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Are Brahmgyanis For Real?

Oct 11, 2006
Jasbirkalka Ji,
I do not blame you to believe that you met brahgyani. It is the conditioning that is done on us by the parent and society. We have been brainwashed to believe in sants and sadhu. We are week and looking for miracles to solve our problem which we have created. Look at the doctors they bring back people from the death. No one is singing their praises. There is miracles it is only lack of understand. I have challenged the so called chelas who remove demons from people. Here is what I did: I went to kartarpur close to Jallander on no moon day.masia. I asked what do you do with the prate atama when you take it out of person? He said they make them go to other world. Good I said so these atmas are in your control. Yes he said. Then you should be albe to put that atma in me for 5 minutes then you can take it out and send it to other world. He said why do you want him in you? I just want to see n feel the atama in me. He said I cant do that it is forbidden for me to do that. I said I give you in writing that I take full responsibility if any thing go wrong. He said he wont do it. I said he u r in control then you can do it. Or say that you are not in control. He just walked away.
We are week and can not challenge these dhongis. We are afraid it might be true we will be possessed by bhoot. I have challenged many people about all the hocus pokes. All they do is to take advantage of innocent people.
Be on guard so that no one can fool you. If gurus never claim to be brahgyani nor they are guru. Then why are we believing them to be guru? We are week we need some to believe in.
2 what was that naam he was doing simran of? Did he tell you that naam? I don’t think so
seeker 3k
seeker 3k ji,
It not I who believes in babas and sants,but it was my reply to smiles ji.
The fact us that I am a member of Rationalists Sosiety of India.
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Mar 22, 2010
seeker 3k ji,
It not I who believes in babas and sants,but it was my reply to smiles ji.
The fact us that I am a member of Rationalists Sosiety of India.

First of all it is very heard to find a true Sant or Brhamgyani. Even if you find him, then they distance themselves from public as they are committed to naam simran and stay low profile, in simplicity without advertising them selves.

I totally agree with you that all of the dhongis that are commercializing are at fault and it is our stupid public that does not know better. Anyone who starts amrit parchar becomes like a demi god. One has to see the lifestyle of the person under a microscope and over number of years to realize if there is any credibility or not.

I agree that the Doctors do wonderful things but they also can not cheat death sometime. In my mother's case who had cancer, she was told by the doctors and biochemists that she was going to die in 7 days, She had brain odema and was in a comma. We called our Sant babaji and told him about it and he asked me "Maa bachaani eh bhai" ,, I said yes Babaji please do kirpa. We all prayed next to my mom-- 23 of us. I did path almost 20 hrs a day next to her and my feet started to hurt from standing. One night I was doing Chaupai sahib path repeatedly. My mom;s fever was 104 and she needed blood transfusion and the doctors could not do this until the fever came down. Around midnight, my mom suddenly woke up and sat upright. She had been in coma and not talking. She was speaking something jibberish and I asked her what is going on. She said .. they are here. I said are these Sikhs with open beards. She said yes they are and they are here now. I did gur fateh to them loudly and asked my mother to tell them that I have done request to Sant babaji and also that the children and requesting some additional time to spend with the mother. She did that benti and then started to laugh. I asked what happened, she said they agreed and are leaving. I thanked them loudly and did gur fateh again. Later I thought perhaps due to high fever mom might have become delusional but I kept doing my path and did believe that yes may be this experience was true. After 1 hour her fever started to come down and at 2 AM the blood was given to her.

In the morning she gathered all of my brothers and sisters and called the eldest brother and told him to note this thing very carefully and write it down somewhere. She said that she might have left last night as the people came to get her and that Sant babaji's ardaas and also that I made a request and they agreed that your son is pressing this issue and therefore we will give you 6 months.

