(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Sikhism is a philosophy, the Guru Sahib Ji is the sacred word of the Waheguru Ji. In reverence we bow to wisdom and the love and peace it brings to our collective souls, as we touch the feet in humble supplication to our family and community elders, those pillars of sobriety and sense giving guidance to what can be a turbulent and tempestuous life at times, wherein we lose focus and sight of long term goals, whilst dwelling upon transitory and temporal distractions and circumstances that may appear, as Plato’s philosophy of man in a cave battling with his shadows.
Bowing to the Guru Granth Sahib Ji should not in any way pose any problematic obstacles for ‘converts’ if they encounter difficulty in doing so maybe they should consider other faiths or doctrines. Sikhism prides itself upon a faith of honour, virtue, chastity, morals and sound family values. Proud in our demeanour, heads held high with humbled supplicated hearts. It is an inimitable combination.
The danger arises where converting takes place to compromise ones statues’ and principles toward gaining number in sangats of converts. The primary principles risks shifting from the inestimable wealth of its wisdom, to preachers seeking a badge in recognition of bolstering the ranks of Sikhism. It is a risk the diligent need to be mindful and wary of.
Bowing to the Guru Granth Sahib Ji should not in any way pose any problematic obstacles for ‘converts’ if they encounter difficulty in doing so maybe they should consider other faiths or doctrines. Sikhism prides itself upon a faith of honour, virtue, chastity, morals and sound family values. Proud in our demeanour, heads held high with humbled supplicated hearts. It is an inimitable combination.
The danger arises where converting takes place to compromise ones statues’ and principles toward gaining number in sangats of converts. The primary principles risks shifting from the inestimable wealth of its wisdom, to preachers seeking a badge in recognition of bolstering the ranks of Sikhism. It is a risk the diligent need to be mindful and wary of.