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Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet?


Jan 22, 2005
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Though Muslims and Sikh religions shares belief in One Reality and are very much close to each other in many fundamentals like condemning of casteism, idol worship, but there is difference in other basic resolutions.
i) Sikh believe in reincarnation and deeds whereas in Islam believe only one birth & death. Gurmat firmly believe either in merger into God by virtuous deeds or into re-incarnation thus didn’t agree with the theory of Islam that there is only one chance, there is only one way, and we are judged according to it and re-incarnation theory is absurd. A human can only exit the web of karma by meditating on Gurmat Naam and immersing the self into Akaal. Gurbani cautions,“ies pauri tai jo nar chukai so aaye jaey dukh paeda - that human whosoever does not live a truthful life and miss the opportunity of being human suffers in the form of re-incarnation.” - Guru Granth ang.1075.15. As a mother is compassionate so is God. With thousands of mistakes, the mother though sometimes gets frustrated, but never stops loving the child. It is God who put that compassionate nature into the mother. How can we say God is not compassionate at all? The human will make thousands of mistakes in their life, no matter how holy they are, but God will always love them, help them, and be compassionate towards them. He gives them thousands of chances and these chances, which come in many forms, are called re-incarnation.
ii) Muslims believe in absolute God who resides in the Seventh world whereas Sikh believe in God who Himself is absolute, self-governing and is within all of us but cannot be contained in a certain place. Verses of Gurbani says, “nanak ka patshah dessai jaahra – Satguru Nanak’s God is right in His creation.” - Guru Granth ang.397.7. In addition Guru Nanak says listen O, people “nanak kahat suno rai logha sant rasan to baseeho - Waheguru lives on the tongue of the Saint (who have tamed their mind through sabd) a living person (jiwan mukta).” - Guru Granth ang.700.11.
iii) Muslims believe creation of world in six days (though time is subjective) and end on Roze-qiamat whereas Sikh view the universe as an act of instant creation - a spontaneous manifestation of the unattributed Primal God- and its dissolution. It also says no one knows how many times it has come into existence and how many times it has evaporated in flick of an eye blink. Gurbani tells us like this, “khin maithaph uthapda - in an instant, He establishes and disestablishes.” - Guru Granth ang.706.3. Thus it supports evolution theory as per science. It further declares it is a divine sport and “whenever it pleases Him He created the Universe and as He desires, He absorbs it back into Himself.” - Guru Granth ang.292.8. Besides this, Gurbani further says, “kaei baar pasreo pasaar - Many times He has expanded universal expansion, yet each time at the end (and before) abides the Sole Supreme Being.” - Guru Granth ang.276.13.
iv) Muslims yearn for Heaven whereas Sikh believe to merge back into God from whom we were separated - “As the waves of water merge again with the water, so does one light merge again into the Light.” - Guru Granth ang.102.7.
v) Both faiths recognize the Oneness of God and regard it as human duty to follow what they describe as the Hukam, the Divine Will. However, they differ on the content of this hukm. For Muslims,it can be derived from the Holy Koran, the hadith of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him), the consensus of the religious scholars (ijma) and argument by analogy (ijtihad).The kafiris the rebel, the unbeliever, who denies this hukm.For Sikhs, the hukm is unspeakable: "hukm na ka-ha ja-ye". It can only be realized when lived. Therefore, the emphasis is on personal experience rather than social order. God's laws and truths are written in every human heart,
they are inscribed in the very being of our nature,articulated in
the body, mind and soul.
vi) Muslims believe in fourteen worlds whereas Sikhism in millions of worlds and nether worlds. Gurbani says, “kot brahmand ko thakhur soami - He is God and Master of millions of universe.” - Guru Granth ang.612.5.
vi) Muslims embrace Shari’at whereas Sikh believes in Maryada, His command strictly based on gurbani.
vii) Muslim believe Fasting, Jihad & ‘Sunat’ is their duty (which is not reflected in Quran whereas in Sikhism there is nothing like that but there are five ‘kakaar’ (Kaysh (long hair) ‘Stamp of Guru that you are a Sikh – a symbol of spirituality’, Kanga (comb) ‘a symbol of orderliness and cleanliness’ and to keep the hair. The uncut hair signified traditional ascetic renunciation but it was tamed by the comb which did not allow it to become matted thus symbolizing continued participation in the world; Kachehra (underwear) ‘signifies self control and restraint, to be jati and sati’, Kada (a steel bracelet) ‘to remind to cultivate in himself the awareness of immorality thus not to indulge in any wickedness’ & an iron bracelet that remind me that I am day and night in my Guru's bondage, superstition and to denote the universality of God, and Kirpan (sword) a symbol of power and dignity. It is an instrument of defense and protecting the weak. These ‘kakaar’ are used as article of faith for baptisms that are very much reflected in Guru Granth Sahib in symbolic language. It will be worth mentioning here that wearing of the kakaars is a symbolic acceptance of Guru Sahib's love and way of life. It's an acknowledgement of putting into practice one aspect of the maryada (code of conduct) handed down by the Guru. People however question that if the essence of religion is to love God, then why keep hair. Well if you love someone, and he gives a gift, what do you do with it? Throw it out of the window right in front of him and still say I Love you? Crush it under your feet and still say I love you.
viii) Further, when the foundation of any label is based on discrimination how could its essence merge us with truth – the Akal Purakh who is without discrimination (like sunnat cannot be performed on women and Janeu was not allowed to be worn by shudra lower caste.). Five kakar are for every one.
ix) In addition, as Gurbani tells us, if circumcision makes one a Muslim, then what about a woman? She is the other half of a man’s body, and she does not leave him, so he remains a Hindu. Thus if Akal Purakh wished one to be a Muslim, it would be cut off by itself.” - Guru Granth ang.477.17. These values stress that the real religion for all mankind is one. In this way you shall be a true Hindu and Muslim. Generally typical answer for circumcision is given to be cleanliness. Does it mean Akal Purakh was imperfect and prophet Mohammad had to correct. Impossible - Mohammad was a Akal Purakh lover he never could have meant that “NEVER”. He kept saying that I am an imperfect one...and Akal Purakh (Allah) is great. Oh Akal Purakh YOU are GREAT! So how could he perfect the perfection of Akal Purakh? Even in Anjeel or new Testament (book revered by Islam) Jesus talks of circumsention of mind that matter. Sikhe is not hereditary - it has to be earned by each and every person. Our gurus were never insecured and thus never intended for babies to be forced to chhak amrit. This is the beauty behind Sikh revealed baani. Amrit is not a ritual (like circumcision/baptism/janeu etc.) but a serious commitment to a particular life style and ONLY an ADULT can make that CHOICE rationally made voluntarily. It is a basic tenets and counter measure in self-defense to the path of realization committed to the tenets of their faith. And the PERSON goes to seek Amrit in complete submission. Therefore, having Amrit does require some outer inspection and inner inspection of the person. INCREASING the numbers of amritdharees by roping in helpless babies when they cannot make a choice is WRONG in Gurmat what to talk of genocides in case of unwillingness to accept their philosophy. How could one become a good soldier simply by wearing the uniform? No. First of all the army spirit has to be infused in. Then only one feels they have a goal and point of being here. Gurbani tells us ‘Truth is high, but higher still is truthful living’. Further the spread of Sikhi was never dependent on "interpretation of Gurbani". Sikhi spread through the example of those who practiced it -- who lived it, who walked the path. It was always the EXAMPLE of a Sikh, which inspired others to join the fold. That's how the number of Sikhs kept on increasing even when Governor of Lahore had declared a price on the head of a Sikh -- because the exemplary character of Sikhs inspired others onto the Guru's path, even when doing so meant to be on the run from the government of the day. By taking Amrit from Panj Pyaras Guru Gobind Singh ji put us on the same pedestal as he was on. He lowered himself in order to raise us up. WOW. What a Friend!!