In the morning I got a call from one of the sangat person that babaji stayed in his room for 5 days without food in his room and called one person in the room that day and said to call Canada and let them know that his mother is now OK and out of danger. There was a lot of sangat sitting outside all the time. After this Babaji became very sick and could not walk for a month. My mom of course lived and walked out of that hospital. All the doctor's were very surprised and the Bio Chemist started crying, a 6ft tall person said that he has not seen 1 person in his life come out of that condition and even in all the books he was taught and read it was a terminal fatal condition where my mom had been.

Later when mom was better, I went and brought Sant babaji to Canada and he stayed with me for 10 days. He had become weak and needed support to walk. I asked him Babaji " kuch deelai hogai". He replied, nothing comes free. if you have to take something then you have to give something. After this he got more sick when he went to india but told me that my mother had 6 months extension.

After exactly 6 months my mom was admitted to hospital and she got very critical. I did not call Sant babaji as I did not want to bother him anymore after realizing that he had take some of the pain to relieve the pain elsewhere. At 11.30 one morning, I got a call from Babaji using a sangat's hand phone ( I had sent him two mobile phones and he never used them and gave them away) and he told me, Sarbjeet 30 mins reh gaye teri maa vaste, hun waheguru da jaap karo sare. He told me to get 5 nitnemi sikhs including Gurduwara Giani ASAP. We did that and they arrive just before 12.00 PM and my mom passed exactly at 10.00 PM.

There are many examples like this. I had cut my hair, used to drink 40 pounder scotch and used fry 30-40 lbs of chicken on a single evening and he changed my life with love. For 15 years now I have not touched alcohol, meat and have a full beard and turban. He did this with love and under his affection I changed. I do 5 Japji sahib paths every day. I did full guru granth sahib path with my wife's assistance in 5 days. Basically we would keep taking shifts and do path all day.

I am sorry that you have not met any real True Sants which are honored in Sukhamani sahib.. Even guru ji says Raam sant me pedh kich nahi... To talk bad about sants also is spoken in Sukhmani sahib.. sant ka dhoki adbich te tute.. so address your anger at Dhongis not at people who have spent life time doing naam simran and doing bhalaa for people.

Go to Nathal pur pind and ask about Late Sant Ajit Singh ji.. and people will tell you his good deeds and brahamgyani avastahaa that people got to feel. He was a farmer Jatt sikh who worked hard with his hands but was always doing naam simran. This comes from number of lives naam simran and does not come from doing keertan or just doing amrit parchar and doing jakarai at Gurduwaras.

Seek and ye shall find, if you really have a quest. Otherwise go on criticizing the True Brahamgyanis and Sants. Think about it when your kids are sick the first thing we do is start doing ardaas and benti's so the people who have spent life times or several life times doing naam simran have a much closer connection to Akal purakh and to learn a better way of life from them has no harm. You have to find the right person. Perhaps some day you will meet one.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Its OUR haumaii that IF we seek and we shall find...

GURBANI already FOUND IT ALL for us and its open for us in SGGS at all times day and night. GURU JI spent 250 years on this Earth..to WRITE DOWN the SGGS..of 1429 pages LONG...to Make sure we all KNOW EXACTLY what is required of us..and we dont go "seeking" around like the blind looking for an extra door...soem more time..Fact is NO ONE WILL EVER SAY..I am Happy to GO NOW..given swaas by YOU have EXPIRED..YOUR HUKM SIR MATHEH. Every one wants a few more minutes..a few more days..a few more months..a few more years...WHEN WILL IT REALLY STOP ?? THE FACT is GHALLEH AYEH NANAKA SADDEH UTH JAYEH..WHEN HE CALLS...YOU GO....NO EXCUSES...no delays...no ifs and no buts...JEHA CHEEREE LIKHAYAH.....ITS HIS WISH..to CUT the plant while green..seedling..fully grown..pakkiah hoyah..HE IS THE FARMER..its HIS CROP.


SO far NONE has been born who can TURN OFF DEATH PERMANENTLY.

