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Are Brahmgyanis For Real?

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
The very fact that I receive email all the time about this question means there is Jagartee... an awakening among the Sikhs. We have been fooled all this while simply because we allowed ourselves to be fooled. We can be fooled only by those we "trust"... a stranger wouldn't be able to fool us... and those we trusted are our own.

We learnt no lesson from our Gurus... cannot we see so clearly that our Gurus in spite of being Nirankaar... never even used their Names... much less titles... they used NUMBERS... Mehla 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. Again and again they addressed themselves as Neech, Neechan andar neech jaat... dhadee of Akal Purakh, Dog of the Creator... they sang with people like Bhai Mardana Ji, they ate with people like Bhai Lalo Ji... they traveled on FOOT like the common people. But when we are reminded of this... such a storm is raised... just look at the huge outcry over the Babbu Mann song... Ek Baba Nanak see jis ne turkeh saree dunia ghaah tee.. EK aaj Babeh han jisne LAL battee audi gaddee te laatee !! This song depicting REALITY hurt where it matters... hence the LOUD CRIES of PROTEST and death threats.

Gurbani is crystal clear. Even the GURU never attach any TITLES to his name... but our "parcharaks attach so many titles... each more grandiose than the other... Brahmgyani, Pooran Brahmgyani, Sri 1008 Brahmgyani, Maha Purash, Maha Purakh, Gurmatt Maartand and so on and so on... ALL 100% of our GREATEST SIKHS in Sikh history are BHAI... but modern Punjab is as full of Maha Gyanis and MahaBrahmgyanis as numerous as the SAND grains on the beaches of Hawaii. But then Gurbani declares so clearly... Rahio SANT me Toll... SAADH bahutereh dittheh !! a Highly Realised Aatma like Bhagat Kabir Ji, who has so much Gurbani in SGGS... is saying that I FAILED TO FIND EVEN ONE "SANT" ...but saw many many FAKE SAADHS... BHEKHIS... but we ordinary Sikhs today can see Sants in THOUSANDS ?? How can that be ?? Have we become so highly realised souls even ABOVE Bhagat Kabir Ji ?? Have our eyes become so sharp ??

GURU JI gave us the GURBANI... the PIO Daddeh da Khazanah (The Treasure of Our Ancestors)... to read... Vichaar... ponder over... understand and APPLY in our daily Lives so that we can become KHALSA... but we ABDICATED this responsibility... we gave up our role of GUARDIANS for the Khazanah (Treasure)... the AMRIT of GURBANI... we placed the MILK in the care of BHEKHIS... and then these BHEKHIS drank all the MILK... and gave us "water"... and told us... ONLY we can DRINK MILK... only we UNDERSTAND Gurbani... its too difficult for you... you just listen to me banging on the Chamta and Dholki... sing along this two liners, Ucah dar babeh nanak Da... Mein Sobha sunn ke aiya... ucah dar babeh nanak da... its SIMPLE and EASY... Gurbani is sanskrit... its brij bhasha, its so difficult... its so sacred... it must be kept wrapped up at all times... blah blah blah... YOU JUST matha tek as much of your earnings to me as Kaar SEWA and go home... WE will take care of the SGGS. Let us Brahmgyanis do all this kirtan... kathas etc.. its too difficult for you... you go earn money...

After a few decades... the SIKHS cant do any of the simplest jobs without these paid "Gyanis... Brahmgyanis... etc... Any "need"... sickness... happiness..<wbr>. new house... death... etc. etc. SIKHS go RUNNING around for a GYANI JI... to do parkash... ardass, kirtan... samapati... parshaad... <wbr>bhog... a SIKH CANNOT DO anything at all. THIS behaviour is in Direct DISOBEDIENCE to GURU JI... He TOLD us... NO Priests... no paid brahmins... a SIKH is in DIRECT touch with WAHEGURU !! But we forgot all that...and NOW the BILLION DEMAND MILK..and..Badaams, keju nuts..desi ghee, best shampoos, best soaps, best cars, best bedrooms in the house, and THOUSANDS in CASH..to perform akhand paath..ardass..kirtan..and we grumble..but we pay !! because we DONT KNOW HOW any more !!! And we PAY..even though we KNOW many don't do the paath..they skip pages by the bundle..they don't do ardass... they do kirtan of Kachi banis... they never come or come late... or leave early... they rush through to go to other programmes..samagams....we have no choice...

And we became so awaeselleh..IGNORANT..that now we get Fairy tales..Tall tales..kathas full of Waddeh baba ji right in front of GURU GRANTH JI and Guru nanak JI Sahib..a Mere INSAAN is being addressed as WADDEH Baba Ji..Maha Purakh Ji..and we keep quiet..we hear that there are TUNNELS in the Himalays that Lead to Special Sarovars in the Tibetan Mountains where Shaheed Singhs like baba deep Singh Ji, Bhai mani Singh ji , bhai taru Singh ji, baba Banda Singh ji etc are all WAITING... wearing just kacheras and dastaars... ready to March through the Tunnel and emerge into PUNJAB to Make KHALSA RAAJ up to Mecca Medina...as Foretold by Guru nanak ji in Karnee Namah!! Guru Gobind Singh ji in "his PREVIOUS LIFE" di penance but ON THIS EARTH (Hemkunt)...and Now these shaheeds are all SOULS without bodies..but they wear kacheras, dastaars, live in the tibetan mountaisn, eat from the Sarovar...and have weapons they used before..and to RETURN to earth they will use this Tunnel and not be born again...

And so the Nataki chapters will go on and on..until we wake up..and take Guru ji advise..and begin to READ Gurbani..vichaar gurbani..understand Gurbani..and apply it...then and then ONLY will our lives Change for the better...otherwise be prepared to be ENTERTAINED.......Hollywoods Avataar in the Cinema..and the Sant Jis Chaubis Avataars in the Gurdawra. WE DESERVE what we GET.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
By the very definition of enlightenment, it seems to me that anyone who is truly enlightened would understand the futility in trying to share it. Thus, anyone proclaiming themselves, or allowing themselves to be proclaimed as such, would be an oxy{censored}ic action......

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Reverend Guru Piareo.......Sat Sri Akal..........Wonderful topic & very well discussed indeed. My life journey started as VIGIANI & then it reached the stage of AGIANI . As a AGIANI , GURU blessed me to meet a Brahmgiani , who was kind to facilitate in my getting a glimpse (FLASH) of Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj when I lifted my forehead after bowing before GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE MAHARAJ. However latest finding is that I met an 11 year old BRAHMGIANI who really looks like GURU HAR KRISHAN JEE MAHARAJ. His name is GAGANDEEP SINGH & stays in the village KARTARSAR about 10 KM from PGI CHANDIGARH . This fact is the light of truth . Do you desire to see his latest photograph ? The focus of my expression is to highlight that we are truly self proclaimed Brahmgianies as such enjoy this status to live in comfort zone of ego. I certify myself as a AGIANI ..............DIVINE LOVE
Ajeet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Sorry to burst your bubble. Sikhi is an idea based way of life not meant for any idol worshipping. No one knows how our visionary Gurus looked like. In my opinion, it was done on purpose by them because they had all the tools to show their faces through paintings as the Mughal emperors did but they refused to. They did not even want to call themselves Gurus.That is the reason our Gurus who were writers of the Gurbani just gave themselves numbers.

Let's not try to make this beautiful pragmatic way of life in some murti pooja.


Tejwant Singh
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
of course there are some true brahmgiani's...if there were none, then SGGS Ji would be failing miserably in it's task to awaken us.
Waheguru is trying to awaken us to the truth....when a brahmgiani is walking amongst us, they will also follow this path of awakening us as per waheguru's Will...

all those who are destined may cross the path of a true brahmgiani...others as per SGGS ji wander aimlessly following their worldly desires...
all part of the play of life and the game of love..

