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Islam Stop Islamification Of Europe

Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
No - Your people are experts in seeing bogeymen everywhere. It's the St. George + Dragon complex.....stop seeing other races as scary dragons that need slaying. Sikhs are not victims, they are too self confident for that. Some do however try and obtain justice.

BTW I'm talking irrefutable historical facts here. The British have shafted enough people in the world, and largely steal the resources from these "conquered places" ...but keep lying to yourself.....your people gallivanted across the globe for purely philanthropist purposes I guess? You are in no position to complain about Islamification because your people would do the same nonsense yourself given half a chance.

And if you don't understand what I'm saying about disproportionate taxes, I'm talking about the fact that Sikhs do not sponge of the state in large numbers unlike some and generally work hard. So as a community they contribute heavily...only to see their money squandered by insane, greedy warmongering English men who probably have delusions about re-establishing their great empire. Up and at those darkies Johnny!
Ludicrous statements.


Jun 12, 2006
Each person pays according to their income, and no Sikhs are not disproportionately more wealthy, just visit Southall. As for the ludicrous myth propagated by our friend and this out of touch Labour government so as to justify mass migration, the British don’t want to work myth is just that.

Well Sikhs have the highest home ownership rate compared to any other religious group. Plus having grown up in England most of my life I can categorically state that by and large the English are lazy when it comes to work. I base this on years of working with them. That is why trades such as construction is proliferated by foreigners (Irish, Polish, Panjabi etc. etc. ) who work hard without asking for extortionate rates and tea breaks every other hour.

You talked about Southall which isn't SIkh any more and hasn't been in years. But even then they managed to put up a 17.5 million pound Gurdwara from largely blue collar donations. Without the benefit of oil money others may have. BTW, the affluent SIkhs moved outwards to better areas in the 90s, so the Sikh community in S'hall isn't representative of the whole community.

My point here is that Sikhs are not an incapable community but a very able one with its own resources. They are a great asset to Britain and the Anglo-Saxons should damn well be appreciative of that and not try and act like they have done them some big favour by allowing them here.

NOT EVEN TO MENTION...the massive help that Johnny Saxon got from Sikhs during the two World Wars.
Apr 4, 2007
I think you are labouring under a misconception now that you have become a Sikh, you believe in tolerance and looking for the good in others.

um, sorry, but no, i've always believed in tolerance and looked for the good in others. who are you to call this a misconception? you may not subscribe to it, but to me it's a core value.

You need to widen your understanding about Islam, this is not a generalization but a fact.
Islam sees you as an infidel, an unbeliever you have no more value in their eyes than the hated *** or Christian. Those insane statements made by Muslims… “ Islam is the future for Britain” “Islam will rule the world” “Behead those that insult Islam” “Kill Jews and Christians”.
This is not the random ranting of a few extremists; this is the belief system that is being indoctrinated into Muslims worldwide, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Islam does not allow for moderation Islam is elitist and uncompromising, Islam does not allow for free thinking and questioning. To Muslims tolerance is an anathema, and free thought is dangerous, they do not believe there are two sides to this argument, to them there is just their one and the wrong one!

you seem to get all of your information on religion from youtube and extremist (both for and against) islamic sites.

the vast majority of muslim are moderates, if they really all wanted to kill all non-muslims, do you really think we'd be here today? open your eyes and take a look at the world around you. have you even ever met a muslim? i seriously doubt it. certainly none of my muslim friends or associates has ever talked as you do or supported anyone who talks as you do.
Apr 4, 2007
Good night everyone it's 23:08 and work tomorrow.
You lot in america do some research into the subject.

TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World

these hate sites are not going to make me become like you.

try reading the qur'an before passing judgement on the faith, it's obvious that you and others like you have no idea about the religion you hate.

check this site out for a more realistic view of the religion:

Islam (Submission). Your best source for Islam on the Intenet. Happiness is submission to God.-Islam-Submission-Introduction,definition, discussion, debate, laws, justice, human rights, history, terrorism, Jihad, women, Jews, Jesus, Christianity-Isla

and stop trying to drag Sikhs into your war.


