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Writing Vaheguru. 51 Thousand Times Or One Lakh?

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Nothing to worry about, ji. Waheguru!


With thanks to Simmal Tree

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Gyani Jarnail Singh ji,

just how many ? and did you type them out individually ? is it the same in Gurmukhi ?
were you thinking about Waheguru...or concentrating on the alphabets of the keyboard..
I am two finger typist..so i have to look at the keys..although soemtimes the fingers are behind the mind..and one is quicker than the other..that is why so"e"..m the Left finger was quicker and typed the e before the right one touched M..result..error soem some !!
Good luck with more wahegurus...
I actually typed out 36 of them, 6 rows of 6 each. Not all at one time, though. At different times during the day, I opened that tab and typed a few. I actually can manage to type and think of Waheguru at the same time. This may be a woman thing. I often jap naam while cooking, cleaning, walking, whatever. In my younger days while changing diapers.

I would have to concentrate if I were typing in Gurmukhi, as I have never done that before, although I do have the fonts in my fonts folder. Perhaps someday when I get a bunch of spare time, I'll make that a project.

Then I did the copy/paste thing.

I am a one-handed typist still, since I have not yet succeeded in learning to move the fingers of my left hand independently. I do use all five fingers, though.

Chardi kala! :ice: (Ice cream without calories?! And Waheguru!! Who could ask for more?)

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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The "I" in your Jap....interesting..is Waheguru Ji trying to pass you a message ?
I is what causes all the problems...I, ME, MY, MINE...all these are bad news..especially in "Jap"...its like a drop of lemon juice in Milk...milk will spoil !!
Incidentally THAT is the "message" I am trying to put across when i began this Thread..the "I" factor...so I dont know if this is a coincidence..or ??
Cheers..I love this thread...opened so many "windows" on so many people...:D:D

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Gyani Jarnail Singh ji,
You wrote:

The "I" in your Jap....interesting..is Waheguru Ji trying to pass you a message ?
I is what causes all the problems...I, ME, MY, MINE...all these are bad news..especially in "Jap"...its like a drop of lemon juice in Milk...milk will spoil !!
Incidentally THAT is the "message" I am trying to put across when i began this Thread..the "I" factor...so I dont know if this is a coincidence..or ??
Cheers..I love this thread...opened so many "windows" on so many people...
I wondered if anyone would notice My "edit note."

I thought the same thing when I noticed that strange I out of nowhere that crept into My jap. "j Iap". Not a coincidence. "Coincidence" is a null concept. Waheguru has an interesting sense of humour, eh? :wah:

Someone once challenged me to go through an entire day without using a single personal pronoun. Can you imagine a day without a single: I, me, my, mine, etc? It would be heavenly, but I guess I'm not ready for heaven (whatever that may be.) And no fair to use your name in place of the pronoun! I have never made it for more than a few minutes, even after repeated attempts.

Just a thought, if the lemon juice drops into the milk, why not make paneer? (There must be a lesson there, but who knows what it might be?)

Chardi kala! :ice:
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Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
The "I" in your Jap....interesting..is Waheguru Ji trying to pass you a message ?
I is what causes all the problems...I, ME, MY, MINE...all these are bad news..especially in "Jap"...its like a drop of lemon juice in Milk...milk will spoil !!
Incidentally THAT is the "message" I am trying to put across when i began this Thread..the "I" factor...so I dont know if this is a coincidence..or ??
Cheers..I love this thread...opened so many "windows" on so many people...:D:D

Gyani jee,
Than Sir, what is the output of this thread. What exactly is the true way to Naamjup. Should we stop reciting the word Waheguru or Our karmaa are the only things which will prove our true Naamjup?
Moreover, what we means from the tuk 'Waheguru gur manter hai jup humma khoie'. Pl clerify.
Guru Fateh
Hardip Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
mai ji,

just how many ? and did you type them out individually ? is it the same in Gurmukhi ?
were you thinking about Waheguru...or concentrating on the alphabets of the keyboard..