In my view, what Gurbani tells us that we are all capable of having traits of a Brahamgyani. It has nothing to do with a particular person. Mind you, the word Brahamgyani is of a neutral gender.

When we look for a Brahamgyani outside ourselves, then we can find many Deravaalas and Babas pretending to be them and many are waiting in queues to get fooled by these confidence tricksters because they are too lazy to have a self effort to understand and practice Gurbani in their lives.

Spoonfeeding is a big NO, NO in Sikhi. The whole SGGS is filled with the tools that we can use in order to become better as humans provided we make an effort.

Hence, the word Brahamgyani becomes an adjective which can only be shone by itself through deeds.


Tejwant Singh
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Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Brahmgyani are there, but they do not expose themselves as do the TV wala babas. They have to be sought after and it requires interest and effort.
Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal


Jan 9, 2011
London UK

From a theological perspective, Braham in Sikhism is the timeless being. Taken together with gyani and literally interpretated, would mean, someone who is "well versed in God's wisdom".

Gur Ghar confirms this and goes a step further in accepting, Brahamgyani aap Nirankar [Sukhmani Sahib]. Moreover, on page 721 SGGSJ, Guru Nanak adds, aapa saja aapa ranga aapa nadar kara Nanak kaman kanta bhava aapa he ravay [Almighty colours and bestows virtues and bring into His fold those deserving].

In essence, yes, there are praise worthy Brahamgyani's who have acquired those very particular status in the house of Nanak and as a result "do" help with the spiritual progress of the individual seeker. And, in some ways posit themselves as the "lighthouses" on the ocean of life in the seeker's cruise. Conversely, there are the rouges and deceits who must be exposed and in so doing weight must be attached to the proponent of this thread in light of his critique.

Thank you - good day !


Feb 20, 2012
Brahmgyani are there, but they do not expose themselves as do the TV wala babas. They have to be sought after and it requires interest and effort.
Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal

And they will appear in your life as if by mere co-incidence...but the meeting will be planned by waheguru for the thirsty soul that is ready for the spiritual journey ahead :)


Feb 20, 2012

From a theological perspective, Braham in Sikhism is the timeless being. Taken together with gyani and literally interpretated, would mean, someone who is "well versed in God's wisdom".

Gur Ghar confirms this and goes a step further in accepting, Brahamgyani aap Nirankar [Sukhmani Sahib]. Moreover, on page 721 SGGSJ, Guru Nanak adds, aapa saja aapa ranga aapa nadar kara Nanak kaman kanta bhava aapa he ravay [Almighty colours and bestows virtues and bring into His fold those deserving].

In essence, yes, there are praise worthy Brahamgyani's who have acquired those very particular status in the house of Nanak and as a result "do" help with the spiritual progress of the individual seeker. And, in some ways posit themselves as the "lighthouses" on the ocean of life in the seeker's cruise. Conversely, there are the rouges and deceits who must be exposed and in so doing weight must be attached to the proponent of this thread in light of his critique.

Thank you - good day !


and people always get caught up with the physical body of the brahmgiani...they cannot see passed it and start to worship the person..

whereas it is what is occurring within...the light of waheguru that has fully manifest that is the Sant, Brahmgiani, guide, lighthouse...whatever you want to call it...not the physical body

it is also our destiny to reach this, once our ego dissolves...and the light fights through the fog of our mind....waheguru comes forth in all His might and glory


Jan 9, 2011
London UK

and people always get caught up with the physical body of the brahmgiani...they cannot see passed it and start to worship the person..

whereas it is what is occurring within...the light of waheguru that has fully manifest that is the Sant, Brahmgiani, guide, lighthouse...whatever you want to call it...not the physical body

it is also our destiny to reach this, once our ego dissolves...and the light fights through the fog of our mind....waheguru comes forth in all His might and glory

Chaz Ji

Allow me to tweak a little, that is, Brahamgyani's are "conductors" through which flows the "energy" known as "Waheguru". And, Waheguru doesn't come forth, but is rather "constant" and is always present, ready, waiting for the separated soul to ascend and become "one" with [ad sach, jugad sach, havi sach].

