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Are Brahmgyanis For Real?

Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Gyani ji,

Even a highly evolved soul like Bhai Vir Singh ji was known as a "Gurmukh" to his countless admirers.
In fact a well written and illuminating biography written by his lifetime associate Gyani Maha Singh is titled "Gurmukh Jeevan"

However there are some rare deserving Gursikhs who are called as Sants by others. One such example is Sant Sangat Singh of Kamalia. He was a pukka Arya Samaji earlier but he came in contact with Bhai Vir Singh ji and under his influence he became so enamoured with Sikhi that he became a Amritdhari and did pure prachar of bani of SGGS and Naam. There is an enchanting chapter in "Gurmukh Jeevan" titled "Gurmukh Mel" (meaning meeting of Gurmukhs) which describes the first meeting of these souls in great detail. Bhai Vir Singh ji himself started calling him as Sant Sangat Singh. He was one of the important figures of the Singh sabha movement.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani ji,

Even a highly evolved soul like Bhai Vir Singh ji was known as a "Gurmukh" to his countless admirers.
In fact a well written and illuminating biography written by his lifetime associate Gyani Maha Singh is titled "Gurmukh Jeevan"

However there are some rare deserving Gursikhs who are called as Sants by others. One such example is Sant Sangat Singh of Kamalia. He was a pukka Arya Samaji earlier but he came in contact with Bhai Vir Singh ji and under his influence he became so enamoured with Sikhi that he became a Amritdhari and did pure prachar of bani of SGGS and Naam. There is an enchanting chapter in "Gurmukh Jeevan" titled "Gurmukh Mel" (meaning meeting of Gurmukhs) which describes the first meeting of these souls in great detail. Bhai Vir Singh ji himself started calling him as Sant Sangat Singh. He was one of the important figures of the Singh sabha movement.

Harbans Ji,

I have absolutley NO PROBLEM with those and all others who are GENUINE. What I am trying to do is "educate" the General Sikhs that ..Place the SGGS First and Foremost...try and read, vichaar, apply that..and IF someone comes along who can assist you ALONG THAT PATH..then very well take his help...
I have been helped along this Path..by Bhai Vir Singh, Bhai Randhir Singh (Jail Chittehan), Bhai Raghubir Singh (Bandginamah),..and Many many many others...through their writings...and personal jeewans...so i have no problem at all. Even someone like Teja Singh Bhasaurr did a huge amount of work for Sikhi..promoting Women Education, framing the SRM ( present SRM is 99;95% based on the Panch Khalsa Diwan srm of Bhasaur)..at one time his Movement had grown so big even overseas like Mlaya/singapore/hongkong/thailand/burma etc that his "enemies" shook..and then he gave them the perfect weapon to pull him down..his personal jeewan took a wrong turn..and his flock began to desert him....so its TRUE thta SIKHI is Wallon NIKKI and khandeh Dhaar ton TIKHI..the slightest mistake and blood flows....
IN Athletics and sports..any one who wants to be successful...usually engages a COACH..who will PUSH PUSH and PUSH..Towards the GOAL. To a SIKH..any so called sant... Gurmukh.... whatever should be like a COACH..who ONLY PUSHES towards the SGGS as the Ultimate GOAL for our LIFE here on EARTH.
What I want to is to warn against..self promoting Coaches...who are NOT there to push you towards the SGGS...but gravitate you to their own FEET (while using SGGS/Gurbani/Bani and Banna) as their cloak...Sadly this field of FAKE COACHES is vast today....coaches abound by the hundred thousand....and SIKHS who fall into their clutches stray far from their GOAL...

Thanks for understanding..
Chardeekalla jios always
Jarnail Singh


May 24, 2008
Here is another young man with serious doubts...about Graud Puran kathawachkas and Gurbani connection..


Dear Cyber Sangat,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh ||

For the last few days, it was coming in my mind to share this message with Sangat. I am not a giani or a missionary or a learned person. So I am asking for help of yours. Many people sought my views regarding his Katha but I did not have answers.

