Re: BHOOTS (Ghosts) and PRETS (Demons) in GURBANI ?? Must we THROW WATER AT HARDWAAR
Gurbani is in the FIRST PERSON....meant to be taken in the First Person....most of us take it to be in the THIRD PERSON....that is why literal/word for word meanings and the Antereem bhaav..deeper meaning/intention of Guru ji in Gurbani..seem to "clash" wehn in reality they complement each other.
In the FIRST PERSON..Gurbani is for OUR PERSONAL ACTION.... we must follow it practically in our OWN LIFE..and that means gettign RID of..lobh, moh, hankaar, ANIMAL INSTINCTS..GHOST/PRET DEMON INSTINCTS...etc etc etc....Gurbani is NOT in the THIRD be "seen" from a distance as mere advice..scenery..description for "OTHERS"... GURBANI is FOR NOW...this LIFETIME..How to LIVE this LIFE....not for the "future".."next life"..."hereafter"..blah blah blah..."next joon"...blah blah blah... ITS FOR THE PRESENT> NOW> PERIOD.
Why do bhoots have such a terrifying and widespread effect on people all over.... WHY are there places like Dera Wadbhag Singh to drive out bhoots from LIVING PEOPLE ?? Why dont wee have DERAS that drive out..dogs (lobh)...Elephants (kaam)... donkeys (mugadhta)....crows...and various ANIMAL INSTINCTS that are inside us....why dont we have deras to drive out Hankaar...jealousy.....murderous instincts...instincts to grab others rights (Haak Praya)...???.....
The TRUTH is that the "RELIGIOUS FRAUDS" have grabbed hold of "bhoots/prets" to PREY on the weakminded and gullible minded...and use this as a means to an end..PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES...thats is why so many such places exist....a simple bukhaar..fever...can be turned into an opportunity to saying its BHOOT/PRET Chhaiya....Religious Charlatans....make making people miserable...frightened people are easier to LOOT.
Why does India have so many SNAKE FESTIVALS ?? the GUGGA festival is an opportunity to celebrate the Snake.... After BHOOTS and Demons..the next Top SCARER for humans is the SNAKE....99.9% of humans RECOIL at the mere mention of SNAKE !!!..Ands YES the SNAKE OIL MERCHANTS have their stake in this too....if one cnat make enough money out of driving out best thing....become a snake oil merchant....a Nagin catcher..a snake catcher..a mystic who can trap a Naagin cum woman snake !!
1. Kabir Ji..... Jis ghar saadh na seveah...Har ke seev nahin... In the Hosue where the SAADH (waheguru/god/Creator" is NOT worshipped....His Name is not taken....
THERE LIVE BHOOTS/PRETS !!! Te ghat marhat sarkheh.. BHOOT baseh tin mahen..
Those "houses" are really CREMATORIUMS..GRAVEYARDS..CEMETRIES..with the LIVING DEAD being present..... SO are these "bhoots/prets" that Kabir ji is talking about..the "supernatural bhoots/demons"..OR the LIVING DEAD....who have BAD HABITS..are kaami, krodhi....grabbers of others rights..murderes, jealous humans....etc etc.etc who have NO RELIGIOUS LEANINGS...etc etc..?:happy: Slok bhagat kabir Ji Page 1374
Spoilt Brats types of "sub-human"... humans are the living dead...the bhoots..the demons in human bodies...the types who will not think twice about stabbing a child to death ( for the gold chain around his neck)....or who will smash an old granny's head in with a hammer for the $ 5 in her purse......such peoples houses may be spick and span..clean as the lobby of a 5 Star hotel....BUT in reality these are as dirty as the SLUMS of Bombay/Calcutta:happy:
One can "see" such BHOOT/DEMON PARDHAANS skattars in our GURDWARAS...because these "bhoots" FIGHT over GOLUCKS.... they knock off dastaars in front of SGGS... they draw Swords and slash each other in the August presence of SGGS. Would any SANE "SIKH" dare do such in front of His that he calls the LIVING GURU ?? Such Gurdwaras are what Kabir Ji describes in his slok I quoted above... Such "gurdwaras"
are in actuality crematoriums..cemetries..of "GURMATT"....and are packed with BHOOTS/PRETS and DEMONS !!:happy:
Further proof from Gurbani...
Har Bhagat bhaav heenagh Nanak..Prabh bisrteh teh Pretteh....
Those humans who have abandoned the CREATOR..are DEMONS (in human body) !!!

"Jat sat sanjam seel na rakhiah...Pret Pinjar meh kasht bhaiyah...
Due to living in Sin....full of vikaars/bad habits etc....your wooden heart beats in this human body...
To be entirely FAIR..and looking at most Shabads....from a First perosn perpesctive....Gurbani doesnt make a Cut and Dried decison either way....BUT the EMPHASIS is surely on..LOOK INWARD..dear MAN....arent YOU in the situation described ?? Arent YOU the "Living demon"....a slave to your inner DEMONS....Look in the INNER MIRROR..does your image SCARE the living daylights out of YOU ?? Gurbani wants YOU to look inward and make AMENDS...not waste valuable time wondering...wondering....whether bhoots exist..dont exist....

Supporters of bhoots always quote Sukhmani Sahib..Kaee kot Bhoot pret sookar mirgach...BUT then Sukhmani Sahib also says..
KARTOOT PASSU KEE MANAS JAAT..lok pachara kareh din raat !!! You have a HUman BODY..but your actions are "PRETEND" your entire life !!!( Live a Double for PUBLIC consumption..another one for "real".....
WHAT IMAGE will such a HUMAN see in his inner mirror ?? Surely he will see a "DOG"...BULL...Elephant...Donkey...Jackal..Monkey...staring back at him....
(Still wonder why they have the "Elephant" God..the "Monkey" God... the Wolf God..the Dog god..the Cat God....the BUll God...the totally scary blood drenched black goddesses riding tigers..... all these are the INNER REFLECTIONS of US humans....take your pick of the "personal God" that closely resembles YOU !!)

:inca:Ancient Civilisations from the Incas..the Babylonians..the Pharohs of Egypt...ALL had "Animal Gods"....