since Buddhism PREDATES..US by nearly 2500 YEARS..the SANT BABAS will very soon also begin giiving out such FANS with WAHEGURU written on them..and as the wind blows..the waheguru will bring merit to the matha-tekker !! The Buddhists stopped making merit out of merely wriiting their "mantras"...2000 years ago...we are just beginning to...we are ON the WAY... Have the Buddhists been repeating the WRONG WORD..becasuse they have been doing that for 2500 years...and wil our "right word" set things right ??..maybe world will find out in the next 2500 years ?? just a sobering thought...so many among us are going the way the buddhists ahve already travelled...to commercialise the Naam/mantra/wahtever...make it MECHANICAL...instead of ACTING ON IT like the Gurus taught us...
Another student also brought up another important point...She pointed out that just too many SIKHS today repeat/write...SACH..SATNAAM..WAHEGURU...BUT when the time comes to SPEAK SACH..give true wittness..they LIE !! Just too many take BRIBES..talk falsehood, cheat...as is proven by the corruption etc in PUNJAB..land of the GURUS...which shoudl ideally be GURU-ACTION -ORIENTED as Guru ji declared..SACH sunaisee see SACH KI BELA..but its nOT that way..inspite of so many deras, baabas, brahmgianis, sants, gurus, gurdwaras etc etc..every few feet there is a Gurdwara.mandir/smadh/pir grave etc..all TALK ONLY..NO ACTION.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

I have seen Ceiling Fans in Gurdwaras..with the word Waheguru written on the blades...and central motor housing...maybe someone already has this idea about gettign merit of the powerful word while the fan revolves on the sangat...somebody just sent me a few CDS/DVDs of various Banis..Sukhmani shaib main one - which is REPEATED non stop by the CD player...as it is RECORDED in a LOOP...wah..wah..now who gets the merit ?? the Recorder...the listener...or the CD Player (electrical motor and parts )..because there is no room for any Vichaar...just endless loop of sukhmani sahib...for one to put cd in and go about ones work..the sender actually recommended me to NOT OFF the player even at night..keeps the bad spirits away...ha ha ha..I wanted to ask him How did the Bad spirits even enter my house as I have Paraksh of SGGS..apparently the SGGS/Parkash etc is secondary...to a nonstop sukhmani !! thats the way the OOTH SITS !!

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Aside from ecological concerns, for some reason unclear to me, this whole thing of writing Waheguru over and over brings to mind something that has puzzled me for long

Does anyone ever really pause at every rahaao in SGGS ji?

If not, why are they in there?

Sorry if this is off-topic; somehow the two relate in my rather addled and truncated brain.

Chardi kala! :ice:



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

IF just One Word ..ANY "WORD"...was that powerful..there would be no need for ....

Please explain if these tuks are related to your quote....

Bilawal M.1 (Ang 785)
munn mandir tan ves kalandar, ghat hi teerath nava,
ek sabad mere pran basat hai , bahurr janam na ava.

Gauree Guararee M.5 (Ang 185)
With pen and ink, write upon your paper
the name of the Lord, the ambroisal word of the lord's bani.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

...this whole thing of writing Waheguru over and over brings to mind something that has puzzled me...

Bhairon M.3 (Ang 1154)
ਪਿਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਹਲਾਦੁ ਪੜਣ ਪਠਾਇਆ
पिता प्रहलादु पड़ण पठाइआ ॥
Piṯā parahlāḏ paṛaṇ paṯẖā▫i▫ā.
Prahlaad's father sent him to school, to learn to read.

ਲੈ ਪਾਟੀ ਪਾਧੇ ਕੈ ਆਇਆ
लै पाटी पाधे कै आइआ ॥
Lai pātī pāḏẖe kai ā▫i▫ā.
He took his writing tablet and went to the teacher.

ਨਾਮ ਬਿਨਾ ਨਹ ਪੜਉ ਅਚਾਰ
नाम बिना नह पड़उ अचार ॥
Nām binā nah paṛa▫o acẖār.
He said, "I shall not read anything except the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ਮੇਰੀ ਪਟੀਆ ਲਿਖਿ ਦੇਹੁ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਮੁਰਾਰਿ ॥੨॥
मेरी पटीआ लिखि देहु गोबिंद मुरारि ॥२॥
Merī patī▫ā likẖ ḏeh gobinḏ murār. ||2||
Write the Lord's Name on my tablet."||2||
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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Ang 1291
ਸਲੋਕ ਮਃ

सलोक मः १ ॥
Salok mėhlā 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ਧੰਨੁ ਸੁ ਕਾਗਦੁ ਕਲਮ ਧੰਨੁ ਧਨੁ ਭਾਂਡਾ ਧਨੁ ਮਸੁ
धंनु सु कागदु कलम धंनु धनु भांडा धनु मसु ॥
Ḏẖan so kāgaḏ kalam ḏẖan ḏẖan bẖāʼndā ḏẖan mas.
Blessed is the paper, blessed is the pen, blessed is the inkwell, and blessed is the ink.

