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A Sikh Without His Flowing Hair And Turban


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
aman1234 ji

Forum member Max314 may simply be presenting a different perspective for the sake of lively discussion. I think that was what he was doing, and was not trying to be controversial. however...

Yes, when someone is content to make up the rules as he/she goes along, and pick the rules he/she wants to follow -- that says a lot. Interestingly, in Sikhism a person can progress, or move in steps, to the stage of keeping the 5 k's and may still profess to be an adherent of Sikhism. Other religions do not offer such a degree of latitude for the individual to evolve toward their religious ideal. It amazes me that those who have not proceeded that far claim to have the right, or even the obligation, to criticize and question the intentions of those who do. It is like "biting the hand that feeds you." What kind of Sikhism is it without panj pyare? Who are the panj pyare without the amritdhari?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
It's a lifestyle choice and, as long as it isn't harming anyone else, no-one has the right to ridicule or make snide remarks about people who make that choice.

I see a surprising amount of intolerance coming from a people who originally built their reputation on the back of tolerance and acceptance.

Have you ever thought that it is perhaps this exact kind of scolding and stuck-up attitude towards "how it should be" that is driving people away - if, of course, that is the case.

welcomekaur I would be more interested in what you think personally hoform22xuji

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Perhaps a slightly different approach might be useful.

Why keep kesh? Aside from the fact that it is beautiful, it may seem like a useless exercise when taken as an isolated aspect of being a Sikh.

Think of a well written computer programme. It has everything necessary to run the programme with nothing that is unnecessary. Along the way, the good programmer will embed notes that are not part of the programme so that those reading the code can understand what is being accomplished along the way. If the programme is entered correctly into the computer, it will run exactly as it should and produce the desired outcome, assuming the computer itself has sufficient resources to run that particular programme.

Sikhi, or rather the Guru Khalsa Panth, is somewhat like a perfectly written computer programme. Everything is necessary for the programme to run as it is intended to. Nothing is extraneous. The 5 kakkars, the 4 kurahits, the 3 prayer times and all the other parts that may seem useless or even weird taken singularly, are each a vital part of the whole. Take any out and the programme won't run properly, if at all. Our Eternal Guru is the notes and explanations of the programmer, but is also much, much more. It is the programmer speaking personally, individually to each of us, telling us what we need to know at that particular point in the programme.

That is not to say that some parts of the programme are not useful on their own. There are as many subprogrammes and subroutines as there are situations in each of our lives. These are useful on their own, certainly, but by themselves, they are not the whole programme and cannot possibly give the same results as the whole programme would. This is not a judgment against anyone; it is a simple, logical fact.

So, if you wonder about some of the parts of Sikhi that seem meaningless to you personally, you have several choices. You can leave entirely (please don't), you can follow those parts that make sense to you or you can do your best to run the whole programme. I guarantee it won't run smoothly on the first try unless you're a sant of some sort, but eventually, it will run and the results will be worth the effort.

BTW, if you are a Sikh, you do have sufficient resources to run this programme, so please don't use that as an excuse.


Oct 26, 2011
I feel the time is approaching When Turbaned Sikhs would be rarely seen in India and All those of us who take pride in saying "Sikhi is in heart" only would be visible. Same way as Buddhism originated in India but is hardly visible here but has flourished outside India.

As per my humble Opinion, Below are Major causes:

1. Senseless Slogans of Khalistan: I dont know why so much energy and money is being wasted in this agenda which shall not be in the interests of the people. It has taken away all the focus from the real current issues of illiteracy, casteism, Patit etc in Sikhi. If Khalistan is a piece of Land, then I dont wish it and infact am against it. If it is a concept, then you could accomplish the same through your system called SGPC. This concept is filling us with hatred and making us one-eyed.

2. Our obsession with SGPC: Panth was flourishing while SGPC was not in place. The Message of the Gurus was being spread to all corners of the world. On the contrary, SGPC has given chance to power hungry, self-centered, selfish people to lead sikh masses and people who have been serving in the real sense have been deliberately left out. Huge amounts of Sangat Maya is being looted and no budget is being allocated to strengthen the Prachaar system.