Bhai Thakur (Singh) cited an example from Sikh history and he quoted Guru Hargobind sahib saying, “ Garud Puran is also true”. Either Bhai Thakur Singh does not know what Grud Puran says or he does not know Gurbani . For those who do not know anything about grud puran, it is a dialogue between Garud(a bird of the size of a pigeon) and his rider Vishnoo. All the Hindu rituals after someone’s death are based on this. Those who are interested can read it from the website.


For those who are interested, this website also contains a book on Sikh History by Darothy Field, a rare book for download.

Garud Puran mentions about Sharadas which are ridiculed in Gurbani.
(Without Sharadas no one can go to heaven, there are ten avatars namely mach(fish), kachh(tortoise), varah, nar singh, vaaman, ramchand, sri krishan, budh and kalgi whose name should be chanted. First sharad happens on anniversary should be done on ekadsi.)

There are pinds(a roll made from barley or rice) which are donated. The soul walks everyday 247 Yojanas to reach Jampuri. There are several villages which appear on the way where soul is tortured. There is also a vetrany or Betrany river whose size is 400 koss wide, in which only blood flows. To cross this river one need to donate a cow to a Brahman . Garud Puran says that Cow should be black or yellow color[ I have not seen any yellow colored cow yet] , it should give plenty of milk, her horns should be clamped with gold, her feet with silver, back with copper and her tail should be tied with pure pearls. Garud Puran further says If you donate one cow to a Brahman, you will get one hundred thousands of cows in return. If someone eats Brahmans money he/she will stay in hell for sixty thousand years. Gurmat condemns such false stories. Guru Granth says about this.


Where Grud Purana says various things including ghee and panj ratni should be inserted into dead person’s mouth, Guru Granth says this.

Can someone ask Bhai Thakur Singh, why did he lie in Sangat? He might have read that story from somewhere, but it is our duty to be careful when telling such stories to the Sangat. Some writers have written Guru Gobind Singh distributed Bhang and opium to his followers, do we believe that?.

Jasbir Singh(Sydney, Australia)

Note: ALL those Pind Puran, diwas lighted, shardhs, b{censored}es. Kambals and chadras, on the dead body.etc etc and other RITUALS from these Purans have been Categorically REJECTED by SGGS and REAFFIRMED AS REJECTED in the SRM....YET MOST SIKHS carry on doing them...because MOST babas and Brahmgyianis are there to ensure these are NOT REJECTED !!:stirpot::stirpot::stirpot::stirpot::stirpot: WATER...STIRRED..NOT SHAKEN !! ???

Gyani Jarnail Singh

You gave us the Gurbani links. Looks like you read them but I don’t think u understood them. The Kabir’s bani says against any rituals. You also are against the ritiuals. If you have understood the Bani then you should not be doing any ritual. But you are and in your home you have gurus pictures. All the pictures are fake non are real pic. In the link it say in bani worshing stones are worthless. The SGGS is a book wich is as a stone. Book do not speak nor book eat. Yet u and all Sikhs do matha take. What is this? Is it not stone worship? You also carry 6” kirpan, Guru asked us to carry 3’ long kirpan. Is it not a ritual? It is easy to talk about other religions and their fault.
You can claim that you respect the SGGS not worship it. Can the Hindus say the same thing? But you do not respect what they say n do. If you can criticize other religion then be prepare to take criticize from them against our own religion. There are going to be many question asked about the Sikhism. Be prepare to answer them. Don’t kill the person who asks the question. If you don’t have the answer then say u don’t have it. One can run but can’t hide. There is no leadership from Akal Takhat. All the jathedar are in the pocket of Badal. They all do what he want. Are all dead Sikhs. We cant see what we are doing and who is controlling what. Yogi Bhajan Singh in ffice:smarttags" />USA made many white people Sikhs. He was baned to go to Golden Temple. Who else have converted other people into Sikhsism? We don’t even accept dalit as Sikhs. What a shame.

Guru Gobind set the democratic system as all are equal. Now what we see that can make any one lower his head with shame.

I know you have the justification for every ritual u r doing. That is the one reason the Sikhism is going to be finished. Not by shivesana but our own who can not understand the message in the SGGS.

