"Original, post: 207681, member: 14400"]Good morning Sikhilove Ji
..how about nonsense !
..you didn't ! With age comes maturity and with maturity comes wisdom ! I suppose being young n handsome a margin of manipulation for spicy words can be entertained within reasonable jurisdiction. I don't feel Sikh n derogatory language is compatiable and hence the reason for requesting you to choose more favourable words...expand your vocab a bit ! If you can get hold of Guru Gobind Ji's Zafarnama [letter to Arungzeb] you'll be amazed with the way Guru Ji worded it.
Lol nonsense can also work- to each their own- language is limited anyway, Truth is beyond logic and language.
...that;s a myth ! The farmer grows the wheat, the baker bakes it into a loaf and it gets delivered by means of production to your table for consumption - more commonly referred to as society.
..Sikhi promotes sangat and pangat, The concept of "panth" is fundamental to both institutional and constitutional Sikhism...it isn't just about earning. Look at the natural world, the weak survive and the mild persist on account Waheguru the provider. Humans are cut from a different cloth, they are to live in harmony side by side and understand the meaning of "unity" in diversity.
...the purpose of Gurbani is to connect with the beautiful, good and the just Sikh that all human race is, including you.
You originally said that humans are dependant upon one another, I merely stated that they are not. There are plenty of hermits and jungle folk who get by just fine on their own.
I pointed out that people in general, especially now, have a higher standard of living and in order to maintain this, as well as due to laws and societal rules, we contribute our part.Some people may also work to make and give daswand.
Yes sikhi does promote sangat and pangat, but 'society' in general does not agree with this- the real outcaste of society is the detached, (who practices truthful living, beyond the 'nonsense' reactions and thoughts in maya) and these souls together, are the real sangat. The detached live life, but live the Truth Psychology whilst living.
The Gurus introduced sangat and pangat at a time where muslims were killing, raping and plundering, and factions were fighting amongst themselves. The human race and society isn't one big happy family- not everyone gets along and people are still killing raping and plundering, but the Gurus found a way to bring souls who were able to humble themselves enough to enter a Gurdwara together and gave them the opportunity to learn gurbani and truthful living from a teacher- a sangat of students.
The Gurus recognised that sangat should be of the spiritual and temporal and this is how people could live in harmony and unity.
.there is no heaven without hell. As brother Chz said, bit of ego, bit of the 5 players makes one healthy and wise to be able to eliminate them from the real deal, meaning, Waheguru.
How about, there is no heaven or hell- there is no ego, there is no maya, its all just Maharaj teaching us reactions to emotions. If you can stare any image in the khel in the face and recognise this, then you are detached.
...truthful living is the knowledge, understanding and then walking home to meet the maker. That is what Sikhi is. You don't shut away from the natural world [physical] on account it will lead you to the spiritual world, nay, but rather, head-on meet challenges and excursions which the natural world has to offer and then dismiss them as short-lived pleasures for the real is yet to come.
..they were social beings, went to bed with their respected wives, had all the human characteristics that you and I have, had children etc, In short, they were mortal beings, but yes, they had self-control and were able to spiritually exit the confines of time and space and merge with the ONE.
Truthful living is living in the knowledge that we are already free, the balance already exists- but the discoveries are endless, so we keep on discovering whilst detaching from the face of the khel.
I never said we shut ourselves up from the world, we embrace dukh and sukh head on, with the knowledge that they are all just Parbrahm. We can still feel pain and pleasure because they are there to be discovered- but we recognise them as Him. It's a psychology, if you're living a messed up psychology, you're in attachment to the illusion, i.e you believe it to be real.
Agreed that the Gurus still lived their lives, we are born to live- but their psychology and reactions were of advanced Truth. They were immortal because of the psychology they lived, they Applied and Lived the gyan of Gurbani. We are already merged, we just don't realise/ forget it. They lived the life experience like everyone else, whilst remembering the gyan, out of True Love. Hence they did not anger, they did not lie, they were not lustful, greedy, envious or jealous. Faced with souls who lived these qualities, they recognised them as the Creator.
They knew the unreal does'nt exist and the real never ceases to be, this they perceived as seers of "truth" [sat] which is different from common notion of "reality". Did you know that ? I didn't, thanks to Gurbani I do now.
..look at the time when Peter requested Jesus to fish for him coz he was hungry and Jesus said, "no, I'm not going to fish for you but teach you how to fish so that you never go hungry". Similarly, our Gurus taught us the best of the best and as a result we are cut above the rest [joke].
Yes they did teach us, and taught us so we can apply the True teachings ourselves (independence- detachment).
They taught us to accept ourselves as lowest of the low, as we truly are nothing- no colour no image no form- no Ego- thats the Truth, and that is Nirboah and Nirvair.
,,truth is sat, agree !
..sat is Goid's name [satnam] agree !
..and God is ineffable, agree. If that;d be acceptable then frequency is ruled out since it is both quantifyable and qualitatively calcuable, whereas, Nanak's Satnam [truth] is beyond all calculations.
Yes, there are dimensions, for example, physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, etc and striking the right balance between them, like you say, is good all around. Where Ikonkar "is".....is beyond time n space, none of this frequency business exists...its a permanent "existence".
Agreed about the frequency, but if it were to be described in language (and language is limited) that would be what it is. Even anhad naad is just a Symbolic reflection of Truth- it doesnt exist.
..yes, true "love" full stop. He/She is Sikhilove that will first come to understand [gyan/wisdom] the human, the physical, the mental, the emotional within which sits the "spiritual" - the Waheguru. Sikhism is a way of life that "co-exists" within all forms of social and religious organsims. Know thyself first to know the Creator O'human for thee a spiritual being having a human experience. Gurbani is the word of God - live it with eyes open !
Rather, All Is the spiritual, the Nothingness, because thats what we are- simply projections of The Truth that the True King himself discovered Himself to be. He is One.
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed yours