ਧਨੁ ਲੇਖਾਰੀ ਨਾਨਕਾ ਜਿਨਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਲਿਖਾਇਆ ਸਚੁ ॥੧॥
धनु लेखारी नानका जिनि नामु लिखाइआ सचु ॥१॥
Ḏẖan lekẖārī nānkā jin nām likẖā▫i▫ā sacẖ. ||1||
Blessed is the writer, O Nanak, who writes the True Name. ||1||
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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Ang 123

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਚੋ ਸਚੁ ਲਿਖਹਿ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ
गुरमुखि सचो सचु लिखहि वीचारु ॥
Gurmukẖ sacẖo sacẖ likẖėh vīcẖār.
The Gurmukhs write and reflect on Truth, and only Truth.

ਸੇ ਜਨ ਸਚੇ ਪਾਵਹਿ ਮੋਖ ਦੁਆਰੁ
से जन सचे पावहि मोख दुआरु ॥
Se jan sacẖe pāvahi mokẖ ḏu▫ār.
The true ones find the gate of salvation.

ਸਚੁ ਕਾਗਦੁ ਕਲਮ ਮਸਵਾਣੀ ਸਚੁ ਲਿਖਿ ਸਚਿ ਸਮਾਵਣਿਆ ॥੭॥
सचु कागदु कलम मसवाणी सचु लिखि सचि समावणिआ ॥७॥
Sacẖ kāgaḏ kalam masvāṇī sacẖ likẖ sacẖ samāvaṇi▫ā. ||7||
True is their paper, pen and ink; writing Truth, they are absorbed in the True One. ||7||
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

None of those one liners are about "writing"..as such....the SACH has to be LIVED...the GUNNS have to be ADOPTED and PRACTISED....empty "singing..listening..writing..etc etc are just that EMPTY.
TRUTH is their "paper"...pen....ink..and TRUTH is written and TRUTH is LIVED.

In a saying..Written in Stone is not meant to say take a stone and write on it..Pathar te lakeer doesnt mean take a granite slab and draw a line on it...but no one can stop a person who brings you a stone slab..and says..here..proof..pathar te lakeer ??SHOW ME here is the pathar..here is the lakeer..isnt it right ??

Guru nanak Ji also went to the Pandit...He also WROTE on His Pattee...the Bani is called Pattee and its in the SGGS..so is a Pattee by Guru Arjun ji..another by Bhagat Kabir Ji...and the Pattee is all about SACH...TRUTH...all 35 or more ALPHABETS of the sansaree langauge we all learn in school....all this is really DOUBLE LAYER...we must also learn and write the "OOrrahs and airrahs" of the WORLD...( to survive, earn a living as householders)..BUT we MUSTALSO "WRITE" the INVISIBLE "OORAHS and AIRRAHS" that hsould GOVERN our SPIRITUAL LIVES...that is the ACTUAL TRUTH as it si written..the paper, the ink etc..and it has to be LIVED..in the Background while we carry on the Superficial worldy wriitings of the same alphabets we learnt in school.

THOSE who can ONLY SEE the superficial "WAHEGURU" written a million times on their "patees"/must have OTHERS to do the EARNING for them who can do all these as they dont have to do any honest labour. DID anybody even ask who BOUGHT and PAID FOR all thsoe thousands of Precious Copy Books which the children filled up with their "wahegurus"..their overstressed PARENTS of course...and WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THESE LAKHS OF COPY BOOKS ?? WILL they REPLACE the GUTKAS...will they be placed on high shelves covered up in Rumallahs...as they are now "sacred". From where did the Ginntee come from..who decides HOW MANY WAHEGURUS..make the GRADE ?? 50 thousand..Grade Pass..100,000 Grade A...1 million..10 million..where to STOP ?? Did nayoen ask the Baba Guriqbal Singh to SHOW just HOW MANY wahegurus he writes DAILY and since when ?? I am sure the next step will be "SASKAAR SAMAGMS" for the burning of those HOLY COPY BOOKS !!..wow..another money spinning activity..shudh desi ghio pipas...and saskaar yatras..samagams...and more copybooks with the word each year..a self driving business.I am contacting the Baba Kaullan in India for the malaysian Franchise ( or has someone already beaten me to it ??..SHUCKS..me and my big mouth...i always speak the TRUTH..and that hurts real bad..I could have got the rights to this....now opportunity lost forever..):D:D:D:D:D:D
May 24, 2008
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Bhai Guriqbal Singh of Mata Kaulan Trust has also been actively promoting collective SAMPAT PAATHS which is quite fimiliar to Nanaksar's Sampat Paaths . In a Sampat Paaths a particular Tuk ( Usually the Rahaao Tuk ) is repeated many more times than what is written in SGGS . This they say is to derive extra benifit of the power of a particular word or line . I sometimes remember the story of Ram Rai who in the court of Aurangzeb misinterpreted Gurbani as " Mitti Beimaan Ki " instead of " Mitti Mussalmaan Ki " as it is in Asa Di Vaar . For that Guru Har Rai ji disowned not only him but all his followers for all their lives ( still not admitted back to date ) . I wonder what these BRAHMGIANIS r doing changing Gurbani to derive EXTRA BENIFIT for their followers . What Guru's justice would have prescribed for them today ?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Aside from ecological concerns, for some reason unclear to me, this whole thing of writing Waheguru over and over brings to mind something that has puzzled me for long

Does anyone ever really pause at every rahaao in SGGS ji?

If not, why are they in there?

Sorry if this is off-topic; somehow the two relate in my rather addled and truncated brain.