Apr 3, 2005
the vast majority of muslim are moderates, if they really all wanted to kill all non-muslims, do you really think we'd be here today? open your eyes and take a look at the world around you. have you even ever met a muslim? i seriously doubt it. certainly none of my muslim friends or associates has ever talked as you do or supported anyone who talks as you do.

Its a myth that majority of muslims are moderate.common muslim in muslim countries always vote for fundamentalists parties instead of seculer one.jinnah wanted wanted to make pakistan a seculer country what happened? sheikh mujibur rehman promised
India that he will make bangladesh seculer today bangladesh is becoming more fundamentalist.The hindu population which was 22% in 1951 is now only 9% so in muslim majority countries minorities start dissappearing.
Apr 4, 2007
Its a myth that majority of muslims are moderate.common muslim in muslim countries always vote for fundamentalists parties instead of seculer one.jinnah wanted wanted to make pakistan a seculer country what happened? sheikh mujibur rehman promised
India that he will make bangladesh seculer today bangladesh is becoming more fundamentalist.The hindu population which was 22% in 1951 is now only 9% so in muslim majority countries minorities start dissappearing.

can you give proof of your assertion that the majority of muslims are not moderate?

just so you know, pakistan and bangladesh are hardly beacons of "average" muslims. south asian muslims have mixed indian culture with their religion. they practice caste system, untouchability, dowry, female infanticide, they pray at graves... all of the hindu traditions that are banned in islam are practiced there. you cannot use them as an example.

show me how extremist turks are. :) or malaysians, how are they extremists? i've been to malaysia... trust me, not a burkha to be seen. it's a very open country- i experienced far more hostility as a western tourist in india than i did in malaysia. and hey, did you know that more than 50% of iranians think religious leaders are unable to deal with social problems, only 12% of them even attend religious services on a weekly basis... they don't sound terribly fundamentalist (and they're a theocratic regime!) - from a study conducted by the National Science Foundation . seriously. i'm starting to think you guys watch too much sensationalist television or listen to too many george bush speeches. :D

and anyway, regardless of how you PERSONALLY feel about islam, i stand by my assertion that it was wrong to drag sikhism into the middle of this issue, as a religion we are not against any other religion.


Apr 3, 2005
KElly ji

Majority of muslim countries do not provide right to minorities,they do not allow muslims to leave islam.seculer parties loose election but still you don't want to accept the truth.

And if pakistan and bangladesh are not average muslims then Saudi arabian must be an average muslim.where women can't even drive cars.

as far as your experiance are concerned please don't mind 1 person's experiance is not an absolute proof

And btw i have already shown you how a non muslim cannot marry muslim in malayasia
but still you are praising that country.
Apr 4, 2007
KElly ji

Majority of muslim countries do not provide right to minorities,they do not allow muslims to leave islam.seculer parties loose election but still you don't want to accept the truth.

And if pakistan and bangladesh are not average muslims then Saudi arabian must be an average muslim.where women can't even drive cars.

as far as your experiance are concerned please don't mind 1 person's experiance is not an absolute proof

And btw i have already shown you how a non muslim cannot marry muslim in malayasia
but still you are praising that country.

malaysia has two family laws. one for muslims one for everyone else. they do not force non-muslims to follow the muslim law. yes, i think that is a good example of how a muslim country isn't forcing it's laws on non-muslims. :)

you're right, in most muslim countries, non-muslims don't have many rights. this does not, however, mean islam is bad, nor does it mean that muslims in western countries are trying to achieve the same thing. why do you think they came to the west? most likely to get away from such a life, wouldn't you think? :)

anyway, the point of this whole discussion was that the original poster tried to drag sikhs into his personal hatred for an entire religion, which i think is unfair of him. don't you see that as soon as they kick out the muslims, they'll try to kick out the sikhs. :)


Apr 3, 2005
you're right, in most muslim countries, non-muslims don't have many rights. this does not, however, mean islam is bad, nor does it mean that muslims in western countries are trying to achieve the same thing. why do you think they came to the west? most likely to get away from such a life, wouldn't you think?