viii) Further circumcision is connected to SEXUAL DESIRE..but a physical act doesnt control the MIND..ALL DESIRES are in fact in the MIND...MODESTY comes from the MIND - not EXTERNAL. IF the MIND is the DEVILS WORKSHOP, and the person is determined to let his desires get the better of him..no amount of "circumcision" ( even Total Bobbit ) is going to make him sleep quietly.
ix) Islam believe to offer sacrifice of animal while reading holy hymn through the process of ‘halal’ with painful death (In old testament when Abraham (Abram at that time) sacrifices his child at that time his God tells him that kill animal by draining blood out of it as blood is life. Again Moses was also instructed on it. Islam does believe in Halal as Jews. Gurmat disagree that life is in blood and not in flesh. We believe God to be everywhere and not such discrimination based on matter, which is decay able. As God is Same in flesh as in blood so why shed blood) whereas Sikhism believes holy hymns from Guru Granth Sahib or any holy book are to glorify and please God, lead virtuous life and not to recite to kill a frightened and helpless animal. It is inconceivable that the Guru had any such bias, for the validity of other religions is freely accepted in Sikh thought. The Guru had noticed what he considered shortcomings in other faiths, but he seems to suggest that trans-valuation of values is the only right possible answer to the existence of such problems. Thus one thing is very clear, according to Sikh thought, if we slaughter an animal for eating and recite prayers along with it, that won't save us from our sin or do the animal any favor. In addition Sikhism does not believe to slaughter animal in the name of sacrifice but for survival and that too in case of crisis and not as an addiction and that too with ‘Jhatka’ (one stroke) and not ‘Halal’. I personally do not believe in the unnecessary killing of animals to satisfy our desires, when there are plenty of other resources available for our survival. It may be stated that eating or not eating meat has a religious sanction in all major faiths; for example, Kosher is allowed for Jews, Halal for Muslims, Bali for Hindus (killed in the name of Goddess). Secondly, some religions prohibit meat of certain animals; pork is prohibited for Muslims and Jews, and beef for Hindus. Some prohibit eating meat, or a particular kind of meat, on some days. Sikh faith is unique in not prescribing any such condition for eating meat, if it is needed to meet the hunger of a Sikh. Besides Gurbani suggests three golden rules for healthy life which are scientifically sound, “do not eat or get addicted to that is not pleasing to the body, that gives pain to the body or eat or drink that produce evil in the mind.” - Guru Granth ang.16.14. Addiction, not only to meat, but even to `things' of daily use (spouse, wealth, affluent life, etc.), is prohibited. Therefore the beauty is that the ultimate decision is left to our own individual common sense or what suits us best. In addition a logical question arises that Halal, Kosher or Brahminical rituals associated with food all claim to "purify" food. What does it signify? That man has the power to "purify" what God created. In other words, man can "improve" upon God.
x) Unlike interpretation of Islam Sikhs are forbidden to believe that some days or months are auspicious. When you love and remember God, Gurmat says, it is a good day for you, when you ignore Him it is a bad day.
xi) Unlike Sikhs who in their daily general and private prayer wish, “Nanak Naam chardhee kala. Terey bhanney Sarbatt da bhalla”, - welfare for the whole humanity irrespective of their religion, Muslims only say, “May peace be upon all Muslim brothers and sisters and may God guide to all Non-Muslim.
xii) Muslim believe if we exercise good conduct in this world, we can watch dances of nymphs in the heaven, over here if we do not consume wine, we will get ‘Somras’ in heaven, over here if we donate little, over there we get palaces studded with pearls and diamonds. If you convert someone to your faith you get so and so award (A great Muslim poet and theologist Dr. Mohammand Iqbal lashed out and said, “bahishto houron ghilma evjai taiet mai na manugha eini bbaataon sai vaez jeif emon hota hai - O preacher you have weaken my belief, if by reading holy scripts, praying and good conduct, gets me in paradise where I am promised fairy girls, wine, wealth and property, then even the heaven you have made into a tradeable commodity), Sikh are not looking for converts like vultures fan the skies for dead meat whereas in Sikhism there is no trade-in.
xiii) Guru Nanak has offered no incentives such as nymphs, or houries or wealth etc. He says, “nanak kai ghar keval naam- Satguru Nanak’s home is filled with only Naam, the Name of God, His lotus feet - the cosmic hymn – the eternal bliss.” - Guru Granth ang.1136.16.
xiv) And as per Sikhism whosoever irrespective of any profession, caste status, religion have understood that “this human body conferred on us, is our only chance to merge back into God by reciting His glorious virtues from the core of heart, his toil is over to merge back into Him. This bliss is beyond wine, wealth and nymphs.” - Guru Granth ang.12.6, but those who don’t merged back, wander into cycle of reincarnation or suffer as per their deeds.
xv) Since He is TRUTH, which is eternal and forever, Sikhism believes in the eternal Living Guru Granth Sahib for guidance, whereas Islam believes after Mohammad there is no messenger of God. Muslims believe in entire sentence ‘kalmah’ (la elahaa eel alaah - Mohammad -u- rasul aalah’ whereas Sikh does not relate first half with second half which declares no prophet or apostle will come after Mohammad and no new faith will be born " - Our apostles were our Gurus and now our living Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Inspite of this claim of Islam, a new faith Sikhism was born and which is a reality.
xvi) Islam believe Mohamad is the last messenger and Islam is last religion and no more (prophet)would come again for protecting people at this present age of crime and insecurity?? From this it follows that any new religion or even a new interpretation of religion must be authorized by the evidence already contained in this final and unique act; otherwise, it is a priori errant, a heresy. Whereas in Sikhism. In God’s infinite creation, there is no such thing as the last prophet or the last religion. Sikhism, on the other hand, teaches that the Truth of Religion is ab initio embedded in the heart of man and that its ultimate validity is to be discerned in human experience itself, and not in anything extraneous, though Sikhism admits that there have been, and shall be, extraordinarily gifted persons in whom the Truth of Religion has assumed unusual vividness and thus their revelations and teachings are of immense help to mankind, such as the ten Sikh Prophets, the Gurus.

