Waheguru Ji Ki Khalsa...Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.........
I am not a Gyani like you all...who holds all knowledge... ..May Guru bless me with knowledge....thats only I want....
Chardi Kala..
Who says I hold any knowledge?
Waheguru Ji Ki Khalsa...Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.........
I am not a Gyani like you all...who holds all knowledge... ..May Guru bless me with knowledge....thats only I want....
Chardi Kala..
Kehan to pehlaan Maafi chavanga.but...Shabad in Sikhism means Gurbani....other than Shabad we have Kavita, Dhadi varaan, Saakhi...e.t.c...but when we say Shabad ..it automatically inferred by Sikhs as Gurbani.....Your reply might be read by many scholars of Sikhism visiting SPN... but no body dared to reply..... No wonder why other than Sikhs started making fun of Sikhi............
Chardi Kala....
Stop it!
I am not making fun of Sikhi. Sikhs don't have a monopoly on the term Shabad, and if you cannot take comments in the spirit they were meant, I suggest you do not reply.![]()
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh..
sorry to say again... I am ready to take anything on me...ready to face anything...whatever you say...you can make fun of me...I will take it lightly... and in a good and positive spirit...But..I can not resist any fun about Guru and Gurbani..I conveyed whatever I felt...I know you have not meant to make fun of Gurbani...but Guru and Gurbani... the two most respectful for me in my life...more than this life of mine given by Guru..more cleary....what people usually say "MORE THAN A GOD"...but Guru is my God..Guru is everything for me..you all sangat is Guru Roop for me...and I respect you all.........
Chardi Kala...
You are making false accusations against. I have not made fun of Sikhi. I'm asking for the last time to stop this.![]()
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh....Randip Singh Ji...
stopped it...![]()
Sarbat da bhala...
Chardi Kala............
Thanks...I was quite hurt by that!
Its when we begin to "attach holiness" to OBJECTS..words (Shabad)..Gurdwara....Karrah parshaad..degh..guru ka langgar....chaur shaib..palki shaib..etc etc that we begin on a downward slope....slide !!!
THINGS..OBJECTS..WORDS..per se are NOT HOLY....they cannot be !!!
Take the SGGS..what is HOLY is the DIVINE MESSAGE....i have seen to many completyley DISREGARD the Divine Message..the Rehit...what Gurbani says to DO...BUT they bow and bow lower and lower....in the Gurdwar street..at the gate..at the car park..at the nishan sahib tharra..at each step leading upwards the darbar Sahib...they eat fallen down bits of degh from the floor....BUT....do they raed Gurbani ( NO i dotn knwo Punajbi..no time..am very busy at work...)..do they LISTEN to Gurabni..same reasons...do they understand Gurbani..follow what the Gyani ji explained in the Hukmanma..we are not Gyanis..we dotn know..we are simple sikhs..earn money..do work....all that Gurbani is for the ragis/granthis..bhai ji...why dont you keep kesh..and wear dastaar..why ?? i am a good sikh..inisde..no need to show off outside..!!!...why PICK up fallen degh bits off the floor..DEGH is HOLY...why THROW AWAY YOUR KESH at the barber every day ?? KESH..not holy ?? I already told you..I am Sikh INSIDE...
KESH is not holy..per se..its what they REPRESENT...???? why throw one and keep the other..??? dont know..??? no answers...BECAUSE the DIVINE MESSAGE of SGGS is not FILTERING THROUGH all this "holy smokescreens"....its DHUNDDH...all over aagain..Dense FOG !!! the FOG that Guru nanak ji dissipated in 1469....500 years ago....has RETURNED with a FRENZY and INSIDE GURDWARAS too..
WE Have to;
1. Begin studying GURMUKHI..to be able to READ GURBANI..and TOUCH our SHABAD
2. Begin FOLLOWING what the Shabad Says...and stop empty ritualised bowing only...."fake darshan"
3. IMPLEMENT that TEACHINGS..and change our LIVES..not "IN" one ear.."OUT" the other...
4. That will make us Good Sikhs..Inside and Outside...:ice::ice::ice:
There is this idea that is quite common amongst people: superstition - that an action, although unrelated to an event, will cause the event to occur.i have seen to many completyley DISREGARD the Divine Message..the Rehit...what Gurbani says to DO...BUT they bow and bow lower and lower....in the Gurdwar street..at the gate..at the car park..at the nishan sahib tharra..at each step leading upwards the darbar Sahib...they eat fallen down bits of degh from the floor....BUT....do they raed Gurbani ( NO i dotn knwo Punajbi..no time..am very busy at work...)..do they LISTEN to Gurabni..same reasons...do they understand Gurbani..follow what the Gyani ji explained in the Hukmanma..we are not Gyanis...
Thanks for the compliments Vijaydeep ..
and more thanks still for a very nice and logically flowing post![]()
Sher Singh Ji:
I would request you to ask your father for exact quotes as it would help the cause.
I could find the following references to Angels and Demons in Guru Granth Sahib JI
#1. References to Azraaeel - The Angel of Death
Page 315, Line 4 -- Guru Arjan Dev
Azraa-eel, the Angel of Death, shall crush them like sesame seeds in the oil-press. ||27||
ajraa-eel faraystaa til peerhay ghaanee. ||27||
Page 953, Line 14 -- Guru Nanak Dev
Azraa-eel, the Angel of Death, shall be appointed to punish them.
ajraa-eel faraystaa hosee aa-ay ta-ee.
Page 1019, Line 19 -- Guru Arjan Dev
Azraa-eel, the Angel of Death, seizes and tortures them.
ajraa-eel farhay farh kuthay.
Do the above references then mean that there does exist and actual angel Azraaeel and sikhs belive in that.
I think to understand this we need to recognise:
The message of Guru Maharaj was not limited to a particular section of the society. It was a Universal Message for all. To get his point across Guru Maharaj used refernces to the popular current mythologies without ever compromising his message.
If on the one hand he uses the word Azraaeel for people who were familiar with semitic beliefs and myths, he also used words like Kaal, Jamdoot and Dharamrai which could be easily interpreted by people believing in Hindu beliefs.
Hence the world Azraael just presses home the point of death. The simple use of the word conveys a powerful message to people of semitic belifes and they are easily able to relate to the truth.
Also if Guru Maharj belived in mythological beings such as Devs, he would recognise that they have partaken the mythological Amrit and now cannot die. However the references we find from Guru Granth Sahib paint aa different picture and suggest that Guru Maharaj never subscribed to such myths:
Page 1267, Line 7 -- Guru Arjan Dev
Shiva, Brahma, angels and demons, all burn in the fire of death.
siv biranch asur sur jaytay kaal agan meh jartay.
Bhagat Naam Dev Ji also says:
Page 873, Line 17 -- Saint Nam Dev
I have been transformed from a mortal being into an angel, in an instant; the True Guru has taught me this.
nar tay sur ho-ay jaat nimakh mai satgur buDh sikhlaa-ee.
Now is it that Bahagt Jee got transformed into an angel or Deevta as per popular mythology or is he talking about qualities that came to rest in him because of satguru's blessings. Think..
Please also search for the word angels at www.srigranth.org and you will get a lot of links.
With all respect, when am I actually going to find out if Sikhs believe God can take form or not? Some say he can, some day he doesn't.![]()