Chardi kala! :ice:


Mai ji,

Guru Fateh.

I wrote a response regarding your post last night and posted it before taking my poison pills. I have no idea what happened to it.

Allow me to share my thoughts.

I ( here comes the part of me-ism sprouting out of me again:(), whenever take Hukumnaama which I do daily at home and while doing the sehaj paath, always repeat RAHAO twice and try to grasp its meaning. The RAHAO is repeated in the same fashion when I am doing the same at any Keertan programs at someone's house when asked to sit at the tabieyah.

Every Sunday at the Gurdwara Sahib, after Bhai Sahib has taken the Hukumnaama, I sit where the Keertan had taken place and begin to think aloud with the Sadh Sangat about the Shabad starting with RAHAO while explaining the true significance of RAHAO which is like the nectar of a flower and all other verses compliment the flower.

Tejwant Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Vahiguru By Manvir Singh Khalsa, UK

Ang 521, SGGS
ਪਾਪੜਿਆ ਪਛਾੜਿ ਬਾਣੁ ਸਚਾਵਾ ਸੰਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਿ ਕੈ ॥
ਗੁਰ ਮੰਤ੍ਰੜਾ ਚਿਤਾਰਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੁਖੁ ਨ ਥੀਵਈ ॥੨॥
mehlaa: 5 paaprriaa pachhaarr baann sachaavaa sunn kai.
gur mantrraa chitaar naanak dukh na theeve-ee

- Fifth Mehl: Take aim with the arrow of Truth, and shoot down sin.
Cherish the Words of the Guru's Mantra, O Nanak, and you shall not suffer in pain. 2.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word, simply meaning "incantation".
Just as the fragrance is infused in the flower, and the light of the sun is hidden in the colours, similarly,
the essence of the Divine Expression resulting from Super Consciousness is summed up in the Mantra.
The Akhree or the letter form of Mantra is the expression of the subtle Primal Sound, which is beyond the
reach of our bodily senses and the three modes of material nature. Thus the Mantra is not an ordinary word;
it's embedded with the transcendental vibratory sound that represents the Absolute Purity.

Kaanrra, Ang 1315, SGGS
ਪੰਚੇ ਸਬਦ ਵਜੇ ਮਤਿ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਅਨਹਦੁ ਵਜਿਆ ॥
ਆਨਦ ਮੂਲੁ ਰਾਮੁ ਸਭੁ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦੀ ਗੋਵਿਦੁ ਗਜਿਆ ॥
panche shabad vaje mat gurmat vaddbhaagee anhad vajiaa.
aanand mool raam sabh dekhiaa gur shabadee govind gajiaa.

- The Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrate with the Wisdom of the Guru's Teachings;
by great good fortune, the Unstruck Melody resonates and resounds.

I see the Lord, the Source of Bliss, everywhere; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad,
the Lord of the Universe is revealed.

By chanting a Mantra we try to invoke the Pure Being who resides within.
Thus, the Mantra is the Name of the Inner Being whom we are calling or want to Realise.
Therefore, if chanted with concentration, intuitive understanding, determination, constancy, assiduousness and feeling,
the Mantra will open a person to themselves — it will bring the person face to face with the Divine Light within.

mantr tantr aukhad punehchaar. har har naam jeea praan adhaar.

- (To dispel the sleep of attachment, for that person the Lord’s Name is the) Mantra, Naam is Tantra (magic),
Naam is the all-curing medicines and Naam is the act of atonement.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the Support of the soul and the breath of life.

(Guarree, Ang 184, SGGS)

The Mantras for Simran (remembrance of the Lord) are usually short, containing only a few syllables.
Relatively longer Mantras are impractical for chanting and meditation, thus loose their effectiveness.
The shorter Mantras of fewer syllables are more effective, because they are more likely to flow better
with the natural rhythm of the breathing process or Praans, easy to remember and more suitable for concentration and
satgur mantr deeo har naam. eh aasar pooran bhe-e kaam.2.

- The True Guru has given me the Mantra of the Lord's Name.
By this Support, my affairs have been resolved. ((2))

(Gaurree, Ang 196, SGGS)

kahu kabeer akhar due bhaak. hoegaa khasam ta le-egaa raakh.3.33.

- Says Kabeer, chant the two letters of the Lord's Name
(Baba Kabeer Ji’s Mantra was ‘Raam’: the Gurmukhi letters ‘Raaraa’ plus ‘Mammaa’).
If He is your Lord and Master, He will protect you. ((3()33))

(Gaurree, Ang 329, SGGS)

Guru Ji imparts self-knowledge (aatam giaan), which removes the veil of ignorance that separates us from Vaheguru.
Guru Ji also gives his Sikhs the ‘Gurmantra’ (the Divine Name) whose unbroken chanting or meditation brings the individual
mental-control and inner purity. Both of these essentials of spirituality have been provided to us by our Guru, Guru Nanak Sahib Ji.
We have been blessed with the Gurbaani for self-knowledge, and the Gurmantar is bestowed to us by the
Guru-roop Panj Piare and Guru Granth Sahib Ji’.

