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Islam Stop Islamification Of Europe

Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England

Personally I have more contact with people outside of my community than those within so, try and get things right before you peddle your National Front views on a Sikh forum. But so you get out of the bubble of your own white supremacist fear bubble. Think that outsiders like Sikhs have come here, with no money, no financial support and little established community and MADE their lives in the face of racism and all the other issues that become apparent when you are new to a country. This they did themselves through hard work and a community spirit. They happily "saddled" the debts and hard work whereas the average working class Anglo-Saxon lazed about and like yourself, moaned about the fact they have to work hard for their future. How are Sikhs able to handle these debts and ********s? Are they super human? No - they are just not bone idle and prepared to work. Also, despite the working class roots they even managed to push large amounts of their children to achieve high educational standards whereas the average blue collar Anglo avoids books like a plague. Looks like your just making excuses for failing. Don't despair, emulate us and your problems may cease.....

Tell that to the chavs who happily live in estates generation after generation. Or communities like the Pakistanis who have large percentage of their population in free council accommodation.

Also why do the white working class fail so badly in the education system, especially FE? Again I point at a culture of little effort. It is a SHAME that people who are English often have worse English language skills than those from abroad...I work in education, I see it all the time.

Maybe you are one of those English people who cannot read their own language? Did you not read that we Sikhs had our own country before your people turned up? The gratitude thing goes both ways. Don't act like foreigners have been allowed in for their own benefit. The key motivator is economics. Work just doesn't get done by the "working" English...so they bring in foreign labour. That is as complex as it is. The greed of your white ruling classes knows no limit...but they have successfully identified the problem with the country i.e. lazy Englishmen and have taken action to keep the money machine running.

We were happy in our land it is your people who felt the need to prance around the globe and displace people

Good, now I'm not about to support your neoNazi ideas any time soon either. Some Muslims are a problem, to make out every single one is.....

A piece of advice Mr Anglo Saxon....do you know where Saxony is? Well get lost back to it and stop complaining about problems your people have created themselves.

We were happy in our land it is your people who felt the need to prance around the globe and displace people

I think you will find that the British {censored}ed up the partitioning of India when in the last few years they were there, but you, all of you on the Indian subcontinent have had 60 years to put it right!
You still can’t do it among yourselves so how could the British ever hope to have got it right.


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Thecoopes
welcome back friend after long time !

the discusion is going fine unless we start taking things personally
we just disscusing a matter

my views

As on religious ground it is quite obvious that Sikh just cant take stand against Muslims religion for no obvious reason

The Idea that Muslim in majoruty are moderate and if Britian need to treat them with moderation is not wokring well in Britiain as far as my knowledge goes . and yes I believ that if natives didint wake up to the call the UK atleast is going toward Islamification just based the numbers .

I have tried studyig Islam at spirtual level and its same as other religion till we just take into account Good translation of Koran ( and not Ifundamentalist) but there are really very few takers fo such Islam.

I have been in contact with many diffrent muslims from Pakistan , dubai, Saudi arabia ,Iran and India .all of them I met in UK while working there . I have already expressed it before but here again

yes many are moderates and Free thinkes and its difficult to spot a fanatic as far your casual interaction goes BUT there is one peculiar transformation that happen as soon as they together and that at some religious gathering .
they just change into something non moderates and are easily Misguided by these fanatic religious chaps . I dont know what is this the community pressure or the all the misguided Fanatic religious twisted Islam that is taught all of them, that make them vulnerable to turn fanatic as soon as tjhey reach majoruty or otherwise in good numbers .

I dont really know what is right or wrong seriously but this is what I ahve experienced in my interaction and also I hardly interacted with British born Muslims and also the best and and most free thinkers I met in ISLAM were SHIA Muslims and that also from Iran it might look strange to some buddy but the reason is they have suffered most in the hand of fundamentalist Islam thats the reason

Jatinder Singh


Jun 12, 2006
So sad that someone so young is so full of misinformation.
Before this mass migration of the last few years, Britain was the 4th wealthiest country! How did we achieve that without all these immigrants?

Because you went to their countries and robbed them blind. Are you really that simple?


Jun 12, 2006
We were happy in our land it is your people who felt the need to prance around the globe and displace people

I think you will find that the British {censored}ed up the partitioning of India when in the last few years they were there, but you, all of you on the Indian subcontinent have had 60 years to put it right!
You still can’t do it among yourselves so how could the British ever hope to have got it right.