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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
seeker3k ji

So that we can better understand your comments: Would you please define "ritual" as you are using it? And would you explain how your personal definition matches up with examples you have given about Gyani ji's activities and behaviors? I do not see the connection. But if you would define ritual as you use it, make the connections, then I might get it. I am certain there are other members who are having the same difficulty.

Thank you

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
seeker 3..
I would like to answer your questions..but i cant find them...you made a few assumptions about me and my home and what i do..although i havent ever seen you visit me ?? so i dont know where to begin..

1. Just for short - a person reading a "book" can learn from it and change..thats what all the worlds schols and universities are..i cant find any uni or school that only has statues .
The SGGS...is for reading, ..UNDERSTANDING the Message...and then...applying what one read..to CHANGE ones life. I and many others do just that....we read, we understand and we apply.

How that is equal to having a statue is beyond me. I do have a few wooden elephants, tigers and a few humans carvings and such..i just admire their beauty..they DONT teach me anything..except maybe the artist was good at what he did...and thats why i bought his art.

Please clarify before i go further.
Oct 11, 2006
Gur Fateh,Gyani ji,
Thanks for this very-well written article on Bramgyanies.Almost all SPN members agree about the dis-service these abominable babas and sants are doing to the Sikh cause and religion.
Now the Herculean task is of percolating this message down to the gullible Sikh masses who are being brain-washed by these crooks.
Nothing can be expected from the religio-political set-up that can appoint head of a dera, Bibi Jagir Kaur,[by-the way she swears like a man], as head of SGPC.
Big question is-What is the so-called intelligentsia"[ it includes us all :geeksingh:] doing to herd these miss-guided Sikhs back to the path shown by Guru Nanak?
Almost nothing.:}--}:

And no-one can ever be a Brahamgyani, because the more we know.the more we get to know that we know so little.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Jasbir Ji,

The Intelligensia/academics have also failed the Sikhs..perhaps even more than the politicians. A tiny sprinkling have dared to stand tall against the onslaught of the Baba/dera/badal combine....they sold their souls to the "lowest" bidder..i mean at the cheapest prices..and di U-turns which are almost embarrassing to all but the academics.

IN todays Rozana Spokesman I saw an advertisment by a Baba Hanuman Singh whose present head is a sant who won the Fatehgarh seat on badal dal ticket..this dera has just completed...2929 Akhand Paaths to celebrate the 29th B{censored}e of the dead dera santhead...on 26th April 2020....My youngest student CAUGHT almost immediately..He said..Master Ji...the sant made one mistake...its 29the B{censored}e..He did 2929 Paaths..but the BHOG is on 26th..he should have waited till 29th to COMPLETE the NUMEROLOGY GAME !! 29...2929...29..what a combination ha ha ha... and What about NEXT YEAR ??? will His Holiness be doing 3030 akhand paths and B{censored}e bhog on 30th april...??? These are the Brahmingyanis who released the chhcohhas about so many swaas and so many ashtpadees words etc in sukhmani sahib...and how so many paaths fo japji equal to one sehaj paath and all that B***. (BTW this dera sant sits quietly CROSS LEGGED on hsi Assembly Chair as he doesnt understand anything and so does "meditation" in the Punjab Assembly...expect such brahmgyanis to do the same in Parliament if elected.


Mar 22, 2010
Yes there are Brahamgiani's. One has to look for them and the true ones are 18hrs a day in naam simran and often secluded from the world. Read Sukhmani sahib and understand the importance given to the word SANT.

It is the stupid people who do not have the evaluating eye and start doing mathaa tek and following some raggis as they have achieved braham gian.

I knew a Braham giani sant from 9 years old who passed away 2.5 yrs ago. He remained hidden and secluded and in very simple form. He built many gurduwaras, schools for sikh boys and girls. He was Jatt sikh farmer, land owner. He never went to sleep like normal people and at 10.30 PM rested his back against quilts rolled up and woke up 1.30. AM to do ishnan then do naam simran. He told me that he does prepare to sleep and if his eyes close for couple of hours then that is nature but he wanted to do naam simran all the time.

