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Sikhism And Feelings Of Bliss


Apr 24, 2006
Bliss, when it enters into thoughts:

"Look a.. a.. spoon!" :yippie:"it is so sacred, in all its spoon-ness":8-:)

(Mai ji where is that "tears of joy" smiley?)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
sikhism and feelings of bliss, question answered, thank you all very much, and especially dan, photo taken this morning , caption, figured it out yet dad???
Harry Haller ji why you started looking at bliss like me? I thought that was my patent idea unless you happen to be my twin brother in spirit :grinningsingh:

Everyone in this world, every creation has moments of bliss. It is part of creation. It is not exclusive to our Gurus or Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and you do not need a Guru to get it.

For Sikhs, you want to experience more Bliss, you understand more of creation and the Creator with the help of our Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Basically we Sikhs are blessed to have been given tools of private tutoring for free!

I have moments of Bliss like flashes without looking for bliss as an objective in,

  • Looking at people
  • Listening to Shabads
  • Listening to Sufi music
  • Looking at animate and in-animate creation
  • Looking at Photographs
  • ..... Basically moments seem to happen when I drop the idea of looking and just be and sprinkle a bit of the understanding on the instance, voila there is Bliss
    • Now if you have fully understood, you could possibly be always in Bliss
    • Note: Gurbani tells us we will never fully understand full creation, hence nobody has lived or will live who will be in a real state of bliss 24/7. Some may pretend or look like they are. Bliss will always be moments or periods and transient (as my brother Confused ji (wonderfully gifted to express very well) would use the word transient).
Understanding creation is the catalyst for bliss. The more you understand the more you will find moments of bliss without looking. These will just happen!
Sat Sri Akal.
Nov 14, 2004
Bhagat ji,

Confused ji, you see, all religions are pointing towards that which Buddhism is pointing towards.

I'm curious as to how you arrive at the conclusion. As I've said before, apart from the teachings on morality, I see little similarity even between any two religions which makes reference to the God concept. And Buddhism as you know does not have this particular belief.

But don't worry; I'm not going to get into a debate about this. ;-)

interest in attaining bliss = interest in understanding = interest in merging with God = interest in realizing the true self , etc

Not according to the Buddhism that I have come to understand.

Bliss is great happiness which comes down to mental pleasant feeling with perhaps an element of rapture, whereas understanding illuminates the object of experience by knowing its characteristics. These two are clearly very different realities and perform different functions. Understanding is of two kinds, one which distinguishes between good and evil states knowing the value of one and the disadvantage of the other. The other is aimed at penetration of the intrinsic nature of conditioned phenomena.

This latter is what Buddhism is about. The first kind of wisdom is geared towards rising above sense contacts to achieve high states of consciousness, which makes it still the stuff of continued existence. The other type in seeking to overcome ignorance is aimed at the ending of the cycle of birth and death. This means that although there is no ignorance arisen with any wholesome state, it however not only remains dormant, but even increases for those who develop the first kind of wisdom. And since the attachment dealt with is only in relation to sense pleasures, they'd continue to be driven by a “craving for beingâ€.

Now even these people, as they continue to develop their concentration, moving up the different stages of Jhana, never at any time aim to have bliss. Indeed they would have to at some point, rise above happiness and rapture in order that they experience even higher states, accordingly the “sphere of infinite spaceâ€, “sphere of infinite consciousnessâ€, “sphere of no-thingness†and finally, the “sphere of neither perception nor non-perceptionâ€. Those who are stuck at the lower stages where bliss dominates, this is because they do not perceive the subtle attachment. This means that those who are able to progress, this is because they recognize the attachment that has arisen towards it.

Aiming at bliss then, can therefore only be the function of attachment. And given that you and I have not even had a glimpse of the kind of bliss, ours the attachment will be much, much greater.

On the other hand when it comes to 'understanding', this being aimed at reducing ignorance, will incline towards knowing bliss itself for what it is. It wouldn't aim for something it does not know but instead bend towards knowing whatever the present moment reality is. And when involved in theory, would seek to find out what itself is. Namely what does understanding understand and when talking about enlightenment, what is it that it is enlightened to.

understanding = bliss = merging = realization

Different words, yet they are all pointing towards the same.

