Sarbloh Ki Raksha hamne
I have no enemies either my brother Arvindji and I am willing to embrace every humanbeing as you do, but it is not good enough to save a soul that has gone astray.
Well if your Vedas and your Vedic God was strong enought then it would not have prevented souls to go astray(here this vedic God is God of Araya Samj or what they imaginne.
do you think soul exist then tell me where does it exist in body and tell das if you even have seen your own soul?
Ham baar baar bhagavan! karte tujhe namaste
Yadi dwesh bhaa-wa-naa ho, to nyaaya tere haste.
so do you think that this Dweesh Bhav was not created by God.This is a creation but not by God.(Dweesh bhav is feeling of envy/hatered and it could be the God of Dayanand).As per Gurmat one who has both Rag love and Dweesh as equal that is to be salvaged.
We also thank thee for thy rule benign
Thy kind protection and thy blessings sweet
And those who are the dreaded foes of mine
I lay them humbly at Thy Gracious Feet.
so you are very strong that you can bring foes of your God on the feet of him or her well your god is male or female?
This means that your God has no power and he kept you as his/her servent.A God who needs servent is incomplete so not a God but god.
The result of intellectual reasoning guided by the correct (true) knowledge is wisdom. Men who acquired this wisdom are the wisest of all mankind, they are humble (free of vanity and above insults), pure (free of disease), altruistic (whatever they write or preach is free of copyright), complete in righteousness (sinless) and blissful (state of perpetual happiness). Their intentions are always noble ones, not only for the cause of the liberation of the soul, but freedom from physical and mental anguish
this means that Swami dayananda were not true man.He died of poison and did hated a prostitue.Well when withour listening to us by your own prefix notiation when you think of your infalliabilty and spread what haterd you have then can you are the same or this is only an imagination.Just tell das why you are like that das means why brain does get such qultiies from external factors or why man becomes like that?Give reason and not say like opther Arya Samajis that this is due to nature if it is due to nature then why nature does this or who makes nature to do like that.Das is yet to see any Arya Samaji with real eternal Happiness till he/she renounce Arya Samaj(mother of Das is one of them).
It is truly sad that our present age is populated with billions who are virtually densed in ignorance, that when a wise man does appear to disseminate the truth he is instead branded as intolerant, a liar, a hate-monger and out to offend those who do not agree with him.
In mentaL asylum also there are many people who say that whole world is mad.So you are not the first one to say but Das wants that if possible consult our DR Khalsa who is a docter.
Yes, the law of karma has created these conditions confirming fully to the dictates of natural laws where progression (rightousness) is downwards.
So there is a new factor called deeds or Karma other then nature.Just tell Das,What deed does a child does when he is born out of his father and mother it is due to intercoourse of them.What deed did child do?
Then mental frame of Child is made by genses and external eniveronemnt and that is there till death.From where the vedic hell Karmas come.And a sinbgle nuclera bomb can destroy the nature which you call true and any facotor of nautre can destroy human race.Both can destroy each other.So both are cancelling each other leading to zero.
Compulsion being so, because of the conditions we are born in, only a very few will come to know of this truth, but a wise man must continue to disseminate the truth as it has become his nature to do so, in spite of whom it may offend, after all only he knows it is for one's own good.
This is subject to that 'wisemans' knowing the 'truth' himself.And if someone does it just by reading and expirimeanting by 5 decayable senses then one that is beyong sense as one who 'created' them may not be seen.Your case is just the same.You are after the waves but yet to see the sea.
There is only one true God and He is the God of the Vedas which is the source of the highest of ethics and morals and above all the source of all sciences. They are in harmony with reasoning and confirms with natural laws. The Vedas are the only revelation on this planet that is free of historical references and therefore justly proclaim themselves eternal for all creations, ours and whatever else are in existence in the unlimited sky of solar systems, past, present and future ones to come.
Das has thirty more similar Vedas even with differnt verses.It is just like some one say that look i do not know the name of my father that means that i am from eternity.