IN Fact the GURUS by PRIME EXAMPLE showed us HOW TO HUKM RAZAEE CHALLNNA...Guur Nanak Ji Sahib, Guru Amardass JI sahib..Bhai Buddha Ji sahib...etc etc LIVING to a RIPE OLD AGE....Guru Ramdass Ji..early departure..Guru Arjun Ji shaheedee in a most horrible way..Guru Har Kishan JI..very very early departure due to small pox, Guur Teg Bahdur Ji shaheedee..Guur Gobind Singh Ji a short life of just 40 years...departure due to stabbing by an enemy....WHATEVER WAS HIS HUKM...GURU JI FOLLOWED TO THE LETTER..no asking for "extra time"...a few hours more...six years more..six seconds more ...NO. JUst IMAGINE IF each of the TEN GURUS had lived for 80++ years lived by Guru nanak ji and Guru Amardass JI....we would STILL BE LIVING in the Gurgadee of a LIVING SIXTH GURU...GURU HARGOBIND JI..and still have another FOUR Guurs to go...????? BUT NO..this is just FICTION...FACT IS.... DEATH/PLACE/TIME/METHOD is FIXED by HIS HUKM...even the GURU JI followed his HUKM....and IF his HUKM was Call at age 5..then Guru Harkishan Ji OBEYED.

Ramkali SADD is to TEACH US THAT LESSON..and RAMKALI ANAND is to MAKE US REJOICE in HIS HUKM. BOTH these Banis are placed side by side in SGGS....SADD COMES BEFORE ANAND !!! Meaning..when the SADD COMES...REJOICE THAT HE HAS CALLED YOU !!! dont go begging for ..more time..please...it doesnt Work that way.:welcome:


May 24, 2008
Its OUR haumaii that IF we seek and we shall find...

GURBANI already FOUND IT ALL for us and its open for us in SGGS at all times day and night. GURU JI spent 250 years on this Earth..to WRITE DOWN the SGGS..of 1429 pages LONG...to Make sure we all KNOW EXACTLY what is required of us..and we dont go "seeking" around like the blind looking for an extra door...soem more time..Fact is NO ONE WILL EVER SAY..I am Happy to GO NOW..given swaas by YOU have EXPIRED..YOUR HUKM SIR MATHEH. Every one wants a few more minutes..a few more days..a few more months..a few more years...WHEN WILL IT REALLY STOP ?? THE FACT is GHALLEH AYEH NANAKA SADDEH UTH JAYEH..WHEN HE CALLS...YOU GO....NO EXCUSES...no delays...no ifs and no buts...JEHA CHEEREE LIKHAYAH.....ITS HIS WISH..to CUT the plant while green..seedling..fully grown..pakkiah hoyah..HE IS THE FARMER..its HIS CROP.


SO far NONE has been born who can TURN OFF DEATH PERMANENTLY.

IN Fact the GURUS by PRIME EXAMPLE showed us HOW TO HUKM RAZAEE CHALLNNA...Guru Nanak Ji Sahib, Guru Amardass JI sahib..Bhai Buddha Ji sahib...etc etc LIVING to a RIPE OLD AGE....Guru Ramdass Ji..early departure..Guru Arjun Ji shaheedee in a most horrible way..Guru Har Kishan JI..very very early departure due to small pox, Guru Teg Bahdur Ji shaheedee..Guru Gobind Singh Ji a short life of just 40 years...departure due to stabbing by an enemy....WHATEVER WAS HIS HUKM...GURU JI FOLLOWED TO THE LETTER..no asking for "extra time"...a few hours more...six years more..six seconds more ...NO. JUst IMAGINE IF each of the TEN GURUS had lived for 80++ years lived by Guru nanak ji and Guru Amardass JI....we would STILL BE LIVING in the Gurgadee of a LIVING SIXTH GURU...GURU HARGOBIND JI..and still have another FOUR Gurus to go...????? BUT NO..this is just FICTION...FACT IS.... DEATH/PLACE/TIME/METHOD is FIXED by HIS HUKM...even the GURU JI followed his HUKM....and IF his HUKM was Call at age 5..then Guru Harkishan Ji OBEYED.