There is no “merging†in Buddhism. Nirvana is the object of consciousness at the moment of enlightenment and immediately after. But these are extremely fleeting, although in that brief moment it serves to eradicate different defilements as per the stage.

The Buddha understood everything that was the object of his experience. Some of these included body unpleasant feelings, as in pain when sick, and what comes with old age. Unlike us, who after the experience of pain will have aversion to the pain, this second arrow did not ever strike the Buddha. Does this not indicate to you that at least in Buddhism, understanding and the experience of bliss or happiness are not tied together? Beside at a moment of wisdom, the accompanying feeling can be either pleasant or neutral (never unpleasant).

Does the above make sense to you, Bhagat ji?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

You told me to go look at dogs, but the dog beat me by looking at me!. thank you for your inspiration, (thats another thank you btw) , I think we may have been twin spirits maybe 20 years ago when you were less enlightened, but today I can only aspire as to your knowledge and wisdom peacesignkaur


May 15, 2011
Phew, lots of material, and every posting stand up on its own, I am indeed fortunate to call on such a vast bank of knowledge and information here.

Ok, I the opinion I am forming now is that the ultimate bliss IS there, but you are called to it when the creator feels you are ready, until then we have a duty to our families, friends (err ok thats a tricky one, none left!), and more importantly people we interact with on a daily basis. I have decided to take Guru Nanakji as role model, I decided that some time back, that decision surprises even me, with all the bloodlust within, and the fighting spirit, I would have thought Guru Gobindji would have been more appropriate, but the truth is, I don't wish to fight evil, but I have always had a soft spot for helping where I can, and so has my wife, so that is a path we can walk down together. I find myself asking in every situation, What would Guruji do in this instance.

I thought I was doing well until my mother rang me, she mentioned a young chap who has some shabads on youtube, very sad story, I didnt get his name, but he passed on in an accident in Malaysia, mother mentioned that she had just seen him singing a shabad and that she and dad broke down in tears of emotion as it was so beautiful, (here we go again!), it drives me to a question I posed when I first found this forum, maybe some people are sent here to be warriors, some to be enchanted, some to do sewa, maybe we each have our own calling to use our skills in the house of the almighty.

I feel I should get one of those self help books about falling in love, so that I may try and see the relationship with the almighty in a different prospective, some in this thread describe him as a friend, a father, some talk of the beauty of his love, some of the power of him looking over, everyone seems to have a slightly different relationship with the creator, I suppose its possible that my parents bliss is similar to my satisfaction at giving a cripple a short lift to the shops, I stopped writing for a while and thought of the cripple, a young man, he was hobbling across the road in front of me, I waved him into the car, amid the mess of monitor cables and motherboards, he sat down, Im just sitting here thinking of his face, it was the face of god. Im actually sitting here in goosepimples and I feel a strong sense of shame , he was cheerful with his lot, explained what the doctors were doing and sighed that the movements tired him out, and here is me able bodied, and moaning about my lack of bliss. And now the burning question, would I prefer the bliss that my parents feel when they listen to shabads, or the knowledge that I saw god today and helped him to the shop. I don't feel particularly pleased about it, I won't mention it to my wife, as there seems to be something dirty about telling someone else, although in this context, here it is relevant, I feel a fraud looking for bliss in shabads, its the same reason I refuse, still to pray. If my car was about to hit a tree, the last thing I would do is pray, surely the almighty if he intends to assist me is going to do it regardless, in fact its a bit of insult to god to ask him to save you, oh Im glad you asked, I was going to do something else in the next 10 seconds, but now youve asked so nicely, I'll see what I can about that tree.

Ambersariaji was correct, I am in bliss already, I just don't know it

Well regarding prayer and refusing to pray, I would like to say that, remember, prayer may not change things for you but it definitely changes you for things. When we have trust in the Almighty, just pray to give you the strength to face bravely, whatever life has in store for you. That's what prayer is meant for. It's foolish asking him to change your destiny! The consequences of your Karam, you have to go through but with prayer, you will have the courage to face your problems and that is what a true Sikh should have.

All the best for starting to pray and remember prayer is not reading the scriptures only, It's opening out your heart to God.We will not get A Quick Post Reply but we will feel it when we will see the change in our attitudes towards the various situations in life. GURU RAKHA.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

It is not that I am refusing to pray, or even against prayer, I just cannot seem to do it with any conviction!

