- Jan 3, 2010
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I consistently strive to learn the truth about this world. So much of what we are fed is a complete lie. The history we learn is distorted, what politicians and the media tell us is distorted, the news is distorted, what big corporations tell is distorted. We are exposed to constant lies. This world is not just, human rights are consistently violated, money and greed takes precedence over everything else, our environment is destroyed, humans are just a commodity. The T.V. teaches us who is good and who is bad, and who to hate.
When you seek this truth, you realize how hellish this existence is - how much violence we commit to one another, how much poverty there is intentionally created, how much suffering there is in the world, and how truly powerless and small we are against the huge powers that dominate and control this world.
This truth seeking, and attempt to not delude myself, has opened my eyes to these awful discoveries. And essentially, I feel more negative, more hopeless, more miserable.
I see other people - perfectly good, happy, loving, positive people - who do not bother to concern themselves with this truth seeking. They do not constantly question what it is that is really happening in this world, they do not voluntarily expose themselves to uncovering the horrors of this world. They live in their own little life - taking care of their families, having a good time, working, travelling, watching entertaining shows, maintaining some sort of spirituality, doing some seva, and not thinking so above and beyond. They just live and be in their own lives. They seem better off for it - happy, loving, positive, and perfectly good people. I admire these traits that they have and cannot seem to emulate them so well myself.
If Guru has indeed blessed us with a good, comfortable life, then is it better to just insulate yourself in your own world, and just live and be? Why concern oneself with the truth of our existence, with the tragedies of the world brought upon by our corrupt societies, if it will bring about negativity within us?
It is not that the positive or happy people isolate themselves from what you see and get disgusted. They see the world on a wider canvass. You appear to be looking on the material world which is only a part of the original world. Universe is much more than the material world; the show being presented to you daily by various communication channels; media or people around. You have to go beyond and see the vast nature instead. There are animals, plants, mountains, rivers, sea, jungles sands and much more. They add to the glory of the creation. Try to enjoy them as well; try to appreciate the creation of God as well. You will find immense enjoyment. It is not the isolation but widening your canvass which will help you to be happier and positive because you will find nothing negative in nature.