Ramkali SADD is to TEACH US THAT LESSON..and RAMKALI ANAND is to MAKE US REJOICE in HIS HUKM. BOTH these Banis are placed side by side in SGGS....SADD COMES BEFORE ANAND !!! Meaning..when the SADD COMES...REJOICE THAT HE HAS CALLED YOU !!! dont go begging for ..more time..please...it doesnt Work that way.:welcome:

Smiles And Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji,

It is nice tail what we use to call batan that older folks were use to tell us at night time.

I agre with you on that there are brahmgyani and one can become brahgyani too. But when one become brahgyani he have no maan dil. Every thing is done due to maan. Even man do things out of mind. His maan get angree he curse, his maan is pleased he bless, Brahmgyani have no maan so he can not get angree nor pleased. So doing kirpa or curse is out of the question. With certain meditation one can get some power that he can manipulate the nature. Scientist are doing that every day. I don’t understand whay educated people don’t understand that SGGS is a guide. It was never meant to do path. It was to be understood and live by it. Because it is in poetry we believe that it should be sung. It is like reading a guide that comes with TV when we buy it. If we don’t do what the guide tell us to do. Eg: plug the TV in the plug and turn the tuner to the channel that we want to watch. If we don’t do that we cant watch TV.

We turn on the radio to listen to music or any thing. We must turn to certain station. The person at the station is speaking in the mic that sound is converted into sound that travel through the air through the walls. We can listen to it thousands miles away. Is that a miracle? No it is science nothing more. As Gyani ji said the God can change his hukam in split sec. The question is why would God change his own hukam?Is he upset on some one or is he pleases by some one? If brahmgyani has no maan then can God have maan? As reading the guide we can not watch TV it is same that we can not please God or make him anger. If so then why the charade? Every thing is sound. When we change the sound to ultra sound we can see thing in the body. That sound is called dhun in SGGS. The question is how can we make that or listen to that dhun? At the end of mool mantar there is one word called jaap. What is that mean? It is before the next verse of japji. What is that jaap mean? Does any one knows what the Nanak was telling us to do, do the jaap of what? Ther is no waheguru here. This mantar have to blessed by the guru (gurparsad).

Only doing the jaap of this naam we can hear and make that dhun, That dhun will take one to brahma then he become brahmgyani. With doing meditaion on any other naam one can attain some powers to manipulate some part of nature but can never become brahmgyani.

This sant did get 6 months for your mom. But he could not get her to live for ever. He did it out of his maan you can argue that he did not wanted any money. But there some thing much more bigger then money. It is to control people to convince other people that he have the power. We can not see it because we are week and want our mom to be with us for few more month. Your mom saw the sikh bhoots. The soul has no akar. It is not solid thing. How can she saw the Sikh’s souls with open beard? By saying this we are led to believe that there are many heavens for different religions. Or it maybe for different casts as the brahmans had us believed.

It is easy to become brahamgyani at the same time it is very difficult. For brahmgyani there is no enemy he teat every one same. If we look at our behavior we can know we don’t see any one who treat every one same. For us Sikhs if it don’t measure up to Sikhism then it is not true. I wonder how people lived before the Sikhism. It is pure ego that nothing can be better then Sikhism. When we have this ego how can one become brahmgyani?