3. Lack of literature available to the masses: Christians distribute free books, CDs, Pictures to spread the message of the Christ. How much is being done by us. We are happy in building Gurudwaras, and not the real Gurudwara of human mind and body. We are yet to understand and acknowledge the concept.

4. Ego-Centredness and Corruption in almost all Sikh Jathebandis: Why this problem of Patit is being allowed to go unattended ? Bcoz our so-called leaders who are hungry for power are busy investing their brains to gain the throne of power. Every Jathebandi is saying Badal is Chor and is hurting panth, but they still cant come under one umbrella since their ego hurts. Senseless Leaders like Simranjit Mann are wayward as always chanting Khalistan every time they speak, which has no basis to support.

So the real issues like that of Patit are being resorted too. It would need people's movement to resurrect it. There are many good people at work who have been making change at micro level. We have to stop looking at SGPC bcoz I dare say "SGPC or AKAL TAKHT IS NOT ULTIMATE BUT SANGAT IS". If our Guru could refuse marriage proposal of Chandu on request or Hukam of Sangat, then So has to be done by Akal Takht if Sangat wishes it to be so. SikhSangat is the Supreme, not White Clad Masands.

Bhul Chukk Maaf.

Sat Sri Akal.


Feb 20, 2012
The future of Sikhi is not just in India/Punjab...It is International.

The purpose of Sikhi is for one to become so Pure that there is no distinguishable property between us to our dear lord creator...because when we become that Pure, god lives and breathes through us literally because there are no more obstructions left in our minds (ego, attachment, anger, desire, greed).

The purer in Mind you become the more natural it becomes to not touch ones hair..you will feel more connected to ever cell in your body, the force that drives your body, the naam inside all of us...you then don't want or have the need ti disrupt the godly processes that are occuring inside your every living cell including your flowing hair.

Once we attain this, then our outer form Turban, long hair and other 5 k's stand us out from the croud....We become like LIGHTHOUSES...that shine the light to all around us that are in the dark...we help guide the MASSES across.

This is our purpose. there may only be a very very small percentage of Sikhs that become 100% Pure Khalsa Sikhs through which god shines...but when times hit critical point...people will turn to these enlightened souls to guide them.

Don't be dis-heartened at people cutting their hair, losing faith, wanting to be like others, having a fear to be different or being picked on...This is their SOUL JOURNEY...everything is Gods play...these souls all have to learn from their own destined path...We all have been learning on our path.

Please all watch this Tribute Video to Satnaam Yogi Bhajan Ji.
He kept Sikhi alive, took it to the western world...and single handedly managed to shine the light of Guru Ji in a foreign land where people are now embracing sikhi in such a glorius way.

Be the Lighthouse - Tribute to Yogi Bhajan - YouTube


Feb 20, 2012
Very good suggestions by Respected chazSingh ji. Although it is going on in the hukam of God Almighty but one should raise objections for this game of 'patitpuna' going on, as when blind is falling in the deep well, the normal person should have to warn once that there is a deep well in front of him. As in the sikh history 'Chali Mukte' later driven by their shame and rallied by Mai Bhago the 40 men, who had denied their Guru and left Anandpur, returned to seek out their Guru and beg his forgiveness. Mai Bhago and other wives of 39 men who raised strong objections against their husband's deed, lead to the path of Mukti for their husbands.

Kanwaljit Singh

Satnaam Kanwaljit Ji,

God bless you and the Sangat. We all feel the same things. When we object to something in-order to show the light...this is gods loving grace.
The other person is not listening to their inner self, they listen to their minds instead...and the mind always looks outwards...and hence Guru ji will use the breath and speach of another to show the other person the correct way.

But it is only truely Guru Ji's grace when our objections are not fueled by anger, being upset, hurt of our Ego. Only our own truthful actions will show the other person the light.

I have long hair. I'm now 32 years of age. During my Teenager years my mind also torchured me wanting to cut my hair...i resisted. But even with my outwardly sikh appearance, i was still fueled by Lust, ego, Desire, Anger and Greed. The hair was a hindrance to my actions and thoughts under the 5 thieves...hence why i wanted to remove my hair.

It was only from the age of around 26 onwards that i started to understand the realy true purpose of the hair. Before that i did it because i thought it was just an instruction from Guru Ji, or because my parents and family told me so.