Maybe if you didn't stick your nose in the first place there would be no problem to rectify? Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus were finally getting on fine under Sikhs before white man turned up.

You are in a culture of denial. Denial that the actions of the British can ever be oppressive, insidiously minded and geared towards the benefit of the whites at the expense of other races, their lands and resources.

Ever heard of the scheming "divide and conquer" philosophy of the British? Maybe we are seeing the long term results of this.

Wake up and see reality.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Maybe if you didn't stick your nose in the first place there would be no problem to rectify? Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus were finally getting on fine under Sikhs before white man turned up.

You are in a culture of denial. Denial that the actions of the British can ever be oppressive, insidiously minded and geared towards the benefit of the whites at the expense of other races, their lands and resources.

Ever heard of the scheming "divide and conquer" philosophy of the British? Maybe we are seeing the long term results of this.

Wake up and see reality.
Hi, you obviously have a jaundiced, and selective view of history. As for the problem of Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus not getting on together being the fault of the British I really think you have become totally deluded and are suffering from some sort of myopia.

Here in Britain as the rest of the world you have all partitioned yourselves into Hindu area’s Muslim area’s Sikh and so on. If you really believe that there is true bon ami between yourselves and Muslims then why not live among them? The reason as you very well know is, that you are an infidel, plain and simple, an unbeliever!
Please come down of your cross the smell of burning martyr is becoming unbearable.

O, and by the way if you are truly working hard for Britain how is it you have so much time to waste on this site?

O, my excuse? Well as you said we are all lazy B...st..ard’s
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Dear Thecoopes
welcome back friend after long time !

the discusion is going fine unless we start taking things personally
we just disscusing a matter

my views

As on religious ground it is quite obvious that Sikh just cant take stand against Muslims religion for no obvious reason

The Idea that Muslim in majoruty are moderate and if Britian need to treat them with moderation is not wokring well in Britiain as far as my knowledge goes . and yes I believ that if natives didint wake up to the call the UK atleast is going toward Islamification just based the numbers .

I have tried studyig Islam at spirtual level and its same as other religion till we just take into account Good translation of Koran ( and not Ifundamentalist) but there are really very few takers fo such Islam.

I have been in contact with many diffrent muslims from Pakistan , dubai, Saudi arabia ,Iran and India .all of them I met in UK while working there . I have already expressed it before but here again

yes many are moderates and Free thinkes and its difficult to spot a fanatic as far your casual interaction goes BUT there is one peculiar transformation that happen as soon as they together and that at some religious gathering .
they just change into something non moderates and are easily Misguided by these fanatic religious chaps . I dont know what is this the community pressure or the all the misguided Fanatic religious twisted Islam that is taught all of them, that make them vulnerable to turn fanatic as soon as tjhey reach majoruty or otherwise in good numbers .

I dont really know what is right or wrong seriously but this is what I ahve experienced in my interaction and also I hardly interacted with British born Muslims and also the best and and most free thinkers I met in ISLAM were SHIA Muslims and that also from Iran it might look strange to some buddy but the reason is they have suffered most in the hand of fundamentalist Islam thats the reason

Jatinder Singh
Hi, jatinder, I trust you are well. Please don't view my rant with dalsingh as a change in my views. I enjoy a bit of bear baiting from time to time and he is good value for money.

I am at the moment still searching, but as I believe I have said in the past we must each of us answer for our own conduct as an individual, so hiding behind an organised religious front and allowing others to think for us is fallacious.
NB: I don’t know if I had said this before but I went to my local Gurdwara it was very interesting and hospitable.

Best wishes :)

John c


Sep 16, 2004
Hi, jatinder, I trust you are well. Please don't view my rant with dalsingh as a change in my views. I enjoy a bit of bear baiting from time to time and he is good value for money.

I am at the moment still searching, but as I believe I have said in the past we must each of us answer for our own conduct as an individual, so hiding behind an organised religious front and allowing others to think for us is fallacious.
NB: I don’t know if I had said this before but I went to my local Gurdwara it was very interesting and hospitable.

Best wishes

John c

Hi John !

Thanks for your post
I also hope you are doing good!
and I understand your position here while debating so dont worry and in the process many people are geting their direction and new ideas so carry on .
Yes I am happy everything went pleasant on your visit to local gurdwara

take care

Jatinder Singh
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Hi John !

