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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
If ghosts were real...
How come the ghosts of all those martyred in the holocaust take on Hitler???

Ghosts and spirits are just a phony way to disgrace the dead....few people realise this..
If you can't respect living people, at least respect the dead..
Grow up people, its 2012 AD(not BC)..

Haan Ji..waht a thought... Hari Randhawa says in a video that he saw ALL the Sikh Shaeeds ( He knew they were Singhs becasue he saw a lot of Kacherras hanging on trees...what spirits need kacherras for or how they get wet..etc i have no idea..)..and they told him we are waiting here to LIBERATE KHALISTAN....so maybe..just maybe..the Holocaust jews are also waiting..to sign an ALLIANCE TREATY with these Sikh Shaheeds..and attack simultaneously...??? seriously Ji...IF Hitler can sign treaties with Russia etc..why cant the Jews sign with the sikhs ???


Mar 13, 2013
Akaal Ustat - Giani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen 03/05 - YouTube

just a question out of curiousity,can a person of maskeen jis stature tell lies and speak ok gapp? i mean whole sikhism in based on truth so can maskeen ji tell lies? i hv pasted the link and video above ,ek maskeen ji varga sant banda katha karde hoye akal ustat di jooth bol sakde ne? gapp mar sakde? je gapp ya jooth bol sakde ne te phir te katha vachak te v arop aagya ?unha di sikhi te hi swal uth jaange?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Akaal Ustat - Giani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen 03/05 - YouTube

just a question out of curiousity,can a person of maskeen jis stature tell lies and speak ok gapp? i mean whole sikhism in based on truth so can maskeen ji tell lies? i hv pasted the link and video above ,ek maskeen ji varga sant banda katha karde hoye akal ustat di jooth bol sakde ne? gapp mar sakde? je gapp ya jooth bol sakde ne te phir te katha vachak te v arop aagya ?unha di sikhi te hi swal uth jaange?

Maskeen Ji da SACH is akin to .."TRUTH is stranger than FICTION"...
Maskeen Ji's conduct vis a vis Bhag Singh Ambala is a strange chapter...everything is available on the Net..Samjh aapo appnnee..
Maskeen Ji is just another HUMAN BEING...just like the Late "Brahmgyani" Thakur Singh of DT..who 100% of Taksalis beleive as if he is GOD...HIMSELF as Avtaar..BUT..he lied through his teeth for 25 years that Bhinderawwalh is ALIVE and WELL and is soon going to RETURN !! Same way SHUBASH CHANDER BOSE is going to "RETURN" and FREE INDIA from the British...( Many many people believe that is TRUTH )...we should refrain form HUMAN DHARRAS..as GURU ARJUN ji warns us in SGGS..the ONe and ONLY SACHA DHARRA is the GURU..abhull..one who NEVER makes a mistake..Never LIES..cannot be faulted...MANUKH KI TEK BIRTHEE JAAN !!!

BUT to find out the TRUTH about Bhoots and Prets the EVIDENCE is inside SGGS itself....GURU JI makes everything crystal clear...only if we care to look....we dont have to rely on OUTSIDE sources - BUT all those who accept these do rely on OUTSIDE SOURCES becasue theres nothing in SGGS that confirms these.


Mar 13, 2013
sat sri akal _/\_ , thanks for replying :) i am myself confuse to be honest,and my heart refuses to accept any ones ideology be it maskeen ji or anybody's else,it's just confusion prevails sometimes about the true knowledge of Shabad,its just i had high respect for maskeen ji and his katha and in the way he use to interpret and give meanings and provide insight knowledge to the guru granth sahib and the shabad in a very deep manner,yes it is very right that a person is at the end of the day a human but with a person being human, responsiblities come ,and higher the person elevates higher the responsiblities become ,its not that for me he is greater than guru granth sahib mahraj or our gurus, its just i adore and respect him for his deep knowledge and providing in depth knowledge to the GURU SHABAD ,there is another video too where he justifies the existence of spirits and ghosts citing the shabad of guru arjan dev ji mahraj from sukhmani sahib ,now for a person like me who has just started understanding shabads, whom version to trust ? katha of giani maskeen ji in which he cites the shabad from guru arjan dev mahraj ji in guru granth sahib for the existence of the ghosts or any other source or person ? in that video too he says that he had to face the wrath of many educated persons and docters that what are you speaking giani ji ,you are just talking of superstitions ,but maskeen j says in the video itself that if someone wants to argue he should first go and argue guru arjan dev mahraj ,he said he had just translated it as it has been,

and personally i dnt know really what happened between giani ji and bhai singh ambala ?,please provide some information or any link

thanks for replying earlier :)
sat sri akal _/\_

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Lest we forget...GURBANI is 110% ONLY FOR HUMANS...its in HUMAN LANGUAGE..in HUMAN SCRIPT..for HUMAN EARS....