Too many of our youth do not feel connected to their hair, nor do they know the really purpose of it, and the power of it when conducted with the universal infinte power of Simran. The root cause of cutting ones hair
comes from the torture of the 5 thieves in ones mind.

Its the methods that are available to fight the root cause that should be tought to our kids. The gurdwaras should be filled with Children and parents doing Simran...explaining the power of Simran, the purpose of looking after our body including hair to Aid in our efforts to do Simran.

I now do Simran/mediation on a daily basis. i've experienced so much in such a short space of time that i'm never going to turn my back...and my hair is an integral part to my journey ahead :)

God bless us all :)


Dec 3, 2011
There is so much power in simran and meditation that when one practices an automatic attachment to the keeping of hair is attained along with many other strengths and qualities.
I agree and understand that it is the power of the 5 thieves that are the root in someone parting with their khes. Thus, they forget the true meaning of khes as a result of this.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Prabh Ka simran sabh te Ucha.........

He is TRUTH...SATNAAM........and we all know how very very very extremely difficult it is to be TRUTH..24/7.. 365 days...for 80++ YEARS... Just watch the extremely funny film LIAR LIAR....and IF that stage is so HIGH...what about TRUTHFUL LIVING ???

IF ALL Sikhs practiced THAT....no sikh would be a lawyer..or need a lawyer...the WORD would be written in stainless steel........BUT is IT for real ?? Just about every sikh i know..needs Lawyers because...???? life without LIES/LAWYERS is impossible...ha ha SIKHS go to Court and LIE...and pay lawyers to LIE..ha ha and DENY written Agreements..( forget about WORD given orally...ha ha )

BOTTOM LINE" TRUTHFUL LIVING is a 24/7 COMMITMENTjapposatnamwaheguru:.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

The birth as a human being is very difficult, before taking birth as a human one has to take birth in 84 lakhs ‘yonis’ according to one’s deeds

This is not a given, there are some of us that believe otherwise

If someone percives birth as human being he/she has to find a good teacher (guru) to attain eternal happiness and peace in his/her own life. It requires MUCH LABOUR to find a 'poora guru' (complete and perfect teacher), who helps in one’s journey of mind and conduct to attain eternal happiness and peace

It does not require much labour at all, the complete and perfect teacher is there for all of us in the SGGS.

We could have achieved more benefits from 'poora guru' and can proceed further, but not to WASTE our past hard labour of good deeds BY GOING AGAINST THE SIKH PRINCIPLES.

Sometimes I wonder whether Sikhism is a competition with the prize being enlightenment, rather than just a code of living


At the risk of offence, I think 'it' describes Creator better than 'his', We are not Christians, God did not make us in his image, Creator is formless, and I think Creator is beyond the very human feeling of displeasure, as Bhainji said above.

The God in his Will and wisdom has created the complete human being. To interfere with the God given body by circumcision, puffing a hole in the ear or nose and cutting or dyeing the hair are prohibited and treated as disobedience to God’s Will. A God fearing person can never prefer his will and wish to prevail over the God’s Will and can never make any alterations in the God gifted boon, which could attract His displeasure.

I do not fear God, I fear having no connection to Creator. The Abrahamic religions rule through fear, Sikhism is more about love, love for Creation, for Creator, any fear comes from not having that love, from being alone.

The 'bea-adabi of ‘keshas' is the 'ghor apmaan of our great gurus'. The punishment of such type of deed is written in gurbani as

'sant kea dukhan trigad jon kirmaye' (Sukhmani Sahib)-5th Guru Nanak, Ang 279 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Sikh who cuts his hairs is called ‘patit sikh’. The 'patit sikh' even CAN NOT get birth as human being, but will get birth in the bad and lowest 'yonis'.

Moving swiftly on to Vedicism, again more fear based rhetoric, this is the only life we get in my view, and I was not aware Creator punished.

So, it is fundamental rule for Sikhs not to cut their hairs.
Today’s science is also saying that hairs are beneficial to human.

We (Sikhs) all are the sons and daughters of Great Guru Gobind Singh ji, we should accept the sikh traditions with courage and happiness as the children of lion and not to cut our hairs.