Kelly ji most of the muslim countries are poor and they have high birth rate on the other hand european countries now have very low birth rate so obviously they are facing labour shortage .so muslim are theref or work it does not mean that they are liberals.It is now very well known fact that muslims in uk are quite fundamentalists.infact somewhere i read that if america wants to destroy terroists base then the first capital it should destroy is to be london
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Well Sikhs have the highest home ownership rate compared to any other religious group. Plus having grown up in England most of my life I can categorically state that by and large the English are lazy when it comes to work. I base this on years of working with them. That is why trades such as construction is proliferated by foreigners (Irish, Polish, Panjabi etc. etc. ) who work hard without asking for extortionate rates and tea breaks every other hour.

You talked about Southall which isn't SIkh any more and hasn't been in years. But even then they managed to put up a 17.5 million pound Gurdwara from largely blue collar donations. Without the benefit of oil money others may have. BTW, the affluent SIkhs moved outwards to better areas in the 90s, so the Sikh community in S'hall isn't representative of the whole community.

My point here is that Sikhs are not an incapable community but a very able one with its own resources. They are a great asset to Britain and the Anglo-Saxons should damn well be appreciative of that and not try and act like they have done them some big favour by allowing them here.

NOT EVEN TO MENTION...the massive help that Johnny Saxon got from Sikhs during the two World Wars.

Well Sikhs have the highest home ownership rate compared to any other religious group. Plus having grown up in England most of my life I can categorically state that by and large the English are lazy when it comes to work. I base this on years of working with them. That is why trades such as construction is proliferated by foreigners (Irish, Polish, Panjabi etc. etc. ) who work hard without asking for extortionate rates and tea breaks every other hour.
This myth that you and the leftie lovies like to peddle is as hollow as your head, the reason Irish, Polish, and or other immigrants are snapping up jobs is that they as immigrants have come here with nothing and will basically work for substantially lower wages, whereas the indigenous population saddled with debt and m o r t g a g e cannot. You need to get out of your tiny community into the real world, try reading, studying and researching facts rather than peddling homespun philosophy.

You talked about Southall which isn't SIkh any more and hasn't been in years. But even then they managed to put up a 17.5 million pound Gurdwara from largely blue collar donations. Without the benefit of oil money others may have. BTW, the affluent SIkhs moved outwards to better areas in the 90s, so the Sikh community in S'hall isn't representative of the whole community.
Most people of all nationalities attempt to better their live this is not something unique to Sikhs
My point here is that Sikhs are not an incapable community but a very able one with its own resources. They are a great asset to Britain and the Anglo-Saxons should damn well be appreciative of that and not try and act like they have done them some big favour by allowing them here.
Here is where it’s hard to keep a straight face with such a blatant piece of self serving nausea.
Pleaseee don’t try to claim that Sikh’s or any other immigrant came to Britain as an altruistic gesture of self sacrifice. LOL You all came to improve your lives and reap the material benefits of Britain and live in a better land. So please accept my gratitude for you and every other immigrant who came here to improve their lives. However if by chance you are one of those rare individuals that actually moves to another country for the benefit of the indigenous populations, then there is a long list of deserving countries you may like to move to, err India I think is one of them.

NOT EVEN TO MENTION...the massive help that Johnny Saxon got from Sikhs during the two World Wars.
I wondered when you would make this comment, the second world war had two opposing ideologies. The one promulgated by the axis powers viewed all non Aryan and all non Nipponese as sub human. You as an Indian would have had a choice to do nothing, or join the INA and fight for the Japanese who would have latter turned on you and erased you just as they did to the Chinese, or join with the rest of the world to fight this evil. So don’t give me the stupid statement that out of some altruistic motive Sikhs took up the cause of Britain. It was in the interest of sanity that those evil ideologies were destroyed.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
um, sorry, but no, i've always believed in tolerance and looked for the good in others. who are you to call this a misconception? you may not subscribe to it, but to me it's a core value.

you seem to get all of your information on religion from youtube and extremist (both for and against) islamic sites.

the vast majority of muslim are moderates, if they really all wanted to kill all non-muslims, do you really think we'd be here today? open your eyes and take a look at the world around you. have you even ever met a muslim? i seriously doubt it. certainly none of my muslim friends or associates has ever talked as you do or supported anyone who talks as you do.

you seem to get all of your information on religion from youtube and extremist (both for and against) islamic sites.
Try research, or just sit back and continue to view this Islamic religious belief through rose coloured glasses. When reality bites you and people like you will suffer as the rest.

the vast majority of muslim are moderates, if they really all wanted to kill all non-muslims, do you really think we'd be here today? open your eyes and take a look at the world around you. have you even ever met a muslim? i seriously doubt it. certainly none of my muslim friends or associates has ever talked as you do or supported anyone who talks as you do.