Amazingly I have seen a woman do 4 things at the same time.
While driving her car, she held her infant and breast-fed him, not only that,
she was also talking to me and as well as talking to her 5-year old daughter who
was at the back seat. A man couldn't do such a thing at all because God made him different ?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani jee,
Than Sir, what is the output of this thread. What exactly is the true way to Naamjup. Should we stop reciting the word Waheguru or Our karmaa are the only things which will prove our true Naamjup?
Moreover, what we means from the tuk 'Waheguru gur manter hai jup humma khoie'. Pl clerify.
Guru Fateh
Hardip Singh

Guru Piayario Jio,
Hardip Singh Ji,

Did you read the Post #46 i wrote a page or so back ? Its mostly in Punjabi..si i dont know if your Punajbi is good...or you may have missed it.
Anyway the Nichorr..or essence on this imho..is
1. Bhai Gurdass Jis Tuk you quoted is MISINTERPRETED as it goes AGAINST the Gurbani of SGGS. This Tuk is LITERALLY TRANSLATED to mean that WAH GUR - is GURUMANTAR and "japping" thsi one WORD destroys Haumaii.
First of all this word WAH + GUR are TWO words and not one.
Second of all Gurbani is agaisnt all Mantars/Jantars/Jaaps rattans...plenty of Tuks are there and i have given a few in my post 46.
Thirs IF we take the Literal Translation of Japp to mean "SAYING"...as with Tongue...then GURBANI in SGGS has so many TUKS that mention so many NAMES...BUT NOT a single mention of WAH_E_GURU. Gurbani tells us to "japp" Raam, Har, Niranjan, Gopal, etc etc BUT NEVER once WAHEGURU. This Comes form Bhai Gurdass Ji..who as i have said is NOT THE GURU..he is just the mama ji. WHY would GURU JI keep this SECRET and allow the Mama ji to reveal it ?? NONE of the Gurus, the Bhagats ever used this word even once.... the Bhatt use it as WAH..for praise of GURU...and these GURUS are the FIVE they have seen as GURU Nanak Ji..to Guru Arjun ji...IN FACT if there is any name to be Japped according to THIS BHATTS..it is...." JAPIO JIN ARJUN DEV GURU !!!..which also measn to EMULATE the QUALITIES of Guur Arjun ji...not just go on SAYING his name and hope to become like HIM !!
So Sau hath Rassa sireh te Gandh...JAPP in Gurmatt means to DO...ACTION...REMEMBER those ATTRIBUTES of WAHEGURU..that you can...and ACT ON THEM..PRACTISE THEM...24/7.
A lot of people say SATNAAM SATNAAM..SACH.....BUT when it comes to SPEAK THE TRUTH..they tell LIES...they CHEAT...
Japji Sahib already told us..LAKH Jeebhaan..lakh vareen "japp"..NO USE AT ALL !!!..IF this is NOT REFLECTED IN OUR DAILY LIVES !!

The EMPHASIS is on ACTION...EMULATION......PRACTICE...It is not idly said..PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT..that is WHY the SIKHS earlier were PERFECT..while MOST SIKHS TODAY are Kacheh dhillarr mattheh "show off" types..all talk and no action ...

I am not stopping anyone from saying WAHEGURU with LOVE/DEVOTION....wonder at the CREATOR....say as much as you like.......BUT PRACTISE HIM MORE....ONLY PRACTISE HELPS mould CHARACTER....helps us become Model SIKHS. For Each ONE time I "SAY" Waheguru...I PROMISE MYSELF..I will SPEAK the TRUTH... I WILL BE CALM in the face of Provocation...I will NOT insult anyone...I will not be ANGRY..I will Not be LOBHEE..Hnakaree..KAAMI...I will NOT listen to ninda Chughlee...and I KEEP a RECORD...so far MY WAHEGURUS are badly in the RED...I FAILED to PRACTISE much more than I said WAHEGURU !! That is my Personal battle...to be a better Sikh....I find I can "SAY" Waheguru much more than I can Carry OUT His Attributes...saying is so much EASIER...:welcome:
Anyother point..please do ask...dass will try and answer as to my ability.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
In Ramkali Dakhni on Ang 930, this tuk appears.
There definitely is a history about it which I do not know. Gyani Ji, kindly throw some light on it.