‘Vaheguru’ (also spelt ‘Waheguru’) is the Gurmantra for the Sikhs (invocatory formula received from the Guru)
or NAAM for repetition (silently or aloud) and meditation upon the Supreme Reality. The Gurmantra has been
passed down to from the Guru to the Sikhs in initiation ceremonies (Amrit Sanskar). The Panth Sikh Rehat Maryada describes this:
“(o) After this the five beloved ones, all together in chorus, communicating the name of Waheguru to all who have
been administered the ambrosial baptism…” (Article XXIII, Chapter XIII)

saas saas saas hai jete gurmat naam samaare.
saas saas jaae naamai bin so birthaa saas bikaare.7.

- With as many breaths as I have, I chant the Naam, under Guru's Instructions.
Each and every breath which escapes me without the Naam - that breath is useless and corrupt.((7))

(Nat Naraayan, Ang 980, SGGS)

Also in Chapter III of the Sikh Rehat Maryada under the heading of ‘Meditation on Naam (Divine Substance) and Scriptures’ states:
“(1) A Sikh should wake up in the ambrosial hours (three hours before the dawn), take bath and, concentrating his/her thoughts
on One Immortal Being, repeat the name ‘Waheguru’ (Wondrous Destroyer of darkness).”

The Gurmantra is also referred as “Beej Mantra”, meaning the seed Mantra, which one should sow in the field of the mind and soul.
Naam Japna (repeated utterance of Divine Creator’s Name, Vaheguru) is one of the three core moral principals of Sikhi,
the other two being ‘Kirat Karni’ (honest labour and living) and ‘Vand Chhakna’ (sharing one’s provisions with the needy).
In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji the word “Vaheguru” (vwihgurU) appears thirteen times and the word “Vahguru” (vwhgurU) appears three times.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Tenth Nanak, used “Vaheguru” in the invocatory formula: “Ik Ounkaar Sri Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh”,
beside the traditional “Ik Ounkaar Satgur Prasaad” at the beginning of some of his compositions as well as in the
Sikh salutation – “Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh”.

As briefly mentioned, the word “Vaheguru” is made up of two word “Vaah(e)” and “Guru”. “Vaah” or “Vaahe” is an
ecstatic expression of awe and wonder. Therefore it is often translated as “wondrous” or “wonderful”. “Guru” derives
from two words. “Gu” means darkness, and “Ru” (‘Roo’) means light. Therefore ‘Guru’ means that power, being, and presence,
which dispels darkness and brings light, in other words ‘Enlightener’. Cumulatively, the name implies wonder at the
Divine Light eliminating spiritual darkness. It might also imply -‘Hail the Lord whose Name eliminates spiritual darkness.’
Thus the two constituents of Vaheguru (Vaahe+Guroo) implies the state of wondrous ecstasy and offering homage to
the Divine Creator Being.
The attitude of wonder and total submission at the sight of Divine Greatness is prominently visible in Sri Guru Nanak Ji
when he recorded Gurbaani, for
gagan mai thaal rav chand deepak bane tarikaa manddal janak motee.
dhoop malaanlo pavann chavro kare sagal banraae phoolant jotee.1.

- In the bowl of the sky, the sun and moon are the lamps; the stars in the constellations are the pearls.
The fragrance of sandalwood is the incense, the wind is the fan,
and all the vegetation are flowers in offering to You, O Luminous Lord. ((1))

(Dhanaasree, Ang 663, SGGS)

kete pavann paannee vaisantar kete kaan mahes.
kete barme ghaarrat gharreeahi roop rang ke ves.

- So many winds, waters and fires; so many Krishnas and Shivas.
So many Brahmas, fashioning forms of great beauty, adorned and dressed in many colours.

(Ang 7, SGGS)

vismaad naad vismaad ved.

- Wondrous is the sound, wondrous is the wisdom.
(Aasa Di Vaar, Ang 463, SGGS)

Wonder and ecstasy are expressed at the cosmic order and its mystery full of Divinely appointed system.
The salok mentioned above from Aasa Di Vaar concludes with:

vismaad nerrai vismaad door. vismaad dekhai haajraa hajoor.
vekh viddaann rehiaa vismaad. naanak bujhann poorai bhaag.1.

- Wonderful is closeness, wonderful is distance.
How wonderful to behold the Lord, ever-present here.
Beholding His wonders, I am wonder-struck.
O Nanak, those who understand this are blessed with perfect destiny. ((1))

(Aasa, Ang 464, SGGS)

Following on Guru Ji says in the next Salok in Asa di Var:

bhai vich pavann vahai sadvaao. bhai vich chalhe lakh dareeaao.

- In the Lord’s fear, the wind and breezes ever blow.
In the Lord’s fear, thousands of rivers flow.

(Aasa, Ang 464, SGGS)

Gurbani here expresses wonder at the cosmic ‘fear’ under which the universe operates in obedience to the Divine Law,
which the Divine Creator alone is exempt from.

In Japji Sahib, and shabads throughout Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, one prominent theme and subject is the
expresses wonder at the cosmic order. In the 16th Pauree (Stanza) of Japji Sahib, is the conveys wonder
at the limitlessness of space:

ketaa taann suaalihu roop. ketee daat jaanai kaunn koot. keetaa pasaao eiko kavaao.
tis te hoe lakh dareeaao. kudrat kavann kahaa veechaar.
vaariaa naa jaavaa eik vaar. jo tudh bhaavai saaee bhalee kaar.
too sadaa salaamat nirunkaar.16.