xvii) So broad minded and transparent is Sikhism that unlike Islam who forbids non-muslim to their holy place Mecca Sikhism not only permits but have opened doors from all corners so that anyone can come and worship the way he likes. Our Guru tells us, jo sharan avai so kanth lavai whosoever irrespective of religion, caste, race or creed enter His sanctuary, is not only welcome but is hugged.
xviii) Muslim belief the body is made of four elements but gurbani tells us it is five elements and modern science has confirmed it is five and not four elements. (Earth, water, fire, air and fifth is soul, ether or spirit)
xix) Whereas in Islam music is not permitted even outside of Mosque and considered to be a hindrance to counting the 99 names of Allah and disturb single mindedness, Sikhism believes music along with the their tunes is the vehicle to sing holy hymn which are composed in poetry and musicality adopted and are sung inside the Gurudwara and believes it awakens deeper layers of human heart and consciousness. Keertan is an added bonus because it has a music in it. It encompasses what is otherwise indescribable and incommunicable. Divine wisdom is laced with sweet melodious fragrance by different tunes. This divine melody tunes the soul with Rhythm Eternal. The modern science supports this theory.
xx) Gurmat didn’t agree with the philosophy of resurrection that a judgment day will come when this soul will re-enter the body even after that body is turned into ashes. Gurbani tells us ‘Aapen khail aap kar dekhai, khail sakonchai tau nanak eikai - this all is the show of His sport and He Himself is watching this panorama. When He winds up His _expression then He alone will be left behind.” - Guru Granth ang.292.2. Though Gurmat accepts about winding up the show but conclude then He only will remain, and rejects the concept ‘that all human beings who have lived in the world since its inception will be restored to life and presented before Allah who will judge them on that day upon Absolute Justice. Obviously it is not true. However if you try to make sense in a way that the person who is not religious, his soul is dead in his body and body is graveyard for his soul, and if he follows religion his soul will resurrect in his body. It makes sense. Gurmat didn’t believe that soul remain standstill when as per the Will, it has continue process until it merges back with God. The Law cannot stop operating at any time. Even the most advance science has proved this point. So Gurmat distanced itself from this concept.
xxi) Gurbani tells us 'manas ki jaat eko pehchanobo' or ek noor tai sabh jagh utrai kon bhalai kon mandhai, whereas teaching of Islam tells us that other than Muslims all are {censored} or malech. Gurbani is about Love, not about hating ur fellow beings Gurbani is about Naam, and focusses ion worship of One True God, NOT some prophet.
xxii) In Islam there is fear of kayamat day (or Judgement Day) and or lobh of wine, houries and or pearl to do noble jobs, but sikh religion is one of the foremost religions that has recognised values of living. It is total surrender with humility to God (Milan di tadap or yearning for union with God and when there is tadap for union where is time for ego) all love which causes one to do noble deeds. IF the DELUSION of DEATH, LIFE, etc is STILL ALIVE in one's mind i.e. kayamat day, how can that person say He is FULLY accepting the Power and Will of ALLAH. On one hand it is said Islam is submission to the will of Allah.....and are still delusioned by Death and Life because of kayamat a fear of cruel harsh punishments in hell.
xxiii) In Islam women are not permitted to join the congregation whereas Gurbani in line with equal rights to women specially invites them with following versus, “Come my sisters and spiritual companion! Clasp me close in your embrace. Let us join together and tell stories of our All Powerful Spouse (God).” - Guru Granth ang.17.16.
xxiv) Islam believes praying on a particular day at Mecca fetches and is equal to hundred thousand prayers whereas Sikhism believes in level of love and devotion and not number of prayers which adds nothing but ego.
xxv) One of most important ritual of every Muslim is to visit and pray at Mecca once in a life whereas it is not mandatory for Sikhism to pray at their holiest shrine Amritsar. The Har-Mandir Sahib is the most inspirational and significant historical religious centre for Sikhs, but is not a mandatory place of pilgrimage or worship. All places where Sri Guru Granth Sahib is housed and its ‘prakash’ is compiled are considered equally holy for Sikhs and it is the holiest of holy. Gurbani tells us, "harminder eho shareer hai tis vich sachai da vasa – The body is the temple of Akal Purakh, within which He hath locked infinite light and until that truth is not revealed this body is but a heap of urine and filth, nothing more. Gurmat being all love did n't permit a feeling of complex or guilt for those who cannot afford to travel and waste time, money and torturing oneself. As per gurbani God resides in ourselves and we need not go out and get unnecessary tired and fall in the hands of banaras kai thug. Gurbani tells us, “teerath sabd beechar antar gian hai – Real sacred shrine of pilgrimage is enshrining spiritual wisdom within, and contemplation on the Word of the Shabad.” – Guru Granth ang.674.14.
xxvi) Muslim bury body and ‘nafis’ (desires) in grave whereas Sikh believe at the time of death soul leaves the body and wander in many incarnation or merged back into Him as per the deeds or His grace,
xxvii) Islam believe Adam and Eve were the first creation, whereas as per gurmat and Sikhism ‘Nobody knows.’ And in one’s spiritual development, this piece of information is of no consequence. …. All tall claims by some that they know as to who was the first human? is nothing but a concoction of fairy tales of empty boastings.xxviii) 1) Muslim believe in fasting that is why they consider Ramadhan a holy month and fast the whole month,, Guru Nanak says mission of mankind on Earth is to earn ‘Dharam’ by nurturing love, day and night from the core of heart while contemplating on His virtues and chanting His Name. How can a devotee by fasting, torturing, sufferings or suppressing appetite concentrate or devote to utter His Naam. Gurbani tells us, ‘bhukhai bhagat na keejai yeh mala apni leejai – with empty stomach no one can perform devotional worship.” – Guru Granth ang.656.13. Gurbani tells us, all these actions are the cause of deviation, thus it is only a hypocrisy. In relation to fasting Gurbani declared it this way, “Chodaih aan karai pakhand na oh suhaghan na o rand ] - one who fasts and discards food during purnmashi, karva choith, naratai, ramadhan, is practicing hypocrisy. He is like a rolling stone and is neither a happy soul-bride, nor a widow.” - Guru Granth ang.873.4. Besides it yields no bonus marks. It is not a mean to wash any sins, it is not a mean to fulfill any of your desires, and it is not a mean to please Akal Purakh or merge into Akal Purakh. We pose to abstain from food outwardly but from inside body suffers in pain and is disturbed with fire of desires. It is hypocrisy. If really eaten less, it stabilizes the agitation in mind. This is what Gurbani advises “Sleep little, and eat little; O learner Nanak, this is the essence of wisdom.” - Guru Granth ang.939.4. Thus Gursikhs are fasting everyday. This process described here does not overload the body and abuse the beautiful machinery/apparatus gifted to us FREE without any effort on our part. Gurbani thus advises instead earn the fruitful rewards by observing the fast of knowing your own self with a pledge not to speak lies at least that day. Gurbani proclaims, “sach varat santokh keerat gian dhayan isnan, deaya devta kheema japmaal tai manas pradhan - the most excellent are those who have truth as their fast, contentment as their sacred shrine of pilgrimage, spiritual wisdom and meditation as their cleansing bath, kindness as their deity, and forgiveness as their chanting beads.” – Guru Granth ang.1245.11.xxx) Whereas Sikhs are the only people in the world who have with them authenticitic Divine revelation with them in the language and words in which the same was received and written by their own prophet whereas qoran was not written by Prophet Mohamd as direct revelation but was written after his death by 2nd umar upon heresay.xxxi) As per Islam God said to Adam. ‘Do not eat of the apple’. That is, God was trying to say to Adam. Stop being inquisitive, you will bring problems upon yourself. And so original sin started for mankind. God simply wanted man to live by some rules it seems. Though people say all religions are same, now look at Gurbani. The guru says come and ‘seek’ but be ready to sacrifice yourself, your ego and your ideas. A complete contrast. The guru says jo to praem khaelan kaa chaao If you so yearn to explore bonding with the eternal drama (or, if you want to play this game of love with Me), sier dhhurr talee galee maeree aao step onto My Path with your mind and ego in your alms ( or, then step into my path with your head in hand).eith maarag pair dhhurreejai -When you place your feet on this Path, sir dheejai kaan n keejai submit your mind and forget all other ideas, theories etc, ( Give me your head, and do not pay attention to public opinion.