ਸੁਣਿ ਪਾਡੇ ਕਿਆ ਲਿਖਹੁ ਜੰਜਾਲਾ
सुणि पाडे किआ लिखहु जंजाला ॥
Suṇ pāde ki▫ā likẖahu janjālā.
Listen, O Pandit, O religious scholar, why are you writing about worldly debates?

ਲਿਖੁ ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਗੋਪਾਲਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
लिखु राम नाम गुरमुखि गोपाला ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Likẖ rām nām gurmukẖ gopālā. ||1|| rahā▫o.
As Gurmukh, write only the Name of the Lord, the Lord of the World. ||1||Pause||

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Naam japp ji,
I dont know about any story..but heres my understanding..

Guur nanak ji Sahib is addressing the Pandit..Why are you so "involved" in this Worldly TRAP of MAYA...( as WE all are..work//children///house//bank accounts//honour///pride/family//etc..cetc...etc..making money money money and our positions in this world) JANJAALA..

You ( of all people !!) should be WRITING...His Naam on YOUR Mann..meaning You should be the Leader by Example of ACTING OUT The Creators attributes..be humble, be kind, be compassionate, be soft spoken...PRACTISING THESE...and You attain GURMUKHTA..the ability to FACE the Gopala..the Creator.

On the contrary..IF the Pandit carries on his greedy money grabbing ways..he will NOT be having the Gurmukhta..be able to FACE the Creator..he will be Hiding his face in SHAME...as a MANMUKH. WE Will face the same consequences as Manmukhs..and the choice is up to us...because ONLY the MANN is the "FACE" that will accompany US..and the NAAM has to be WRITTEN on it to make it Gurmukh Quality.:D:D:D:D:D

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Naam japp ji, Gurfateh.
I am not aware of any story..But heres my understanding of these Tuks..

Oankaar is a very important bani of Guru nanak ji Sahib and it reiterates much of Guru Jis sikhias/Teachings/Message in a very plain and no nonsense manner. I have always advocated that this Bani shoudl be part of any gursikhs Nitnem..together with Asa di vaar, Japji Sahib, Anand sahib and so on. Its bani much neglected by Sikhs.

The Pandit is being told in plain and simple manner... DESIST from your behaviour..pretending to be holy, giving out favours in the Creators Name in return for gifts of food, clothes, money etc..deep in the JANJAALA..the World of MAYA. Although addressed to the Pandit..it equally applies to us all...we are so deep into our WORDLY TRAP..ourwork..our families..our responsibilities..our Rat race to be the richest, most famous, whatever...that we FORGET our PURPOSE.

OUR PURPOSE is to...BECOME GURMUKHS...acquire that FACE with which we can FACE the Creator..the Gopala with PRIDE..instead of a MANMUKH FACE which we have to HIDE IN SHAME.

HOW do we acquire that GURMUKHTA ?..Simple answer..BY "WRITING HIS NAAM ON OUR MINDS"....and That means allowing OUR MINDS..and Hence our ACTIONS to REFLECT HIS NAAM....be TRUTHFUL..be kind..be compassionate..be humble..be mitth bollrra speak with softness and sweetness ( AS Guru Arjun ji declares HIS SAJJAN to be..Mitth Bollrra ji har sajjan MERA..kadeh na boleh kaurra !!)..be honest....ALL "ACTIONS TO BE PRACTISED DAILY"..so that bit by bit OUR LIVES CHANGE towards GURMUKHTAA and we leave OUR MANMUKHTAA far behind.

Side note: Ever wonder IF Guru Arjun Ji just wrote ( on paper)..Mitth Bollrra ji har sajjan mera..OR did Guru Arjun ji Himslef also EMULATE this action in His daily Life. If we read his life..we will know that Guru Arjun ji was very very soft spoken, humble and sweet. On the Hot Plate he declared..DOSH na kahoon devohn..Tera bhanna meetha laggeh.