- ...What power! What fascinating beauty! And what gifts! Who can know their extent?
You created the vast expanse of the Universe with One Word Hundreds of thousands of rivers began to flow.
How can Your Creative Potency be described? I cannot even once be a sacrifice to You.
Whatever pleases You is the only good done, You, Eternal and Formless One! ((16))

(Ang 3, SGGS)

The 17th –19th Paurees (Stanzas) of Japji Sahib, each begin with ‘Asankh’, meaning "Countless” is uttered
in the same feeling of wonder and awe.

asankh jap asankh bhaao. asankh poojaa asankh tap taao.

- Countless meditations, countless loves.
Countless worship services, countless austere disciplines...

(Ang 3, SGGS)

The Divine Creative Being has been attributed with countless Names,
for example, ‘Allah’, ‘Raam’, ‘Kudaah’, ‘Guru’, ‘Satguru’, ‘Gobind’, ‘Raam,’ ‘Nirunkaar’, ‘Gopal’ etc and so on.
However Gurbaani clearly states that the Creator Being has no name and is beyond our description.

eik jeeh gunn kavan bakhaanai. sehas phanee sekh ant jaanai.
navtan naam japai din raatee ek gunn naahee prabh kehi sangaa.16.

- Even the thousand-headed serpent does not know Your limit.
One may chant new names for You day and night, but even so,
O God, no one can describe even one of Your Glorious Virtues. ((16))

(Maaroo, Ang 1083, SGGS)

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Tenth Nanak, says in Jaap Sahib:
tav sarab naam kathai kavan karam naam barnat sumat.1.

- No one can tell all the Names of the Lord, who is called by special Name by the wise,
according to His excellences and doings. ((1))

(P. 2, Dasam Granth)

The Fourth Nanak, Guru Raam Daas Ji says:

har har naam asankh har har ke gun kathan na jaahi.

- The Names of the Lord, Har, Har, are countless.
The Glorious Virtues of the Lord, Har, Har, cannot be described.

(Kaanrraa, Ang 1316, SGGS)

Therefore, there is no name for Vaheguru, but instead we use Vaheguru’s actions and virtues to
address him and praise Him. For example ‘Hari’ means one who makes something blossom and brings life
or greenery to nature. ‘Gopal’ means ‘Lord of the Universe’. Similarly, “Vaheguru” means ‘Wonderful Enlightener’ or
‘Wondrous Lord’. ‘Raam’ means “All-Pervading’. ‘Shiv’ (‘Shiva’) means ‘embodiment of goodness’ (kaliaann-saroop).

surag peiaal mirat bhooa manddal sarab samaano eikai ouhee.
shiv shiv karat sagal kar jorhi sarab meiaa thaakur teri dohee.1.

- In the heavenly paradise, in the nether regions of the underworld,
on the planet earth and throughout the galaxies, the One Lord is pervading everywhere.
Everyone calls upon You with their palms pressed together,
saying, "Shiva, Shiva" (meaning ‘the Giver of goodness and peace’).
O Merciful Lord and Master, everyone cries out for Your Help. ((1))

(Gaurree, Ang 207, SGGS)

guroo sikh sikh guroo hai gur updes chalaae.
raam naam mant hirdai devai, naanak milann subhaae.8.2.9.

- The Guru's Sikh, and the Sikh's Guru, are one and the same;
both spread the Guru's Teachings.
The Mantra of Raam Naam, the Lord's Name is enshrined within the heart,
O Nanak, and we merge with the Lord so easily. ((8)(2)(9))

(Aasa, Ang 444, SGGS)

Gurbani is given to us so that we can attain true Spiritual Understanding.

For the specific purpose of Naam Jaap, Guru Nanak Sahib Ji gave us a very short and sweet,
a four-syllable word ‘Va-he-gu-ru’ as the Gurmantar, which is to be repeated or meditated upon day and night
while eating, walking, working, standing, sitting, talking, etc.

saas saas simarhu gobind. man antar ke utrai chind.

- With each and every breath, meditate in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe,
and the anxiety within your mind shall depart.

(Gaurree, Ang 295, SGGS)

so prabh nerai hoo te nerai.
simar dhiaae gaae gun gobind din rain saajh saverai.1.rahaao.
- Vaheguru is the nearest of the near.

Remember Him, meditate on Him, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe,
day and night, evening and morning. ((1)(Pause))

(Devgandhaaree, Ang 530, SGGS)

Where does this one Word of Shabad come from? Although it is mentioned throughout Guru Granth Sahib Ji
in various names as discussed above, the full form of this Mantar, ‘Vaheguru’, was revealed by the realised
Bhattas (Bards) in their Bani. It was also mentioned in the writings of Bhai Gurdas Ji, the contemporary and
maternal uncle of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, who also was the scriber of the ‘Pothi Sahib’.

vaaheguroo, vaaheguroo, vaaheguroo, vaahe jeeo.
kaval nain, madhur bain, kott sain sang sobh, kehat ma jasod jishi, dehee bhaat khaahi jeeo.
dekh roop, at anoop, moh mahaa mag bhe-ee, kinkanee shabad jhanatkaar khel paahi jeeo.
kaal kalam hukam haath, kahahu kaun mett sakai, ees bam(h), g(h)aan dh(h)aan dharat heeai chaahi jeeo.
sat saach sree nivaas, aad purakh sadaa tuhee,
vaaheguroo, vaaheguroo, vaaheguroo, vaahe jeeo.1.16.