Well you have told your level of solar system and past ,present and future till that only writers of Vedas reached.(as per you_)As if they were of perfect scince(as per you) then they would have made or broghut the areoplaNE or sattlite from furue to thier era vai time machine.(Das know they did) As they were one beyond time so for then past,present and futre did not exist not did exist solar system as thier are billions of them around,Yes for Arya Samajis this one is of some use.
This emans that Vedas had past or time before them also.
This means that Vedas were made after solar system was made.
But do you have any perfect proof which can say that there was nothing 'truth' writtan/delivered before them or never did it happen after that.Which reason would you like to give if all the succeding books also are talking about vedic God.
This that then why did not htier followers follow Vedas.Well if Das has digital Map then why should he bi idiot to use paper map.Rather paper Maps must follow the user of digital map.
False gods are those born out of Hinduism, Zorastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Bahai, and all the other existing cults. All these false dogmas were connocted by evil men ignorant in nature who obviously were easily made saints among the gullible and whoever follows them is as guilty as they are in committing a thousand crimes.
Das can say one such man was Dayanand who fabircated vedic 'god' and as he was like that so do Arya Samajis feel all were like that.It is like what he call Dooth Ka Jala Chhachh Bhi Phook Kar Pita Hai.
One who burns from hot milk also drink cold butter milk after cooling it.Das will not say that all faith you said above were coreect but Judaisim,Chrsitinaity,Islam and Khalsa are not like your Arya Samaj.And nor were Sanatan Dhramis at the time of Vedas.Yes Dayanand did misguided ignorent.By his Veda called Satyarth Prakash.If Vedas were already there why did not he added Satyarth Prakash into Vedas.
They depict God to be completely out of control and unjust by condemning all souls, opposing them and even those before and in remote regions who never heard of it to eternal hell of fire where there is no return.
Well here your inner soul tells you to submit to God as the soul of Dayanand told him also.To be preicise you are talking of misinterpetaions of Holy Bible and holy Kuran.Dear this soul is only a creation like Das make a his hand some time in a punch and some time like a chap(styles of martial art) So this soul is creation or rather change of form by God by God's own will.And as Das is lord of his own body and das is justified to do what ever Das can do with it.So what so ever God's want to do with God's nature,Elements or soul God does that.And perhaps you can not prevent God.
Neither are the faithfuls who submitted themselves are happy either, since they do so under the duress of constant fear, being always reminded of their lagging performance in worship and never giving enough (free labor and finance). When there are so much adversities (pain and suffering) in the world what else is preventing so many, if not ignorance, to reason that these dogmas have nothing to do with divine spirituality?
Well it apperas that such facotrs are in you so you them very correctly,Das also had similar thought in when he was Vijendendra Prasad Sahu and not vijaydeep Singh.But as per faith of Das(Sikhism) and as per Faith of Ture Sanatan Dhrami,True Muslim and True Jew or Christian.They do not have to worry their worrys are takne care by God,Allah,Prabrahm,Yehova,Akal.
Das just want to tell you that God of Jews was Yehova pronuced a Yhove and it same Oankar of Veda.Late Christians called the same as EL Yhovei or Elhohi.
Muslim called the same as Al Elah or Allah.Omega(Oankar) and Alfa who was who is who is to come.As there was nothing but God before 'creation' whcih we call evolution and there will be nothing but God after this Creation is destroyed(this is your natural law that anything that can be created can always be destroed Eh!).So God has to worry of creation and not the creatures like you are worried about us.
The sole reason the truth hurts is because people have been misled all their lives into believing that sins are forgiven and salvation a free gift, when instead, sins are not forgiven and salvation requires strenuous and continous effort of study and moreso, practice (yoga) to free the soul.
so as per you yoga very good.Yoga means union and as much as we try like any lady can try to make a man her husband,till husband does not want they can nver be united.Do as much Yoga or truth till God does not want us to unite we will not be able to unite.
If God wants God will not let us do sin.And if God wants even if we go good lot of good works we are not going to be salvaged.