First find out what is true naam


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
seeker wrote:

I don’t understand why educated people don’t understand that SGGS is a guide. It was never meant to do path. It was to be understood and live by it. Because it is in poetry we believe that it should be sung. <<<<<<<<<,

Its in POETRY...YES...and ITS meant to be SUNG...to make that Doubly sure..ITS in RAAG...31 different RAAGS to be exact. :happysingh:
BUT not juts empty "singing" as is being doen in Kirtan Darbas..Raein sabiis, and Mahaan to vee mahaan Maha-Mahaan Kirtan Darbars, nagar kirtans etc etc which are nothing but circus/melas.
It is meant to be SUNG to BRING ones daily Life into TUNE with the Creator. THAT can only happen if the MESSAGE of Gurbani is FOLLOWED and ADAPTED...to change our daily lives for the BETTER..IF that doesnt happen and we go through life as we came..then we have not "switched ON" the TV...just kept admiirng it and looking at the guide...or worse "covered it with a beautiful cloth cover to keep the dust away)


Jun 4, 2008
For a real jagriti, let us look at what Guru ji teaches instead of interpreting Gurbani as we see fit. The word bhramgyani is not a title, although some mistakenly use it as such. It instead describes the internal spiritual state of the seeker.

The Satsangat is a garden, and if every once in a while this garden did not bear fruit, if some seeker did not achieve the goal of this path, then the garden would be a failure would it not?? The bhramgyani is the fruit of the garden of satsangat.

There a series of posts on this blog which examine what Gurbani teaches about the word 'sant' and 'bhramgyani'. Please see the article series Role of Sants in the panth. Role of Sants Khojee


Mar 22, 2010
Lot of people are saying no need to do path.

SGGS says Udath bedath sovat jagat eh man tud chitarai...

Then ..suntai puneet kahtai pavit.. SGGS says people who read or listen to path are bestowed by guru kirpa.

ALL of you guys are Loosers. who have no idea and take the short cut to say live like what SGGS says and never mind doing any path.

Then someone said no one cheats death.. Sant baba Maha Harnaam Singh Bochon kala wale , guru of Sant Baba Nand singh ji Kalarena wale turned his sadaa two times and the third time Akal purkah told Sant ji not to do ulangana. Read the jeevani and people who were around this Brahmgyani sant ji. Have any one of you before posting infantile remarks do any search about real sants. I can tell I am dealing with people who are still at step 0 or at step 1.

If anyone hired someone to do waheguru waheguru for 8 hrs, I bet you that no one would, even if payment was promised at a good hourly rate. Aakhan akhaa sachaa nao.. this is the most difficult and this what Brahamgyanis do 12-18 hrs a day. Ask your local gurduwara giani to come to your house and ask him to do waheguru waheguru aloud for 8 hours straight.. you will see the result.

Simar simar simar sukh pavooh, kaal kalesh tan meh mitovoo. Listen to SGGS thru out and it always says one thing DO NAAM SIMRAN>>>>

No point posting any thing here any more.. you guys need to grow up.


Mar 22, 2010
its our haumaii that if we seek and we shall find...

gurbani already found it all for us and its open for us in sggs at all times day and night. Guru ji spent 250 years on this earth..to write down the sggs..of 1429 pages long...to make sure we all know exactly what is required of us..and we dont go "seeking" around like the blind looking for an extra door...soem more time..fact is no one will ever say..i am happy to go now..given swaas by you have expired..your hukm sir matheh. Every one wants a few more minutes..a few more days..a few more months..a few more years...when will it really stop ?? The fact is ghalleh ayeh nanaka saddeh uth jayeh..when he calls...you go....no excuses...no delays...no ifs and no buts...jeha cheeree likhayah.....its his wish..to cut the plant while green..seedling..fully grown..pakkiah hoyah..he is the farmer..its his crop.