Its Not a magicians trick manual..its not a mantar its not a jantar..its not to cure diseases,( Guru Sahib maintained PHARMACIES ) bad health, ( Guru Anagd Ji sahib maintained AKHARRAS for physical exercises) impure drinking water ( Water filters do this)..its NOT to make dairy cows pregnant/give more milk etc (thats the job of Veterinary dept)...although LOTS and LOTS of babas, derawadees, brahmgyanis, mahapurash do MISUSE GURBANI to trick innocent ignorant humans to do "all" of the above...that is they give "Gurbani water" ( GW) to farmers to sprinkle over cows to make them pregnant..give more milk..become docile...they also sprinkle such GW over impure water to make it drinkable..they also provide such GW to be sprinkled over sick..the old..etc to make them healthy and fit as a horse...BUT as YET NOT A SINGLE such HOLY Man has ever had GW so POWERFUL as to make a DEAD HUMAN WALK..or an AMPUTEE GROW legs..hands..or a SIGHTLESS man grow a new pair of EYES..etc. ALL SUCH babas and Holy men ADMIT THEMSELVES INTO MODERBN HOSPITALS for TREATMENT of DISEASES..operations..kidney failure..in fact the last one SEWA SINGH TARMALA who was head of the BRAHMGYANI UNIVERSITY that claimed to cure everything with GW..himself DIED of HEPATITIS B IN A HOSPITAL !! MANY MANY others also DIED IN HOSPITALS !!!..after a LIFE TIME of distributing GW to their IGNORANT FOLLOWERS..for every "problem":..including Bhoots prets removal.....( But not for their own sicknesses...for which they trusted MODERN DOCTORS).

GURBANI is a WAY OF LIFE...JEEWAN JAACH...a TOOL BOX for a Human to IMPROVE his/her LIFE to make it in SYNC with the CREATOR...while living as a HUMAN. So when Bhagat kabir Ji tells us.."A Human BODY sans any GUNNS of the Akal purakh..sans His naam..sans His Kirtan vadiyaee...is an "EMPTY SHELL....a HOUSE INHABITED BY BHOOTS PRETS..he means a Human Body completely filled with..Maya, moh, lobh, hankaar, kaam krodh anger, lust greed...and not .."headless spirits floating around without feet !! tongues hanging out dripping blood..making blood curdling shrieks..banging windows and making curtains fly in the wind....TOO MUCH BOLLYWOOD/HOLLYWOOD THRILLERS !!!:japosatnamwaheguru::faujasingh::singhsippingcoffee:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Arshdeep Ji...

First of all go to PROF SAHIB SINGH JIs 10 Volume Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Darpan...its available online and go through shbad by shbad..then compare with Teekas of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji done by harbans Singh Doabiah..Bhai veer Singh Ji...and do your own thinking...vichaar...then you can see the real Maskeen Ji...no need to go "argue" with GURU ARJUN JI Sahib...that is HEIGHT OF IGNORANCE even to SUGGEST....it means Maskeen is declaring..LOOK HERE MATE..I KNOW what Guru Arjun ji means 100%..argue with ME is same as arguing with GURU JI..means I AM GURU !! ( Guru Arjun Ji is long GONE..BUT I am HERE..telling YOU what GURU ARJUN JI MEANS...) This ONE LINE is enough to judge a HUMAN VS the GURU.

2. Bhag Singh Ambala incident...etc please do some GOOGLING ji...plenty on the Internet...if after a few MONTHS ( and study of Prof sahib singh darpan online)..you still cant find the links..i will forward to you...BUT not right now..because its vital to get the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji right first...

3. IF you happen to discover a line...in Sahib Singhs darpan..doabiahs teeks or even Bhai veer singhs teeks that says.."LOOK here..arguing with ME/MY INTERPRETATION is same as arguing with GURU ARJUN JI....then let me know...These were HUMANS TOO..but they KNEW their LIMITS...



