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Islam Stop Islamification Of Europe


Jun 12, 2006
isn't it interesting that nearly every country in the mideast/asia that is experiencing problems today was once a british colony, or under british rule? :)

and sadly, the american gov't seems to be following exactly in britain's footsteps today.

does no one learn from the past?

And don't forget those states in Africa that were carved up either.

The British find it easy to create these long term messes and walk innocently away as if it was nothing to do with them......

The cheek...if you saw recent programs by the BBC on the partition of India and how they point fingers everywhere (especially in the Sikh direction), and act blameless in this all.....it would make you physically sick.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
When we said for you to stand against this it was based on the fact that you as a religion and people have chosen to live in the West namely Briton to enjoy our freedoms and everything else we give you. You must have total contempt to answer as you do so why is it you as a people move to our countries? Also as an Englishman me personally have not colonised anyone, if you mean our governments then we are all shafted by them and your government is no less corrupt than any other.

As to sins of the past how far do you want to go back, just convenient enough to be comfortable for Sikhs? You speak as if you are a nation of saints in a world of wicked Anglo Saxons. Sorry mother Teresa I was unaware who I was speaking with!

As for not seeing the similarities with India and Europe I suppose that is very convenient when it doesn’t affect you.

To say something as crass as every country experiencing problems today was once a colony under British rule and suggesting a spurious link is just a tad naive.

You have had over 60 years to sort your problems out how much longer do you think you will need before you stop blaming Britain?

Is this going to be the stuff of legend and myth to hand down to successive Sikh generations as reasons for why things are as they are, so that when anything goes wrong you can always blame the British, just like the Arabs always blame the Jews.

Keep it up then you will never have to face the reality of your own actions.


Apr 3, 2005
I agree with coopes even before the britishers india had truck load of problems.so only blaming britishers is not right

Also mr.coopes The biggest blunder britishers did was they packed their bags too rapidly
from indian subcontinent and hurridly partioned india leaving truck loads of disputes which are still not solved.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
What you fail to understand or choose not to understand is the majority of what the world has as benefits is because of the British. When Britain left the African continent and handed back all the colonies they were rich going concerns, it didn’t take long before they turned into dung heaps. No not because of Britain but because of the greed and failings of the inhabitants.

But hey why let reality get in the way of excuses, Just think Britain a tiny Island of a few million people did all this to the world of Billions.

Everyone else on this planet failed because of Britain, see I’m getting the hang of this blame culture, it’s great when you can unload all your failings on another. ****** British.

I feel so much better now knowing the truth as seen through your eyes..

O wait my wife has just told me the British were to blame for the Muslims burning down here grandmothers house and slaughtering her relatives. Now look what you have started!


Jun 12, 2006
"When we said for you to stand against this it was based on the fact that you as a religion and people have chosen to live in the West namely Briton to enjoy our freedoms and everything else we give you."

Like racism doesn't exist here and we are treated perfectly equal, what la la land are you living in? Sikhs are a hard working race and this has paid our way here and elsewhere in the world. Take the disproportionate taxes Sikhs pay here in the UK and put a few more illiterate chavs in an estate...or better still finance a war instead of putting it towards hospitals, decent schools..or something else actually worthwhile that may help Sikhs. Then make negative documentaries about us and play these on prime time TV.

You must have total contempt to answer as you do so why is it you as a people move to our countries?

Maybe if you people could speak up for Khalistan a bit more instead of running around trying to suppress Arabs and steal their oil I could go back? You made a mess of a beautiful kingdom where Sikhs would have been happy, so why complain when they come here to work harder than an English man could and would? That is the true reason so many foreigners are here - the English don't want to do the work themselves so they are importing labour.

Also as an Englishman me personally have not colonised anyone, if you mean our governments then we are all shafted by them and your government is no less corrupt than any other."

We don't have our own government any more...any ideas why?

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]James Dalhousie, the new British governor general of India wrote: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica] "The task before me is the utter destruction and prostration of the Sikh power, the subversion of its dynasty, and the subjection of its people. This must be done promptly, fully and finally."

