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Nanak Is The Guru, Nanak Is The Lord Himself


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Sardara Ji and Pyramid Ji,

I believe Khojat Ji has stated that he is a seeker just like you are and he has genuine intentions to be in Sadh Sangat. Little did he know that he would be put into a corner like the Brahmins did with Bhagat Namdev.

I ask for Khojat Ji's forgiveness if I or/and any other member has hurt his feelings.

~ namjap ~

Namjap Ji,

Khojat Ji's Guru is limited, My Guru has NO LIMITS.

I have no intention to put anybody in a corner. Guru is everywhere, taking care of ALL, including him.

Bhagat NaamDev's Guru is not just A BODY, an FYI.
and Bhagat Naam Dev himself is not a just a human body either, another FYI.

Good Luck.


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Sadh Sangat jio,
No doubt, Guru Nanak became one with Lord, but he was a human.
If Guru Nanak was lord himself, why he didn't say in mool mantra. Guru Nanak should have plainly said "I am God".

Lilihayer Jio,

Guru is telling us: Paarbrahm Gur Naahee Bhed, (there is no distinction between Guru and God).

Thankyou for revealing your Guru- 'human' in your very first post.

MY Guru is not limited to 'HUMAN'. He is ALL, ENDLESS, PERMEATING EVERYWHERE :).

Thanks and Good Luck

Guru Kirpa.


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

I believe Khojat Ji has stated that he is a seeker just like you are and he has genuine intentions to be in Sadh Sangat. Little did he know that he would be put into a corner like the Brahmins did with Bhagat Namdev.

Namjap Ji,

In my understanding Bhagat Namdev was not put into a corner, Brahmins thought that they have put him in a corner.

They thought that they can corner the infinite, too bad, it cant be put in a corner:).

Namdev is still living. He is talking to us all the time, everywhere.


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Sadh Sangat jio,
No doubt, Guru Nanak became one with Lord, but he was a human.
If Guru Nanak was lord himself, why he didn't say in mool mantra. Guru Nanak should have plainly said "I am God".

So how long before we sikhs will start praying Guru Nank as incarnation of God? Tenth Master gave us SGGS for directions. We ignore mool mantra and try our best to find some tuks (where Guru is compared to God) to prove Nanak was God himself.

I was thinking of few centuries (time it took christians to start worshiping Jesus as God), but now I think it will take only few decades to become another sect of hinduism worshipping blindly god Nanak and ignoring shabad guru. Soon some people will start saying that like Jesus he was born to a virgin .

Bhul chuk maaf. I didn't have time to read whole thread. I am posting after reading thread heading 'Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is Lord Himself'.

Lalihayer Ji,

I have no problem with what you believe. Be happy with what you believe in. Please dont think that I have some agenda against you or any other person who believe in: Guru cant be God. Good Luck with your belief.

The term 'Guru' is described very many ways in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the reason being is - Guru is infinite, One cant point to just one line and say that- why Guru didn't say this here, why He said this here. Believe in one, and disbelieve in the other. This attitude is not bhagti. A bhagat believs in each and every WORD of his her GURU, Bhagat bows in front of Guru. And let the Guru take care of the rest. Bhagat sings every word of His Her Guru.

A common saying is: Je Guru Kahe din ta din, Je Guru Kahe Raat ta Raat.
(If guru says it is day, it is day. If Guru says it is night, it is night). Bhagat doesnt look for : is it day or night, he she look for What Guru says. One has to leave his her own understanding out of the way. Bhagti is complete surrender. If I sing opposite to what Guru is singing: I will be acting as a Manmukh.

And Guru is saying Gur Parmesar Eko Jaan, Gur Parmesar Naahi Bhed, Brahmgyani sarisht Ka Karta.(Understand that Guru and God are ONE, There is no distinction between Guru and God, God Oriented is the Creator of the Universe).

Guru Granth Sahib Ji's EVERY LINE IS GURU.