I disagree, I think it is a fundamental rule that Sikhs realise naam and through that realisation have no wish to cut hair and are happy with that concept. You seem to be jumping the gun, this is no more good advice than a corporal who wishes to become a General, merely thinking he can do so by donning a Generals uniform



Nov 11, 2009
Not to loose the True Guru’s Grace​

The birth as a human being is very difficult, before taking birth as a human one has to take birth in 84 lakhs ‘yonis’ according to one’s deeds. If someone percives birth as human being he/she has to find a good teacher (guru) to attain eternal happiness and peace in his/her own life. It requires MUCH LABOUR to find a 'poora guru' (complete and perfect teacher), who helps in one’s journey of mind and conduct to attain eternal happiness and peace. In other words , IT IS VERY DIIFFICULT TO GET BIRTH AS A HUMAN BEING AND IT IS MUCH MORE DIFFICULT TO GET BIRTH IN A SIKH FAMILY OR ANYHOW NEARNESS TO ‘POORA GURU’. As we (Sikh) got the nearness of ‘poora guru' (complete and perfect teacher) by our past good deeds, as baani says
'purab likhat likhe gur paeiya' -4<sup>th</sup> Guru Nanak, Ang 13 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

'Bhag hova gur sant milaya,
prabh abinasi ghar mean payiya' -5<sup>th</sup> Guru Nanak, Ang 97 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

We could have achieved more benefits from 'poora guru' and can proceed further, but not to WASTE our past hard labour of good deeds BY GOING AGAINST THE SIKH PRINCIPLES.

It is easy to become a Doctor, an Engineer, a Pilot or any other good professionalist but it is very difficult to earn 'Dharma' by making good deeds in our life. So, one should not waste this type of labour by going against the sikh traditions.

The importance of ‘poora guru' is very great, as baani says

'poorea gur ka sun updesh,
parbrahm nikat kar pekh' (Sukhmani Sahib)-5<sup>th</sup> Guru Nanak, Ang 295 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Our great Guru directly connects us to the God Almighty and God is in His nature, as even 1<sup>st</sup> GURU NANAK’s baani says

‘balihari kudrat vasiya, tera ant na jayi lakhiya’-Guru Nanak, Ang 463 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Japji Sahib’s 1<sup>st</sup> pauri says ‘Hukam rajai chalana Nanak likhiya naal’ ,as we have to follow His DIVINE WILL and respect the NATURE. -Guru Nanak, Ang 01 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The God in his Will and wisdom has created the complete human being. To interfere with the God given body by circumcision, puffing a hole in the ear or nose and cutting or dyeing the hair are prohibited and treated as disobedience to God’s Will. A God fearing person can never prefer his will and wish to prevail over the God’s Will and can never make any alterations in the God gifted boon, which could attract His displeasure.

Guru Nanak Sahib gives the highest place to ‘Nimarta’ (‘hirdey di garibi’) and saying that
‘Naam beej santokh suhaga rakh garibi veas’ -Guru Nanak, Ang 565 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

When a person becomes very humble (having ‘Nimarta’) he becomes prideless and he obeys God’s divine order or His will very happily.
‘Kudrat kare jhano, jot is bhave nanaka hukam soi parvano -Guru Nanak, Ang 25 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

‘Nanak hukme je bujhe ta huame kahe na koe’ -Guru Nanak(Japji Sahib), Ang 1 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

According to the principles of Guru Nanak in Sri Guru Granth Sahib it is also written like that
‘Sabat surat dastaar sira’ -5<sup>th</sup> Guru Nanak, Ang 1084 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

‘Kar kirpa Apna daras dije jas gavao nis ar bhor,
Kes sang das pag jharao ehoo manorath mor’ -5<sup>th</sup> Guru Nanak, Ang 500 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One who loves God, who equally loves His creatures. Guru sahib praises the symbols of ‘sargun sarup’ of Akalpurakh (God) in human being, then says like that

‘Tere banke loen dant risaala, sohne nak jin lamde wala’ -Guru Nanak, Ang 567 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

In whole of Sri Guru Granth Sahibji (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) on almost every Ang (page) there is written about
(i) ‘Kudrat’ (Nature)
(ii) ‘Bhana’ (will of GOD)
(iii) ‘Hukam’ (divine order)
(iv) ‘Nimarta’ (humble and politeness) or prideless
All of the above qualities very clearly implies that every sikh must be keshadhari.
All the sikh gurus respected the nature and were ‘keshadhari’ and so were their Sikhs. GURU GOBIND SINGHJI MADE THE ‘REHAT’ FROM GURU NANAK’S PRINCIPLES.

