You took those out of context. :inca:
I made my point.![]()
I have no response to this but just a sigh
You took those out of context. :inca:
I made my point.![]()
Don't run out of breath.I have no response to this but just a sigh
Fixed up Singh's post. Now you may answer him.
i will answer as well Singh ji.
By jyot I meant teachings. What is your meaning of jyot?Bhagat Singh ji if there was a physical difference then that would mean the Gurus did die. Once again the Gurus body was not Guru. If it was then the Gurus did die. But this is not the case the Jyot is the Guru and this Jyot is the Shabad Guru that is in Sri Guru Granth Sahibji. The Guru never dies it is eternal Bhagat Singh.
By jyot I meant teachings. What is your meaning of jyot?
You lost me, what are you talking about?
I meant "teachings" when I said "jyot".
replace the word jyot in my post with teachings.
Bhagat Singh ji if there was a physical difference then that would mean the Gurus did die. Once again the Gurus body was not Guru. If it was then the Gurus did die. But this is not the case the Jyot is the Guru and this Jyot is the Shabad Guru that is in Sri Guru Granth Sahibji. The Guru never dies it is eternal Bhagat Singh.
ooh, I like your reasoning. This is solid for not bowing down to idols but it is a special case. Lets look at a general case.Respect is accorded to all as a matter of course. No Sikh bows to any other ‘’Idol’’ than The Guru Granth Sahib. If a religious leader is designated to carry the mantle of such a prestigious role then it may be reconsidered. Bowing to idols opens doors for media icons and other such types, and for this reason is prohibited. We are at war at present and although a perfect role model for leadership of Sikhs may be found as inspiration to the all generations and strata of Sikhism, we remain mindful of obstacles such ‘’Idols’ face as impediments to gaining such a powerful position. Until such as time, reverence for all, bowing of heart mind and Spirit only to our Creator, and his Word ...
People can i ask something here ...When we go to the Gurdwara Sahib ...we bow before the Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj Gyarvhi Paatshahi...we have seen every step of is it different from a idol ?? should i say have we not made a Idol of Guru Granth sahib ji ? Air conditioning , perfumes , and lot more ..tell me what is different ? even Ishnan is performed by covered Sahibji with plastic sheet...!!!!
When i had been to Nanaksar, Huzoor Sahib ..there was a Jatha who was rabidly argueing with the Granthi there for Sukhasan...
All the sewa being done, forgive me if i m wrong ..but i feel we r doing the same Murat vaad in the form of Guru Granth Sahib ji ...the difference here is the Murat is made of paper....and not of stone ...
Babaji's message to concentrate on Naam Simran of Akaal Purakh is sidelined...
To be frank we have moved back to what we were to go beyond ...
Bhul chuk Muaaf Karni
This is a matter of faith brother...for someone who has all the faith in the idol .there is nothing beyond ...for us who have faith in Sri Guru Granth sahibji ..we cannot just compare ..i dont think its good to compare ...t o each his the same time we are Sikhs and not muslims ..there is no where mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib ji not bow before idols if its a cardinal sin...
how is it different from a idol
should i say have we not made a Idol of Guru Granth Sahib ji ?
there is no where mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib ji not bow before idols if its a cardinal sin