This soul in body is like lamp covered with various dark Sahdes and one layer onto another it keeps on covering.(Das knows that it is even deeper then that but just for you to able to understand).Salvation to all souls is going to happen one day when all souls will be merging back to one from where they are emrging.
Universe also started from a point and expanding and will go back to same point one Day.(Thats what Gurmat,Vedas and Kateebs(Bible and Kuran tells us)
But even what we see is nothing else but same which makes us.
Reincarnation is a just law by a just God, that all souls are subjected to punishment and reward fitting of their sins and virtues respectively. No soul is condemned to eternal hell nor granted eternal salvation since finite actions can only reap finite results. Emancipation is indeed a very long period because in happiness time flies while the period of pain and misery is very short, but appears to be longer since in pain, time seems to stand still. All souls are given the oppurtunity of salvation at some time, so when you are previleged with human birth make the best of the oppurtunity since no one desires pain.
Mahashya Ji,
You are just talking like a Sadhu or Singh but level of sant or Khalsa is even higher.Soul is creation by God so soul can be destroyed.But God will remain.Eternal salvation is achived when by will of God soul looses the indivduality(Hau mai) or self Ego and then unit mind of soul does not exists but Brain of soul does not continue to exist bu brain of God 'takesover'.Truth is that all things are in all situations of God.Only by will of God many do not know this and do many acts like you are trying to guide us.
But only few by will of god know that it is God who wants to have pleasue of all situations create such creations to his liking as God likes this thing to happen.
The way we can not hear with nose but smeel so to feel God our 5 sense may not help us till God wants.So that feelinh comes by faith(Islam,Sanatan Dhrama,Chrsitinailty,Sikhism or any one on whom God wants have mercy).So even if Das tells you(by sound) or writes to you(by text on moniter) you may not be able to know till God wants you and you have faith and your Sxth sense or Tenth Gate opens.
Well if Das got chance to visit Canada on a militar excersise.
Das will bring two(pipas) tin boxes of pure Sarson Ka Teel (Musturd oil) one for singhvj Ji and another for our own Guru Granth Purist who live in Canada.
They need lubricant to smothen the dryness of thier brains.
Any preachers when he starts with saying that your faith is wrong and my is correct is not a good preacher and often casues more hatred.But then his ego keeps on telling to repeat the fault as if he changes his way then it wil mean that he was wrong in past and proving of this means hurting of ego.
Well if singhvj Ji are knowing about Yoga them das can help him because yoga of Yogas Raj Yoga is Gurmat.
As at the time of Vedas ancestors of Das and Singhvj use to ride bulleck cart and at present we use Aircraft so as he is using primitve ways to get the truth.Ways are true but slow.Das got the way on whcih just one step made destination coming for traveller.That is Gurmat.
It is his destiny that if he uses waterways and try to cross ocean while swiming,here thier is danger of shrak called ego eating him en route or his drwaning with to much of load of salnder he is carrying with him.
Else he can use spacecraft Called Gurmat.There is a risk here too but if all precautions are taken then we can reach in fraction of second.
Das is still pondering that from which days followers of Dayanand Ji have started to pilfer the legescy of Anne Besent,Vevekananda or Aurobindo Gosh that these Veda purists have started to talk of Yoga and Vedanta ,which Dayanand Ji in his whole life could not get.
Is it a new sect of Arya Samaj.Well in past also thier were tw

ne was vegitarian proeved that Vedas prohibit killing of animal(by thier interpetaions) and they at present have merged with hinduism(Das warns vegi Sikhs on thier future)This was during the time when Mahatama Hansraj Ji were alive.
And another one became so radical that they did not recogainse existance of God.Bhagat Singh and similar communists are nothing else but {censored}y of arya Samaj and soviet socialism.
By the way we can also visit
They have proved a very good thing.
As we have seen singhvj ji are reapeting same false thing again and again.This is due to the theory(say false 100 times and it wil be truth) of another Great Arya Samaji of last centuary.Hail Adolf Hitler.
In Fact life of hitler and Dayanand ji and thier exterme views to condem others are just the same.
So there was another branch of Arya Samaj in west.Nazism and fasism..