I feel the creator knows my thoughts, my fears my aspirations, everything, maybe he even knows my thoughts before I have thought them,

I watched my mother pray recently, afterwards, I got the impression she was not so much praying, as praising and thanking, rather than asking and wishing, and that, I feel only comes after you develop a more intimate relationship with the creator than I have at present.

My heart is constantly open not only to the creator, but to anyone that wishes to engage me in dialogue, I have nothing to hide, not my past, my present, or my aspirations, but that comes more from a genuine feeling of indifference to other peoples opinions, assisted by my complete lack of interest in 'small talk', the world, socially seems to go round on small talk, no one wants to talk about anything of any substance any more, people get embarrassed if you mention god, or lust, or wanting to find spiritual contentment. strangely enough, I value the validation and opinions of forum members, but then I find this forum a template for a perfect society with its politeness and chivalry.

I feel I do not have to ask for courage when I need it, it is there, even when I feel like a coward, it just comes online as its needed, I ask for nothing from the creator, he seems to know better than me, what is good for me, and what I need


May 15, 2011
I fail to understand why people should feel embarrassed to talk about God, or lust or spirituality. Well I consider myself lucky to have friends in my circle who enjoy talking on these matters.

Your admitting that God knows what is good or bad for you is a kind of prayer in itself. If he gives you what you need and I'm sure that's what he did to your mother, thus she thanks him for taking care of her needs. When someone gives us a small gift, we think its polite to thank and we go to the extent of sending flowers and thank you cards. Well, to thank God for all that he does for us,we offer prayer, that's our thankyou card to him.


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
:) I like the sound of that my friend, maybe I should amend my thoughts on prayer from asking to thanking,

another nugget of invaluable information!

I have been watching Guruka Singh for most of the afternoon, such wonderful eyes the man has, its like watching a giant teddy bear instruct you on the mysteries of life, beautiful man ( i love teddy bears by the way! )

The more I delve into sikhism, the more I understand why so many societies have made it their mission to destroy us, they are afraid, afraid that there is an answer in sikhi for everything, and we are not afraid of anything, or afraid to talk about anything

Sat Sri Akal


May 15, 2011
You have a good sense of humour. Don't think of any religion, Just think of the Almighty as your friend and talk to him. It is a one sided conversation no doubt but you have a listener who answers through his actions and you will experience that, once you have God heading your friend list.
It's been nice exchanging views with you friend.


Mar 24, 2010
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
It is very encouraging that we are talking of a state which can not be put into words because that state is beyond the realam of words and thought.All of us experience this state in deep sleep,that is the sleep without dreams but non can put it into words other than"I enjoyed it,it is so refreshing and like ".For a few days I was at Upsala University in Sweden with my son and I sat in their common kitchen when everyone was away to department.It was snow all around the trees were dancing in fast wind and I was intune with them and chanting Waheguru;it was such a blissful experience for me.
Gian Singh Aulakh


Jun 12, 2011
Okay, Harry Haller ji. Here is my story. You asked what bliss feels like, so I will tell you about the greatest moment of bliss in my life so far.

I almost died when I was nineteen years old. I was cliff jumping into a lake with some friends. I must have miscalculated my jump. When I looked down I saw that I was directly over some rocks that were at the edge of the water. There I was, free falling toward rocks and there was nothing I could do about it. I said to God, "do with me what you will" and accepted the idea of death. The moment I did that, a feeling of complete, profound peace came over me. At the same time I was keenly alert. Time slowed down. The colors of the scenery around me were more vibrant and rich than any colors I had ever seen before, or have seen since. With a sense of detached curiosity I thought, "so this is how it feels to die." Then I just barely missed the rocks. I felt them scrape against my side as I landed in the water. I did break my arm as it hit the water wrong - water is harder than it looks - but that was nothing compared to what could have happened. Since that day I believe without a doubt that God exists. Also that we have a spirit that is capable of things that the physical body is not, and will outlive the physical body. I felt it. No, the feeling of bliss did not last forever. My life has had its ups and downs; but I have the memory and knowledge. It is a part of me.

That moment of profound peace is what I would call bliss, Harry. But I wouldn't recommend anyone go cliff jumping to find it.