The hukm razaee challnna is his hukm. Japji sahib.

so far none has been born who can turn off death permanently.

in fact the gurus by prime example showed us how to hukm razaee challnna...guru nanak ji sahib, guru amardass ji sahib..bhai buddha ji sahib...etc etc living to a ripe old age....guru ramdass ji..early departure..guru arjun ji shaheedee in a most horrible way..guru har kishan ji..very very early departure due to small pox, guru teg bahdur ji shaheedee..guru gobind singh ji a short life of just 40 years...departure due to stabbing by an enemy....whatever was his hukm...guru ji followed to the letter..no asking for "extra time"...a few hours more...six years more..six seconds more ...no. Just imagine if each of the ten gurus had lived for 80++ years lived by guru nanak ji and guru amardass ji....we would still be living in the gurgadee of a living sixth guru...guru hargobind ji..and still have another four gurus to go...????? But no..this is just fiction...fact is.... Death/place/time/method is fixed by his hukm...even the guru ji followed his hukm....and if his hukm was call at age 5..then guru harkishan ji obeyed.

Ramkali sadd is to teach us that lesson..and ramkali anand is to make us rejoice in his hukm. Both these banis are placed side by side in sggs....sadd comes before anand !!! Meaning..when the sadd comes...rejoice that he has called you !!! Dont go begging for ..more time..please...it doesnt work that way.:welcome:

why does sggs says -- mirtak ko jeevalan har... That is the power of gurbani.... Yes sggs has spelled it out but an average person can not decipher it that easily. If you are doing your research by taking guide from good tikka then u are on the right track.. If all you want to do is understand sggs first. It will take you life time just to use tikka, dictionaries to do this.. And the entire sggs says .. Chetna hai to chet lai...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
No point posting any thing here any more.. you guys need to grow up.<<<<<<<<<<

IF Guru Nanak Ji was with that attitude..He wouldnt have set foot outside Nankanna Sahib.
NOT in a Single tuk of SGGS does Guru ji say..such things....on the other hand Guru Ji continues to REPEAT and REPEAT and REPEAT...never saying..ENOUGH !! I have had it up to here..you guys are infantile..senile..at step 0..

Guru Ji went to Hardwaar...Mecca...Sri lanka..Himalayas..Tibet...Assam and Bengal....through forests and deserts..crossing huge rivers..and deep ravines..crossing lands infested with raging wild beasts.....TEACHING people who were WAY BELOW STEP 0.............................way...................below.................and that from a GURU who was.way.........................ABOVE..................sky high in steps !!!

Read the description of a Brahmgyani in Sukhmani Sahib...does it look like a GROWLY MONSTER...NO..its the picture of SERENITY...CALMNESS...PEACE...Bhagat Pooran Singh types who have very special GARLANDS around their necks...unlike the FAKES who hanker after those Garlands of Maya/Notes/Pounds/Dollars/even mere Flowers !! BUT never the type of garland thta pooran singh wore his entire life....:stirpot::stirpot::stirpot::advocate::welcome:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BTW..THOUSANDS of people all over..do "paaths" for MONEY..they also Say WAHEGURU WAHEGURU...not only just for 8 hours..but for rein sabaiis and shobha yatras and akhand kiratn darbars..FOR POUNDS/DOLLARS/RUPEES !! The SGGS/GURDWARAS/KIRTAN/ is a HUGE "EMPLOYER" for many hundred thousands....soem do it OPENLY..others HIDE BEHIND masks of divinity..(but accept money/honour/siropas). its not so simple..many layers under neath..like an ONION...:stirpot::stirpot:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
<<<<<<<why does sggs says -- mirtak ko jeevalan har...>>>>

YES Jios. The Power of Gurbani does that...Breathe the power of LIFE into DEAD !!
But here the Mirtak is NOT a PHYSICALLY DEAD BODY....the Mirtak are those mentioned in Asa Dee Vaar...those who wear mughal pathani clothes..who forsook their mother tongue..the sacred sanskrit language of their gods/devtas for F{censored}e..Urdu..langauge of the invader..those who sya..Fitteh fitteh chounka sada fitteh...stay away dont defile our sacred kitchen.in the Daylight thye say..we are VEGETARIANS..we cant even stand the smell of meat.....BUT in the Silence and darkness of the NIGHT..devour even HUMANS..and eat "women" RAW !! Those who would open their mouths wide to receive the filth of the invader..those who refused to keep even a kitchen knife in the hosue becasue it was forbidden to non-muslims...those who gladly gifted their teenage virgin daughters, even newly married wives to the mughals..those who stopped wearing a turban as it was royal attire emant only for the invader ruling class..those who walked becasue it was forbidden to keep a horse except by a Muslim..etc etc...THOSE WHO WERE SPIRITUALLY DEAD FOR A THOUSAND YEARS.....

