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Islam Stop Islamification Of Europe

Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Another point if you had read any of my posts you will see no condemnation of the Sikh faith; my own view of organised religion comes from experience in life that does not need media feeding for me to draw a conclusion.

There are as has been said many times good people in all faiths, but then my contention is that those same people would be good whether they were religious or atheists.

But hey just sit back and watch the Islamic religion murder its way around Europe with ever more atrocities.
This Friday is the anniversary of the murder of Theo Van Gogh by members of the religion of peace, for the crime of speaking out against Islam. Those who love peace and believe in it are asked to stand at 7pm London time outside the Dutch embassies in their respective countries.
Apr 4, 2007
O my observation were based on the Sikh family that lives next door and also my wife's family who came to Britain from India to escape.
So I see it's all the fault of the British, now I understand completely. As ever it is always the fault of another. Also the point of the post was nothing to do with Sikh belief but solely to do with Islamic beliefs being promulgated throughout Europe.

look, you made a post which clearly shows your prejudice against an entire religion, islam, and you stated that we, as sikhs, should understand this.

i found that offensive, as sikhism does not teach us hate and prejudice against others, regardless of what your neighbor feels.

anyway, thanks for attempting to clarify where your misconceptions came from, i appreciate it.


Apr 3, 2005
Correct me if I am wrong but Sikhs lived side by side with Muslims in India and traded death with them on a daily basis. So the observation is based on your experience

Coopes ji sat sri akal
how are you
good to see you back on spn

For the conveinance of your debate with kelly kaur ji let me tell that she is white converted sikh
Apr 4, 2007
This Friday is the anniversary of the murder of Theo Van Gogh by members of the religion of peace, for the crime of speaking out against Islam. Those who love peace and believe in it are asked to stand at 7pm London time outside the Dutch embassies in their respective countries.

and TODAY is the anniversary of the beginning of "black november", when thousands of sikhs were slaughtered by their hindu neighbors in delhi, for the crime of being sikh.

but you don't see me shouting hate against hindus, do you? no, because my religion teaches me not to hate innocent people. i hate those who did the massacre, and those who allowed it to happen. not the entire religion. :)
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
look, you made a post which clearly shows your prejudice against an entire religion, islam, and you stated that we, as sikhs, should understand this.

i found that offensive, as sikhism does not teach us hate and prejudice against others, regardless of what your neighbor feels.

anyway, thanks for attempting to clarify where your misconceptions came from, i appreciate it.

Let me say I know the Sikh beliefs and as a student of religious studies I try to keep my prejudices in check by not giving favour to any. That is why I speak in negative tones vis a vis world empire of all religion.
However I know and respect the tenets of religion where the word is spoken and the action follows.
“By their fruits you will know them”


Apr 3, 2005
what does my race have to do with anything? :confused:

kelly ji its better for both debators to know about their opponent.Its better for the debate.th
let me tell mr.coopes is person who was searching spirituality.I don't know what his present views about spiritualty and religion is .
Apr 4, 2007
kelly ji its better for both debators to know about their opponent.Its better for the debate.th
let me tell mr.coopes is person who was searching spirituality.I don't know what his present views about spiritualty and religion is .

since he signs his posts "chief druid", i will assume he follows celtic paganism, though i may be wrong in this. :)

however, i do not think race need be a factor.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
since he signs his posts "chief druid", i will assume he follows celtic paganism, though i may be wrong in this. :)

however, i do not think race need be a factor.

Right here goes: I believe in a great creator, I also believe in a not so great human race. At the moment I can’t marry the rational with the irrational.
Order and purpose begets order and purpose not egotistical elitism and hatred.

You will notice the White horse of Uffington my pagan symbol and Chief Druid is as good as any religion. All though are just a light hearted bit of fun.:rofl!!:


Jun 12, 2006

I notice how you conveniently gloss over the attempts at "Anglicising" of the rest of the globe whilst attacking Islam for doing the same thing.

Can you comment please. I see both as two sides of the same coin with one slightly more vicious than the other and one side infinitely more discreet and devious.

If you want to stop Islamification what about Anglicisation? In fact in their twisted minds, th Islamist are probably thinking that they are fighting to stop the westernisation of their countries. Can you grasp that??
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England

I notice how you conveniently gloss over the attempts at "Anglicising" of the rest of the globe whilst attacking Islam for doing the same thing.

Can you comment please. I see both as two sides of the same coin with one slightly more vicious than the other and one side infinitely more discreet and devious.

If you want to stop Islamification what about Anglicisation? In fact in their twisted minds, th Islamist are probably thinking that they are fighting to stop the westernisation of their countries. Can you grasp that??
Indeed I gloss over nothing and any nation or religion forcing its own agenda on another is an abomination!

Look at India as I said many times, in 1947 the British were forced out of India because the Indian people had enough of a foreign nation telling them what to think and do. So to with Islam in Europe we are sick of them telling us how we should change to accommodate them. Like India the door to Europe swings both ways and we are pointing out the exit sign to all Muslims. We like Europe the way it is.
Apr 4, 2007
Indeed I gloss over nothing and any nation or religion forcing its own agenda on another is an abomination!

Look at India as I said many times, in 1947 the British were forced out of India because the Indian people had enough of a foreign nation telling them what to think and do. So to with Islam in Europe we are sick of them telling us how we should change to accommodate them. Like India the door to Europe swings both ways and we are pointing out the exit sign to all Muslims. We like Europe the way it is.

how can you compare one soveriegn nation colonizing another to people of a religion you happen to dislike living in your region?

i thought most of the european countries were based on democracy, which includes freedom to practice religion. perhaps i'm wrong?

i'm sorry, i guess i don't see any connection between britain in India and muslims in europe.


Oct 3, 2007
Belize City, Belize
We like Europe the way it is.

As i'm sure the native peoples liked america the way it was... or how the New Yorkers of 100 years ago liked IT the way it was.

Change is a constant. While i agree that Islamists (differentiated from 'Islam') do make demands on others that they themselves don't observe, the same is true of any extremist.

Like you - who are saying that you'd like to be "pointing out the exit sign to all Muslims."

"All muslims" are not your enemies. And how would you like if modern Druids were banned in a country where you wanted to live?


Jun 12, 2006
I think of all the people in the world Anglo Saxons in England need to shut up about people pushing their culture about. As a Panjabi Sikh I'd like to see reparation for the destruction of the Sikh empire myself but I don't think Johnny English has the courage to admit to his sins of the past. Blowing people away from cannons and the odd massacre of people who objected to British rule (Jallianwale Bagh). So maybe you can reflect on the current situation that you are complaining about and perhaps see some of yourselves in it?

If anyone has helped foster and harbour Islamists it must be the English establishment both past and present. An example would be the way they encouraged a "Jihad" from the Afghan border areas against Sikh rule in Maharajah Ranjit Singh's time. Lawrence of Arabia (the ****) helped bolster the current Wahabi type {censored}s in Saudi Arabia and actually led the "Jihad".

Plus realise that the insatiable greed of the English has put them in Arab pockets as you can see by the recent but kissing by the royal family here.

You said "Indeed I gloss over nothing and any nation or religion forcing its own agenda on another is an abomination!"

Well what about your own people doing the same thing? Who is going to tell them to stop?

Fight your own battles English man, some of us Sikhs are tired of our people helping yours only to get shafted in return.
Apr 4, 2007
isn't it interesting that nearly every country in the mideast/asia that is experiencing problems today was once a british colony, or under british rule? :)

and sadly, the american gov't seems to be following exactly in britain's footsteps today.

does no one learn from the past?
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