Much obliged

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Brahamgyani is a beautiful word which shows both the devotional and the intellect sides of a Sikhi. These are the two oars that we must use in order to navigate on this journey of our lives especially during the inner storms that are created by ourselves and/or by force majeure. The latter can also be called Hukam.

Hence for me, Gurbani tells us that if we all are capable of these traits provided we use both oars for our navigation. Guru Nanak, the wordsmith shows this concept beautifully in Jap. " Gaviei, Sunhei, Mann Rakhiei Bhao. Dukh per Har Sukh Ghar Lei Jai". This clearly shows that only being devotional is not enough for a Sikh nor is only being just an intellect. Linzer ji eloquently put it by showing what Brahamgyanis do; like Khalsa Aid, Sikh Coalitions and others like that.

This is the reason, mechanical rituals are a big NO, NO. This muck can only be cleaned by using our Gurmat intellect. Hence, our visionary Gurus were against any Mechanical rituals like parroting, Chanting some word/s repeatedly, Pilgrimages, Fasting, Worshipping deities and other likewise things in any religion make us lose touch with this speck of sand called the Earth. In other words, by doing this, we handcuff ourselves and make ourselves incapable of immersing in the Wow and Awe factors of Ik Ong Kaar with which we are all surrounded by both within and outside. Guru Nanak reiterates the same message further down in Jap,"Tirath Navanh, jei Tis Bhavanh". There are many more verses in the SGGS as multiple reminders and also the tools so we can find the Gurmat Fulcrum within in order to balance the devotional and the intellect parts of ourselves.

The amber of a Brahamgyani is in all of us. We just have to practice what Gurbani urges us to do to light it.

Original ji writes:

And, in some ways posit themselves as the "lighthouses" on the ocean of life in the seeker's cruise. Conversely, there are the rouges and deceits who must be exposed and in so doing weight must be attached to the proponent of this thread in light of his critique.

Original ji,

"Lighthouses" are there to make people aware not to come near them if they do not want to sink. It is a warning light rather than a welcoming one.

The analogy I have often used in the past here is comparing the "Lighthouses" to the Nishaan Sahibs which are the tallest banners of identification at our Gurduaras, so the travellers, irrespective of their hue, creed and faith can find a place for a warm meal and a place to stay. Hence, Nishaan Sahib is the welcoming "Lighthouse" rather than the warning one.

Having said that, I understand what you mean by that in your post above.


Tejwant Singh
Jan 14, 2010
Its OUR haumaii that IF we seek and we shall find...

GURBANI already FOUND IT ALL for us and its open for us in SGGS at all times day and night. GURU JI spent 250 years on this Earth..to WRITE DOWN the SGGS..of 1429 pages LONG...to Make sure we all KNOW EXACTLY what is required of us..and we dont go "seeking" around like the blind looking for an extra door...soem more time..Fact is NO ONE WILL EVER SAY..I am Happy to GO NOW..given swaas by YOU have EXPIRED..YOUR HUKM SIR MATHEH. Every one wants a few more minutes..a few more days..a few more months..a few more years...WHEN WILL IT REALLY STOP ?? THE FACT is GHALLEH AYEH NANAKA SADDEH UTH JAYEH..WHEN HE CALLS...YOU GO....NO EXCUSES...no delays...no ifs and no buts...JEHA CHEEREE LIKHAYAH.....ITS HIS WISH..to CUT the plant while green..seedling..fully grown..pakkiah hoyah..HE IS THE FARMER..its HIS CROP.


SO far NONE has been born who can TURN OFF DEATH PERMANENTLY.