Nov 5, 2010
:mundaviolin::admin icons removed by admin. be my twin brother in spirit :grinningsingh:

Everyone in this world, every creation has moments of bliss. It is part of creation. It is not exclusive to our Gurus or Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and you do not need a Guru to get it.

For Sikhs, you want to experience more Bliss, you understand more of creation and the Creator with the help of our Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. Basically we Sikhs are blessed to have been given tools of private tutoring for free!

I have moments of Bliss like flashes without looking for bliss as an objective in,

  • Looking at people
  • Listening to Shabads
  • Listening to Sufi music
  • Looking at animate and in-animate creation
  • Looking at Photographs
  • ..... Basically moments seem to happen when I drop the idea of looking and just be and sprinkle a bit of the understanding on the instance, voila there is Bliss
    • Now if you have fully understood, you could possibly be always in Bliss
    • Note: Gurbani tells us we will never fully understand full creation, hence nobody has lived or will live who will be in a real state of bliss 24/7. Some may pretend or look like they are. Bliss will always be moments or periods and transient (as my brother Confused ji (wonderfully gifted to express very well) would use the word transient).
Sat Sri Akal.[/quote]

This is about "GURU"

Who is "Guru" a word, a person, literature.


"GU" is darkness
"RU" is light

In the outer world we experience light through our senses
But what is inside our body
darkness or light

Wait and Respond to self

There is light within,

It can no be seen but only realised.

To humans 4% of nature events are visible, rest of the nature is hidden.

"GURUBANI" is the souce of inner light "Enlightment"

"GURU'S" have realized it and documented it. \

Very a few reaches there to realize and document.

so "GURU" is as a literature, or as a person, or as self realization

which connects one to inner light


is important sources are there.

Its like learning computer,

we learn dot net

earlier we learn c++

before we learnt basic and machine language

machine language is based on 0 & 1

What is 0 & 1

0 & 1 is code given for vocal and literal understanding

when light fall on disc,
if it fails to detect magnetic field it is 0
it it detects it responds 1

So ultimate is light

Rest is 0 or 1

When veil of body is gone

Every merges in


This is "Life"
Last edited by a moderator:
Aug 5, 2005

To all guru piare jio again sat sri akal.

You have touched a topic which forced me to answer.It is God's grace only through which one gets this beautiful and costliest gift.

First of all , remembering Guru Nanak Sahib Ji with folded hands, I say

that I have been blessed with this ultimate gift of bliss.

Story started in march-2006 when I passed 5-6 nights crying without any
disease.Later on I came to know that it is kundalini awakening.My life was on a sharp turn and i chose some seva of guru patshah.God chose me to become instrumental in bringing out sikh relics lying with gursikhs.

My seva was accepted by all mighty.I was pulled towards spirituality, seva and nitnem. Bani started giving me deep peace.Days came when i used to step into thoughtless-awareness state(smadhi).Initially it used to last for minutes , now i can sit for hours continuously.Bani is like sweet candy to me.Feeling during and immediately after samadhi is of bliss where there is no thought , worry , anxiety ,hurry, sadness , happiness etc. only a sense of deep absorption which one long to remain in.That is true bliss.

Only by the grace of Guru Nanak ,It is possible.As i spend 5-6 hrs daily on bani listening on ipod( Note carefully that my experience has yielded excellent results with IPOD), layers of mind are clearing which i can feel.

I know that internet community is very sharp and intelligent still
a few suggestions which i feel are very important.

1) Take Amrit first.It is most important initiation process.
2) True Satsangat is must to clear doubts.
3) Sit in relaxed, meditative state in comfortable atmosphere in the background of guru's suffering for us and listen to Japuji sahib may 3-4 times continuously.After completion, no talking, no-tv, no-paper, no-arguments etc. etc. after 6-7 months add Sukhmani Sahib to it. As i have experimented and got results.Yes! this may apply to everybody. I am sure you will be near to your desired state where this will be achieved as byproduct of guru love and grace.
4) You can start side by side Sri Guru Granth Sahib reading with love and humility.
5) Start any selfless seva.

You all are well conversant about these points but my purpose here is to show you the shortest path which helped me to get enlightened.With Pthe Guru's grace I live always in this state .