Mar 13, 2013
Lest we forget...GURBANI is 110% ONLY FOR HUMANS...its in HUMAN LANGUAGE..in HUMAN SCRIPT..for HUMAN EARS....

Its Not a magicians trick manual..its not a mantar its not a jantar..its not to cure diseases,( Guru Sahib maintained PHARMACIES ) bad health, ( Guru Anagd Ji sahib maintained AKHARRAS for physical exercises) impure drinking water ( Water filters do this)..its NOT to make dairy cows pregnant/give more milk etc (thats the job of Veterinary dept)...although LOTS and LOTS of babas, derawadees, brahmgyanis, mahapurash do MISUSE GURBANI to trick innocent ignorant humans to do "all" of the above...that is they give "Gurbani water" ( GW) to farmers to sprinkle over cows to make them pregnant..give more milk..become docile...they also sprinkle such GW over impure water to make it drinkable..they also provide such GW to be sprinkled over sick..the old..etc to make them healthy and fit as a horse...BUT as YET NOT A SINGLE such HOLY Man has ever had GW so POWERFUL as to make a DEAD HUMAN WALK..or an AMPUTEE GROW legs..hands..or a SIGHTLESS man grow a new pair of EYES..etc. ALL SUCH babas and Holy men ADMIT THEMSELVES INTO MODERBN HOSPITALS for TREATMENT of DISEASES..operations..kidney failure..in fact the last one SEWA SINGH TARMALA who was head of the BRAHMGYANI UNIVERSITY that claimed to cure everything with GW..himself DIED of HEPATITIS B IN A HOSPITAL !! MANY MANY others also DIED IN HOSPITALS !!!..after a LIFE TIME of distributing GW to their IGNORANT FOLLOWERS..for every "problem":..including Bhoots prets removal.....( But not for their own sicknesses...for which they trusted MODERN DOCTORS).

GURBANI is a WAY OF LIFE...JEEWAN JAACH...a TOOL BOX for a Human to IMPROVE his/her LIFE to make it in SYNC with the CREATOR...while living as a HUMAN. So when Bhagat kabir Ji tells us.."A Human BODY sans any GUNNS of the Akal purakh..sans His naam..sans His Kirtan vadiyaee...is an "EMPTY SHELL....a HOUSE INHABITED BY BHOOTS PRETS..he means a Human Body completely filled with..Maya, moh, lobh, hankaar, kaam krodh anger, lust greed...and not .."headless spirits floating around without feet !! tongues hanging out dripping blood..making blood curdling shrieks..banging windows and making curtains fly in the wind....TOO MUCH BOLLYWOOD/HOLLYWOOD THRILLERS !!!:japosatnamwaheguru::faujasingh::singhsippingcoffee:
i couldnt agree with you more about this,its true what you said,

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Gyani ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said as usual.

This is the proof that Sikhi did not stop in time with our Gurus nor did it stop afterwards with people like Bhai Veer Singh, Maskeen ji and others and it will not stop after Prof. Darshan Singh and many like him leave this speck of sand.

The beauty of Sikhi is that it gives us tools through Gurbani to be the anthropologists and archaeologists of the selves so that we can discover new gems every time we read Gurbani. This is what Simran and Naam Japnah in Sikhi mean. Sikhi urges us to keep on updating our "inner software" all the times in order for the Sikhi to be shone via deeds by our "hard drives".

If not, then we become mere parrots with one ugly plumage, no matter how many Khandas we have around our necks or on our pugs and how long our Cholas are, nor does it matter how many Churians do our Churidaar Pyjamas have.

As far as Bhoots/prets are concerned, they are the snake oil rubs laced with scare tactics to lasso the ignorant in the self created dogmas by the honchos of the religions.

Thanks for the great insight.

Tejwant Singh


Mar 13, 2013
Arshdeep Ji...

First of all go to PROF SAHIB SINGH JIs 10 Volume Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Darpan...its available online and go through shbad by shbad..then compare with Teekas of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji done by harbans Singh Doabiah..Bhai veer Singh Ji...and do your own thinking...vichaar...then you can see the real Maskeen Ji...no need to go "argue" with GURU ARJUN JI Sahib...that is HEIGHT OF IGNORANCE even to SUGGEST....it means Maskeen is declaring..LOOK HERE MATE..I KNOW what Guru Arjun ji means 100%..argue with ME is same as arguing with GURU JI..means I AM GURU !! ( Guru Arjun Ji is long GONE..BUT I am HERE..telling YOU what GURU ARJUN JI MEANS...) This ONE LINE is enough to judge a HUMAN VS the GURU.