This Question: Why Guru didnt add a literal line-"I am God"; but said that "Guru is God".

To me moor, it teaches me to be utmost humble, don't boast of any achievements. If one is reading Gurbani carefully, can find this: If some one calls himself or herself a 'GURU' - cant be a Guru, beware of such a person.

Humilty and considering one self the lowest: is the recognition of a Saintly soul. apas ko jo jaaney neecha soi ganeeay sabh te oocha(the one who consider himself herself the lowest, is the highest of all).

Thanks a lot for bringing me moor close to Guru Ji.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Have read the whole shabad. The link is there for other to read as well.

He merges His light. That is all.


Jan 23, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Sardara Ji and Pyramid Ji,

I believe Khojat Ji has stated that he is a seeker just like you are and he has genuine intentions to be in Sadh Sangat. Little did he know that he would be put into a corner like the Brahmins did with Bhagat Namdev.

I ask for Khojat Ji's forgiveness if I or/and any other member has hurt his feelings.

~ namjap ~

Namjap Ji,

Thanks for placing another allegation on me. Hopefully he/she isn't hurt much.*****************************************
Mere baaki di sajaa vi suna deo, Kirpa karke.(please announce the rest of my punishment as well) gulaam hajar hai(slave is ready).

nechan to vi neech
Tuhada Das
Last edited by a moderator:
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Dear Ambardhara and Sardara ji,

All that you have quoted is from Gurbani and is not put to question at all. I think all that we looking into is to know whether Guru ji HIMSELF was 'waheguru'. Intellectualization shall not help us much. The things are to be seen in the perspective of sikhism and its philosphy. I may give scores of reasons and you may give scores of reasons to justify the stands that we have taken. It would be meaningless now as it shall lead to avoidable pains and anguish only and nothing else. It appears that both of us have taken it an issue. But we are all answerable to the Almighty and the Guru sahibaan either today or tomorrow.

You would agree that we have earned a lot of bitterness by entering into the controversy and instead of learning we are wasting our time and energy on this topic. I have not done my Nitnem for some time. Atleast, I am not at peace.

I would request that we should halt for sometime. Let us be at peace for sometime. Let this be taken care of someone who is senior to us and have well integrated concepts of the Granth sahib.
I do not have wide exposure to bani. I have quoted all that I had to and probably you have also done the same.

Prudence suggests that let it be answered by some one who has full understanding of the sikhism and its principles along with the knowledge of full bani. Bani has not to be literally interpreted. If we interpret bani as 'dhur ke bani' in literal fashion there would be many things that will not stand to this logic.

We may take rest for sometime and then proceed with caution. All of us are doing a damage to the institution of sikhi that is acclaimed over the world and even many non-sikhs are adopting this faith for some reasons.

After all that we are doing here or trying to do here is to learn. All those who visit the site are lover of GOD. None is better sikh than another.

Kindly cool your self and forgive me for this post as well. Leave it to the providence and we shall jointly arrive at the answer that should be correct.


Sorry for mistakes.


Jan 23, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

The term 'Guru' is described very many ways in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the reason being is - Guru is infinite, One cant point to just one line and say that- why Guru didn't say this here, why He said this here. Believe in one, and disbelieve in the other. This attitude is not bhagti. A bhagat believs in each and every WORD of his her GURU, Bhagat bows in front of Guru. And let the Guru take care of the rest. Bhagat sings every word of His Her Guru.

A common saying is: Je Guru Kahe din ta din, Je Guru Kahe Raat ta Raat.
(If guru says it is day, it is day. If Guru says it is night, it is night). Bhagat doesnt look for : is it day or night, he she look for What Guru says. One has to leave his her own understanding out of the way. Bhagti is complete surrender. If I sing opposite to what Guru is singing: I will be acting as a Manmukh.

And Guru is saying Gur Parmesar Eko Jaan, Gur Parmesar Naahi Bhed, Brahmgyani sarisht Ka Karta.(Understand that Guru and God are ONE, There is no distinction between Guru and God, God Oriented is the Creator of the Universe).

Guru Granth Sahib Ji's EVERY LINE IS GURU.

This Question: Why Guru didnt add a literal line-"I am God"; but said that "Guru is God".

To me moor, it teaches me to be utmost humble, don't boast of any achievements. If one is reading Gurbani carefully, can find this: If some one calls himself or herself a 'GURU' - cant be a Guru, beware of such a person.

Humilty and considering one self the lowest: is the recognition of a Saintly soul. apas ko jo jaaney neecha soi ganeeay sabh te oocha(the one who consider himself herself the lowest, is the highest of all).

Thanks a lot for bringing me moor close to Guru Ji.

Thanks a lot for clarifying humility part and bringing all of us closer to Guru Ji.
Thanks again

you are reminding me of the Shabad:
Har kia kathaa kahaneeya gurmeet sunaaeeaa.

Tuhada Das


Feb 25, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Sikh 80
Do not feel bad.
People have the right to have their own opinion. Sikhism Starts with mool mantra and keep sticking to it. If some take it personal and have turned judgemental, leave to Waheguru. Gurbani vichar is to understand Guru bachan in its totality.
You have done a wonderful job, please keep it up.


Jan 23, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

:)Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji :page 1389:SearchGurbani.com

We find in Guruji, these words:

ਕਬਿ ਕਲ ਸੁਜਸੁ ਗਾਵਉ ਗੁਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਰਾਜੁ ਜੋਗੁ ਜਿਨਿ ਮਾਣਿਓ ॥੩॥
kab kal sujas gaavo gur naanak raaj jog jin maaniou ||3||
KAL the poet sings the Sublime Praises of Guru Nanak, who enjoys mastery of Raja Yoga. ||3||

ਗਾਵਹਿ ਕਪਿਲਾਦਿ ਆਦਿ ਜੋਗੇਸੁਰ ਅਪਰੰਪਰ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਵਰੋ ॥
gaavehi kapilaadh aadh jogaesur aparanpar avathaar varo ||
Kapila and the other Yogis sing of Guru Nanak.
He is the Avataar, the Incarnation of the Infinite Lord.

Aad0002 Ji,

Thanks for all of your wonderful posts.
Gurbani answers every question of everybody. It is our Guru, Guru of the whole human race.

Tuhada Das

Tuhada Das


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Dear Ambardhara and Sardara ji,

All that you have quoted is from Gurbani and is not put to question at all. I think all that we looking into is to know whether Guru ji HIMSELF was 'waheguru'. Intellectualization shall not help us much. The things are to be seen in the perspective of sikhism and its philosphy. I may give scores of reasons and you may give scores of reasons to justify the stands that we have taken. It would be meaningless now as it shall lead to avoidable pains and anguish only and nothing else. It appears that both of us have taken it an issue. But we are all answerable to the Almighty and the Guru sahibaan either today or tomorrow.

You would agree that we have earned a lot of bitterness by entering into the controversy and instead of learning we are wasting our time and energy on this topic. I have not done my Nitnem for some time. Atleast, I am not at peace.

I would request that we should halt for sometime. Let us be at peace for sometime. Let this be taken care of someone who is senior to us and have well integrated concepts of the Granth sahib.
I do not have wide exposure to bani. I have quoted all that I had to and probably you have also done the same.

Prudence suggests that let it be answered by some one who has full understanding of the sikhism and its principles along with the knowledge of full bani. Bani has not to be literally interpreted. If we interpret bani as 'dhur ke bani' in literal fashion there would be many things that will not stand to this logic.

We may take rest for sometime and then proceed with caution. All of us are doing a damage to the institution of sikhi that is acclaimed over the world and even many non-sikhs are adopting this faith for some reasons.

After all that we are doing here or trying to do here is to learn. All those who visit the site are lover of GOD. None is better sikh than another.

Kindly cool your self and forgive me for this post as well. Leave it to the providence and we shall jointly arrive at the answer that should be correct.


Sorry for mistakes.

Mr./Mrs./Ms. SIKH80 Ji,

As far as I remember, I haven't said anything to you or anything to hurt your HONOR, DID I?

If I did, please please please forgive me. I touch your feet Ji, Please Please Please forgive me.

If you remember, In the past I have made it clear that I have nothing to say to you.
Your path is clear: creating Own Concepts.

My path is clear: Guru has already created path(concepts) for me, I have to walk it with His Blessings.

So we can't disscuss anything, both paths are in opposite direction to each other:).

I am seeking others who have the same kind of path as I have, with a purpose to do SatSang with them, so I ask questions to others, any time I feel the hope.

Very very very sorry for posting anything that hurt you.

From now on everytime I post in a thread you start : I will ask for your permission to post, alright.

Happy now:).


I am not at WAR- already filled with peace -Guru Shabad is taking care of everything.

I am cool enough, thankyou for the warning though. For me neech sardara123, 'Guru is correct'. I dont need any corrections from anybody in Guru's Word. There is no distinction between Guru and God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji is Hari-Parmatama-Waheguru Hiself.
Last edited:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Another moderator's perspective on this. As long as no one is being hostile and disrespects another in the form of insults, no one needs permission from the thread starter to post something.

The entire notion of a forum is discussion. I am no stranger to irritation when others post things that change the direction of threads that I start. But it is in the nature of intelligent people to want to discuss spiritual matters. We want to hear what others have to say. We are not personally harmed when someone disagrees.

Let's take it from here.


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Dear Ambardhara and Sardara ji,

All that you have quoted is from Gurbani and is not put to question at all. I think all that we looking into is to know whether Guru ji HIMSELF was 'waheguru'. Intellectualization shall not help us much. The things are to be seen in the perspective of sikhism and its philosphy. I may give scores of reasons and you may give scores of reasons to justify the stands that we have taken. It would be meaningless now as it shall lead to avoidable pains and anguish only and nothing else. It appears that both of us have taken it an issue. But we are all answerable to the Almighty and the Guru sahibaan either today or tomorrow.

You would agree that we have earned a lot of bitterness by entering into the controversy and instead of learning we are wasting our time and energy on this topic. I have not done my Nitnem for some time. Atleast, I am not at peace.

I would request that we should halt for sometime. Let us be at peace for sometime. Let this be taken care of someone who is senior to us and have well integrated concepts of the Granth sahib.
I do not have wide exposure to bani. I have quoted all that I had to and probably you have also done the same.

Prudence suggests that let it be answered by some one who has full understanding of the sikhism and its principles along with the knowledge of full bani. Bani has not to be literally interpreted. If we interpret bani as 'dhur ke bani' in literal fashion there would be many things that will not stand to this logic.

We may take rest for sometime and then proceed with caution. All of us are doing a damage to the institution of sikhi that is acclaimed over the world and even many non-sikhs are adopting this faith for some reasons.

After all that we are doing here or trying to do here is to learn. All those who visit the site are lover of GOD. None is better sikh than another.

Kindly cool your self and forgive me for this post as well. Leave it to the providence and we shall jointly arrive at the answer that should be correct.


Sorry for mistakes.

Sikh80 Ji

First of all, I have not evaluated Sikhs. If you read every positive comment as neagative- it is Waheguru's Wish.

:) We are learning from the 'WORD OF GOD'- Gurbani. THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE. No one has any capacity to hurt the divine providence. We can either follow it, not follow it, question it, accept it- All is happening under His Grace: The Creator,Provider,Care Taker,God, Guru.

He Himself guide us to walk the path, to take rest or forget the path. Mortals cant be the guides, only immortal God/Guru can be a guide.