IN Fact the GURUS by PRIME EXAMPLE showed us HOW TO HUKM RAZAEE CHALLNNA...Guur Nanak Ji Sahib, Guru Amardass JI sahib..Bhai Buddha Ji sahib...etc etc LIVING to a RIPE OLD AGE....Guru Ramdass Ji..early departure..Guru Arjun Ji shaheedee in a most horrible way..Guru Har Kishan JI..very very early departure due to small pox, Guur Teg Bahdur Ji shaheedee..Guur Gobind Singh Ji a short life of just 40 years...departure due to stabbing by an enemy....WHATEVER WAS HIS HUKM...GURU JI FOLLOWED TO THE LETTER..no asking for "extra time"...a few hours more...six years more..six seconds more ...NO. JUst IMAGINE IF each of the TEN GURUS had lived for 80++ years lived by Guru nanak ji and Guru Amardass JI....we would STILL BE LIVING in the Gurgadee of a LIVING SIXTH GURU...GURU HARGOBIND JI..and still have another FOUR Guurs to go...????? BUT NO..this is just FICTION...FACT IS.... DEATH/PLACE/TIME/METHOD is FIXED by HIS HUKM...even the GURU JI followed his HUKM....and IF his HUKM was Call at age 5..then Guru Harkishan Ji OBEYED.

Ramkali SADD is to TEACH US THAT LESSON..and RAMKALI ANAND is to MAKE US REJOICE in HIS HUKM. BOTH these Banis are placed side by side in SGGS....SADD COMES BEFORE ANAND !!! Meaning..when the SADD COMES...REJOICE THAT HE HAS CALLED YOU !!! dont go begging for ..more time..please...it doesnt Work that way.:welcome:

Wahegur ji ka khalsa
Whaeguru ji ki fateh

dont have words very well explained Gyani Jarnail Singh ji


Feb 20, 2012
Brahamgyani is a beautiful word which shows both the devotional and the intellect sides of a Sikhi. These are the two oars that we must use in order to navigate on this journey of our lives especially during the inner storms that are created by ourselves and/or by force majeure. The latter can also be called Hukam.

Hence for me, Gurbani tells us that if we all are capable of these traits provided we use both oars for our navigation. Guru Nanak, the wordsmith shows this concept beautifully in Jap. " Gaviei, Sunhei, Mann Rakhiei Bhao. Dukh per Har Sukh Ghar Lei Jai". This clearly shows that only being devotional is not enough for a Sikh nor is only being just an intellect. Linzer ji eloquently put it by showing what Brahamgyanis do; like Khalsa Aid, Sikh Coalitions and others like that.

This is the reason, mechanical rituals are a big NO, NO. This muck can only be cleaned by using our Gurmat intellect. Hence, our visionary Gurus were against any Mechanical rituals like parroting, Chanting some word/s repeatedly, Pilgrimages, Fasting, Worshipping deities and other likewise things in any religion make us lose touch with this speck of sand called the Earth. In other words, by doing this, we handcuff ourselves and make ourselves incapable of immersing in the Wow and Awe factors of Ik Ong Kaar with which we are all surrounded by both within and outside. Guru Nanak reiterates the same message further down in Jap,"Tirath Navanh, jei Tis Bhavanh". There are many more verses in the SGGS as multiple reminders and also the tools so we can find the Gurmat Fulcrum within in order to balance the devotional and the intellect parts of ourselves.

The amber of a Brahamgyani is in all of us. We just have to practice what Gurbani urges us to do to light it.

Original ji writes:

Original ji,

"Lighthouses" are there to make people aware not to come near them if they do not want to sink. It is a warning light rather than a welcoming one.

The analogy I have often used in the past here is comparing the "Lighthouses" to the Nishaan Sahibs which are the tallest banners of identification at our Gurduaras, so the travellers, irrespective of their hue, creed and faith can find a place for a warm meal and a place to stay. Hence, Nishaan Sahib is the welcoming "Lighthouse" rather than the warning one.