I saw countless times when he said things and those came true. He helped many people in distress and took their pains on himself.

People like you do not understand the first thing about this religion. I know people like you who can not identify the problems clearly. Promote the general gullable public NOT to follow simple people who have commercialized the religion and guide them to go in villages of India and look for those hidden Sants or Braham giani's who are sitting in closed rooms doing naam simran and not traveling business class and riding rolls royces in UK or California.

Judge the diamond yourself.

Visit www.Sikh2ube.com

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Yes there are Brahamgiani's. One has to look for them and the true ones are 18hrs a day in naam simran and often secluded from the world. Read Sukhmani sahib and understand the importance given to the word SANT.

It is the stupid people who do not have the evaluating eye and start doing mathaa tek and following some raggis as they have achieved braham gian.

I knew a Braham giani sant from 9 years old who passed away 2.5 yrs ago. He remained hidden and secluded and in very simple form. He built many gurduwaras, schools for sikh boys and girls. He was Jatt sikh farmer, land owner. He never went to sleep like normal people and at 10.30 PM rested his back against quilts rolled up and woke up 1.30. AM to do ishnan then do naam simran. He told me that he does prepare to sleep and if his eyes close for couple of hours then that is nature but he wanted to do naam simran all the time.

I saw countless times when he said things and those came true. He helped many people in distress and took their pains on himself.

People like you do not understand the first thing about this religion. I know people like you who can not identify the problems clearly. Promote the general gullable public NOT to follow simple people who have commercialized the religion and guide them to go in villages of India and look for those hidden Sants or Braham giani's who are sitting in closed rooms doing naam simran and not traveling business class and riding rolls royces in UK or California.

Judge the diamond yourself.

Visit www.Sikh2ube.com

Bhagat Kabir Ji...
Rahio SANT me tolllllllllllllllllllllllllll
SAADH Bahutereh dittheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..................

The One thing about GURBANI in SGGS is that no single tuk even goes enar CONTRADICT any others.
Kabir Ji is a SANT..a Brahmgyani..a BHAGAT par excellence.
His qualification..the Vast amount of GURBANI he wrote which GUru Arjun JI gave place of HONOUR in the SGGS.
I have Faith in the beleif that Bhagat Kabir JI KNEW..everything there is to KNOW about THIS religion...and HE did have the DISCERNING EYES..the EYES needed to Identify sants and Brahmgyanis.
I also have complete Faith that Bhagat Kabir Ji KNEW how to identify problems with the religion..the people..the faithful and the gullible and the not so gullible..the smarty pants types.
Bhagat Kabir ji WENT OUT..with his DISCERNING EYES that had the power to RECOGNISE a Brahm Gyani..a Sant..a GURU..a Bhagat..and The RESULTS of his SEARCH are RECORDED in SGGS.
SGGS DOESNT LIE or contain UNTRUTHS...and Bhagat Kbair Ji in this TUK is Talking so clearly and unambigously about LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS who are the so called "snats..Brahmgyanis..Gurus..etc etc etc.
The Sukhmani Sahib Ashtpadee you quoted is also the ALL TIME FAVOURITE of ALL present and past long dead Sants/Brahmgyanis/saadhs/sri 1008's and all in between....they take this ashtpadee as their SEAL OF APPROVAL...BUT its NOT a seal..its not a description of living human beings...its for "beings" of the standard of GURU NANAK - GURU GOBIND SINGH JI...SGGS...Akal Purakh..Parmeshar...is AAP Brahmgyani.
THAT is the main reason why no such "titled persons" exist in SIKH HISTORY..from 1469....to 1935..NOT a single ONE. Its ONLY after the British ARMY recruited SIKHS..that SANTS came to be produced...First EX Britihs Army sant that came out is Sant Attar Singh Mastuanna - HIS spritual descendnats NOW have BUILT a REPLICA of Harmandar sahib in Mastuanna---Challenging the role of GURU Ramdass Ji and Guru Arjun JI. The Akal Takhat Passed a Hukmanamh to DEMOLISH that REPLICA..but it still stands tall. That means the chelas of this sant in mastuanna are IMPROVING and moving in a direction that Bhagat Kabir Ji already warned. Other Sants of this type place PHOTOS of their Babas and take out Nagar Kirtans...on Parallel with Nagar Kirtans carrying the SGGS...