2. Bhag Singh Ambala incident...etc please do some GOOGLING ji...plenty on the Internet...if after a few MONTHS ( and study of Prof sahib singh darpan online)..you still cant find the links..i will forward to you...BUT not right now..because its vital to get the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji right first...

3. IF you happen to discover a line...in Sahib Singhs darpan..doabiahs teeks or even Bhai veer singhs teeks that says.."LOOK here..arguing with ME/MY INTERPRETATION is same as arguing with GURU ARJUN JI....then let me know...These were HUMANS TOO..but they KNEW their LIMITS...

sure i will go to the depth of this to find out as i am myself intrested to find the truth,lest in few days i myself see any ghost lol ,but at the same time why think that just out of sheer ego and ignorance he says that go first argue with guru himself,lets see from other prospective that just that he says many a time that some people have habbit of questioning gurus and shabad also and do all kind of kintu prantu on guru , and one thing more some person in this forum very well said that science too to some extent today have managed to capture such unexplained things on tv and cameras,they might not be able to proof the existence but they at the same time never denied too,and evidences are more on the side of the unexplained things existence which haven been able to denied ,if gurbani says there are no evil spirits and ghosts wont be than contracting the truth from today,but bani is conisdred to be jug jug atal,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
arshdeep88 ji

On this thread you seem to be conceding your point to Gyani ji. On another thread you are saying something completely different


Are we going to be racing from thread to thread to figure out what you really are trying to say? Or do you really intend to have a sincere discussion about this topic, a discussion that does not require us to figure out where you are headed? Something like a chess tournament where a player plays more than one game at a time?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Spnadmin ji..Your post in that "other Thread" Nails the coffin SHUT. No bhoot can ever escape form that..BUT IF the "bhoot" Cannot come OUT from the Coffin......then some people who cannot let go of their pet bhoots..then attempt to "break INTO" the nailed coffin instead....to chase after their bhoot...we can call these main na Mannu..I DONT ACCEPT.types...They will LOUDLY declare.............Gurbani is sachi..its Logical..blah blah..I am a SIKH..BUT...I also cannot let go of bhoots prets angels gods goddesses..satans witches demons...and thats why I have to visit mandirs, do poojas, tie various coloured threads on my wrists, wear talismans around my neck drink holy water etc etc..BUT I AM A SIKH also...!!! What can we do with such DUALITY DRIVEN DUBHIDHA STRUCK humans...??? sad cases...


Mar 13, 2013
arshdeep88 ji

On this thread you seem to be conceding your point to Gyani ji. On another thread you are saying something completely different


Are we going to be racing from thread to thread to figure out what you really are trying to say? Or do you really intend to have a sincere discussion about this topic, a discussion that does not require us to figure out where you are headed? Something like a chess tournament where a player plays more than one game at a time?

Sat Sri Akal My Elder Brother
first if something or any point of my view seems to have gone wrong according to the SIkHi with folded hands apologise to you and everyone around,the topic in the other forum was different and i dont know what wrong did i said there in other forum? i have just asked few questions out of curiosity here ?where did any action of mine says that i am not having sincere discussion about this om anything dear brother? still if any action of mine seems to going wrong i duly apologise for the same as you all are profound learners i am just new here


Mar 13, 2013
arshdeep88 ji

Are we going to be racing from thread to thread to figure out what you really are trying to say? Or do you really intend to have a sincere discussion about this topic, a discussion that does not require us to figure out where you are headed? Something like a chess tournament where a player plays more than one game at a time?
why are you going from thread to thread?

i discussed there under the topic how to fight evil spirits and ghosts ,and here i am talking under the topic GHOSTS IN GURBANI
simple veer

sat sri akal :)


Mar 13, 2013
kanlwajeet singh ji

veer ji eaten up by a tiger ,biten by dog ,or clawed by a cat is different matter all together than presenting the views about existence and non existence


(previously sikhipyar)
Aug 22, 2011
Alberta, Canada
I had a massive debate with someone about this....who said bhoots and prets were a reality....I said no it was a metaphor...........the person said NO it was a reality...........I said ok Guru ji said God made men of clay too (see my footnote)......therefore we are made of clay....to which the person replied this was a metaphor......... :)

.......there are a some great lunatics around who call themselves Sikhs :)

But what is the bhoots and pret a metaphor of?