Having said that, I understand what you mean by that in your post above.


Tejwant Singh

nice post ji


May 11, 2016
The very fact that I receive email all the time about this question means there is Jagartee... an awakening among the Sikhs. We have been fooled all this while simply because we allowed ourselves to be fooled. We can be fooled only by those we "trust"... a stranger wouldn't be able to fool us... and those we trusted are our own.

We learnt no lesson from our Gurus... cannot we see so clearly that our Gurus in spite of being Nirankaar... never even used their Names... much less titles... they used NUMBERS... Mehla 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. Again and again they addressed themselves as Neech, Neechan andar neech jaat... dhadee of Akal Purakh, Dog of the Creator... they sang with people like Bhai Mardana Ji, they ate with people like Bhai Lalo Ji... they traveled on FOOT like the common people. But when we are reminded of this... such a storm is raised... just look at the huge outcry over the Babbu Mann song... Ek Baba Nanak see jis ne turkeh saree dunia ghaah tee.. EK aaj Babeh han jisne LAL battee audi gaddee te laatee !! This song depicting REALITY hurt where it matters... hence the LOUD CRIES of PROTEST and death threats.

Gurbani is crystal clear. Even the GURU never attach any TITLES to his name... but our "parcharaks attach so many titles... each more grandiose than the other... Brahmgyani, Pooran Brahmgyani, Sri 1008 Brahmgyani, Maha Purash, Maha Purakh, Gurmatt Maartand and so on and so on... ALL 100% of our GREATEST SIKHS in Sikh history are BHAI... but modern Punjab is as full of Maha Gyanis and MahaBrahmgyanis as numerous as the SAND grains on the beaches of Hawaii. But then Gurbani declares so clearly... Rahio SANT me Toll... SAADH bahutereh dittheh !! a Highly Realised Aatma like Bhagat Kabir Ji, who has so much Gurbani in SGGS... is saying that I FAILED TO FIND EVEN ONE "SANT" ...but saw many many FAKE SAADHS... BHEKHIS... but we ordinary Sikhs today can see Sants in THOUSANDS ?? How can that be ?? Have we become so highly realised souls even ABOVE Bhagat Kabir Ji ?? Have our eyes become so sharp ??

GURU JI gave us the GURBANI... the PIO Daddeh da Khazanah (The Treasure of Our Ancestors)... to read... Vichaar... ponder over... understand and APPLY in our daily Lives so that we can become KHALSA... but we ABDICATED this responsibility... we gave up our role of GUARDIANS for the Khazanah (Treasure)... the AMRIT of GURBANI... we placed the MILK in the care of BHEKHIS... and then these BHEKHIS drank all the MILK... and gave us "water"... and told us... ONLY we can DRINK MILK... only we UNDERSTAND Gurbani... its too difficult for you... you just listen to me banging on the Chamta and Dholki... sing along this two liners, Ucah dar babeh nanak Da... Mein Sobha sunn ke aiya... ucah dar babeh nanak da... its SIMPLE and EASY... Gurbani is sanskrit... its brij bhasha, its so difficult... its so sacred... it must be kept wrapped up at all times... blah blah blah... YOU JUST matha tek as much of your earnings to me as Kaar SEWA and go home... WE will take care of the SGGS. Let us Brahmgyanis do all this kirtan... kathas etc.. its too difficult for you... you go earn money...

After a few decades... the SIKHS cant do any of the simplest jobs without these paid "Gyanis... Brahmgyanis... etc... Any "need"... sickness... happiness..<wbr>. new house... death... etc. etc. SIKHS go RUNNING around for a GYANI JI... to do parkash... ardass, kirtan... samapati... parshaad... <wbr>bhog... a SIKH CANNOT DO anything at all. THIS behaviour is in Direct DISOBEDIENCE to GURU JI... He TOLD us... NO Priests... no paid brahmins... a SIKH is in DIRECT touch with WAHEGURU !! But we forgot all that...and NOW the BILLION DEMAND MILK..and..Badaams, keju nuts..desi ghee, best shampoos, best soaps, best cars, best bedrooms in the house, and THOUSANDS in CASH..to perform akhand paath..ardass..kirtan..and we grumble..but we pay !! because we DONT KNOW HOW any more !!! And we PAY..even though we KNOW many don't do the paath..they skip pages by the bundle..they don't do ardass... they do kirtan of Kachi banis... they never come or come late... or leave early... they rush through to go to other programmes..samagams....we have no choice...