Prophecies and miracles have no palce in true GURMATT. If I say..you will die tomorrow,...and you do that...does it mean that what I said came true..hence i am a sant ?? Its a matter of statistics..IF enough peole say soemthing..soemone is sure to be RIGHT. The Biggest puller of these fakes is..YOU will get a SON...and everybody knows that the probablity of that is 50%...no matter who says this..there is a 50% chance he will be CORRECT..so ALL those who are "correct" are SANTS ?? YES THEY ARE !!! Just ask the newly becoem MOTHER of a Baby BOY !! She will lick the feet of the "snat Ji" who amde the true prediction...and this is exactly HOW it all spreads...and when the SANT becomes desperate for 100% accuracy and Brahmgyaan..he doesn what the Pehova saadh did to a Amrtidharee Doctor in hsi hopsital. This doctor like many others in the sant dera hopsital ( charitable of course and made out of goluck but owned by the holy man )..were under instructions to CHECK ALL female devotees Foetuses...and IF a FEMALE was found..then they were to use an medical excuse to abort it...and keep it quiet...END RESULT the Baba wanted was a 100% SUCCESS RATE...JO SANT JI BOLEH..EEhaan uhaan SACH HOVEH !!!..and he was willing to Blind the doctor who refused to do what was required of him...The Episode is on U-Tube...

For each ONE such {censored}ROACH that crawls out of the sewer..There are a HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE who remain HIDDEN..and continue to cheat and decieve the ignorant and the GULLIBLE. And these are helped by some who cry foul....everytime a {censored}roach is exposed...READ the Sukhmani ..they scream....you have done great paap...a great soul has been maligned..your end will be terrible...brahmgyani ka dokhi..hai hai...GURU KA DOKHI..is acceptable.."sant" ka dokhi..NO WAY !!! papee dokhi..akirtghan..so on and so on...nastik..commuinst...atheist...kala afghanee..spokesmanii...are the choice titles awarded...

BOTTOM LINE..the One and ONLY SANT worth his salt is the SGGS.
Guru Ji tells us..BHAAG HOAA GUR-SANT MILAYAH....we have been gifted the SGGS..THE SUN OF GYYAN of the BRAHM......but we still go about in darkness..looking for candles.. Chasing after........fire flies !!!!


May 24, 2008
seeker 3..
I would like to answer your questions..but i cant find them...you made a few assumptions about me and my home and what i do..although i havent ever seen you visit me ?? so i dont know where to begin..

1. Just for short - a person reading a "book" can learn from it and change..thats what all the worlds schols and universities are..i cant find any uni or school that only has statues .
The SGGS...is for reading, ..UNDERSTANDING the Message...and then...applying what one read..to CHANGE ones life. I and many others do just that....we read, we understand and we apply.

How that is equal to having a statue is beyond me. I do have a few wooden elephants, tigers and a few humans carvings and such..i just admire their beauty..they DONT teach me anything..except maybe the artist was good at what he did...and thats why i bought his art.

Please clarify before i go further.

Gyani Ji,

If one chose not to understand what I wrote then it is not my fault. Here are direct question to you
Do you carry 6” kirpan?
Do you do path every day?
Do you bow down to SGGS?
How long have you been doing path?
Do you wash your hand before you open the gutka to do the path?
When there is kirtan on the TV, do you sit and cover your head?
Do you have picture of Guru in your house?
Have you seen pictures of guru in gurdwaras?
Have to seen idol of Nanak being sold in the compound of Harmandar in Amirtsar?

There are thousands doctors graduate every year in any given country. They learn from the books. I have never seen any doctor bowing down in front of a book nor I have seen any doctor keep reading same chapter every day. None of the doctor worship the books the learned from. They have learned and do the practice their profession.
As being in religion one don’t see what he is doing blindly. It is the other who sees them here the one who sees it is being ridiculed. Is it not the same thing Nanak did. He was also stoned by the people who did not like what he was saying.
I whole idea to write is to wake you and others to see what they are doing.
If you want to keep on doing what you are doing it your life. No skin of my back
This is forum in forum people are going to raise question that we don’t like. Do we try to find the answer or condemn the one who ask?
This is what the Akal takt jathedar are doing in Punjab against the new paper Rozan Spokesman. When this paper ask the question about what is written in dasm granth. Same as what is happening to Darshan Singh.