Personal information has been removed. This is not a safe Internet practice. Please contact Balwinder Singh ji by private message if you wish to ccontact him. spnadmin

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I am beginning to be quite enchanted by the Guru's words as spoken by Guruka Singh. Yeterday I watched his discourse on Sin and Guilt, and also on judging others, both made excellent points, thank you Bhagatsinghji for pointing me in the direction of that.

There are certain things that I do that make me feel guilty, but they give me pleasure, so I carry on doing them, they are not huge issues, and the guilt I feel is small, like eating lots of chocolate and fatty foods, when I know with my heart condition I should know better, or having lustful thoughts towards my wife, when she clearly needs a hug, and just a hug!. In bed last night, with the normal sprawl of animals all over me, I thought about the whole guilt pleasure sin thing, pleasure is pleasure, not bliss, what is the difference? My wife loves shopping, I mean, she really really loves shopping in a quite obsessive way, not even for personal things but pointless things, to the point where several months ago, she asked me if I could just give her enough small change to get through the day every morning. I don't hugely like this, but I understand that in order to conquer certain things you need to have all the help you can get, I agreed, if she needs to buy anything, she buys it of the internet, but on any given day, she will have only small change in her pocket. My mother thinks this is ridiculous, and rightly so! but It is my wifes way of releasing herself from the pleasure/guilt roundabout, only I had not realised this before watching the sin/guilt video, it says, there is no sin, only guilt, if you feel guilt, stop doing what makes you guilty, as guilt will drag you down, not sin. I explained this to my wife, and she nodded and said she felt happier not feeling guilty about spending money on pointless things, although she accepted that it did bring her pleasure. I remarked that as closer as I get to enlightenment, she always seems to be one step ahead of me, without even realising it.

Together we read some of the posts here about creation, consonance and wisdom, then I hugged my dogs, and talked to them, and we watched tv in each others arms for the next hour. Conclusion? Bliss is pleasure without guilt, and thats what makes it so blissful.

This morning, I realised I had left home without my wallet. The car petrol gauge is useless, and although it showed quarter tank, the car started chugging, and then stalled about half a mile from the petrol station. This did not bother me hugely, I started it, and it fired, and we got to the petrol station, albeit with a pocket full of change and no wallet. I thought maybe it was just something in the fuel line, and not wanting to waste my precious change on petrol as opposed to chocolate and coca cola, I debated driving off, but I decided to drive round the forecourt to see if it really was out, and it seemed ok, but chugged when i stopped by the pump. So I drive round again, and it was fine, but again it chugged as I pulled up by the pump, not wanting to waste more petrol with another circuit, and aware that the staff inside were staring at this mad fool driving round the pumps, I conceded that there would be no coca cola and chocolate this morning, and filled the car with a fiver, standing in the queue, I noticed I had about 6 pounds in my pocket, not quite enough, but then, at the front of the queue, in a basket, coca cola and a huge bar of chocolate, both reduced and within budget!, now, that feeling, was bliss, not utter bliss, as I shouldn't really be stuffing my face, but nevertheless, in that time, and in that place, and in that context, yes, I was blissfully happy.

Gurbani, I would like to think can bring on these feelings with no guilt, and eventually, I would hope, with no third party interaction, ie, you are in bliss because you are happy to know god.

Now prayer- with all this bliss I am experiencing, (which i was experiencing before, I just did not know it), I feel the urge to thank people, I keep thanking my wife for being so patient and showing such an interest in sikh philosophy, my parents for, again, being so patient and understanding that instead of a grandson with a little jura, they have ended with a stepgrandson 6 and a half foot tall, and not of a matching colour!, and for some reason, I keep finding myself saying Dhan Dhan Nanak, and, would you believe it, the odd shabad has now permeated my subconcious, so far, Dukh Bhanjan tera nam, probably as I saw the film as I child, Deh Sheeva, from the same film, my way of thanking the creator not so much for the bliss, but for seeing the bliss, for being able to see the bliss,

thank you all again so much for the wise words that have helped me get to this point

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Beautiful post Balwinderji,

I am so glad that you are experiencing what I wish to carry on feeling and by the Guru's grace. The only point I would make, and correct me if I am wrong, but I feel there are no short or long paths, there is only the 1 path, and it is different for every human being, your path is your path, it is individual to you, and cannot be copied as a template for another, just my opinion, I am sure more learned individuals will correct me, and if so, I will of course amend my thinking.