And we became so awaeselleh..IGNORANT..that now we get Fairy tales..Tall tales..kathas full of Waddeh baba ji right in front of GURU GRANTH JI and Guru nanak JI Sahib..a Mere INSAAN is being addressed as WADDEH Baba Ji..Maha Purakh Ji..and we keep quiet..we hear that there are TUNNELS in the Himalays that Lead to Special Sarovars in the Tibetan Mountains where Shaheed Singhs like baba deep Singh Ji, Bhai mani Singh ji , bhai taru Singh ji, baba Banda Singh ji etc are all WAITING... wearing just kacheras and dastaars... ready to March through the Tunnel and emerge into PUNJAB to Make KHALSA RAAJ up to Mecca Medina...as Foretold by Guru nanak ji in Karnee Namah!! Guru Gobind Singh ji in "his PREVIOUS LIFE" di penance but ON THIS EARTH (Hemkunt)...and Now these shaheeds are all SOULS without bodies..but they wear kacheras, dastaars, live in the tibetan mountaisn, eat from the Sarovar...and have weapons they used before..and to RETURN to earth they will use this Tunnel and not be born again...

And so the Nataki chapters will go on and on..until we wake up..and take Guru ji advise..and begin to READ Gurbani..vichaar gurbani..understand Gurbani..and apply it...then and then ONLY will our lives Change for the better...otherwise be prepared to be ENTERTAINED.......Hollywoods Avataar in the Cinema..and the Sant Jis Chaubis Avataars in the Gurdawra. WE DESERVE what we GET.

Lol! Good post :)


Feb 20, 2012
Chaz Ji

Allow me to tweak a little, that is, Brahamgyani's are "conductors" through which flows the "energy" known as "Waheguru". And, Waheguru doesn't come forth, but is rather "constant" and is always present, ready, waiting for the separated soul to ascend and become "one" with [ad sach, jugad sach, havi sach].

Much obliged

love the way you describe this...

i remember once during deep meditation...the energy flow was so powerful i felt like i was going to explode into a billion pieces...woosh wooosh woooosh, like a train moving over, through me...

at that moment although i don't really know what occured, i felt the immense power...the immense love flowing through me...unbearably beautiful....if that even makes sense lol


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
love the way you describe this...

i remember once during deep meditation...the energy flow was so powerful i felt like i was going to explode into a billion pieces...woosh wooosh woooosh, like a train moving over, through me...

at that moment although i don't really know what occured, i felt the immense power...the immense love flowing through me...unbearably beautiful....if that even makes sense lol
Hi Chaz - hope u kool n deadly, I am ! Thank you for the good words.

Yes, what you describe are our own very experiences. It's these unimaginable, unexplainable experiences that ground us in the Creator and guide us in developing a reverence and comprehension of creation. Spiritualists call them "cosmic wonders". Start jotting them down and study them for meaning; you'll be amazed with the results. It is the process of transformation from the human to the spiritual you - the real Chaz.

Goodnight n Godbless

PS - don't give up the human life on account having found the spiritual for that will tip the balance unfair. Enjoy the amazing gifts of being a human to appreciate the real deal.


Feb 20, 2012
Hi Chaz - hope u kool n deadly, I am ! Thank you for the good words.

Yes, what you describe are our own very experiences. It's these unimaginable, unexplainable experiences that ground us in the Creator and guide us in developing a reverence and comprehension of creation. Spiritualists call them "cosmic wonders". Start jotting them down and study them for meaning; you'll be amazed with the results. It is the process of transformation from the human to the spiritual you - the real Chaz.