There is a Word in Arabic that is found in the Koran that basically allows a Muslim to lie through their teeth to the infidel that is you and I by the way, This has no sin attached and is positively encouraged when deceiving the infidel advances the cause of Allah.
So with bomb, bullet social pressure or just plain old fashioned lying, the agenda of Islam is being pushed forward day by day.

Try researching the law of the Maldives and how it is structured around Islam, and the rights of those who are non Muslim.
Then consider how you as a Sikh would be treated, you may want to emigrate there, the beaches are nice and the weather great. Ah, but wait that old thing moderation you love to spout about just doesn’t seem to rear its head.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Here is a bit of help for you, but do try to do some on your own initiative!

Background on Religious Persecution in Maldives

According to an official statement of the Maldive government, "Maldives
being a 100% Muslim country, the national religion is Islam. Islam is
the religion of the State and the backbone of the society. It was
during 1153 AD that the then King of the Maldives accepted Islam and
declared it to be the religion throughout his domain."

The U.S. State Department describes the current situation thus: "Islam
is the [Maldives] state religion and all citizens are required to be
Muslims. The practice of any religion other than Islam is prohibited by
law. However, foreign residents are allowed to practice their religion
if they do so privately.

Islam, central to the life of Maldivians, not only lays the cultural background and life style, but lays down the smallest details of everyday behavior. Until recently, pre-Islamic history was ignored. But while the contribution of pre-Islamic culture is now appreciated, a non-believer still cannot become a citizen of the Republic of Maldives.

Freedom of religion is restricted significantly. The 1997 Constitution designates Islam as the official state religion and the Government interprets this provision to impose a requirement that citizens be Muslims. The practice of any religion other than Islam is prohibited by law. However, foreign residents are allowed to practice their religion if they do so privately.
It is believed that the entire indigenous population is Muslim and is overwhelmingly Sunni. Foreigners in the Maldives--more than 300,000 tourists annually (predominantly Europeans and Japanese) and about 20,000 foreign workers (predominantly Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Indian, and Bangladeshi)--are allowed to practice their religion if they do so in private and do not encourage citizens to participate.
The President must be a Sunni Muslim and under the Constitution is the "supreme authority to propagate the tenets of Islam." Cabinet ministers also are required to be Sunni Muslims. Members of the People's Majlis (Parliament) must be Muslim. The Government observes Shari'a (Islamic law).
The law can limit a citizen's right to freedom of expression in order to protect "the basic tenets of Islam." The Government has established a Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs to provide guidance on religious matters. The Government also has set standards for individuals who conduct Friday services at mosques to ensure adequate theological qualifications.
There are no places of worship for adherents of other religions. The Government prohibits the importation of icons and religious statues
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
example of Muslim moderation.

Three Indonesian girls beheaded

By Tim Johnston
BBC News, Jakarta 29th October 2005

Three girls have been beheaded and another badly injured as they walked to a Christian school in Indonesia.

They were walking through a cocoa plantation near the city of Poso in central Sulawesi province when they were attacked. This is an area that has a long history of religious violence between Muslims and Christians.

Well I am sure you will have some liberal excuse to explain how these three young girls must have provoked those moderate Muslims into sawing off their heads!
Apr 4, 2007

Try research, or just sit back and continue to view this Islamic religious belief through rose coloured glasses. When reality bites you and people like you will suffer as the rest.

There is a Word in Arabic that is found in the Koran that basically allows a Muslim to lie through their teeth to the infidel that is you and I by the way, This has no sin attached and is positively encouraged when deceiving the infidel advances the cause of Allah.
So with bomb, bullet social pressure or just plain old fashioned lying, the agenda of Islam is being pushed forward day by day.

