Are we in position control it whether it is of animal or may be insect ?
Or may be we are capable of wasting some animal life ?
please elaborate
We are responsible for our own individual actions. If one stays in the “Hukam” and obeys/lives the primary beliefs and principles of Sikhism then “Yes” premeditated murder/killing can be stopped. It is the premeditated killing that is the biggest sin of all. Life taken to satisfy ones taste buds can be controlled. Life taken under the influence of Ego can be stopped. Whenever we interfere with the Laws of Nature, we have to pay. Loss of life that is not premeditated is not fully accountable. But Guru ji says,
Ga­oṛī mehlā 9.
Nar acẖėṯ pāp ṯė dar rė. Ḏīn ḏa­i­āl sagal bẖai bẖanjan saran ṯāhi ṯum par rė. ||1|| rahā­o.
O human, fear the sin that is done incautiously(in ignorance). Seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, Who is compassionate to the poor, the destroyer of all fear. |1||Pause||
Bėḏ purān jās gun gāvaṯṯā ko nām hī­ai mo ḏẖar rė. Pāvan nām jagaṯ mai har ko simar simar kasmal sabẖ har rė. ||1||
He, whose praises are sung in the Vedas and puranas, enshrine His Naam within your heart. Pure and sublime is the Name of the Lord in this world, recite/remember him, and all sinful mistakes shall be washed away. ||1||
Mānas ḏėh bahur nah pāvai kacẖẖū upā­o mukaṯ kā kar rė. Nānak kahaṯ gā­ė karunā mai bẖav sāgar kai pār uṯar rė. ||2||9||251||
O man, you shall not, attain this human body again. Make some corrective effort towards you liberation. Says Nanak, sing the praise of The Compasionate to cross over the terrifying worldly-ocean.
Nature keeps an account of all our actions, be it conscious or unconscious. To keep the balance of Nature, even the Divine does not directly interfere. Punishment is sanctioned. It is only the intensity (By the Grace of the Divine) that can be reduced unless the Guru takes it on to himself. Human life is the most precious of all living being. Thousands of bacteria sacrifice their lives to keep us alive so that we can pursue our journey back to our maker. This is why humans are severely punished for interfering with the Laws of nature. we share a common birth ground with animals. We are both born of the Womb. Our basic sensory perceptions are very similar. Therefore animal life should not be considered too inferior and be subjected to exploitation.
On this earth, we have all come to serve our judgement for mis-deeds. When we take any life, we are held responsible for it because we are denying that being the right to serve its judgement. This is our Dharamsaal, the place of karmic deliverance.
rwqI ruqI iQqI vwr ] pvx pwxI AgnI pwqwl ] iqsu ivic DrqI Qwip rKI Drm swl ]
iqsu ivic jIA jugiq ky rMg ] iqn ky nwm Anyk Anµq ]
He created, nights, seasons, lunar days, week days; wind, water, fire and the nether regions. In amidst of all these, He established the Earth as a place of karmic deliverance. There-in, He placed the various species of beings(with means of living) of various types. Their names are innumerable and infinite.
krmI krmI hoie vIcwru ] scw Awip scw drbwru ] iqQY sohin pMc prvwxu ]
ndrI krim pvY nIswxu ] kc pkweI EQY pwie ] nwnk gieAw jwpY jwie ]34]
Based on their deeds and actions they are judged. The Lord Himself is true and true is His Court. There in the Lords Court, are graced realized-Saints (who have mastered the five evils) and by the grace of the merciful master they receive the Mark (the judgement based on their deeds). There, the realized and the unrealized are assessed. O Nanak, when you reach there, you will see this. ||34||
To safeguard us from the incautious sin, Guru ji guides us to stay absorbed in Naam Simran. In doing so our Gurus make up the shortfall and pull us out of the life cycle. So drkhalsa ji we have been given the choice. It is up to the individual to make the decision. Following the lost sheep will only lead you to the slaughter house. {censored} for Tat.