The 'bea-adabi of ‘keshas' is the 'ghor apmaan of our great gurus'. The punishment of such type of deed is written in gurbani as

'sant kea dukhan trigad jon kirmaye' (Sukhmani Sahib)-5<sup>th</sup> Guru Nanak, Ang 279 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Sikh who cuts his hairs is called ‘patit sikh’. The 'patit sikh' even CAN NOT get birth as human being, but will get birth in the bad and lowest 'yonis'.

Many things does not change, God (nature) has grown hairs on the human body and still human babies beings born with hairs on their body and when they grown up, more hairs are grown on their body as beard and moustache. Our sikh gurus tried to directly connect us to the God and His nature.
‘Pooja Akal ki’ -Guru Gobind Singh
‘Khalsa Akal Purukh ki fauj’ -Guru Gobind Singh
‘balihari kudrat vasiya,
tera ant na jayi lakhiya’-Guru Nanak, Ang 463 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ‘duyi kudrat saajiea kar aasan ditho chaoo’ -Guru Nanak, Ang 463 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
‘sachchi teri kudrat sachhea paatshah’ -Guru Nanak, Ang 463 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

So, it is fundamental rule for Sikhs not to cut their hairs.
Today’s science is also saying that hairs are beneficial to human.

We (Sikhs) all are the sons and daughters of Great Guru Gobind Singh ji, we should accept the sikh traditions with courage and happiness as the children of lion and not to cut our hairs.​
Last edited by a moderator:


Feb 20, 2012

Do you have anything original to say rather than the the above which was copied from http://www.topix.com/forum/blogs/TPH9445VA3O25UH78/p76

and has now been posted on this forum on several threads?

Although its quite entertaining to see the same post again and again, you may wish to consider some original content of your own

Satnaam Ji,

This is the first time i have read the information by Kanwaljsji,
Sometimes valuable information and insight gets lost in old forums, extremely long forums, so please Kanwaljsji please keep posting if you feel the truth will get to NEW forum users or users who pass by from time to time.

We hear various paats over and over in the gurdwara, but even if one may have heard it so often that they can recite it themselves, we never say we want new material do we? because the next soul to walk through the doors may be in need of that shabad.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

Just so I can understand your logic, your suggesting Kanwaljsji carries on posting the same identical post on different topics without any new information or amendment?

Should we all then post our thoughts 10 or 20 times on various topics, just so that we can ensure no one misses them?

Also there is the topic of plagiarism, google some of the text and it is patently obvious that Kanwaljsji did not write this, yet has not made any reference to the original author, which I believe is in violation of SPN TOS


14. Plagiarism is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. If you copy posts from others and pass them as if they're yours, you will be severely punished.

Many thanks for a first class example of how you think you may be encouraging 'goodness' when in fact you are assisting in violation of the terms of this site



Feb 20, 2012

Just so I can understand your logic, your suggesting Kanwaljsji carries on posting the same identical post on different topics without any new information or amendment?

Should we all then post our thoughts 10 or 20 times on various topics, just so that we can ensure no one misses them?

Also there is the topic of plagiarism, google some of the text and it is patently obvious that Kanwaljsji did not write this, yet has not made any reference to the original author, which I believe is in violation of SPN TOS


14. Plagiarism is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. If you copy posts from others and pass them as if they're yours, you will be severely punished.

Many thanks for a first class example of how you think you may be encouraging 'goodness' when in fact you are assisting in violation of the terms of this site


My point is only that information gets lost in posts, and users do not vist all threads and read through every reply posted on them. A new user, or someone that has just visited this thread, for them it may be 'New' information, some 'new' insight. So we shouldnt dis-courage him posting the information, especially if it contains some 'Truth' in it.

Yes, i agree that sometimes, coming across the same 'copy' and 'pasted' information over and over is tedious, but we don't all need to read it over and over :) a quick click on the scroll down button, and we're to the next post. Meanwhile someone that hasnt read the post may find it useful.

Kanwalji, please try to put reference on your emails for the rules of this forum.