Try researching the law of the Maldives and how it is structured around Islam, and the rights of those who are non Muslim.
Then consider how you as a Sikh would be treated, you may want to emigrate there, the beaches are nice and the weather great. Ah, but wait that old thing moderation you love to spout about just doesn’t seem to rear its head.

i do my own research thanks. by actually studying a religion, not by studying what extremists have to say about it.

show me this "word" the the verse in the qur'an.

i could care less about the maldives. i won't go there just as i won't go to France, where i'm also prohibited from practicing my religion freely. yes, it's true, in the name of "curbing ialsm", france has made it difficult for Sikhs to wear their turbans in public places. ooh, great, i'm being saved from a huge danger, and can't practice my own religion.

with people like you in the UK, i assume we'll be maltreated there next, as soon as islamophobia goes out of fashion or you manage to scare them all away.

talking to you is pointless so i'm going to stop doing it now. :)


Jun 12, 2006
Well Sikhs have the highest home ownership rate compared to any other religious group. Plus having grown up in England most of my life I can categorically state that by and large the English are lazy when it comes to work. I base this on years of working with them. That is why trades such as construction is proliferated by foreigners (Irish, Polish, Panjabi etc. etc. ) who work hard without asking for extortionate rates and tea breaks every other hour.
This myth that you and the leftie lovies like to peddle is as hollow as your head, the reason Irish, Polish, and or other immigrants are snapping up jobs is that they as immigrants have come here with nothing and will basically work for substantially lower wages, whereas the indigenous population saddled with debt and m o r t g a g e cannot. You need to get out of your tiny community into the real world, try reading, studying and researching facts rather than peddling homespun philosophy.

Personally I have more contact with people outside of my community than those within so, try and get things right before you peddle your National Front views on a Sikh forum. But so you get out of the bubble of your own white supremacist fear bubble. Think that outsiders like Sikhs have come here, with no money, no financial support and little established community and MADE their lives in the face of racism and all the other issues that become apparent when you are new to a country. This they did themselves through hard work and a community spirit. They happily "saddled" the debts and hard work whereas the average working class Anglo-Saxon lazed about and like yourself, moaned about the fact they have to work hard for their future. How are Sikhs able to handle these debts and ********s? Are they super human? No - they are just not bone idle and prepared to work. Also, despite the working class roots they even managed to push large amounts of their children to achieve high educational standards whereas the average blue collar Anglo avoids books like a plague. Looks like your just making excuses for failing. Don't despair, emulate us and your problems may cease.....

You talked about Southall which isn't SIkh any more and hasn't been in years. But even then they managed to put up a 17.5 million pound Gurdwara from largely blue collar donations. Without the benefit of oil money others may have. BTW, the affluent SIkhs moved outwards to better areas in the 90s, so the Sikh community in S'hall isn't representative of the whole community.
Most people of all nationalities attempt to better their live this is not something unique to Sikhs

Tell that to the chavs who happily live in estates generation after generation. Or communities like the Pakistanis who have large percentage of their population in free council accommodation.

Also why do the white working class fail so badly in the education system, especially FE? Again I point at a culture of little effort. It is a SHAME that people who are English often have worse English language skills than those from abroad...I work in education, I see it all the time.

My point here is that Sikhs are not an incapable community but a very able one with its own resources. They are a great asset to Britain and the Anglo-Saxons should damn well be appreciative of that and not try and act like they have done them some big favour by allowing them here.
Here is where it’s hard to keep a straight face with such a blatant piece of self serving nausea.
Pleaseee don’t try to claim that Sikh’s or any other immigrant came to Britain as an altruistic gesture of self sacrifice. LOL You all came to improve your lives and reap the material benefits of Britain and live in a better land. So please accept my gratitude for you and every other immigrant who came here to improve their lives. However if by chance you are one of those rare individuals that actually moves to another country for the benefit of the indigenous populations, then there is a long list of deserving countries you may like to move to, err India I think is one of them.

Maybe you are one of those English people who cannot read their own language? Did you not read that we Sikhs had our own country before your people turned up? The gratitude thing goes both ways. Don't act like foreigners have been allowed in for their own benefit. The key motivator is economics. Work just doesn't get done by the "working" English...so they bring in foreign labour. That is as complex as it is. The greed of your white ruling classes knows no limit...but they have successfully identified the problem with the country i.e. lazy Englishmen and have taken action to keep the money machine running.