WE too "say" such things (commonly heard at saskaar time )..haan ji Usda Bhanna see..mannna hee painna hai..blah blah..MOSTLY its SMALL TALK..we dont MEAN IT..because OUR ACTIONS SHOW the opposite..we CRY and we wail loudly...we "miss" our loved ones departed so much..we tear our hair out in frustration..WHY ?? Why?? did you take away my father..my mother..my sister ?? we ask God !! AND IF its NOT our close one and we just attended it for sake of far off reason acquaintance etc..then we FORGET the whole thing as soon as we are in our cars and heading home...soem peoples Handphones RING even during Antim Ardass at the Saskaars !! and they ANSWER THEM too....the "world has to go on" is the reason given...actually its HYPOCRACY..we have just "written" his naam on PAPER !! NOT on our MIND/HIRDAH/HEART/MANN.
We are so soft spoken..so humble..so sweet to a Business friend..to our Boss..BUT not the same towards the BEGGAR..tugging at our sleeve !!! WE are PLAY ACTING !!! JANJAALA !!! TRAPPED.

TRUE "WRITING" of His Naam..Raam Gopal...is to EMULATE HIM..in all our actions to CHANGE our Manmukh loves to GURMUKH Lives. Raam ..Ramiah hoiyah..so MUST BE REMEMBERED every MOMENT....GOPALA..CREATOR/CARETAKER..so must be REGARDED as such in each of our ACTIONS..its all HIS..kia MERA ?? but can we ?? Even before anyone can ask us..is this shiny new BMW yours..we go ahead and say..ITS MINE..abd I bought it CASH (MY CASH)..because I am SO Clever..my boss gave ME a rasie !! CAN such a FACE..be shown to HIM with Pride..can we claim our SACHA PIRRH>>SEAT ?? NO. ALL thsoe books in whcih we wrote millions of naams will be left behind..or sold off in RADDEE by our descendants..WHAT we will TAKE with US..will be the NAAM we "wrote" on our Mann...with our ACTIONS.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
OOps..sorry folks...I wrote that first post No. 70..and posted it..but the Browser died on me...i waited for a few minutes..nothing...just BLANK...
so I reloaded and began again....and this time took a little longer...sent it again..and again the Browser kaput...balnk..OH i thought..will I have to write again...so I went off to do some chores..pay my taxes ( IN Malaysia we pay whats called Assesment Taxes twice a year to teh Local Municiplaities)..and had just reopened my browser to begin answerign Naam japp Jis enquiry..when i saw BOTH my replies already posted...viola..Thanks Guru Ji..I do have other chores to attend to..besides rewritign the same post..Chardeekalla jios and forgive the duplicity...( I can NEVER write the exact same post Twice...if i lose it..the second rewrite will be a lot different...and third rewrite even more so..) SORRY.:D:D:D:wink:
Apr 11, 2007
Gyani Jarnail Singh ji,
You wrote:

I wondered if anyone would notice My "edit note."

I thought the same thing when I noticed that strange I out of nowhere that crept into My jap. "j Iap". Not a coincidence. "Coincidence" is a null concept. Waheguru has an interesting sense of humour, eh? :wah:

Someone once challenged me to go through an entire day without using a single personal pronoun. Can you imagine a day without a single: I, me, my, mine, etc? It would be heavenly, but I guess I'm not ready for heaven (whatever that may be.) And no fair to use your name in place of the pronoun! I have never made it for more than a few minutes, even after repeated attempts.

Just a thought, if the lemon juice drops into the milk, why not make paneer? (There must be a lesson there, but who knows what it might be?)

Chardi kala! :ice:

It's a good experiment I was asked to do that as a kid it enables you to use more polite polished word's like. Please and thank you an so on, instead of caveman basics like Oi. Its a Good game. :mundawinks:
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