- ”Vaheguru”, “Vaheguru”, “Vaaheguru”, “Vaahe Jee-o”, Wow! Wow! O Beloved! I am a sacrifice!
You are lotus-eyed, with sweet speech, exalted and embellished with millions of companions.
(For me it is You who) Mother Yashoda invited and said, “O son (come), eat yoghurt and rice.
Gazing upon Your supremely beautiful form, and hearing the musical sounds of Your silver bells tinkling,
(Mother Yashoda) was intoxicated with delight.
(O person!) Death's pen and command are in Your hands.
Tell me, who can erase it? Shiva and Brahma yearn to enshrine Your spiritual wisdom in their hearts.
O Vaheguru, You are forever True, the Home of Excellence, the Primal Supreme Being.
“Vaheguru”, “Vaheguru”, “Vaheguru”, “Vaahe Jee-o”. ((1)(6))

(Ang 1402, SGGS)

keeaa khel bad mel tamaasaa vaaheguroo teree sabh rachnaa.
too jal thal gagan payaal poor rah(h)aa amrit te meethe jaa ke bachnaa.
maanhi brahmaadik rudraadik kaal ka kaal nirunjan jachnaa.
gur prasaad paaeeai parmaarath satsangat setee man kachnaa.
keeaa khel bad mel tamaasaa vaahguroo teree sabh rachnaa.3.13.42.

You have formed and created this play, this great game; O “Vaheguru”, this is all Your creation.
You are pervading and permeating the water, land, skies and nether regions;
Your Words are sweeter than Ambrosial Nectar.
Brahmas and Shivas respect and obey You. O Death of death, Formless Lord, I beg of You.
By Guru's Grace, the greatest thing is obtained, and the mind is involved with the Sat Sangat, the True Company.
You have formed and created this play, this great game. O “Vahguru”, this is all Your making. ((3()13()42))

(Ang 1403, SGGS)

sevak kai bharpoor jug jug vaahguroo tera sabh sadkaa.
nirunkaar prabh sadaa salaamat kehi na sakai ko-oo too kad kaa.
brahmaa bisan sire tai aganat tin kau mohu bhayaa man mad kaa.
chavraaseeh lakh jon upaaee rijak deeaa sabh hoo kau tad kaa.
sevak kai bharpoor jug jug vaahguroo teraa sabh sadkaa.1.1

Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O "Vaheguru", it is all You, forever.
O Formless Lord God, You are eternally intact; no one can say how You came into being.
You created countless Brahmas and Vishnus; their minds were intoxicated with emotional attachment.
You created the 8.4 million species of beings, and provide for their sustanance.
Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O "Vaheguru", it is all You, forever. ((1)(11))

(Ang 1403, SGGS)

Throughout Gurbani, Guru Ji instructs us to meditate and chant on the ‘Guru’ (referring to God),
and to praise the ‘Guru’. Therefore, the Bhatts, did not reveal a new message from Guru Nanak Sahib Ji.

ahan toro mukh joro. gur gur karat man loro. pria preet piaaro moro.1.rahaao.

- Give up your ego, and turn your face to Vaheguru.
Let your yearning mind call out, ""Guru, Guru"". My Beloved is the Lover of Love.((1)(Pause))

(Kaanrraa, Ang 1306, SGGS)

guroo guroo jap meet hamaare. mukh oojal hovhi darbaare.1.rahaao.

- Chant and meditate: “Guru, Guru”, O my friend. Your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord. ((1)(Pause))
(Gaurree, Ang 190, SGGS)

vemuhtaajaa veparvaahu. naanak daas kahahu gur vaahu.4.21.

- The Lord is absolutely independent, and totally care-free;
O servant Nanak, chant “Gur Vaahu” (Wondrous Guru). ((4)(21))

(Aasa, Ang 376, SGGS)

For a deeper understanding of the word “Vaheguru”, we can look at its four syllables individually.
These four syllables (in Gurmukhi) are "Vaavaa", "Haahaa", "Gaggaa", and "Raaraa". Guru Granth Sahib Ji reveals to
us on ang (respected word for page) that these four syllables represent the Names of the One Creator Supreme Being.
For example, Vaavaa represents ‘Vaasudev’, Haahaa represents ‘Hari’, Gaggaa represents ‘Gobind’, and Raaraa represents ‘Raam’.
All these are different names of the same One Timeless Reality, which have been repeatedly used throughout the Gurbani;
which suggests that this Mantra is not only condensed into a short and sweet form, but also very powerful!

vavai vaaree aaeiaa moorre vaasudeo tudh veesriaa.

- Vavai (Vaavaa): Your turn has come, you fool, but you have forgotten Vasudev (God).
This opportunity will not come again, you fool; you will fall under the power of death's messenger.

(Aasa, Ang 435, SGGS)

haahai har kathaa boojh too moorre, taa sadaa sukh hoee.
manmukh parrhi, tetaa dukh laagai, vinn satgur mukat na hoee.16.

- Hahaa: Understand the Sermon of Har (God), you fool; only then you will attain eternal peace.
The more the Manmukhs (self-willed people) read, the more pain they suffer.
Without the True Guru, liberation is not obtained.