We were happy in our land it is your people who felt the need to prance around the globe and displace people

NOT EVEN TO MENTION...the massive help that Johnny Saxon got from Sikhs during the two World Wars.
I wondered when you would make this comment, the second world war had two opposing ideologies. The one promulgated by the axis powers viewed all non Aryan and all non Nipponese as sub human. You as an Indian would have had a choice to do nothing, or join the INA and fight for the Japanese who would have latter turned on you and erased you just as they did to the Chinese, or join with the rest of the world to fight this evil. So don’t give me the stupid statement that out of some altruistic motive Sikhs took up the cause of Britain. It was in the interest of sanity that those evil ideologies were destroyed.

Good, now I'm not about to support your neoNazi ideas any time soon either. Some Muslims are a problem, to make out every single one is.....

A piece of advice Mr Anglo Saxon....do you know where Saxony is? Well get lost back to it and stop complaining about problems your people have created themselves.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
i do my own research thanks. by actually studying a religion, not by studying what extremists have to say about it.

show me this "word" the the verse in the qur'an.

i could care less about the maldives. i won't go there just as i won't go to France, where i'm also prohibited from practicing my religion freely. yes, it's true, in the name of "curbing ialsm", france has made it difficult for Sikhs to wear their turbans in public places. ooh, great, i'm being saved from a huge danger, and can't practice my own religion.

with people like you in the UK, i assume we'll be maltreated there next, as soon as islamophobia goes out of fashion or you manage to scare them all away.

talking to you is pointless so i'm going to stop doing it now. :)

The word is Al-Takiyah
but please do the research so that I am not accused of lying.

Also what a fine human being you are, [i could care less about the maldives.] so the suffering of others is not your concern.
Spoken like a true believer.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England

Personally I have more contact with people outside of my community than those within so, try and get things right before you peddle your National Front views on a Sikh forum. But so you get out of the bubble of your own white supremacist fear bubble. Think that outsiders like Sikhs have come here, with no money, no financial support and little established community and MADE their lives in the face of racism and all the other issues that become apparent when you are new to a country. This they did themselves through hard work and a community spirit. They happily "saddled" the debts and hard work whereas the average working class Anglo-Saxon lazed about and like yourself, moaned about the fact they have to work hard for their future. How are Sikhs able to handle these debts and ********s? Are they super human? No - they are just not bone idle and prepared to work. Also, despite the working class roots they even managed to push large amounts of their children to achieve high educational standards whereas the average blue collar Anglo avoids books like a plague. Looks like your just making excuses for failing. Don't despair, emulate us and your problems may cease.....

Tell that to the chavs who happily live in estates generation after generation. Or communities like the Pakistanis who have large percentage of their population in free council accommodation.

Also why do the white working class fail so badly in the education system, especially FE? Again I point at a culture of little effort. It is a SHAME that people who are English often have worse English language skills than those from abroad...I work in education, I see it all the time.

Maybe you are one of those English people who cannot read their own language? Did you not read that we Sikhs had our own country before your people turned up? The gratitude thing goes both ways. Don't act like foreigners have been allowed in for their own benefit. The key motivator is economics. Work just doesn't get done by the "working" English...so they bring in foreign labour. That is as complex as it is. The greed of your white ruling classes knows no limit...but they have successfully identified the problem with the country i.e. lazy Englishmen and have taken action to keep the money machine running.

We were happy in our land it is your people who felt the need to prance around the globe and displace people

Good, now I'm not about to support your neoNazi ideas any time soon either. Some Muslims are a problem, to make out every single one is.....

A piece of advice Mr Anglo Saxon....do you know where Saxony is? Well get lost back to it and stop complaining about problems your people have created themselves.
So sad that someone so young is so full of misinformation.
Before this mass migration of the last few years, Britain was the 4th wealthiest country! How did we achieve that without all these immigrants?
I know it was you and your community, while the indolent white population sat back and made you do it. Another good story for those signed up to the bleeding heart oppressed and racially down trodden fantasy.
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