Thanks for your post
I also hope you are doing good!
and I understand your position here while debating so dont worry and in the process many people are geting their direction and new ideas so carry on .
Yes I am happy everything went pleasant on your visit to local gurdwara

take care

Jatinder Singh
Have you had a new arrival? Is the baby in the picture yours? :up:
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Maybe if you didn't stick your nose in the first place there would be no problem to rectify? Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus were finally getting on fine under Sikhs before white man turned up.

You are in a culture of denial. Denial that the actions of the British can ever be oppressive, insidiously minded and geared towards the benefit of the whites at the expense of other races, their lands and resources.

Ever heard of the scheming "divide and conquer" philosophy of the British? Maybe we are seeing the long term results of this.

Wake up and see reality.

The sword in Sikhism.

Now before those Bl**dy British came along and upset the balance of peace in India, who was Guru Gobind Singh ji worried about that he needed a sword? After all the B***dy British were away fighting other poor peoples?

Guru Gobind Singh Sahib called it Durga or Bhagwati and praises it thus :

Sword that smites in a flash,
That scatters the armies of the wicked
In the great battle-field,
0 symbol of the brave.
Your arm is irresistible, your brightness shines forth
The splendour of the black dazzles like the sun.
Sword, you are the scourge of saints,
You are the scourge of the wicked ;
Scatterer of sinners, I take refuge with you.
Hail to the Creator. Saviour and sustainer,
Hail to you : Sword supreme !


Jun 12, 2006
The sword in Sikhism.

Now before those Bl**dy British came along and upset the balance of peace in India, who was Guru Gobind Singh ji worried about that he needed a sword? After all the B***dy British were away fighting other poor peoples?

Guru Gobind Singh Sahib called it Durga or Bhagwati and praises it thus :

Sword that smites in a flash,
That scatters the armies of the wicked
In the great battle-field,
0 symbol of the brave.
Your arm is irresistible, your brightness shines forth
The splendour of the black dazzles like the sun.
Sword, you are the scourge of saints,
You are the scourge of the wicked ;
Scatterer of sinners, I take refuge with you.
Hail to the Creator. Saviour and sustainer,
Hail to you : Sword supreme !

My point was that by 100 years of the formation of the Khalsa, Singhs had resolved the "Muslim" threat and integrated the Muslims of Panjab. This was done under Maharajah Ranjit Singh.

It was only the stupid ideas of proportional representation introduced by the British that stimulated many Muslims of Panjab to want their own country, an idea hitherto never thought of by Muslims in the Panjab. Plus you don't explain why the British have felt so strongly compelled to prance around the globe and impose their rule....isn't this exactly the same thing you are complaining that the Muslims are doing?

All in all, the subversion of the Khalsa military by the British, is directly what has led to loss of much Sikh life at partition and later in 1984 as Sikhs had no strong military to defend themselves having to resort to militia type action as the British were too busy running away from their responsibilities. Today Tony Blair resurrected this colonial type behaviour by invading Iraq. I think we Sikhs need as much protection from such stupid destructive Anglo-Saxon "adventurism" as we do Islamists.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
My point was that by 100 years of the formation of the Khalsa, Singhs had resolved the "Muslim" threat and integrated the Muslims of Panjab. This was done under Maharajah Ranjit Singh.

It was only the stupid ideas of proportional representation introduced by the British that stimulated many Muslims of Panjab to want their own country, an idea hitherto never thought of by Muslims in the Panjab. Plus you don't explain why the British have felt so strongly compelled to prance around the globe and impose their rule....isn't this exactly the same thing you are complaining that the Muslims are doing?

All in all, the subversion of the Khalsa military by the British, is directly what has led to loss of much Sikh life at partition and later in 1984 as Sikhs had no strong military to defend themselves having to resort to militia type action as the British were too busy running away from their responsibilities. Today Tony Blair resurrected this colonial type behaviour by invading Iraq. I think we Sikhs need as much protection from such stupid destructive Anglo-Saxon "adventurism" as we do Islamists.
Hindsight has perfect vision and judging history from our 21st century we will always see our human failings.

Nations come and go, man injures man, corruption and evil appear to be evenly spread throughout this world with no one nation possessing either total evil or a surfeit of goodness.