xxxii) Islam believe when Adam and Eve who were posted in Heaven by God, didn’t obey God’s command, they were sent to earth as a punishment whereas Gurbani propagate there is no physical place called Heaven and mankind is sent to Earth, in a part of His play, to earn ‘Dharma’ and day, night, air, water, seasons etc. are created for the convenience of mankind to enjoy and conveniently earn ‘Dharma’ which facilitate them to ‘swims across’ which means the end of transmigration and the attainment of poise and not a punishment. The soul keeps coming back in different bodies so it can perfect itself to get out of the cycle of birth and death. Because of the choices we make, we continue to suffer, when we listen to the inner voice to perfect ourselves, we can redeem our soul from the comings and goings.
xxxiii) Muslims strictly bury dead whereas Sikhism cremates but can bury too in case of crisis. Sikhism is a religion which is open and adaptable . No rigidities in us. No concept like time wrap.
xxxix) While Islam believe Satan crept into heaven, polluted the Book kept by God(!), which was written in Arabic, so people could understand that God is an Arab? The message is meant for Arabs? Thus everyone should learn Arabic, the sacred language? Gurbani observes that God is beyond language, the Guru Granth uses many languages to explain its message. Gurbani is God Itself, God the Unstruck Melody, Anhad Nad, calling you to unity. There is no question of God being polluted by any evil spirit.
xxxi) While Gurbani is revealed by the direct inspiration of God, Islamic concept
of God precludes communication between God and people or the angels.

Sahni Mohinder


May 28, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Yikes...more unsubstantiated arguments from all sides...

"It's white!"

"It's black!"

"It's white!"

"It's clearly black!"
Dec 8, 2005
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

dear brother

May Allah/God/Ram / Jesus / Waheguru grant you some common sense .
the post is

:down: ,:shutup: ,:}--}: ,:shock: ,:mad: ,:crazy: ,

May :wah: let good sense prevail.


Nank Nam chadi kala tere bana sarbat tha bhalla

to one and all


Mar 30, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Hello and sat sri akalji my good friend , dont try to tell us in this 21 century, about who is who or who is nabi and prophets is and
things fall on u dont be too sori about yourself, maybe u will get ans after your no more in this world ok that the your q to my ans. bye malaysia.

Qualities of a Prophet of God

No one can become a prophet of God by his own choosing or effort; Allah has to choose him to be His prophet. And Allah chooses only such persons who have all the qualities necessary for that role, and He does so at the appropriate time in history, and then He protects His prophets from falling into the kind of errors that do not suit a prophet.

The first duty that a prophet of God does is to tell his people that he has been appointed a prophet by God to invite people to His way. Thus, a genuine prophet claims to be a prophet of God, though this claim in itself is not enough. But first and foremost, a prophet has to claim himself to be a prophet of God. The people often question this claim and threaten him to give up his claim. They may even offer him all kinds of temptations that ordinary humans would fall for. But the genuine prophets ignore these and go forward with their God-given mission.

So, the first question you need to ask your Sikh friend is: Did Nanak really claim to be a prophet chosen by God to lead people out of darkness into light?

If the answer is “no,” tell him that this proves that prophethood was conferred on him by his zealous followers and it is meaningless to continue to argue that Nanak was a prophet.

If the answer is “yes,” the second question is: Did Nanak approve of the roles of earlier prophets of God, especially the prophet who came just before him, Muhammad (peace be on him)?

If he says “yes,” ask him then how one can reconcile the fact that Muhammad was the Last Prophet of God and the claim that Nanak was a prophet after the Last Prophet.

The third question is whether all the Sikhs believe that their holy book, called the Adi Granth, was revealed to Nanak by God. If they say “yes,” ask them whether there is any statement to that effect in the book itself and whether Nanak said that the Adi Granth had been fully revealed to him by God. If the answer is in the affirmative, your Sikh friend has to show the proof that the above statements are true, from the Adi Granth itself. This will not be possible for him to do for the following reasons:

1. The Adi Granth is a collection of the writings of many Gurus including Nanak. It was in 1604—Nanak died in 1539—that Arjan Dev, one of the ten Gurus, compiled the hymns of Guru Nanak along with the compositions of both Hindu and Muslim holy men like Jaidev, Surdas, Sheikh Farid and Kabir. The compiled book was enshrined by Arjan in the Golden Temple with the name “Adi Granth.”

2. A prophet of God is a model for all his followers in all aspects of life. But in the case of Sikhism, we find that it was not Guru Nanak, but the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, who organized the community of Sikhs into a khalsa, “a spiritual brotherhood devoted to purity of thought and action.” He taught his followers to wear long hair (kesh, denoting saintly appearance), underwear (kachha, denoting self-control), an iron bangle (kara, denoting purity in acts), a comb (kangha, denoting cleanliness of mind and body), and a sword (kirpan, denoting fight for a just cause).

3. Towards the end of his life, the aged Nanak returned home to Punjab and settled down at Kartharpur with his family. People came from far and near to hear his hymns and preaching. After his death, his Hindu followers thought him to be a Hindu and his Muslim followers thought him to be a Muslim.