Some are living 10,000. years ago some 5,000. years. We Sikhs are living 500 years ago and Khalsa about 300 years ago. We need to live in the present and live in peace.
Think not to harm any life.
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Oct 11, 2006
Yes there are Brahamgiani's. One has to look for them and the true ones are 18hrs a day in naam simran and often secluded from the world. Read Sukhmani sahib and understand the importance given to the word SANT.

It is the stupid people who do not have the evaluating eye and start doing mathaa tek and following some raggis as they have achieved braham gian.

I knew a Braham giani sant from 9 years old who passed away 2.5 yrs ago. He remained hidden and secluded and in very simple form. He built many gurduwaras, schools for sikh boys and girls. He was Jatt sikh farmer, land owner. He never went to sleep like normal people and at 10.30 PM rested his back against quilts rolled up and woke up 1.30. AM to do ishnan then do naam simran. He told me that he does prepare to sleep and if his eyes close for couple of hours then that is nature but he wanted to do naam simran all the time.

I saw countless times when he said things and those came true. He helped many people in distress and took their pains on himself.

People like you do not understand the first thing about this religion. I know people like you who can not identify the problems clearly. Promote the general gullable public NOT to follow simple people who have commercialized the religion and guide them to go in villages of India and look for those hidden Sants or Braham giani's who are sitting in closed rooms doing naam simran and not traveling business class and riding rolls royces in UK or California.

Judge the diamond yourself.

Visit www.Sikh2ube.com
ikonkaarsmiles ji,
it seems quite normal for a 9 year old to be impresed by someone who lives secluded from the world for 18 hrs. a day,doing Naam Simran and start believing him to be a Brahamgyani?
And pray,cuold you enlighten which Sikh Guru asked us to live secluded lives cocooned in a room or a cave praying day and night.
Brahamgyan is something that we srtive to attain.I believe thetSiKHI is a continous prosses of learning and one who claimes that he has become a Brahamgyani has again got himself caught in a trap
No Sikh Guru ever claimed that he has attaiined Brahmgyaan,so how can we call these simple babas ans sants Brahmgyanies.
Further making predictions is taboo in Sikhism.:banghead:
With due apolpgies,
Jasbir Singh Kaleka


May 24, 2008
SSA seeker 3k,
How many of these books have the capability to join you with God?:thinkingmunda:

Dear sphuling Ji,

By reading the book (this book says in it that by reading no one can reach god) have you reached god? The God which Nanak described in the beginning of his bani? That God do not have body, that god can not be seen that god do not get born. Is this god is only Sikh’s god or for the whole universe? Looks like you have very different view of god then what Nanak was talking about.
If you have reached that god then you are the luckiest man on this earth. Or you are just faking it.
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May 24, 2008
ikonkaarsmiles ji,
it seems quite normal for a 9 year old to be impresed by someone who lives secluded from the world for 18 hrs. a day,doing Naam Simran and start believing him to be a Brahamgyani?
And pray,cuold you enlighten which Sikh Guru asked us to live secluded lives cocooned in a room or a cave praying day and night.
Brahamgyan is something that we srtive to attain.I believe thetSiKHI is a continous prosses of learning and one who claimes that he has become a Brahamgyani has again got himself caught in a trap
No Sikh Guru ever claimed that he has attaiined Brahmgyaan,so how can we call these simple babas ans sants Brahmgyanies.
Further making predictions is taboo in Sikhism.:banghead:
With due apolpgies,

