Caste actually bears little relevance in cross racial, religious or caste liaisons and marriages. Sikhism dictates ones first, devoutest and purest love of for the Waheguru. In this mindset we honour our parents replete with understanding of their societal responsibilities and obligations and marry according to the wishes and blessings of our forefathers and respective families.
If two families are happy with the marrying of two individuals uniting by personal choice then it is of little matter or concern to anyone else. If one or both of the respective families feel the child is marrying against the customs or wishes of the parentage then that is a matter for the family and their wayward offspring. The primary issue if one of obeisance to tradition, the wishes and legacy of the forefathers, faith, family and community.
Caste is made an issue where it is not. Love is a sacred bond of honour, faith and trust stemming from ones parental and familial bonds to society affiliations. You cannot lay blame upon castism for the failing of a parent to implement their authority, or for offspring directly disobeying the parents and religion to indulge their own whim in the dubious and questionable sacred name of ‘’Love’’.
If individuals feel they have found a match they will marry regardless of religious mores, traditional values, or cultural norms then it is a matter of anarchy, of battling against the wishes of one’s elders, overriding the hopes of the parents and brethren and indulging your own whims. There is no religion, caste or faith involved at all. In ancient times such persons were cast out of the village and community to deter other protagonists from being so selfishly self indulgent.
It is unfortunate religious traditions, values and principles are applied or taken to issue in matters of self indulgent wilfulness and disregard for the same said. Hypocrisy of the extreme indeed. Oh for the good old days when the Sardars complete with raging Kirpans in hand ruled the lands....
Each individual is an example, a veritable ambassador of his religion, his race, his caste and his family. Some bring great honour and prestige to their creed and kind, others profit greatlky from boasting of a legacy inherited from their fprebears whilst some bring little but controversy and dishonour upon a name and title that has accorded them only prestige and honour.
Religion, Caste, Race, Nationality, Gender, Family are as invaluable and as invulnerable as each of its brethren, peers and members allow and warrant...