Nov 11, 2009

Respected Sir,
The above topic 'A Sikh Without His Flowing Hair and Turban' is not written by me. I had tried to answer through my lekh 'The Importance of Kesh for a sikh', so that I copied and pasted some portion from my lekh to some of other person's topics in the SPN. Actually, I do not know how to use SPN. Sorry, for the inconvenience.
Kanwaljit Singh


Jan 22, 2005
Not to loose the True Guru’s Grace​

The birth as a human being is very difficult, before taking birth as a human one has to take birth in 84 lakhs ‘yonis’ according to one’s deeds. If someone percives birth as human being he/she has to find a good teacher (guru) to attain eternal happiness and peace in his/her own life. It requires MUCH LABOUR to find a 'poora guru' (complete and perfect teacher), who helps in one’s journey of mind and conduct to attain eternal happiness and peace. In other words , IT IS VERY DIIFFICULT TO GET BIRTH AS A HUMAN BEING AND IT IS MUCH MORE DIFFICULT TO GET BIRTH IN A SIKH FAMILY OR ANYHOW NEARNESS TO ‘POORA GURU’.​

Are you sure, birth as a human being is very difficult. I think it takes hardly few minutes. Every year, every day millions of people are taking birth. We have now seven billion human being. As modern technology is able to produce billion and billions of chickens, same way who know tommorrows technology may contribute human population to 100 billion.

Gurbani tells us, these seven billion people infact are, 'pasu manas cham platai androh kaalia - animals wrapped in human skin. SGGS.1284.11. Yes, once 'satgur kai janmai - then we are human and that is difficult.

Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni


Feb 20, 2012
Are you sure, birth as a human being is very difficult. I think it takes hardly few minutes. Every year, every day millions of people are taking birth. We have now seven billion human being. As modern technology is able to produce billion and billions of chickens, same way who know tommorrows technology may contribute human population to 100 billion.

Gurbani tells us, these seven billion people infact are, 'pasu manas cham platai androh kaalia - animals wrapped in human skin. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.1284.11. Yes, once 'satgur kai janmai - then we are human and that is difficult.

Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni

Satnaam Mohinder Singh Ji,

I do not think he was talking about the actual physical birth process. He was talking about the difficulty in obtaining the human birth for a soul that is wandering through 8.4 million lifetimes.

For an individual soul, to go through the 8.4 million lifecycles, the human birth is the most precious, and when we finally obtain this human life, we either reach god consciousness or we waste the life and no one but god knows when we will obtain another chance.

lakh chouraaseeh bhramathiaa dhulabh janam paaeioue ||
Through 8.4 million incarnations you have wandered, to obtain this rare and precious human life. Siree Raag 50

Also Ji, I hope humans continue to pupulate in as natural way as possible without similar technology as used for chickens :) Over population will also not be good in the long run.


Feb 20, 2012
Are you sure, birth as a human being is very difficult. I think it takes hardly few minutes. Every year, every day millions of people are taking birth. We have now seven billion human being. As modern technology is able to produce billion and billions of chickens, same way who know tommorrows technology may contribute human population to 100 billion.

Gurbani tells us, these seven billion people infact are, 'pasu manas cham platai androh kaalia - animals wrapped in human skin. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.1284.11. Yes, once 'satgur kai janmai - then we are human and that is difficult.

Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni

Also Mohinder Singh Ji Ji,

Please ask the many women who are giving birth if it is easy, and also if it takes only a couple of minutes :)


Jan 22, 2005
S. Chaz Singh Ji

You are really intelligent. No need for me to check with any lady. There are several delivery operation on You tube lasting not more than ten minutes. But I was not referring to delivery but conceiving the baby.

Further, I am surprised when gurbani tells us, laikha hoey ta likhiyee.. then how could you reach a fix number of reincarnation. In the sabd 'lakh chorasi' is only a saying and ego and duality is context of the sabd. Sabd is not referring to physical birth but transformation from 'Manh di matt' to 'guru ki matt' and that does not come automatically after 8.4 juenes but unless we surrender to guru ki matt. Gurabni tells us, 'satguru kai janmai gavan mittaiya - once satguru ki mat is relished your mission is accomplished and avan javan of pal pal marna ends. So start listening and contemplating to gurbani before the physical death.

Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni

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