The very fact that I receive email all the time about this question means there is Jagartee... an awakening among the Sikhs. We have been fooled all this while simply because we allowed ourselves to be fooled. We can be fooled only by those we "trust"... a stranger wouldn't be able to fool us... and those we trusted are our own.
We learnt no lesson from our Gurus... cannot we see so clearly that our Gurus in spite of being Nirankaar... never even used their Names... much less titles... they used NUMBERS... Mehla 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. Again and again they addressed themselves as Neech, Neechan andar neech jaat... dhadee of Akal Purakh, Dog of the Creator... they sang with people like Bhai Mardana Ji, they ate with people like Bhai Lalo Ji... they traveled on FOOT like the common people. But when we are reminded of this... such a storm is raised... just look at the huge outcry over the Babbu Mann song... Ek Baba Nanak see jis ne turkeh saree dunia ghaah tee.. EK aaj Babeh han jisne LAL battee audi gaddee te laatee !! This song depicting REALITY hurt where it matters... hence the LOUD CRIES of PROTEST and death threats.
Gurbani is crystal clear. Even the GURU never attach any TITLES to his name... but our "parcharaks attach so many titles... each more grandiose than the other... Brahmgyani, Pooran Brahmgyani, Sri 1008 Brahmgyani, Maha Purash, Maha Purakh, Gurmatt Maartand and so on and so on... ALL 100% of our GREATEST SIKHS in Sikh history are BHAI... but modern Punjab is as full of Maha Gyanis and MahaBrahmgyanis as numerous as the SAND grains on the beaches of Hawaii. But then Gurbani declares so clearly... Rahio SANT me Toll... SAADH bahutereh dittheh !! a Highly Realised Aatma like Bhagat Kabir Ji, who has so much Gurbani in SGGS... is saying that I FAILED TO FIND EVEN ONE "SANT" ...but saw many many FAKE SAADHS... BHEKHIS... but we ordinary Sikhs today can see Sants in THOUSANDS ?? How can that be ?? Have we become so highly realised souls even ABOVE Bhagat Kabir Ji ?? Have our eyes become so sharp ??
GURU JI gave us the GURBANI... the PIO Daddeh da Khazanah (The Treasure of Our Ancestors)... to read... Vichaar... ponder over... understand and APPLY in our daily Lives so that we can become KHALSA... but we ABDICATED this responsibility... we gave up our role of GUARDIANS for the Khazanah (Treasure)... the AMRIT of GURBANI... we placed the MILK in the care of BHEKHIS... and then these BHEKHIS drank all the MILK... and gave us "water"... and told us... ONLY we can DRINK MILK... only we UNDERSTAND Gurbani... its too difficult for you... you just listen to me banging on the Chamta and Dholki... sing along this two liners, Ucah dar babeh nanak Da... Mein Sobha sunn ke aiya... ucah dar babeh nanak da... its SIMPLE and EASY... Gurbani is sanskrit... its brij bhasha, its so difficult... its so sacred... it must be kept wrapped up at all times... blah blah blah... YOU JUST matha tek as much of your earnings to me as Kaar SEWA and go home... WE will take care of the SGGS. Let us Brahmgyanis do all this kirtan... kathas etc.. its too difficult for you... you go earn money...
After a few decades... the SIKHS cant do any of the simplest jobs without these paid "Gyanis... Brahmgyanis... etc... Any "need"... sickness... happiness..<wbr>. new house... death... etc. etc. SIKHS go RUNNING around for a GYANI JI... to do parkash... ardass, kirtan... samapati... parshaad... <wbr>bhog... a SIKH CANNOT DO anything at all. THIS behaviour is in Direct DISOBEDIENCE to GURU JI... He TOLD us... NO Priests... no paid brahmins... a SIKH is in DIRECT touch with WAHEGURU !! But we forgot all that...and NOW the BILLION DEMAND MILK..and..Badaams, keju ghee, best shampoos, best soaps, best cars, best bedrooms in the house, and THOUSANDS in perform akhand paath..ardass..kirtan..and we grumble..but we pay !! because we DONT KNOW HOW any more !!! And we PAY..even though we KNOW many don't do the paath..they skip pages by the bundle..they don't do ardass... they do kirtan of Kachi banis... they never come or come late... or leave early... they rush through to go to other programmes..samagams....we have no choice...
And we became so awaeselleh..IGNORANT..that now we get Fairy tales..Tall tales..kathas full of Waddeh baba ji right in front of GURU GRANTH JI and Guru nanak JI Sahib..a Mere INSAAN is being addressed as WADDEH Baba Ji..Maha Purakh Ji..and we keep quiet..we hear that there are TUNNELS in the Himalays that Lead to Special Sarovars in the Tibetan Mountains where Shaheed Singhs like baba deep Singh Ji, Bhai mani Singh ji , bhai taru Singh ji, baba Banda Singh ji etc are all WAITING... wearing just kacheras and dastaars... ready to March through the Tunnel and emerge into PUNJAB to Make KHALSA RAAJ up to Mecca Foretold by Guru nanak ji in Karnee Namah!! Guru Gobind Singh ji in "his PREVIOUS LIFE" di penance but ON THIS EARTH (Hemkunt)...and Now these shaheeds are all SOULS without bodies..but they wear kacheras, dastaars, live in the tibetan mountaisn, eat from the Sarovar...and have weapons they used before..and to RETURN to earth they will use this Tunnel and not be born again...
And so the Nataki chapters will go on and on..until we wake up..and take Guru ji advise..and begin to READ Gurbani..vichaar gurbani..understand Gurbani..and apply it...then and then ONLY will our lives Change for the better...otherwise be prepared to be ENTERTAINED.......Hollywoods Avataar in the Cinema..and the Sant Jis Chaubis Avataars in the Gurdawra. WE DESERVE what we GET.