From the foregoing, we understand that Guru Nanak was not a prophet of God, but a religious reformer of his times.[/quote]
Jul 30, 2004
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
Hariom Tatsat

Bimillah Al Rahman Ala Raheem.
kirpal175 said:
Hello and sat sri akalji my good friend , dont try to tell us in this 21 century, about who is who or who is nabi and prophets is and
things fall on u dont be too sori about yourself, maybe u will get ans after your no more in this world ok that the your q to my ans. bye malaysia.

Qualities of a Prophet of God

No one can become a prophet of God by his own choosing or effort; Allah has to choose him to be His prophet. And Allah chooses only such persons who have all the qualities necessary for that role, and He does so at the appropriate time in history, and then He protects His prophets from falling into the kind of errors that do not suit a prophet.

The first duty that a prophet of God does is to tell his people that he has been appointed a prophet by God to invite people to His way. Thus, a genuine prophet claims to be a prophet of God, though this claim in itself is not enough. But first and foremost, a prophet has to claim himself to be a prophet of God. The people often question this claim and threaten him to give up his claim. They may even offer him all kinds of temptations that ordinary humans would fall for. But the genuine prophets ignore these and go forward with their God-given mission.

So, the first question you need to ask your Sikh friend is: Did Nanak really claim to be a prophet chosen by God to lead people out of darkness into light?

If the answer is “no,” tell him that this proves that prophethood was conferred on him by his zealous followers and it is meaningless to continue to argue that Nanak was a prophet.

If the answer is “yes,” the second question is: Did Nanak approve of the roles of earlier prophets of God, especially the prophet who came just before him, Muhammad (peace be on him)?

If he says “yes,” ask him then how one can reconcile the fact that Muhammad was the Last Prophet of God and the claim that Nanak was a prophet after the Last Prophet.

The third question is whether all the Sikhs believe that their holy book, called the Adi Granth, was revealed to Nanak by God. If they say “yes,” ask them whether there is any statement to that effect in the book itself and whether Nanak said that the Adi Granth had been fully revealed to him by God. If the answer is in the affirmative, your Sikh friend has to show the proof that the above statements are true, from the Adi Granth itself. This will not be possible for him to do for the following reasons:

1. The Adi Granth is a collection of the writings of many Gurus including Nanak. It was in 1604—Nanak died in 1539—that Arjan Dev, one of the ten Gurus, compiled the hymns of Guru Nanak along with the compositions of both Hindu and Muslim holy men like Jaidev, Surdas, Sheikh Farid and Kabir. The compiled book was enshrined by Arjan in the Golden Temple with the name “Adi Granth.”

2. A prophet of God is a model for all his followers in all aspects of life. But in the case of Sikhism, we find that it was not Guru Nanak, but the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, who organized the community of Sikhs into a khalsa, “a spiritual brotherhood devoted to purity of thought and action.” He taught his followers to wear long hair (kesh, denoting saintly appearance), underwear (kachha, denoting self-control), an iron bangle (kara, denoting purity in acts), a comb (kangha, denoting cleanliness of mind and body), and a sword (kirpan, denoting fight for a just cause).

3. Towards the end of his life, the aged Nanak returned home to Punjab and settled down at Kartharpur with his family. People came from far and near to hear his hymns and preaching. After his death, his Hindu followers thought him to be a Hindu and his Muslim followers thought him to be a Muslim.

From the foregoing, we understand that Guru Nanak was not a prophet of God, but a religious reformer of his times.

What das understands is that prophet is one who gives messages via God so is a medium with God to Ummat of creed.

So three things God,Mediotators and Creed in such type of Prophethood.

As far as our Tenth Master is concern he did conceede that Prophet Mohmud(PBUH) was a Rasool and Holy Kuran the word of God.

But as Allah is capable to do all things in for of Khalsa something unprecedneted to holy Kuran Happened.

1. Gurbani is Ihalam ie word of God and not poetray of Hindu,Sikh or Muslim holy guys.

They were one with God and God spoke from within them and auidnace was God only.It is concept of Adavait/non dual/Wahadat Ul Wajood.

In this concept nothing but God only exists.Allah Ho Baki Bin Tule Fani.See Sura 2nd and 5th also.

So when all is seen as God then no need left for form of Prophet.

2. Code was satreted by First Master of Trai Mu8dra of Kachchh Kes Kirpan and Tenth Master only documented it(it is said with that documentation that Tenth Master only followed old Rules).First Master was born as norml Human but Karam or mercy of Allah amde him go to court of Allah via Vien river.

3. Lastly,Only Hindus and Muslims fought for flowers which were said to have left after First Master acended top heavan(uninted with Allah).His Sikhs say like Second Master,was more reamined tied to Guru of First Master ie Sabad Guru or verbal manfestaiojn of Allah.In fact before going to be united with Allah,First Master bowed to Second Master.

Tenth Master also took baprtisme with present Elevnth Master,the Khalsa Panth.As Khalsa or pure we ourslef behold ourself as Guru/Avtar /Prophet and only recongans God/Allah/Ram/Akal.:wah:


Feb 3, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Before answering to this Narrow Minded Jinni and his many of his like, obessessed of their preacher, in great Foolishness starts thinking that they are the only custodian of GOD. Please allow me to call them FOOLS whose scope is so limited that in utter ignorance and foolishness they even don’t understand what they are saying and about whome they are writing about ? I don’t understand from where they get all such rubbish, like defining features of PROPHETS. I am sure its through reading cheep books (As this he/she have got from one such ).

I cannot dare to define Prophets as this is far beyond my limits. Their qualities, cannot be traped into words, still few of them on the basis of my mental limitations are
-They have message of GOD.
-How far and to what extent that message havebeen spreaded by them to the Humanity.
-He should not be a prophet merely of a community, creed, race etc but of humanity as a whole.
-He should love the creation of the creator and should bear qualities of LORD (Ram Kabira ek Bhaye hain Koi na Sakeh Pachani)
Firstly, message NANAK SAHIB had was about one GOD, Equality of mankind, Love, Mutual respect, equality of men-women, and path to meet almighty i.e by naam simran……

Secondly, None other prophet in the history of world has covered such wide distance to spread the message of GOD that they have. NOT only in complete India from jammu to kerela and from Gujarat to Assasm, But also to PAKISTHAN, AFGHANISTHAN, SAUDI ARIBIA, MEECA, IRAQ, TIBBET, NEPAL, BANGLADESH, and SRILANKA and that too on his nobel Feets. That is why he is ‘prophet of prophets’.Yes he setteled in Kartarpur during the later years of his life but only after completing the task levied on him, but never did he retire from preaching. Unlike other prophets he did not get fixed at a place enjoying worldly pleasures. That’s why Guru Gobind Sahib says that "even the prophets have to pay the account of their deeds before Almighty".

Thirdly, Yes Nanak Sahib never said that he was son or prophet of Almighty, these were the techiniques used by his preceeders to acknowledge their legitimacy. It sounds strange some one claiming himself that he is the prophet and some even said that they are the last one. Greatness would have been in the fact that the others claim them to be the true prophet of God. Nanak sahib always loved calling himself as a SLAVE(one who have no right of his own) of GOD. This is the greatness of Nanak sahib that except himself every others accept him as True messenger of GOD(He always have reffered himself as NANAK DASS).

Fourthly, Not only Sikhs were followers of Baba NANAK, but also muslims and hindus and where ever he went people followed him. His preaching was for all irrespective of religion, caste and creed. Muslim Sufis had great respect and devotion for NANAK Sahib. He was equally love by all and this is evident from the incident that there was conflict between muslims and hindus over the performance of last rituals of Baba NANAK, each of them claiming him as their prophet. (This is for that jinni, so I advise u to read more and some good and informative literature).

Fifthly, Its important to know by what means faith hasbeen spreaded. Was it at the power of sword or on the basis of principle of merit. History reviels that Islam was spreaded at the point of terror, at the power of sword. All the muslims of afghanisthan, pakisthan, India and central asia were originally budhists but were later converted into muslims not by the reformers,but by the muslim attackers and plunderers who came to these countries for the purpose of looting. If its so then Muhmud ghori and Ghaznavi were more bigger prophets because they have spreaded islam more than Prophet Muhamad. But Sikhism has spreaded only on one principle that is ‘Principle of Merit’. And sikh is the religion that will even further enhance only because of its merit.

Sixthly, All the sikh gurus have continued the guruship only at the name of GURU NANAK SAHIB. Right from Nanak Sahib wearing Kesh have started guru Gobind Singh Sahib institutionalised the teachings of Nanak Sahib. Source of all intellect of Gurus Sahibs was NANAK SAHIB. That is why none used their personal names but preached at the name of NANAK SAHIB.
Seventhly, I think this jinni have not even made sincere reading of ‘Quran’. Had he/she done that he/she had not made that blunder and earning the‘sin’ of refuting the words of her own prophet. Muhamad sabh in Quran complaining to the ALLAH says that "Why he is send 1000 years before, when you(Allah) himself was appearing in the world with the name NANAK".

Lastly, we even do not believe in the Theory of Last prophet as Guru Gobind Singh Sahib unilaterally rejected it with his true words "Kal Purakh Ki Deh Mo Kotak Bisan Mahesh, Kot Inder Brahma Kite Rav Sas Kot Jaleesh ". There are millions and millions of such prophets within the fold of ALMIGHTY, that’s why he even with all the sikh gurus call themselves ‘DASS’ .

So This is a very mature forum, so here message of peace and love are spreaded, not of the Hatered. Better U come and tell what Quran says about different aspects rather than questioning the legitemacy of Guru Sahibs, that will be more welcomed. But remember Sikhs are equipped with all shastras and bhramastras and have potential to deal situations of every level.

Bhul Chuk di Kshama ,
Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa Sri Wahe Guru ji Ki Fateh
Dass Guru Sahiban Da

Before answering to this Narrow Minded Jinni and his many of his like, obessessed of their preacher, in great Foolishness starts thinking that they are the only custodian of GOD. Please allow me to call them FOOLS whose scope is so limited that in utter ignorance and foolishness they even don’t understand what they are saying and about whome they are writing about ? I don’t understand from where they get all such rubbish, like defining features of PROPHETS. I am sure its through reading cheep books (As this he/she have got from one such ).
I cannot dare to define Prophets as this is far beyond my limits. Their qualities, cannot be traped into words, still few of them on the basis of my mental limitations are
1. They have message of GOD.
2. How far and to what extent that message havebeen spreaded by them to the Humanity.
3. He should not be a prophet merely of a community, creed, race etc but of humanity as a whole.
4. He should love the creation of the creator and should have qualities of LORD (Ram Kabira ek Bhaye hain Koi na Sakeh Pachani)
Firstly, message NANAK SAHIB had was about one GOD, Equality of mankind, Love, Mutual respect, equality of men-women, and path to meet almighty i.e by naam simran……

Secondly, None other prophet in the history of world has covered such wide distance to spread the message of GOD that they have. NOT only in complete India from jammu to kerela and from Gujarat to Assasm, But also to PAKISTHAN, AFGHANISTHAN, SAUDI ARIBIA, MEECA, IRAQ, TIBBET, NEPAL, BANGLADESH, and SRILANKA and that too on his nobel Feets. That is why he is ‘prophet of prophets’.Yes he setteled in Kartarpur during the later years of his life but only after completing the task levied on him, but never did he retire from preaching. Unlike other prophets he did not get fixed at a place enjoying worldly pleasures. That’s why Guru Gobind Sahib says that "even the prophets have to pay the account of their deeds before Almighty".

Thirdly, Yes Nanak Sahib never said that he was son or prophet of Almighty, these were the techiniques used by his preceeders to acknowledge their legitimacy. It sounds strange some one claiming himself that he is the prophet and some even said that they are the last one. Greatness would have been in the fact that the others claim them to be the true prophet of God. Nanak sahib always loved calling himself as a SLAVE(one who have no right of his own) of GOD. This is the greatness of Nanak sahib that except himself every others accept him as True messenger of GOD(He always have reffered himself as NANAK DASS).

Fourthly, Not only Sikhs were followers of Baba NANAK, but also muslims and hindus and where ever he went people followed him. His preaching was for all irrespective of religion, caste and creed. Muslim Sufis had great respect and devotion for NANAK Sahib. He was equally love by all and this is evident from the incident that there was conflict between muslims and hindus over the performance of last rituals of Baba NANAK, each of them claiming him as their prophet. (This is for that jinni, so I advise u to read more and some good and informative literature).

Fifthly, Its important to know by what means faith hasbeen spreaded. Was it at the power of sword or on the basis of principle of merit. History reviels that Islam was spreaded at the point of terror, at the power of sword. All the muslims of afghanisthan, pakisthan, India and central asia were originally budhists but were later converted into muslims not by the reformers,but by the muslim attackers and plunderers who came to these countries for the purpose of looting. If its so then Muhmud ghori and Ghaznavi were more bigger prophets because they have spreaded islam more than Prophet Muhamad. But Sikhism has spreaded only on one principle that is ‘Principle of Merit’. And sikh is the religion that will even further enhance only because of its merit.

Sixthly, All the sikh gurus have continued the guruship only at the name of GURU NANAK SAHIB. Right from Nanak Sahib wearing Kesh have started guru Gobind Singh Sahib institutionalised the teachings of Nanak Sahib. Source of all intellect of Gurus Sahibs was NANAK SAHIB. That is why none used their personal names but preached at the name of NANAK SAHIB.

Seventhly, I think this jinni have not even made sincere reading of ‘Quran’. Had he/she done that he/she had not made that blunder and earning the‘sin’ of refuting the words of her own prophet. Muhamad sabh in Quran complaining to the ALLAH says that "Why he is send 1000 years before, when you(Allah) himself was appearing in the world with the name NANAK".

Lastly, we even do not believe in the Theory of Last prophet as Guru Gobind Singh Sahib unilaterally rejected it with his true words "Kal Purakh Ki Deh Mo Kotak Bisan Mahesh, Kot Inder Brahma Kite Rav Sas Kot Jaleesh ". There are millions and millions of such prophets within the fold of ALMIGHTY, that’s why he even with all the sikh gurus call themselves ‘DASS’.

So This is a very mature forum, so here message of peace and love are spreaded, not of the Hatered. Better U come and tell what Quran says about different aspects rather than questioning the legitemacy of Guru Sahibs, that will be more welcomed. But remember Sikhs are equipped with all shastras and bhramastras and have potential to deal situations of every level.

Bhul Chuk di Kshama ,
Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa Sri Wahe Guru ji Ki Fateh
Dass Guru Sahiban Da

Before answering to this Narrow Minded Jinni and his many of his like, obessessed of their preacher, in great Foolishness starts thinking that they are the only custodian of GOD. Please allow me to call them FOOLS whose scope is so limited that in utter ignorance and foolishness they even don’t understand what they are saying and about whome they are writing about ? I don’t understand from where they get all such rubbish, like defining features of PROPHETS. I am sure its through reading cheep books (As this he/she have got from one such ).
I cannot dare to define Prophets as this is far beyond my limits. Their qualities, cannot be traped into words, still few of them on the basis of my mental limitations are
They have message of GOD.
How far and to what extent that message havebeen spreaded by them to the Humanity.
He should not be a prophet merely of a community, creed, race etc but of humanity as a whole.
He should love the creation of the creator and should bear qualities of LORD (Ram Kabira ek Bhaye hain Koi na Sakeh Pachani)
Firstly, message NANAK SAHIB had was about one GOD, Equality of mankind, Love, Mutual respect, equality of men-women, and path to meet almighty i.e by naam simran……

Secondly, None other prophet in the history of world has covered such wide distance to spread the message of GOD that they have. NOT only in complete India from jammu to kerela and from Gujarat to Assasm, But also to PAKISTHAN, AFGHANISTHAN, SAUDI ARIBIA, MEECA, IRAQ, TIBBET, NEPAL, BANGLADESH, and SRILANKA and that too on his nobel Feets. That is why he is ‘prophet of prophets’.Yes he setteled in Kartarpur during the later years of his life but only after completing the task levied on him, but never did he retire from preaching. Unlike other prophets he did not get fixed at a place enjoying worldly pleasures. That’s why Guru Gobind Sahib says that "even the prophets have to pay the account of their deeds before Almighty".

Thirdly, Yes Nanak Sahib never said that he was son or prophet of Almighty, these were the techiniques used by his preceeders to acknowledge their legitimacy. It sounds strange some one claiming himself that he is the prophet and some even said that they are the last one. Greatness would have been in the fact that the others claim them to be the true prophet of God. Nanak sahib always loved calling himself as a SLAVE(one who have no right of his own) of GOD. This is the greatness of Nanak sahib that except himself every others accept him as True messenger of GOD(He always have reffered himself as NANAK DASS).

Fourthly, Not only Sikhs were followers of Baba NANAK, but also muslims and hindus and where ever he went people followed him. His preaching was for all irrespective of religion, caste and creed. Muslim Sufis had great respect and devotion for NANAK Sahib. He was equally love by all and this is evident from the incident that there was conflict between muslims and hindus over the performance of last rituals of Baba NANAK, each of them claiming him as their prophet. (This is for that jinni, so I advise u to read more and some good and informative literature).

Fifthly, Its important to know by what means faith hasbeen spreaded. Was it at the power of sword or on the basis of principle of merit. History reviels that Islam was spreaded at the point of terror, at the power of sword. All the muslims of afghanisthan, pakisthan, India and central asia were originally budhists but were later converted into muslims not by the reformers,but by the muslim attackers and plunderers who came to these countries for the purpose of looting. If its so then Muhmud ghori and Ghaznavi were more bigger prophets because they have spreaded islam more than Prophet Muhamad. But Sikhism has spreaded only on one principle that is ‘Principle of Merit’. And sikh is the religion that will even further enhance only because of its merit.

Sixthly, All the sikh gurus have continued the guruship only at the name of GURU NANAK SAHIB. Right from Nanak Sahib wearing Kesh have started guru Gobind Singh Sahib institutionalised the teachings of Nanak Sahib. Source of all intellect of Gurus Sahibs was NANAK SAHIB. That is why none used their personal names but preached at the name of NANAK SAHIB.

Seventhly, I think this jinni have not even made sincere reading of ‘Quran’. Had he/she done that he/she had not made that blunder and earning the‘sin’ of refuting the words of her own prophet. Muhamad sabh in Quran complaining to the ALLAH says that "Why he is send 1000 years before, when you(Allah) himself was appearing in the world with the name NANAK".

Lastly, we even do not believe in the Theory of Last prophet as Guru Gobind Singh Sahib unilaterally rejected it with his true words "Kal Purakh Ki Deh Mo Kotak Bisan Mahesh, Kot Inder Brahma Kite Rav Sas Kot Jaleesh ". There are millions and millions of such prophets within the fold of ALMIGHTY, that’s why he even with all the sikh gurus call themselves ‘DASS’ .

So This is a very mature forum, so here message of peace and love are spreaded, not of the Hatered. Better U come and tell what Quran says about different aspects rather than questioning the legitemacy of Guru Sahibs, that will be more welcomed. But remember Sikhs are equipped with all shastras and bhramastras and have potential to deal situations of every level.

Bhul Chuk di Kshama ,
Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa Sri Wahe Guru ji Ki Fateh
Dass Guru Sahiban Da
Last edited:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

THANK YOU jagaman Singh Ji.....for a well written reply. Guru nanak Ji's "Greatness" is NOT DIMINISHED..if we call Him "names"..and His Greatness is NOT "Added to" if we call Him..Prophet of Prophets...Khan hau SULTAN kahu haun MIAAN teri Kaban vadayee..Just Like the Greatness of GOD is not diminished if we call him anything' god" etc we like or added to if we call him almighty/great/etc etc

Sabh te wadda satgur...is WAHEGURU/GOD/ALLAH/RAAM/YEHOVAH..and the Greatness of Guru nanak as HIS "SLAVE" shines as a billion trillion suns in the SKY for all to see forever.. Guurs never claimed to be prophets, godmen,.sons, or last and only prophets etc etc..just slaves, kookars (dogs of God), servants...of the Almighty...

Jarnail Singh Gyani Arshi


Sep 7, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

jinni said:
Sikhs do call, Guru Nanak as their Prophet. Which is wrong, becos hazrat Muhammad [SAW]was the last prophet, and all others who claim to be one, are hypocrites and false prophet.

Guru Nanak was no Prophet just reformer, it would be clear by reading the fowlling.

