Lest we forget...GURBANI is 110% ONLY FOR HUMANS...its in HUMAN LANGUAGE..in HUMAN SCRIPT..for HUMAN EARS....
Its Not a magicians trick manual..its not a mantar its not a jantar..its not to cure diseases,( Guru Sahib maintained PHARMACIES ) bad health, ( Guru Anagd Ji sahib maintained AKHARRAS for physical exercises) impure drinking water ( Water filters do this)..its NOT to make dairy cows pregnant/give more milk etc (thats the job of Veterinary dept)...although LOTS and LOTS of babas, derawadees, brahmgyanis, mahapurash do MISUSE GURBANI to trick innocent ignorant humans to do "all" of the above...that is they give "Gurbani water" ( GW) to farmers to sprinkle over cows to make them pregnant..give more milk..become docile...they also sprinkle such GW over impure water to make it drinkable..they also provide such GW to be sprinkled over sick..the old..etc to make them healthy and fit as a horse...BUT as YET NOT A SINGLE such HOLY Man has ever had GW so POWERFUL as to make a DEAD HUMAN WALK..or an AMPUTEE GROW legs..hands..or a SIGHTLESS man grow a new pair of EYES..etc. ALL SUCH babas and Holy men ADMIT THEMSELVES INTO MODERBN HOSPITALS for TREATMENT of DISEASES..operations..kidney failure..in fact the last one SEWA SINGH TARMALA who was head of the BRAHMGYANI UNIVERSITY that claimed to cure everything with GW..himself DIED of HEPATITIS B IN A HOSPITAL !! MANY MANY others also DIED IN HOSPITALS !!!..after a LIFE TIME of distributing GW to their IGNORANT FOLLOWERS..for every "problem":..including Bhoots prets removal.....( But not for their own sicknesses...for which they trusted MODERN DOCTORS).
GURBANI is a WAY OF LIFE...JEEWAN JAACH...a TOOL BOX for a Human to IMPROVE his/her LIFE to make it in SYNC with the CREATOR...while living as a HUMAN. So when Bhagat kabir Ji tells us.."A Human BODY sans any GUNNS of the Akal purakh..sans His naam..sans His Kirtan vadiyaee...is an "EMPTY SHELL....a HOUSE INHABITED BY BHOOTS PRETS..he means a Human Body completely filled with..Maya, moh, lobh, hankaar, kaam krodh anger, lust greed...and not .."headless spirits floating around without feet !! tongues hanging out dripping blood..making blood curdling shrieks..banging windows and making curtains fly in the wind....TOO MUCH BOLLYWOOD/HOLLYWOOD THRILLERS !!!:japosatnamwaheguru:
