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Professor Sarbjit Singh Dhunda

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Apr 7, 2013
Abneet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh,

Have you studied the DG? If you have, then you should be aware of its erotic contents that we cannot talk about in front of our mothers, sisters, daughters and other ladies. From your response above, it implies that you have. We should seriously discuss this later after your response because it is very important as you claim that you would not mind the Prakash of the Pornographic contents of DG along with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.
Will wait for your response so we can discuss this further as it is a serious Panthic matter.

When you say Kirtan of DG can be performed in the Gurdwara, are you implying that all the pornographic stuff in the DG can be sung in front of the ladies that are related to you and me? Are you serious? Are you sure you have studied the DG?

Regarding Raagmala, I have my doubts because many claim that it has all the Raags in it which is not true and secondly, no one knows who wrote it and most of it does not make sense.

It depends how you define by Naam Japna. I am against parroting too. Jap ji teaches us not to parrot but: “Gaviei, Sunihei, Munn Rakhei Bhao” which is true Naam Simran and we are commanded to obey that. In other words, Singing can move one from the inside, Listening can make us grasp the message and Practicing the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji after listening sends us to the Gurmat Marg, not parroting some words for hours which is meaningless and an insult to Gurbani, our only anchor.

Anything is bare minimum if we do not make it our second nature by practicing it in our daily life. It matters naught how many nitnems. Japjis and other paaths one does.

Can you please show me from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji where ex-communication is allowed? If you refuse to communicate with another ‘Sikh’ a learner, a teacher, a seeker, then how would you call yourself a Sikh?
Why is the bigamist Jathedar stiil in Patna Sahib as he was “ex-communicated”?

What kinds of Hukumnaamas are you trying to imply? For example no chairs for the handicap or old people for Langar or in the Diwan Hall?

Why is there no handicap entrance in the Harmander Sahib whereas we have to have them in the Gurdwaras outside? Don’t those people deserve to enter? Where is the Hukumnaanas for that? This shows how Hukumnaamas are futile and full of Me-ism rather than Gurmat values.

Can you please elaborate what is happening in the UK?
I agree that Sikhs in diaspora who finance most of the SGPC must be in part of any Panthic discussion.

And do you know that on SGPC site there in “Online Seva” with your credit card?
What SRM does the above belong to?

What do you mean by the above that there is no reason when Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our only Guru?

Please define Khalsa if you do not mind.
Now it seems that you are making things up or some kathavachak must have taught you that.
Who says what is an arm and a leg when Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our only Guru?

FYI, Politics and Sikhi go hand in hand because Sikhi is all about equality which we call democracy unlike Islam which is anarchy. Panj Pyaras are the sign of democracy.

A Sikh is a learner, a student, a seeker. Sikhi was 250 years old before Khandei de pahul and many were non keshdahris. No one knows if Bhai Nand Lal, Bhai Gurdas were or not and we know that the former did not take Khandei de pahul.

I am sure you are aware that there is no clergy in Sikhi for some reason. Let’s not undermine the thought process of our visionary Gurus. How do you plan to finance the Gurdwaras’ affairs without money and how about if those Panj Pyaras are Moneyman Singhs? Do you object to that?

FYI, Khalsa Credit Union was founded in Vancouver BC by 100 Amritdhari money men putting their money in it and it became a success with the Punjabi speaking tellers. As a result all Canadian banks have Punjabi speaking tellers now. I have no idea what you have against money. You would need money to have a computer to interact here to say the least.

I am a bit confused by your above assertion. It seems that you are giving me second hand information without studying the DG. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks for the interesting and educating interaction.


Tejwant Singh

I have no right to say anything about the DG as I am no expert on it. But your right there are is porno content but is there message behind it all? It has to be looked at first and analyzed just because it has sexual content doesn't mean its pointless right? There has to be some understanding behind it. I have no idea myself about it you may have some info about it. GGS is our only Guru indeed but again who put the sexual content there and what is it depicting?

Kirtan is Kirtan. Of course if Akal Takht wants too they can take out that part in gurdwaras. It may be uncomfortable for audience though. Again I believe DG is Dasvee Patshahi Bani. Have I analyzed it? No. If im wrong and some Hindus screwed up the DG than I'll be doomed for saying that but as of right now I support DG as Guru ji's Bani.

Sikhs these days are seeing the practice pointless and would rather read Bani which is fine. Naam Simran shouldn't disappear though. There is enough evidence ,well to me, that Naam Simran does have benefits in one's live practicing Naam.

There should be no talks with ex-communicated unless they want to be forgiven and join the panth back in the future. They have chosen that path to destroy Sikhi or leave the Panth. They get the punishment they deserve depending on the situation but shouldn't be shunned forever.

On the topic of Akal Takht hukamnamas, yes there should be chairs for handicapped only. Not for old people who can sit down but are not willing too. Sitting down on the floor with everyone else has a special significance. But thats my opinion though. Also for Anand Karaj too, gurdwara committees are just making money with interfaith marriages that already go against Akal Takht. It is getting out of hand now that no one can do anything.

Hukamnamas are Hukamnamas. But the Panth needs to get together if Hukamnamas start to become out of control just in case in the future it happens.

I have no idea about the handicap situation in Harmandar Sahib. Never thought of it before but it is a good idea that SGPC should consider but they probably won't give a damn to be honest.

There is a party in Southhall Gurdwara that are trying to win the gurdwara elections. The party is called "Tera Panth Vasse". What they are trying to do is change how gurdwaras are running and make it a better environment for learning, english kathas, and just parchar. What it can do is strengthen the sangat's knowledge about Sikhi and Gurmat values. They got this idea from Calgary Sikh Youth who are currently doing this in their own gurdwaras. What they also want to do is instead of a committee you have a Punj Pyare in charge. There is a vid if you want to see how gurdwara will be running and the money collections and all the other issues everyone is concerned about.

Khalsa is pure. Khalsa is Akal Purakh Di Fauj. Khalsa also land directed by a government. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said himself that the Khalsa is God's Army and that God wanted him to start the Khalsa.

There was amrit before Guru Gobind Singh ji. Amrit started from Guru Nanak and it was called charan amrit.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Abneet ji,

Guru Fateh.

You write:

I have no right to say anything about the DG as I am no expert on it. But your right there are is porno content but is there message behind it all? It has to be looked at first and analyzed just because it has sexual content doesn't mean its pointless right? There has to be some understanding behind it. I have no idea myself about it you may have some info about it. GGS is our only Guru indeed but again who put the sexual content there and what is it depicting?

I am sorry to say that you have not been honest with me about your knowledge of DG which is a shame. You have been defending DG like an idol but have no idea what is in it. You gave everyone the impression here that you had deep knowledge about it, but now you have shown your true colours which are fading with the false claims you have tried to put forward.

How can you defend a thing that you have no idea about what it is all about and what its contents are?

Some people buy the book by looking at its cover but you bought the DG Lock, Stock and Barrel just by its name and hear says by those who want to creep hindutva into Sikhi and you are doing their job for them.

You also write above:

It has to be looked at first and analyzed just because it has sexual content doesn't mean its pointless right? There has to be some understanding behind it.

What? “sexual content doesn't mean its pointless right”?

How about genitalia and puubic hair and a lot more pornography than it meets the literal eye in the DG?
You are right, it is not pointless but rather quite pointed.

As you are for Naam Simran, would you like to repeat these terms for 30 minutes from the DG for that?

FYI, DG is filled with stories of Hindutva and its mythologies which have nothing to do with Sikhi and its Gurmat values. Please do not degrade Guru Gobind Singh ji who gave so much to the panth by crediting him with this utter nonsensical pornography.

Many claim that Hindus wrote this on purpose to create divisions in Sikhi and they grab people like you with their bait and prey on you by trying to tell you it is OK to have pornography in the DG because Guru Gobind Singh wanted it like that and you not only buy this nonsense but embrace it, which is a shame indeed.

I am appalled at your blind faith on some sant babas or so called snake oil salesmen who call themselves kathavachaks who brain wash people and the worse part of all this is that those people take it as a mithai and call it yummy.

It seems you put more faith on these sants than on yourself and in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Rest of your post can wait till you are honest enough and study DG rather than defending it like an idol worshipper without knowing what it consists of. I had no idea that you were just a pretender who has been defending the DG blindly for the reasons only known to you.

You can study it here right on SPN then you will be able to discuss it after you know what it says.

This is not the way in gurmat, and please do not do that to yourself in the future.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet ji,

Guru Fateh.

You write:

I am sorry to say that you have not been honest with me about your knowledge of DG which is a shame. You have been defending DG like an idol but have no idea what is in it. You gave everyone the impression here that you had deep knowledge about it, but now you have shown your true colours which are fading with the false claims you have tried to put forward.

How can you defend a thing that you have no idea about what it is all about and what its contents are?

Some people buy the book by looking at its cover but you bought the DG Lock, Stock and Barrel just by its name and hear says by those who want to creep hindutva into Sikhi and you are doing their job for them.

You also write above:

What? “sexual content doesn't mean its pointless right”?

How about genitalia and puubic hair and a lot more pornography than it meets the literal eye in the DG?
You are right, it is not pointless but rather quite pointed.

As you are for Naam Simran, would you like to repeat these terms for 30 minutes from the DG for that?

FYI, DG is filled with stories of Hindutva and its mythologies which have nothing to do with Sikhi and its Gurmat values. Please do not degrade Guru Gobind Singh ji who gave so much to the panth by crediting him with this utter nonsensical pornography.

Many claim that Hindus wrote this on purpose to create divisions in Sikhi and they grab people like you with their bait and prey on you by trying to tell you it is OK to have pornography in the DG because Guru Gobind Singh wanted it like that and you not only buy this nonsense but embrace it, which is a shame indeed.

I am appalled at your blind faith on some sant babas or so called snake oil salesmen who call themselves kathavachaks who brain wash people and the worse part of all this is that those people take it as a mithai and call it yummy.

It seems you put more faith on these sants than on yourself and in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Rest of your post can wait till you are honest enough and study DG rather than defending it like an idol worshipper without knowing what it consists of. I had no idea that you were just a pretender who has been defending the DG blindly for the reasons only known to you.

You can study it here right on SPN then you will be able to discuss it after you know what it says.

This is not the way in gurmat, and please do not do that to yourself in the future.

Tejwant Singh

Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale says, "consider him a Nastik (athiest) and a Bemukh (traitor) one who does not believe in this (Bachittar Natak) from the rasna of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib.

Many Sikhs like him did kathas on DG. There is enough evidence from many great Sikh leaders supporting the Dasam Granth to consider it Dasvee Patshahi's Bani. I will take his say on the DG. If you want to argue on the DG don't pick me, pick someone who has well studied the DG. Again I will take his say on the DG. The biggest Sikh figures in our History too have supported DG. They were well educated in it.

All these people supported DG. Sure why wouldn't i say it is Dasvee Patshaah's Bani.
Bhai Gurbachan Singh – Akaal Takhat Sahib.
Baba Nand Singh Ji Nanaksar
Bhai Vir Singh
Baba Keertan Singh Tarana Dal
Bhai Balwant Singh – Takhat Damdama Sahib.
Sant Ishar Singh Rara Sahib
Akali Kaur Singh
Baba Prem Singh Buddha Dal
Bhai Tarlochan Singh – Tkhat Kesgahar Sahib.
Sant Jawala Singh Harkowal
Prof. Teja Singh
Baba Nihal Singh Harian Belan Tarana Dal
Bhai Iqbal Singh – Takhat Patna Sahib.
Sant Gurbachan Singh Bhindra
Bhai Randhir Singh
Baba Makahn Singh Tarana Dal
Bhai Kulwant Singh – Takhat Hazoor Sahib.
Sant Attar Singh Mastwana
Sardar Kapoor Singh
Baba Joginder Singh Buddha Dal
Sant Harnam Singh Rampur
Bhai Kaan Singh Nabha
Baba Daya Singh Bidhi Chand Dal
Sant Ishar Singh Nanaksar
Bhai Santokh Singh
Baba Avatar Singh Bidhi Chand Dal
Sant Kartar Singh Bhindra
Sant Singh Maskeen
Panth dhay Shaheed :
Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindra
Giani Pinderpal Singh
Bhai Fauja Singh
Bhagat Pooran singh
Kirtanis :
Bhai Amrik Singh
Sant Poran Singh Karichow
Bhai Avatar Singh
Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda
Sant Jeevan Singh AKJ
Bhai Balbir Singh
Bhai Sukhdev Singh
Baba Takhur Singh Bhindra
Bhai Jasbir Singh Khannan
Bhai Avatar Singh Brahma
Sant Jabjit Singh Harkowal
Bhai Amirk Singh Zakhmi
Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar
Sant Sarbjot Singh Bedhi
Bhai Harjinder Singh Sirinagar
Bhai Gurbachan Singh Monchal
Sant Hari singh Randhawa
Bhai Naranjan Singh Jwadi
General Shubheg Singh
Baba Labh Singh Anandghar
Bhai Nirmal singh Darbar Sahib
Bhai Kulwant Singh Nagokay
Baba Sewa Singh Khadoor Sahib
Sant Anoop Singh
Baba Kashmir Singh Booriwale
Bhai Gurdial Singh Rehsia
Baba Shisha Singh Nanded Sahib


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet Singh ji,

Thanks for proving my point.

Enough Said.

Tejwant Singh

You really lost your point. Those are the names that stand with me on supporting DG. If you want to argue against their work you would look like a fool.

Lets take a look at the leading Anti-Dasam Granth scholars so called:
Gurtej Singh , lost his voice, could not speak for nearly a year.
Harinder Mehboob contracted bone cancer.
Kala Afghna had gone mental, checked into a mental institution. (raped a girl too)
Baldev Singh died of brain tumour.
Prof Darshan Singh Ji Khalsa has been rendered an apostate by Akaal Takhat Sahib.

They really are great Sikh Panthic leaders in trying to change Sikhi for the better eh...

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Abneet Singh says:

Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale says, "consider him a Nastik (athiest) and a Bemukh (traitor) one who does not believe in this (Bachittar Natak) from the rasna of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib

The exact same appears verbatim here:

This is called blatant plagiarism and cheating in any human values including Sikhi when one does not credit the source from where the material is copied and pasted from.

It is a shame indeed to project oneself as a Sikh in this manner.


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet Singh says:

The exact same appears verbatim here:

This is called blatant plagiarism and cheating in any human values including Sikhi when one does not credit the source from where the material is copied and pasted from.

It is a shame indeed to project oneself as a Sikh in this manner.

I mean if you wanted the source you could of asked you know? I had that site bookmarked for a reason. It is a shame you don't agree with the following GurSikhs and I on Dasam Granth. Plus in the SRM it does say banis of all 10 Gurus so I guess your putting yourself in danger.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
You really lost your point. Those are the names that stand with me on supporting DG. If you want to argue against their work you would look like a fool.

Lets take a look at the leading Anti-Dasam Granth scholars so called:
Gurtej Singh , lost his voice, could not speak for nearly a year.
Harinder Mehboob contracted bone cancer.
Kala Afghna had gone mental, checked into a mental institution. (raped a girl too)
Baldev Singh died of brain tumour.
Prof Darshan Singh Ji Khalsa has been rendered an apostate by Akaal Takhat Sahib.

They really are great Sikh Panthic leaders in trying to change Sikhi for the better eh...

Copied and pasted from the following site without giving any credit to the site. One more blatant plagiarism.The exact same appears verbatim

Shall I continue?


The following are the anti-Dasam Granth brigade:

Gurtej Singh , lost his voice, could not speak for nearly a year.
Harinder Mehboob contracted bone cancer.
Kala Afghna has gone mental, checked into a mental institution.
Baldev Singh died of brain tumour.
Prof Darshan Singh Ji Khalsa has been rendered an apostate by Akaal Takhat Sahib.


Apr 7, 2013
Copied and pasted from the following site without giving any credit to the site. One more blatant plagiarism. Shall I continue?


The following are the anti-Dasam Granth brigade:

Gurtej Singh , lost his voice, could not speak for nearly a year.
Harinder Mehboob contracted bone cancer.
Kala Afghna has gone mental, checked into a mental institution.
Baldev Singh died of brain tumour.
Prof Darshan Singh Ji Khalsa has been rendered an apostate by Akaal Takhat Sahib.

If you wanted the source you could of asked instead of searching it up and claiming I copy and pasted which I know I did lol. Stating the obvious for me my point was made if you want to be part of this little brigade of Sikh missionary parchariks who want to bash Dasam Granth so be it. Why don't they talk about drugs or cutting kesh? Why do they always start up issues in the Panth? They were made to do that lol. I will firmly and happily support those who support the DG on the list I posted from the site. We can go back on topic now.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Abneet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

sikhphilosophy.net AKA SPN, is the site which has built its reputation and credibility on honest and open minded debates. Thus, SPN does not accept Plagiarism by anyone which you have deliberately committed in your posts.

It is not my duty or of the SPN to ask you if they are your original thoughts as you tried to show, but it is your duty to give the credit where it is due.

It is obvious that the comments you claimed to be your own thoughts are in fact not yours but you have copied and pasted your comments from the following sites without giving them the due credit which is not allowed on SPN. This is called blatant cheating and thievery.


We will not accept this kind of behaviour from anyone.

Tejwant Singh


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Gurtej Singh , lost his voice, could not speak for nearly a year.
Harinder Mehboob contracted bone cancer.
Kala Afghna had gone mental, checked into a mental institution. (raped a girl too)
Baldev Singh died of brain tumour.
Prof Darshan Singh Ji Khalsa has been rendered an apostate by Akaal Takhat Sahib.

What is this? God sending diseases upon the apostates(?)....? Looks like God went all Old Testament on them, isnt it?


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

sikhphilosophy.net AKA SPN, is the site which has built its reputation and credibility on honest and open minded debates. Thus, SPN does not accept Plagiarism by anyone which you have deliberately committed in your posts.

It is not my duty or of the SPN to ask you if they are your original thoughts as you tried to show, but it is your duty to give the credit where it is due.

It is obvious that the comments you claimed to be your own thoughts are in fact not yours but you have copied and pasted your comments from the following sites without giving them the due credit which is not allowed on SPN. This is called blatant cheating and thievery.


We will not accept this kind of behaviour from anyone.

Tejwant Singh

Sorry you could of asked me for the sources. This is the first time such thing happened, I apologize for missing out on the sources. But really I like how you try to go off-topic on the subject and not stay on topic but its alright I understand you have nothing else to say.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
lol. Quite a coincidence though.

I am waiting for what will happen to Jathedar Iqbal Singh the bigamist, who beat up his wife, and whose men were responsible for a bloody swordfight in the premises of Takht Patna Sahib, in front of the Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj. He is an ardent crusader of the parallel prakash of DG alongside Guru Sahib though, just saying. :D


Apr 7, 2013
I am waiting for what will happen to Jathedar Iqbal Singh the bigamist, who beat up his wife, and whose men were responsible for a bloody swordfight in the premises of Takht Patna Sahib, in front of the Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj. He is an ardent crusader of the parallel prakash of DG alongside Guru Sahib though, just saying. :D

I agree that he was responsible for the clash at Patna Sahib early this year. However with Gurbachan Singh as Akal Takht Jathedar I don't see him getting excommunicated anytime soon for what he has done. Though Gurbachan Singh did ban him from meetings. I don't know who he has ties too also. Heres the latest on that:http://sikhsangat.org/2014/akal-takht-to-decide-on-pardon-after-studying-sgpc-panel-report-jathedar/

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
For what its worth...it was a favorite song and dance of these same DG types who alos used to claim that the people who oppose RAAGMALA died with maggots in their mouths....Hundreds of Akhand paath bhogs and sehaj paath bhogs were performed in Malaysia leading Gurdwara for nearly 70 years without anyone having maggots..

Of the so called "diseased" persons mentioned in a previous post..Kala Afghana is said to me mental...( just a matter of opinion and false charges)..Baldev Singh did indeed have a brain tumor which is a quite common cancer now adays...Sewa Singh tarmala who was Principle of Academy producing BRAHMGYANIS..died of Kaala Peeliah dreaded TYPHOID FEVER !! He was a Firm beleiver of DG and also his own versions of simran etc...In Fact is it a "coincidence" that he GOT KAALA + PEELLIAH as his HEART was BLACK..and he always WORE YELLOW as a sign of his form of KHALSA BRAHMGYANI !!! His heart was black becasue he DANCED wildly in front of SGGS during which dastaars flew and kesh were flung up and down..his Simran style !!

Prof darshan singh doesnt have any "sickness" ( apart from knee surgery due to long kirtan sessions for decades)..so in his case the critics make do with just "apostasy"...This type of METHODOLOGY is comparing Apples with Grapes...

APOSTATES???..Prof Gurmukh singh, Gyani Ditt Singh Singh Sabha lehr..etc etc declared so......... by PAID JHOLEE CHUK Jathedars who gave Siropas to GEN DYER of Jallinwallah Baag !! So such 'declarations" are not worth the cheap recycled newsprint paper the jholee chuk jathedars write on !!! SO nay SIKH who can HONOUR the Jathedar for giving SIROPA to Gen.Dyer..Parkash badal..etc etc..is same as the SIKH who beleives Prof Gurmukh singh, gyani ditt singh, prof darshan singha re really "apostates"...ha ha ha

I am surprised that someone can be so brainwashed so fast...but the "sources" reveal the facts...sad ...because a Real SIKH has to use his own brains..AAKLEEN SAHIB SEVEAYEAH....not be a blind follower of another man..
Jul 18, 2007
This thread seems to have gone way off topic and on to the DG debate.

Abneet Ji, please have an open mind, you state we need changes yet want to choose when and how.

Referencing people who believed in DG does not mean we should also, or that its set in stone that we must because so and so did it. This is using established personalities as leverage, by saying "oh how dare you say so and so was wrong, do you think you are better". This isn't a debating tool it is a fear mongering tool to get people to hush up and not talk about the white elephant in the room.

Do you think our Guru's used fear as a tool? Sites like panthic.org are the daily mail of Sikh news unfortunately. Try to write your opinion on their website that is not inline with theirs and see how far you get? Try to send a humble email to ask for explanation or clarity on rumours etc you will not get an answer. It is far from a fair media source.

On Prof Sarbjit Singh Dhunda, everyone seems to jump on the bandwagon of "foul play" which is shouted out by the vested interests who oppose him because he is a threat, he spoke out about the status quo, the glaringly obvious abuse of Sikhi, the state of the average Sikh not knowing much about Sikhi. Listen to his views and tell me that he hasn't openly spoke out against politics, drugs, the youth turning away from Sikhi. He gave a fresh approach to the old story telling, go to sleep culture and started to awaken people in the masses.

But it seems the same old attitude of 1% complaint wipes out the 99% of good you have done, purely because we judge others with much more severity than ourselves.

Also, the threat of finding out that you have spend X years believing, investing in something that now may not be so true/right is always going to cause retaliation in those who cannot accept it.... yet this is life, and it happens to us all the time, but out comes the offence when it is to do with "Religion".


Apr 7, 2013
For what its worth...it was a favorite song and dance of these same DG types who alos used to claim that the people who oppose RAAGMALA died with maggots in their mouths....Hundreds of Akhand paath bhogs and sehaj paath bhogs were performed in Malaysia leading Gurdwara for nearly 70 years without anyone having maggots..

Of the so called "diseased" persons mentioned in a previous post..Kala Afghana is said to me mental...( just a matter of opinion and false charges)..Baldev Singh did indeed have a brain tumor which is a quite common cancer now adays...Sewa Singh tarmala who was Principle of Academy producing BRAHMGYANIS..died of Kaala Peeliah dreaded TYPHOID FEVER !! He was a Firm beleiver of DG and also his own versions of simran etc...In Fact is it a "coincidence" that he GOT KAALA + PEELLIAH as his HEART was BLACK..and he always WORE YELLOW as a sign of his form of KHALSA BRAHMGYANI !!! His heart was black becasue he DANCED wildly in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji during which dastaars flew and kesh were flung up and down..his Simran style !!

Prof darshan singh doesnt have any "sickness" ( apart from knee surgery due to long kirtan sessions for decades)..so in his case the critics make do with just "apostasy"...This type of METHODOLOGY is comparing Apples with Grapes...

APOSTATES???..Prof Gurmukh singh, Gyani Ditt Singh Singh Sabha lehr..etc etc declared so......... by PAID JHOLEE CHUK Jathedars who gave Siropas to GEN DYER of Jallinwallah Baag !! So such 'declarations" are not worth the cheap recycled newsprint paper the jholee chuk jathedars write on !!! SO nay SIKH who can HONOUR the Jathedar for giving SIROPA to Gen.Dyer..Parkash badal..etc etc..is same as the SIKH who beleives Prof Gurmukh singh, gyani ditt singh, prof darshan singha re really "apostates"...ha ha ha

I am surprised that someone can be so brainwashed so fast...but the "sources" reveal the facts...sad ...because a Real SIKH has to use his own brains..AAKLEEN SAHIB SEVEAYEAH....not be a blind follower of another man..

Nothing is wrong with Gurmat Gian missionary in Ludhiana where Dhunda and Ghanga got their training from? They are trying to challenge tenets of Sikhi that we already know. They just bring more commotion to the Panth. That list of DG supporters should be enough for everyone that it is supported by most. If you wanna challenge DG supporters please go on a gurdwara stage and challenge everyone yourself and see how far you get...otherwise keep sitting behind a keyboard and trying to convince me isn't going to do accomplish anything.
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