Gurbani Kahe Sevak Jan Maaney.

I am not angree at all, I was never angree, as you are mentioning me to cool down. Guru is protecting all the way, providing needed coolness.

I simply truly shared the Word Of God with fellow brothers and sisters. I have no intentions whatsoever to make others stop walking their paths.

Gurbani is SarbSanjhi(for every one).

Gurbani has the correct answer for me moor paapi, I dont need to change that to be in sink with others.



Jan 9, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Another moderator's perspective on this. As long as no one is being hostile and disrespects another in the form of insults, no one needs permission from the thread starter to post something.

The entire notion of a forum is discussion. I am no stranger to irritation when others post things that change the direction of threads that I start. But it is in the nature of intelligent people to want to discuss spiritual matters. We want to hear what others have to say. We are not personally harmed when someone disagrees.

Let's take it from here.

Thanks Aad Ji.


Mar 3, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Dear Sikh80,

Never apologise for seeking clarity and understanding. This is the cornerstone of our Faith. We have to seek and contemplate constantly.

I have a few more references from the SGGS JI on the issue of the 14 worlds. Kindly take note;

Siree Raag Bani of Beni Ji (Pg 94) ll3ll

" Your hair is whiter than the Jasmine flowers and your voice is grown feeble, as if it comes form the seventh underworld".

First Mehl (Pg 144) ll2ll

" Neither the just nor the generous, nor any humans at all, nor the seven realms beneath the earth shall remain".

There are other references but the above will suffice to reinforce the concept.

Hope you continue to seekout the Bani and its meaning.


Respected Khojat ji,

I thank you once again for a wonderful and instructive post. My knowledge is fairly limited and I shall not speculate again on the meanings that are fairly established and are reflected in your post as well. I have checked up again in the Teeka of Dr. sahib singh ji and all that you stated is correct.

Gurus are embodiment of the almighty.

Thanks and regards for sparing time.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Khojat Ji,

We're all learning from each others' presence. With your Gurbani references given, thing become clear in the mind. Thank you.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Mr./Mrs./Ms. SIKH80 Ji,

As far as I remember, I haven't said anything to you or anything to hurt your HONOR, DID I?

If I did, please please please forgive me. I touch your feet Ji, Please Please Please forgive me.

If you remember, In the past I have made it clear that I have nothing to say to you.
Your path is clear: creating Own Concepts.

My path is clear: Guru has already created path(concepts) for me, I have to walk it with His Blessings.

So we can't disscuss anything, both paths are in opposite direction to each other:).

I am seeking others who have the same kind of path as I have, with a purpose to do SatSang with them, so I ask questions to others, any time I feel the hope.

Very very very sorry for posting anything that hurt you.

From now on everytime I post in a thread you start : I will ask for your permission to post, alright.

Happy now:).


I am not at WAR- already filled with peace -Guru Shabad is taking care of everything.

I am cool enough, thankyou for the warning though. For me neech sardara123, 'Guru is correct'. I dont need any corrections from anybody in Guru's Word. There is no distinction between Guru and God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji is Hari-Parmatama-Waheguru Hiself.

Sardara Ji,

Tusi kyu chinta karde o
God is everywhere. Keep your cool and calmness. We are all learning from each other's presence.

The Moderators have already been informed about your latest thread(s).

Nanak Chinta Mat Karo.
Click here > Unknown - Nanak Chinta Mat Karo


Jan 23, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Actually I have told him to go ahead and delete whatever he wants: may he get some satisfaction out of it.

Tuhada Das


Jan 23, 2008
Re: Nanak is the Guru, Nanak is the Lord Himself.

Please give your name- I can tell, this is not your real name, PM me.

I like to be at a place where peopl dont like me- That is the best learning environment. They will try their best to make you run away, and will abuse you to the Max. And I am a pressure player.

Tuhada Das