(Aasa, Ang 435, SGGS)

gagai gobind chit kar moorre, galee kinai naa paaeiaa.
gur ke charan hirdai vasaae moorre, pichhle guneh sabh baksh leiaa.15.

Gaggaa: Keep Gobind (God) in your mind, you fool; by mere words, no one has ever attained Him.
Enshrine the Guru's feet (i.e. Gurbaani) within your heart, you fool,
and all your past sins will be forgiven.

(Aasa, Ang 435, SGGS)

raarai raam chit kar moorre, hirdai jin kai rav rehiaa.
gur parsaadee jinee raam pachhaataa, nirgun raam tinee boojh lehiaa.17.

- Raaraa: Centre your consciousness on Raam (God), you fool;
abide with those whose hearts are filled with Him.
By Guru's Grace, those who recognise Him, understand the Absolute Being.

(Aasa, Ang 435, SGGS)

Therefore joining the word letters and syllables, which form to make the word “Vaheguru” represents four Names
attributed to the One Creator Supreme Being into one word, which means “Wondrous Guru” or “Wondrous Dispeller of Darkness”. Bhai Gurdas Ji says in his poetry:
vaaheguroo gur shabad lai piram piaalaa chup chalolaa.
- The Guru's word he receives is "Vaheguru", the wondrous Lord,
and remains silently immersed in delight.

(Vaar 4, Bhai Gurdaas Ji, Contemporary of Guru Arjan Dev Ji)

Bhai Gurdas Ji ‘re-emphasises’ Guru Nanak Sahib Ji’s Mantar, which he blessed the Sikhs with.
The Mantra, which is recorded in Gurbani and also bestowed upon Sikhs by the Panj Piare:

vaaheguroo gur mantr hai jap haumai khoee.
aap gavaae aap hai gunn gunnee paroee.13.

- The Gurmantra is "Vaheguru", through reciting which erases egotism.
Losing egotism and merging into the qualities of the supreme Lord,
he himself becomes full of qualities.

(Vaar 13, Bhai Gurdaas Ji, Contemporary of Guru Arjan Dev Ji)

Knowing the meaning of the Mantra is very helpful when one is concentrating on it.
Then the person will know when they reach the goal, which the Mantra is supposed to produce Within them.
The word ‘Vaheguru’ (Wondrous Lord) implies that the Mantra is essentially meant for praising the One Creator Supreme Being
through chanting, Keertan, or Naam Simran with each and every swaas (life breaths) as taught by the Guru-roop Panj Piare.

hamre jagjeevan har praan.
har ootam rid antar bhaaeiou gur mant deeo har kaan.1.rahaao.

- The Lord, the Life of the World, is my Breath of Life.
The Lofty and Exalted Lord became pleasing to my heart and my inner being,
when the Guru breathed the Mantra of the Lord into my ears. ((1)(Pause))

(Prabhaatee, Ang 1335, SGGS)

beej mantr har keertan gaao. aagai milee nithaave thaao.
gur poore kee charnnee laag. janam janam kaa soeiaa jaag.1.

- Sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, and the Beej Mantra, the Seed Mantra.
Even the homeless find a home in the world hereafter.
Fall at the feet of the Perfect Guru; you have slept for so many incarnations - wake up! ((1))

(Raamkalee, Ang 891, SGGS)

A spiritual Christian girl used to study with me at Sixth Form.
She said every time she sees a beautiful flower or tree she praises the God by saying “You are Wonderful!
You are Amazing! Wonderful Lord”. I smiled and said that is wonderful to hear. I explained that similarly Sikhs are instructed by
our Guru to say ‘Vaheguru’. Explaining what Vaheguru meant she smiled and realised the beauty of Word.
‘Vaheguru’ being the Gurmantar of the Sikhs, there is no doubt about this. A Sikh day and night remains in the awe and
wonder of the Dispeller of darkness, the Guru, and chants ‘Vaa-He-Gu-Roo’ with each breath realising the beauty of the Lord within
and around them. The Guru’s instructions are re-emphasised in the Rehatnaama of Bhai Desa Singh Ji, a contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji:

vaaheguroo nit bachan uchaare. vaaheguroo ko hirdai dhaarai.

- He/she repeats the True Name of 'Vaheguru' daily. He/she enshrines Vaheguru in his heart.
(Rehatnaama Bhai Desa Singh)

Above article by manvir.khalsa@gmail.com


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Nam Jap ji

From your post just above: Instructions are re-emphasised in the Rehatnaama of Bhai Desa Singh Ji, a
contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji:

vaaheguroo nit bachan uchaare. vaaheguroo ko hirdai dhaarai.
- He/she repeats the True Name of 'Vaheguru' daily. He/she enshrines Vaheguru in his heart.

Thanks. This was the reference I was looking for this morning and I could not find it. Much appreciated. :yes:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Nam Jap ji

From your post just above: Instructions are re-emphasised in the Rehatnaama of Bhai Desa Singh Ji, a
contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji:

vaaheguroo nit bachan uchaare. vaaheguroo ko hirdai dhaarai.
- He/she repeats the True Name of 'Vaheguru' daily. He/she enshrines Vaheguru in his heart.

