Hadd is indicated by the DANDEE/DANDEES.........BUT then again Sikhs being much wiser than the GURU..IGNORE these too.......
Prime Example: The FOUR DANDEES (Haddaan) placed BEFORE and AFTER the word
[[ Jap ]]. Dandee after GURPARSAAD ]] indicates HADD...STOP...END.
Did the wise sikhs OBEY this HADD Marker and STOP ?? NO ji..they decided the STOP LIGHT is ONLY for those .."unwise unbrahmgyani simpletons"....the Brahmgyanis, the Mahapurashs, the Sri 1008's all know better....when the simpletons STOP at the DANDEES..we drive right past and thumb our noses at the waiting que...
Nadr with a siharee and nadr with a Biharee occur right next to each other and the word is the Same...but grammatically different. The Biharee needs to be pronounced because its LONG sound...the siharee is short and makes no difference to the sound or meaning.
I have noticed pathis pronouncing SHAH(u) as SHAHOOOOOOOOOO..but when its Jan(u)..they say jan..and not Janoooooooooooo. Shah and jan aunkadds at the end are Markers to indicate Grammar Capital Proper NOUN/plural etc and is not really for pronunciation..otherwise pronounce each aunkadd as LONG OOOOOOOOOO will soon become clear as nonsense.
Gyani Jio,
Sorry if I offend you but when you went to Punjabi Primary school in India, didn't they teach that out of total 10 Lagaan, three are short- Mukta, Aunkar, and Sihari? If you did learn that then why would you pronounce Aunkad as long OOOOOOOOOO as you are saying in your posts since beginning of this topic? Since aunkad is Short Lag, its pronounced short (only one O instead of 10 you are saying Ji

. Aunkar pronounced long becomes Dolankar. We need to spend some time differentiating between sounds, only then will we appreciate all lagaan being pronounced.
I have done both ways and that's why doing benti here to pronounce all Lagaan and experience the difference yourself. You need to practice Muharni first, the building block of pronunciation before you start pronouncing Lagaan.
Paathi Singhs try to pronounce Lagaan as you are saying in your post Ji, but they can't pronounce all since it needs a lot of practice to pronounce them correctly, and they do as much as they can. We can practice more and pronounce all Lagaan.
Hadd is indicated by the DANDEE/DANDEES.........BUT then again Sikhs being much wiser than the GURU..IGNORE these too.......
Giani Ji, Sikhs are not being wiser than Guru Sahib Ji, they do not know or didn't notice that not stopping on Haddan makes a big difference, nobody told them before. You can ask anyone who is reading this Topic if he/she knew it before? The answer would be no. Similarly, common Punjabi reader do not notice Lagaan to the end letter in Gurbani words. Since Gurbani readers are mostly Punjabi readers who are used to no-Lag-to-last-letter, they read Gurbani as Punjabi assuming Gurbani is punjabi, so most of the time they don't even notice these lagaan let alone correctly pronouncing them.
Bhul Chuk Maaf Karni Ji