GURBANI..via GURU NANAK JI...awoke these sleeping...the LIVING DEAD...during the FOUR WARS thta Guru hargobind Sahib ji fought..these halwais...sweetmeat makers, jalebi makers, farmers, labourers who had never even seen a knife..TOOK UP ARMS..rode Arabian Horses..and DEFEATED the Professional Mughal Soldiers of Shah Jehan !!

GURBANI has this POWER...mirtak kao jeewalan haar !! It had it..in 1469...1500..1699...1704/05...1918..1945..1947..1962..1965..1971..1984..and still has it and will have forever... Gurbani gave the sustainence to Guru Arjun ji to sit clamly on the Hot Plate..same Gurbani gave the POWER to Banda Singh to have the beating heart of hsi toddler son pushed into hsi mouth...his maas pulled away bit by biot by hot pincers..eyes gouged out..still saying WAHEGURU WAHEGURU...it was this pwoer in Bhai Taru Singh having his scalp removed.....HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ZINDA SHAHEEDS..Baba Deep Singh..Baba Mani Singh cut form joint to joint...

ALL that talk about "REFUSING" the sadda is a LIE..a Blatant LIE. IN the Bible also Jesus is said to have REVIVED the DEAD LAZAERUS...BUT even the 1.2 BILLION Christians with all their POWER CANNOT show a LIVING LAZARUS..not the USA with its world economy..not Great Britain with its Empire that never saw the setting sun...BUT that is not our buisiness..its their beleif...lets NOT bring down Gurbani to a level we are on...step 0 or 1 or 4 or 56 !! GURBANI is sadeevee sach..ETERNAL TRUTH..and eternal truth is..anyone BORN...DIES (eventually)..Time, Place, method determined by HIM...and HIM ALONE.:happysingh::happykudi::)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Absolutely ONLY FACTS and TRUTH. Nothing but the whole unadulterated TRUTH. Sach sunaisee SACH ki Bela...said Guru nanak Ji sahib...are we his SIKHS ready to accept eh TRUTH of GURBANI or we accept these FAKES and Charlatans who are robbing us blind.
This Book..Santan de kautak by Sardar Sabhra is avilable in Punjabi .
These FAKE "Brahmgyanis/sants/babas/mahapurahs/sri 108's, sri 1008's etc etc " are LOOTERS and WEHLARRS who eat from the Kamaii of the Householders. They support DEH and Dehdharees and fake Gurudoms against the Eternal Shabad Guru SGGS.
GURU NANAK JI separated us form the DEH...the Gurus used NUMERALS instead of Names....Mehla Pehla.dooja teeja etc...and not even "GURU"..these FAKES attach such GRANDIOSE and HUGE STRINGS of TITLES....No wonder even a ordinary singer like Babauu Maan had to make the clarion call to us to WAKE UP and smell the coffee !! EK baba nanak See jisneh turkeh dunia gahtee...EK eh Faltu babeh see jihnanh ne lal batte gaddee te lah tee !! RED LIGHT on Car and Specila SECURITY means they speak the GOVT Language..language of Babar..malik Bhago..Aurengzeb....NOT bhai lalo..Bhai mardana or Guru nanak Ji. WE have to decide which way we go...towards the Malik Bhagos..or Bhai lalos...GURU NANAK JI stands beside Bhai LALO !!:happysingh:


May 24, 2008
Dear barfi ji

Thank you for the article it is of the best. You say there should be no judging.
When one of child is getting into bad things, we normally have a talk with him/her.
The child will take it as we are judging him/her. But we think we are doing our duty.
The real question is why lot of people are going to babbay? I think one reason is what they want is not getting in gurdwaras. Other reason is babbay promises to fix our problem that we have created by our self. In gurdawas the most bhai ji don’t have the idea of the problem the person is facing. Most of the problem is psychosomatic. Most of these problems go away in time. But we will give the credit to babbe.