Thanks. This was the reference I was looking for this morning and I could not find it. Much appreciated. :yes:

Guru piayario Jios,
The First part is "easy"...i hear Waheguru Waheguru during the langgar..vartawas chanting..waheguru Daala aji..Waheguru Parshadah Ji..Waheguru Chutney Ji....
BUT its Very difficult to HIRDHEH DHAREH....
the same person who seemed so nice and warm chanting Waheguru Daala Ji..becomes so annoyed...when he sees his "opponent"...someone he dislikes..etc sitting there..and so he "pretends" to not notice his thali..one in my Gurdwara regualrly IGNORES his former Noohn becasue she had the audacity to leave her bullying husband (his beloved son who cna do no wrong !!)..He will be loudly chanting Waheguru Waheguru so loudly..and then just pass her by looking at the opposite row of sangat..not once or twice..but for past three years now...so its diffciult to HIRDHAEH DHAAREH..and THAT is the Vital part fo the EQUATION.
Various SAKHIS..of Guru Jis time..amply ILLUSTRATE this aspect and surprisingly all of them deal with either Guru ka Langgar or Parshad Distribution..!!! Ring bells ??
1. Story of a sewadaar distributing parshaad...scolded a sangat member who was in a hurry by saying..OI dont dance like a Bear...You are the Bear not me..the man replied...and the Sewadaar immediately transformed into a Dancing BEAR !!
2.Guru Gobind Singh ji regularly used to go INCOGNITO to check on services provided by sewadaars in langgars..those found to be RUDE, offensive etc were regularly hauled up. Now also some of the most rude and offensive sewadaars are found in langgar halls...probabaly due to haumaii of "sewa".??
3. HIRDEH WASSAUNNA is a terribly difficult part. IF Waheguru hirdeh vass giyah...He is Comfortably settled in YOUR HEART..then the battle is WON...IF He is just on the TIP of your tongue..or on the Tip of your Pencil..then the Battle is just begun..BUT the danger is it may be LOST simply due to MISINFORMATION..that you are doing a GREAT JOB...keep it up..and some may take it to be Battle WON !!

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Guru piayario Jios,
The First part is "easy"...i hear Waheguru Waheguru during the langgar..vartawas chanting..waheguru Daala aji..Waheguru Parshadah Ji..Waheguru Chutney Ji....
BUT its Very difficult to HIRDHEH DHAREH....
the same person who seemed so nice and warm chanting Waheguru Daala Ji..becomes so annoyed...when he sees his "opponent"...someone he dislikes..etc sitting there..and so he "pretends" to not notice his thali..one in my Gurdwara regualrly IGNORES his former Noohn becasue she had the audacity to leave her bullying husband (his beloved son who cna do no wrong !!)..He will be loudly chanting Waheguru Waheguru so loudly..and then just pass her by looking at the opposite row of sangat..not once or twice..but for past three years now...so its diffciult to HIRDHAEH DHAAREH..and THAT is the Vital part fo the EQUATION.
Various SAKHIS..of Guru Jis time..amply ILLUSTRATE this aspect and surprisingly all of them deal with either Guru ka Langgar or Parshad Distribution..!!! Ring bells ??
1. Story of a sewadaar distributing parshaad...scolded a sangat member who was in a hurry by saying..OI dont dance like a Bear...You are the Bear not me..the man replied...and the Sewadaar immediately transformed into a Dancing BEAR !!
2.Guru Gobind Singh ji regularly used to go INCOGNITO to check on services provided by sewadaars in langgars..those found to be RUDE, offensive etc were regularly hauled up. Now also some of the most rude and offensive sewadaars are found in langgar halls...probabaly due to haumaii of "sewa".??
3. HIRDEH WASSAUNNA is a terribly difficult part. IF Waheguru hirdeh vass giyah...He is Comfortably settled in YOUR HEART..then the battle is WON...IF He is just on the TIP of your tongue..or on the Tip of your Pencil..then the Battle is just begun..BUT the danger is it may be LOST simply due to MISINFORMATION..that you are doing a GREAT JOB...keep it up..and some may take it to be Battle WON !!

About all I can add to that is that I must always be on guard to be careful that I treat all people with dignity and love, so that my inward hypocrisy remains hidden.

Chardi kala! :ice:


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Writing Vaheguru... 51 thousand times !!OR 1 Lakh?

Bhai Guriqbal Singh of Mata Kaulan Trust has also been actively promoting collective SAMPAT PAATHS which is quite fimiliar to Nanaksar's Sampat Paaths . In a Sampat Paaths a particular Tuk ( Usually the Rahaao Tuk ) is repeated many more times than what is written in SGGS . This they say is to derive extra benifit of the power of a particular word or line . I sometimes remember the story of Ram Rai who in the court of Aurangzeb misinterpreted Gurbani as " Mitti Beimaan Ki " instead of " Mitti Mussalmaan Ki " as it is in Asa Di Vaar . For that Guru Har Rai ji disowned not only him but all his followers for all their lives ( still not admitted back to date ) . I wonder what these BRAHMGIANIS r doing changing Gurbani to derive EXTRA BENIFIT for their followers . What Guru's justice would have prescribed for them today ?

He is a Nanaksar Trained granthi/ragi...because he never fails to mention Waddeh baba ji (meaning nand singh nanaksar) throughout his "kathas/kirtans. Nad YES these people do Sampatt -..interrupting flow of Gurbani.
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