Many civilisations from the dawn of time choose a path of empire building, Britain was no different than the rest of them other than her empire building aspirations came at a time when the industrial age allowed it to be done on a bigger scale.

But to sit back ensconced in what was once the hub of this vast empire and with the benefit of hindsight just rattle out a diatribe of every action that those who carried them out got wrong is I am afraid just pointless.

I am sure that had those that were the architects of partition been able to sit where you are sitting today and see the problems caused, would have done it better.

But hey, that’s life we get one shot at it and good or bad right or wrong we are stuck with it.

Here is just one benefit the British left behind in India. The English language, the language of commerce, science, Aviation, etc the language that is now helping to propel India into the 21st century as a major developing economy.

I am sure if you stop dwelling on just the negative you will be able to see many other benefits left by Britain around the world.
Man is destined to injure man until the worlds end, nothing will change all are sinners and fall short of Gods glory.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
havent been that lucky yet !

Infact I am still single::cool:::}8-:
I am so envious, ah yes I remember what it was like to be single, freedom, fun, but if God meant us to remain happy all our lives he wouldn’t have arrange for marriage to spoil it.

Remember “A man needs a woman like a fish needs a motorbike”

Keep well stay single have fun..
Best wishes:ice:


Jun 12, 2006
Hindsight has perfect vision and judging history from our 21st century we will always see our human failings.

Nations come and go, man injures man, corruption and evil appear to be evenly spread throughout this world with no one nation possessing either total evil or a surfeit of goodness.

Many civilisations from the dawn of time choose a path of empire building, Britain was no different than the rest of them other than her empire building aspirations came at a time when the industrial age allowed it to be done on a bigger scale.

But to sit back ensconced in what was once the hub of this vast empire and with the benefit of hindsight just rattle out a diatribe of every action that those who carried them out got wrong is I am afraid just pointless.

I am sure that had those that were the architects of partition been able to sit where you are sitting today and see the problems caused, would have done it better.

But hey, that’s life we get one shot at it and good or bad right or wrong we are stuck with it.

Here is just one benefit the British left behind in India. The English language, the language of commerce, science, Aviation, etc the language that is now helping to propel India into the 21st century as a major developing economy.

I am sure if you stop dwelling on just the negative you will be able to see many other benefits left by Britain around the world.
Man is destined to injure man until the worlds end, nothing will change all are sinners and fall short of Gods glory.

I have to say, it is not as easy to be so philosophical about the matter when 100's of thousands of your own people have died as a result of these decisions. You obviously still have old colonial type views. I still say freedom is more important than technological advancement.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
I have read up on the events surrounding the partitioning of India, while Britain was to blame for bad judgement in partitioning India it is totally absurd to claim that the sorry state of Sikh, Muslim, and Hindu relationships throughout the remaining 20th century can be laid solely at the door of Britain.
July the 1st 1916 saw 50,000 British casualties on the first day of the Somme battle; by the end of the war the Somme alone hade claimed 500,000 British casualties.
B l o o d y Germans, 21 years later they started the second world war which resulted in more death and mayhem. I can sit and blame Germany for the shape of Europe today, it is because of them and their stupid mistakes we have this evil EU, shall we both then sit together you can moan about the British and I can moan about the Germans?

This whole world is full of corrupt and evil men – women, governments, organisations, and world powers of darkness. We are in an eternal struggle with this evil!
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Dalsingh, how fortunate you are, with Sikhism you have one of the most noble religions, while no one is perfect and that includes Sikhs, the Sikh religion has by and large managed to balance the necessary belief of correct worship with respect for the rights of others to find their own understanding of God and observe it in their own way.

In this world few people manage to do this let alone a whole religious ethos.

Sikhs have not only taught this as an academic principle to live by but have actually died because of practicing it! (Sikh Gurus were martyred because they opposed the persecution on non-Islamic religious communities.)

Spread Sikh truth through your personal conduct, the world is richer for it. The Bible says .. “ No greater love has anyone than he who lays down his life for a friend. “ Few people in this selfish world would do this; fewer still would do it for people in general, Guru Teg Bahadur was one of these.
Imagine a world of men like him?

Best wishes.



Jun 12, 2006
I would never claim that Sikhs are any more perfect than God's other creations but from where I'm standing Sikhs are in a hard place right now, geographically and politically.

I guess we can do nothing other than keep optimistic and prepare for eventualities.
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