Jasbir Singh Kaleka

Jasbirkalka Ji,

I do not blame you to believe that you met brahgyani. It is the conditioning that is done on us by the parent and society. We have been brainwashed to believe in sants and sadhu. We are week and looking for miracles to solve our problem which we have created. Look at the doctors they bring back people from the death. No one is singing their praises. There is miracles it is only lack of understand. I have challenged the so called chelas who remove demons from people. Here is what I did: I went to kartarpur close to Jallander on no moon day.masia. I asked what do you do with the prate atama when you take it out of person? He said they make them go to other world. Good I said so these atmas are in your control. Yes he said. Then you should be albe to put that atma in me for 5 minutes then you can take it out and send it to other world. He said why do you want him in you? I just want to see n feel the atama in me. He said I cant do that it is forbidden for me to do that. I said I give you in writing that I take full responsibility if any thing go wrong. He said he wont do it. I said he u r in control then you can do it. Or say that you are not in control. He just walked away.
We are week and can not challenge these dhongis. We are afraid it might be true we will be possessed by bhoot. I have challenged many people about all the hocus pokes. All they do is to take advantage of innocent people.
Be on guard so that no one can fool you. If gurus never claim to be brahgyani nor they are guru. Then why are we believing them to be guru? We are week we need some to believe in.
2 what was that naam he was doing simran of? Did he tell you that naam? I don’t think so
seeker 3k
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May 24, 2008
SSA seeker 3k,

ਸਬਦੈ ਹੀ ਤੇ ਪਾਈਐ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੇ ਲਗੈ ਪਿਆਰੁ ॥
sabadhai hee thae paaeeai har naamae lagai piaar ||
Through the Shabad, we find Him, and embrace love for the Name of the Lord.
9 Sriraag Guru Nanak Dev

May it be Humbly suggested, that perhaps you should read The 'SGGS' just one more time?

Please tell me what is his name. What naam we should simran?
I have read the SGGS there no name that oe should do the simran of.
Please dont give verse from SGGS. Give us your own experience of naam jap (simran)

If you know then why beat around the buss tell us what naam?


Feb 24, 2006
wolverhampton, UK
SSA Seeker 3k,
Not to beat arround the Bush, You may choose any name, or 'mantra' you like!
The one suggested by 'his' servants is 'WAHAGURU', Waha on the in breath, Guru on the out breath.
Thankyou for asking so succinctly.


May 24, 2008
SSA Seeker 3k,
Not to beat arround the Bush, You may choose any name, or 'mantra' you like!
The one suggested by 'his' servants is 'WAHAGURU', Waha on the in breath, Guru on the out breath.
Thankyou for asking so succinctly.

There is one problem with waheguru word. At the time of Nanak this word was not there. Nanak talked intensively about naam but he never said waheguru in any of his bani. Nor did any guru. It was the bhatt who sang it to praise OF GURU. That can not be the naam what Nanak talked about. I am 65 and started my journey on this path 40 years ago. I did lot of naam simran. I have done waheguru sat nam n many other.they work to some extent but do not take one further. I my journey I went most of the places in India no one could satisfy me about naam. I don’t denia that there is no naam. Sorry if I offended you waheguru is not the naam. The naam what Nanak talked about. It is in the mool manter if you can figure it out. But it has to be given by guru as parsad. It can not be asked from the so called guru. By taking the naam from SGGS is our own quest not parsad of guru.
I am not trying to tell yiu to give up simran of waheguru. When you do this waheguru naam you need to be aware of what is going on in you. By being aware you will know your self. It is this awareness that can lead you to the real naam. One have to know where he/she is stuck and find the way out. The questions you need to ask are: why I am a sikh, why I am hindu or any other religion? Why I am Punjabi why I am Indian? Until you ask these question to your self you will never know your self. Just once a day take your self out of what u believe that look it from out side of your belief.

I am sorry to those Sikhs who are offended by my views. I did not intend to insult any one.
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Feb 24, 2006
wolverhampton, UK
SSA Seeker 3k,
Aggree with u entirely, 'He' has no name!
'I' don't exist.
Choose ny mantra u like, and in your own words, become aware of the changes in ur self.
Thx 4 the reply. Much appreciated.
No sikh should be offended of anyone else's views, if s/he is, then ofcorse that's no sikh.
Enjoy ur Life, Been v-nice talking to u!
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