Qualities of a Prophet of God

No one can become a prophet of God by his own choosing or effort; Allah has to choose him to be His prophet. And Allah chooses only such persons who have all the qualities necessary for that role, and He does so at the appropriate time in history, and then He protects His prophets from falling into the kind of errors that do not suit a prophet.

The first duty that a prophet of God does is to tell his people that he has been appointed a prophet by God to invite people to His way. Thus, a genuine prophet claims to be a prophet of God, though this claim in itself is not enough. But first and foremost, a prophet has to claim himself to be a prophet of God. The people often question this claim and threaten him to give up his claim. They may even offer him all kinds of temptations that ordinary humans would fall for. But the genuine prophets ignore these and go forward with their God-given mission.

So, the first question you need to ask your Sikh friend is: Did Nanak really claim to be a prophet chosen by God to lead people out of darkness into light?

If the answer is “no,” tell him that this proves that prophethood was conferred on him by his zealous followers and it is meaningless to continue to argue that Nanak was a prophet.

If the answer is “yes,” the second question is: Did Nanak approve of the roles of earlier prophets of God, especially the prophet who came just before him, Muhammad (peace be on him)?

If he says “yes,” ask him then how one can reconcile the fact that Muhammad was the Last Prophet of God and the claim that Nanak was a prophet after the Last Prophet.

The third question is whether all the Sikhs believe that their holy book, called the Adi Granth, was revealed to Nanak by God. If they say “yes,” ask them whether there is any statement to that effect in the book itself and whether Nanak said that the Adi Granth had been fully revealed to him by God. If the answer is in the affirmative, your Sikh friend has to show the proof that the above statements are true, from the Adi Granth itself. This will not be possible for him to do for the following reasons:

1. The Adi Granth is a collection of the writings of many Gurus including Nanak. It was in 1604—Nanak died in 1539—that Arjan Dev, one of the ten Gurus, compiled the hymns of Guru Nanak along with the compositions of both Hindu and Muslim holy men like Jaidev, Surdas, Sheikh Farid and Kabir. The compiled book was enshrined by Arjan in the Golden Temple with the name “Adi Granth.”

2. A prophet of God is a model for all his followers in all aspects of life. But in the case of Sikhism, we find that it was not Guru Nanak, but the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, who organized the community of Sikhs into a khalsa, “a spiritual brotherhood devoted to purity of thought and action.” He taught his followers to wear long hair (kesh, denoting saintly appearance), underwear (kachha, denoting self-control), an iron bangle (kara, denoting purity in acts), a comb (kangha, denoting cleanliness of mind and body), and a sword (kirpan, denoting fight for a just cause).

3. Towards the end of his life, the aged Nanak returned home to Punjab and settled down at Kartharpur with his family. People came from far and near to hear his hymns and preaching. After his death, his Hindu followers thought him to be a Hindu and his Muslim followers thought him to be a Muslim.

From the foregoing, we understand that Guru Nanak was not a prophet of God, but a religious reformer of his times.

Please grow up for GODS sake and stop all this JIHAD nonsence.

Please grow up and stop this JIHAD nonsence.

God Bless.
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Oct 3, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

why do the administrator of the site let such rubbish get published?
have you tried leaving retro respective view on islam on a islamic site.....no Chance.
What can mohmud off the world... who took a 7-8 year old girl into his bed, we have Laws aginst this kind of behaviour......... you all are playing with FIRE
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Mohammd's teaching has only given destruction to the human being. Wherever He went he used barbaric means to spread his teachings. Islam has gven nothing but slavery to the women. It has made life a living hell for its followers.

Yes Pope is right in saying that Islam has not given anything constructive to the humanity. It continues to spread FIRE and HATE all over the Earth.

Yes, imagin a 50 yr. old man taking a child of 6 yrs as his wife and taking her to bed when she is 9 yrs old !!!
How can you expect such a soul to bring heaven on this earth? Such a person cannot be a messenger of God. He was a con man.
Just imagin, He killed a whole tribe of jews and killed all the males and took the most beautiful young female as his wife.

Imagine he takes to bed a female on the same day he gets all her near relatives killed !!!!!!! SHAME SHAME


Sep 30, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

i hate muslims, if you had the balls to say this to my face i would cut your head off.

down here in van WE (sikhs) run things.


Oct 6, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

sas sri akal

i would just like to say to the 19 year old muslim boy who thinks he knows it all, that this is a sikh room, for us sikh people, so why dont he go else where and try and convert people cause it wont here.

so stop contridicting sikhism and first go and find out about islam then come back.
Jul 10, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

Mr Jinni

Do you know that Prophet Mohammad was engaged to Aisha when she was a CHILD - 6 yrs old and Prophet Mohammad was 50 yrs Old.

He consumated the marriage after 3 yrs when Aisha was 9 yrs old and Prophet Mohammad was 53 yrs old !!!

Can you still call Mohammad a Prophet and Guru Nanak a False Prophet ??

This delusional musla should watch the BBC4 program "prostitution behind the veil" A film by Nahid Persson

"Prostitution Behind the Veil explores the lives of two Iranian prostitutes in an uncompromising but sympathetic manner. This cutting-edge film illustrates how prostitution functions in a country where it is banned and where adultery sometimes results in capital punishment.
Minna and Fariba, who are good friends, have to make money to support both their children and their drug habits. They find male customers on the streets and have the dilemma of whether to bring their children along with them when they have sex with various men, or to leave the children alone at home. They describe their middle class backgrounds and how mendacious men and drugs led them into prostitution.
Men in Iran can find a way to buy sex and still comply with Muslim law by way of "Sighe," a temporary marriage legal in Shia Islam. A Sighe marriage can last from two hours up to 99 years. Both Minna and Fariba participate in this pseudo-marriage with many of their customers . This is a heartfelt film by the director who fled Iran twenty years ago. She was horrified by the widespread prostitution and the huge drug problem."

The worst thing was that they even declared nine year old girls as a women!.


They have a legacy of MURDERERS i.e. innocent men, women, children, babies, Saints and Guru killers!

And they want to convert the whole world into their religion. They are BESHARAM's (ie have no shame!)

Almost all of them have a warped mentality about GOD.

Unfortunately like HITLER, you have plenty of "brainwashed" human souls ready to follow them.

Thank Waheguroo, there are some of these "brainwashed" individuals that have "woken" up with Waheguroo's kirpa and realised their mistake in time.


Sep 30, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

^^^^ well done !!!...

like i always say ,.. kill 'em all and let the guru's sort 'em out.
Jul 10, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

^^^^ well done !!!...

like i always say ,.. kill 'em all and let the guru's sort 'em out.

Veerji, I dont think we should say "kill em all". We will be lowering ourself to their standard! We are not terrorist! But you are right to ask Waheguru to sort them out.


May 13, 2006
re: Guru Nanak: A 'False' Prophet ?

kaur-1, i agree very strongly with you and i believe that you are very clever. the points you make are very good. please could you give me some more advice. i believe that you know lots about muslims and that they are making very wrong decisions in life.
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