Goodnight n Godbless

PS - don't give up the human life on account having found the spiritual for that will tip the balance unfair. Enjoy the amazing gifts of being a human to appreciate the real deal.

ahh yess, the human life...

the forever battle to obtain the complete 6 pack...lunchtime gym sessions...

Wifes just been told she has a vitamin D deficiency...hence the joint pains...and now wants another holiday to soak up some Sun...that's the most expensive Vitamin D supplement we'll ever buy :)

also a reminder of just how much we are part of nature and our need for it...


May 11, 2016
Hi Chaz - hope u kool n deadly, I am ! Thank you for the good words.

Yes, what you describe are our own very experiences. It's these unimaginable, unexplainable experiences that ground us in the Creator and guide us in developing a reverence and comprehension of creation. Spiritualists call them "cosmic wonders". Start jotting them down and study them for meaning; you'll be amazed with the results. It is the process of transformation from the human to the spiritual you - the real Chaz.

Goodnight n Godbless

PS - don't give up the human life on account having found the spiritual for that will tip the balance unfair. Enjoy the amazing gifts of being a human to appreciate the real deal.

For people who don't realise, life is about Living- that why we were born, to experience Life from all/ whatever aspects He wants us to. But at the same time practicing Truth- i.e being Good- living beyond the bullsh*t thoughts and crap.

Which is why Gurbani says silence your mind. If we get hung up on spiritual experiences, we're not living properly. Similarly if we get hung up on bullsh*t we're not living properly. Live and be good.


Feb 20, 2012
For people who don't realise, life is about Living- that why we were born, to experience Life from all/ whatever aspects He wants us to. But at the same time practicing Truth- i.e being Good- living beyond the bullsh*t thoughts and crap.

Which is why Gurbani says silence your mind. If we get hung up on spiritual experiences, we're not living properly. Similarly if we get hung up on bullsh*t we're not living properly. Live and be good.

Nice post ji...

Live...care for one another...enjoy the greatness of His creation...

But what if Waheguru decides to take you down the spiritual also?...then what...is that not living also...to enjoy that ride also....

Of course there is no need to get hung up about it and all the experiences...but that is also the 'life' you're talking about...

Life then takes on many different dimensions...not just the physical component...'living' then takes place on all these faces and components of life...

It's all Him...and that's truthfully living...knowing the whole. ..knowing the truth and serving it all...not just one component.

It's the most amazing realisation...that His creation is not just what we see hear taste touch and smell in the physical. 'Life' has much much more to it...'you' have so much more to you...:)

God bless...


May 11, 2016
Nice post ji...

Live...care for one another...enjoy the greatness of His creation...

But what if Waheguru decides to take you down the spiritual also?...then what...is that not living also...to enjoy that ride also....

Of course there is no need to get hung up about it and all the experiences...but that is also the 'life' you're talking about...

Life then takes on many different dimensions...not just the physical component...'living' then takes place on all these faces and components of life...

It's all Him...and that's truthfully living...knowing the whole. ..knowing the truth and serving it all...not just one component.

It's the most amazing realisation...that His creation is not just what we see hear taste touch and smell in the physical. 'Life' has much much more to it...'you' have so much more to you...:)

God bless...

We don't have to care for one another, God takes care of everyone and gives everyone what they deserve. A real bhagat only cares about Truth- and living in this frequency. Truth is just a frequency that we vibrate- we silence our minds and just Feel within our beings.

Balanced soul= 9-5 work
6-7 gym
evening meditate
then you can take on a seva.
But we work on ourselves. Maya is a cesspool of bullsh*t mind chatter. When your mind shuts up- then you Truly live. Doing seva helps shut your mind up. The real you is devoid of mayas endless talking and deceit whether it be your own mind, or others bull words and maya reactions.
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