However the contents of your path, of course shine a light to us all, 0:)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
ravneet_sb ji thanks for your post.

One thing that comes to mind is about the merging and emerging aspects. As after conception we continue to grow or emerge on a net basis. But there comes a time in normal length life where a more merging part of ourselves starts to take hold. We lose hair, we lose teeth, we lose eyesight, we lose hearing, we lose weight and it continues till we are too frail and then we breath our last breath and the heart beats for the last time. Left alone in stead of cremation, we will continue to merge back into creation through maggots, animals, chemicals and so on, till the strong winds, rains, fire, etc. will make us one from where we start. This is creation. We never stop to change and creation never stops to merge and emerge things.

‪Dekh Bande ke bhag farida Tan suka Harjinder Singh Shri Nagar‬‏ - YouTube

‪salok saekh fareedh kae part 1‬‏ - YouTube
‪salok saekh fareedh kae part 2‬‏ - YouTube
‪salok saekh fareedh kae part 3‬‏ - YouTube

During living days we have ability given by creation to live a life. How is left a lot with us. Our Guru ji and Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji guide us in understanding all these relationships and how to embed these in daily living. Creation does not change rules, but how we are will impact how rest of the creation will react with us.

We can live in consonance with creation, have peace, happiness and add to same for others we react with. Otherwise either we are seen as good or bad by people, good or bad by animals, good or bad by the environment, and the list is infinite. Not all interactions or impacts are apparent or earth shattering, but these exist as instances all around all the time.

You multiply it into societies, cultures, countries, generations or other groupings and you will start observing aspects that may have been miniscule for one. Good hearted people, good hearted community, generous community, destroyers of the environment, etc.

Sat Sri Akal.


Jun 23, 2011
I do not know what bliss is but when I look around and see all the pain and suffering in the world and then look at myself, I surely do fell blessed.
I think to feel the feeling of bliss it is very important to be mentally at peace with who you are. For someone who believes in Sikhism it would only come when he knows that he is not going against the teachings of SGGS.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

funny you should say that, I wonder if bliss is actually the most peaceful feeling in the world, rather than the happiest. If that is the case then 1st Pauri Japji Sahib probably encapsulates the road to bliss period!

Fear, I find is a huge block to gaining bliss, to have no fear, one must stop planting seeds that bloom into problems, which cause fear, and instead sow seeds that are god given, that mature into bliss.

I think you are right, if you follow the teachings of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, you will plant god given seeds, if you go against, you sow seeds that are pleasurable in the short term, but problematic in the long


May 24, 2008
<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p> </o:p>
That is a million dollar question.
<o:p> </o:p>
Bliss is a concept of religious people’s concept. There are many types of bliss. For example: when runner is going to run 100 m race he/she is only thinking about the line he have to cross in order to win the race. When he crosses it he is in bliss. There are many other situations where one is totally focused he is in bliss.
But here you are asking about spiritual bliss.
<o:p> </o:p>
The meditors claim he get in bliss when he meditate. He claims he is at peace and he has no thoughts. He sees bright light and he feels no worry and only joy.
<o:p> </o:p>
I find this made up stories. Some one said that he saw light some says he heard melody music. Some says he saw Christ others say he saw <?xml:::eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna and some says he saw Nanak.
I have met these people who claim this thing. When I ask how he knew it was Nanak he saw. He says he looked like the painting that is in his room. I tell him that painting of Nanak is not a real. It is artist’s concept. Then he has no answer to his claim. Nanak can be replaced with Christ,Krisha and so on and on.
<o:p> </o:p>
The feeling is emotional and feeling is with the body not by soul. If one is feeling emotions or he sees light then it is not bliss.
<o:p> </o:p>
When one is in trance he feels nothing.
<o:p> </o:p>
Bliss is the goal of every meditator. Bliss can not be explained nor can it be felt.
<o:p> </o:p>
How can we tell if some one had bliss? The person who had bliss will have a change of life style. His/her thinking and action will be very different then before.
<o:p> </o:p>
But watch out people are very good liars.
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