Ugly home truths
Apr 4, 2007
What you fail to understand or choose not to understand is the majority of what the world has as benefits is because of the British. When Britain left the African continent and handed back all the colonies they were rich going concerns, it didn’t take long before they turned into dung heaps. No not because of Britain but because of the greed and failings of the inhabitants.

But hey why let reality get in the way of excuses, Just think Britain a tiny Island of a few million people did all this to the world of Billions.

Everyone else on this planet failed because of Britain, see I’m getting the hang of this blame culture, it’s great when you can unload all your failings on another. ****** British.

I feel so much better now knowing the truth as seen through your eyes..

O wait my wife has just told me the British were to blame for the Muslims burning down here grandmothers house and slaughtering her relatives. Now look what you have started!

lol... now maybe you can see how obsurd your sweeping generalizations about muslims are. are you capable of turning that critical eye on yourself? :)

you're easily angered if others criticize your country, yet you have no problem writing off an entire religion for the actions of a few...

this is what we call "hypocracy".


Jun 12, 2006
In an excellent book written by Jeremy Paxman (a top political presenter in the UK) who explored his own Englishness, one of the key characteristics of his own race he records is a "extraordinary capacity for hypocrisy"

Maybe that is what we are seeing?
Apr 11, 2007
Islam is not a reasoning religion if it was why was sikhism started? Look at the world from any side and it will always be hard to find someone on your side. Thats why people turn to god. God is always on your side. Same Way no one in this world will ever be on your side in life, they will to a degree but everyone is there own person and goes there own way in the end. The closiest person you can get to in life is a partner and yet even they will not be on your side all the time. If they were why do couples argue, this is why this world is false. Sikhism teaches to live with a pure mind body and soul. Wether it be an englishman or muslim whatever. People that think like this can never fit into the sikh way of life as neither is pure. If the english mans thoughts were pure then he would be a sikh if the muslim mans heart was pure then he would be a sikh. Its games all play to act pure= truth, but purity exsits in truth and that always comes out. I follow purity God. Who's world is it anyway? We all die!! I thought god owned it. Take a stand on oppresion bullies. Not on conquestes. Many have come many will go. The reason of life,will they ever really know? Be pure of the mind body and soul to all! I believe in the end nothing will matter. he world has changed will always change. Live in it flow with it just dont get serious with it. It doesnt last. Concerntrate on something that does. Truth=purity=ultimate purity god:rofl:


Jun 12, 2006
Islam is not a reasoning religion if it was why was sikhism started? Look at the world from any side and it will always be hard to find someone on your side. Thats why people turn to god. God is always on your side. Same Way no one in this world will ever be on your side in life its the main reason why this world is false. Sikhism teaches to live with a pure mind body and soul. Wether it be an englishman or muslim whatever. People that think like this can never fit into the sikh way of life as neither is pure. If the english mans thoughts were pure then he would be a sikh if the muslim mans heart was pure then he would be a sikh. Its games all play to act pure= truth, but purity exsits in truth and that always comes out. I follow purity God. Who's world is it anyway? We all die!! I thought god owned it. Take a stand on oppresion bullies. Not on conquestes. Many have come many will go. The reason of life,will they ever really know? Be pure of the mind body and soul to all!

your opening statement seems to imply that Sikhism was started as a reaction to Islamic oppression. I think there is much more to it than that!! Yes it did confront and defeat Islamic oppression in the Punjab but it had a spiritual history before this.
Apr 4, 2007
Islam is not a reasoning religion if it was why was sikhism started?

i was under the impression that sikhism exists not to correct a "fault" in other religions, but to correct the faults of the followers.