When we say our religion is the best in the world, are we not judging other religion?
We become egoist when we put down other religion.
Babby do the simran for them self no one else. We we making them babby. If a man do the simran and get some didhi why we don’t do that? We don’t want to be bothers with the simran .All we want some one to solve our problem.

I see lot of judging going on here in this form. Do we not discuss the things that are corrupting the society or stay out? When thee so called babby own property and abuse public. Is it not our responsibility to speak out? Every one thinks his idea is best.
We can not live in dream world. Sooner or later we have to stand up and face the music.
Just like Guru Gobind Singh did in 1669.

There is lot to learn from your article. Thanks again.


Ajeet Singh

Mar 24, 2015
Reverend Guru Piareo.......Sat Sri Akal..........Wonderful topic & very well discussed indeed. My life journey started as VIGIANI & then it reached the stage of AGIANI . As a AGIANI , GURU blessed me to meet a Brahmgiani , who was kind to facilitate in my getting a glimpse (FLASH) of Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj when I lifted my forehead after bowing before GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE MAHARAJ. However latest finding is that I met an 11 year old BRAHMGIANI who really looks like GURU HAR KRISHAN JEE MAHARAJ. His name is GAGANDEEP SINGH & stays in the village KARTARSAR about 10 KM from PGI CHANDIGARH . This fact is the light of truth . Do you desire to see his latest photograph ? The focus of my expression is to highlight that we are truly self proclaimed Brahmgianies as such enjoy this status to live in comfort zone of ego. I certify myself as a AGIANI ..............DIVINE LOVE


Feb 20, 2012
of course there are some true brahmgiani's...if there were none, then SGGS Ji would be failing miserably in it's task to awaken us.
Waheguru is trying to awaken us to the truth....when a brahmgiani is walking amongst us, they will also follow this path of awakening us as per waheguru's Will...

all those who are destined may cross the path of a true brahmgiani...others as per SGGS ji wander aimlessly following their worldly desires...
all part of the play of life and the game of love..

Ajeet Singh

Mar 24, 2015
Dear Harry Haller ..........Kindly do not get confused between superficial bliss of sex with infinite bliss of love of truth known as NAAM.......LOVE

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Kindly do not get confused

confused? me? I am not confused..

Reverend Guru Piareo

Who is Reverend Guru Piareo? it sounds like a character from cluedo

My life journey started as VIGIANI & then it reached the stage of AGIANI .

I cannot find any information on either term in google, can you explain what a vigiani is?

The focus of my expression is to highlight that we are truly self proclaimed Brahmgianies as such enjoy this status to live in comfort zone of ego. I certify myself as a AGIANI ..............DIVINE LOVE

thats ok, I have decided to certify myself as an accountant, this self certification is great!

Dear Harry Haller ..........Kindly do not get confused between superficial bliss of sex with infinite bliss of love of truth known as NAAM.......LOVE

ok, this is something slightly different, its spontaneous, and its called wit! The red light is not in reference to a brothel, although, personally, I would rather go to a brothel than a Brahmgiani, it is in reference to the red light that sits on the roof of the preferred mode of transport of the Brahmgiani, which I do believe to be the Audi Q7.


Feb 20, 2012
Without a doubt Brahmgianis truly exist, they keep the flashing red light industry in business!

Harry Ji,

We are not talking about imposters :)
we are talking about the rare few who walk this earth doing unimaginable heavy workload of pulling us out of our mental turmoil...

but this is the sickening way of the world we live in at the moment....where we so very quickly generalize.
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