Guru Sahib never criticized any religion. Guru Sahib criticized the superstitions, the useless rituals, and the people who were blindly following them.

if i have missed some critical Gurbani which tells that Islam is bad, please point it out to me, i'm new to the faith so i have a lot to learn. :)
Apr 4, 2007
"Take the disproportionate taxes Sikhs pay here in the UK"
Now that is really taking the victim status just a little too far, you pay the same tax, O wait no you don’t you pay a special Sikh rate. LOL

considering that Sikhs are disproportionately more wealthy than other groups in the UK, i would assume that they do pay more taxes. or are you saying that everyone pays a flat fee or something? isn't it based on income?
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
lol... now maybe you can see how obsurd your sweeping generalizations about muslims are. are you capable of turning that critical eye on yourself? :)

you're easily angered if others criticize your country, yet you have no problem writing off an entire religion for the actions of a few...

this is what we call "hypocracy".
I think you are labouring under a misconception now that you have become a Sikh, you believe in tolerance and looking for the good in others.

You need to widen your understanding about Islam, this is not a generalization but a fact.
Islam sees you as an infidel, an unbeliever you have no more value in their eyes than the hated *** or Christian. Those insane statements made by Muslims… “ Islam is the future for Britain” “Islam will rule the world” “Behead those that insult Islam” “Kill Jews and Christians”.
This is not the random ranting of a few extremists; this is the belief system that is being indoctrinated into Muslims worldwide, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Islam does not allow for moderation Islam is elitist and uncompromising, Islam does not allow for free thinking and questioning. To Muslims tolerance is an anathema, and free thought is dangerous, they do not believe there are two sides to this argument, to them there is just their one and the wrong one!
Apr 11, 2007
Kelly kaur you are right. Yet if a religion teaches you to pray 5 times a day yet have no meaning in the prayer as a ritual whats the point in that. How can a person say I believe in god but you dont because you are you and I am me. It is a well known fact that its how things are being preached within the muslim faith. Which happens alot in all organized religions I believe in god not religion. As god made men to follow a path on life. Life is a journey everyones is different the path is to be pure. There is no one way ticket to god. It comes from within. Otherwise I would be any religion if it truely brought me closer to god. Hinduism avid rituals, things people do yet no concept of the truth. Sikhism teaches of truth. Not of you take this you do that and now you are pure.. Men that follow that in sikhism are not true sikhs either. How can you cal a man that has the 5 ks taken amrith yet thinks evil thoughts a man of god. There is good and bad in all men just some try and control themselves others dont. Go within mind be pure. Then bring that out. A pure body.
I dont do quotes from sggs as I feel manymen can use many words from it to try and validate many arguments as the book is so complex. I try to apply waheguru the ultimate teacher. lol


Jun 12, 2006
"Take the disproportionate taxes Sikhs pay here in the UK"
Now that is really taking the victim status just a little too far, you pay the same tax, O wait no you don’t you pay a special Sikh rate. LOL

No - Your people are experts in seeing bogeymen everywhere. It's the St. George + Dragon complex.....stop seeing other races as scary dragons that need slaying. Sikhs are not victims, they are too self confident for that. Some do however try and obtain justice.

BTW I'm talking irrefutable historical facts here. The British have shafted enough people in the world, and largely steal the resources from these "conquered places" ...but keep lying to yourself.....your people gallivanted across the globe for purely philanthropist purposes I guess? You are in no position to complain about Islamification because your people would do the same nonsense yourself given half a chance.

And if you don't understand what I'm saying about disproportionate taxes, I'm talking about the fact that Sikhs do not sponge of the state in large numbers unlike some and generally work hard. So as a community they contribute heavily...only to see their money squandered by insane, greedy warmongering English men who probably have delusions about re-establishing their great empire. Up and at those darkies Johnny!
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
considering that Sikhs are disproportionately more wealthy than other groups in the UK, i would assume that they do pay more taxes. or are you saying that everyone pays a flat fee or something? isn't it based on income?
Each person pays according to their income, and no Sikhs are not disproportionately more wealthy, just visit Southall. As for the ludicrous myth propagated by our friend and this out of touch Labour government so as to justify mass migration, the British don’t want to work myth is just that.
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