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What Is God?


Dec 3, 2011

Asking for a list of wants and desires is what most think an ardas is!!!!

All one should ask for is strength and grace and maybe guidance to making the right choices!- Nothing more..

It is quite sad as when I hear the list sometimes it makes me feel bad and guilty for the sake of the other person asking. Maybe I feel sorry for their greedy approach or just sorry that they are giving out the wrong message.


Dec 3, 2011
The title of this thread is ''What Is God?''

In simple terms, I would say God stands for the same thing that all people live for.
God also stands for the same thing that people would die for.

That thing that God stands for is no other than, ''LOVE''

God is Love and Love is God.


Apr 16, 2007
The title of this thread is ''What Is God?''

In simple terms, I would say God stands for the same thing that all people live for.
God also stands for the same thing that people would die for.

That thing that God stands for is no other than, ''LOVE''

God is Love and Love is God.

So you are saying Guru Nanak Sahib ji is describing 'Love' in those nine words of Mool Mantar?
But 'love' is an emotion, how does love fit into characteristics of Karta Purakh, Ajuni or Saibhan?


Dec 3, 2011
So you are saying Guru Nanak Sahib ji is describing 'Love' in those nine words of Mool Mantar?

That's taking it out of context.
I am not saying that the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a book of love!!
The ''love'' i am referring to is more than just a feeling.

Every act of God for us mankind is all about love.
If you feel the presence of God throughout creation, then you will feel the presence of love.- Do you see what I'm saying??


Apr 16, 2007
That's taking it out of context.
I am not saying that the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a book of love!!
The ''love'' i am referring to is more than just a feeling.

Every act of God for us mankind is all about love.
If you feel the presence of God throughout creation, then you will feel the presence of love.- Do you see what I'm saying??

Yes sir, I do see what you are saying and where you are coming from. But that was not my question in OP.


Dec 3, 2011
So you are saying Guru Nanak Sahib ji is describing 'Love' in those nine words of Mool Mantar?
But 'love' is an emotion, how does love fit into characteristics of Karta Purakh, Ajuni or Saibhan?

A quick suggestion here-

Karta purakh -is that he is the doer and creator of all.
When he created or creates, there is nothing but love. All is done with love.

Ajuni is unborn and beyond birth and death..etc..
Love is also without boundaries and exists 'beyond'

Saibhang is to describe the self existence, that God is One and himself, no one can break him or extinguish as he is One himself and exists in his self.
Love is also one entity that exists by itself. Nothing can be as pure as the truth and as pure as love in the truth.

Note- the LOVE we are talking about is the LOVE within and from the Truth and not always the love sometimes described in this world which can be part of the maya illusion.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
my own interpretation of Mool Mantra would be as follows, I am not sure if this answers your question, but it is what Mool Mantra means to me

One creator present as one essence everywhere, whose name is the truth, architect of the universe, who has no fear, and no animosity, eternally consistent, eternally present, who is able to give direction, embrace these concepts and apply them, this essence entered into you at birth, remains with you your entire life, and is inside you as long as you exist, on death, this essence lives on, being shared with everything you have interacted with, either physically, emotionally and mentally.

Treat all life as you would treat yourself, be truthful and honest in all interaction, in this spirit of equality and honesty, plant your seeds, both in action, thought, and voice, to rid yourself of fear and animosity, but always be true to the part of Creator you have connected with already, have faith and trust that part of you, listen to it, it will never change, it cannot be swayed, it is the truth, apply these concepts to your life, plan your day with these concepts in mind, review your day by these concepts, remember this essence entered into you at birth, remains with you your entire life, and is inside you as long as you exist, on death, this essence lives on, being shared with everything you have interacted with, either physically, emotionally and mentally.

Although Luckyji has mentioned Love, I think there is a word that supersedes this, and that word is Truth, the very name of God, therefore God is the eternal Truth, not the convenient truth that one day hangs people, and the next day raises monuments to them, but the eternal truth, years ago, slavery was accepted, today it is frowned upon, then it was true, now it is false, all depending on culture, public opinion, etc etc, but the eternal truth rises above this, even now, some truths we accept, in future times, we will prove to be false, the truth does not change, it is always true, you just need the right lenses to see what is true and what is false.

The eternal truth, coupled with love is a hearty combination, it can conquer anything!
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Dec 3, 2011
Well said Harryji

I think I've come to the same conclusion herewinkingmunda
As you have mentioned above- ''The eternal truth, coupled with love is a hearty combination, it can conquer anything!''

I would say that it is the Love from or within the 'Truth' that describes God.
Love and truth go together hand in hand.

Pure love and the pure truth = God
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Nov 14, 2004
Harry ji,

Treat all life as you would treat yourself,

Would this imply for example, that you do not kill or hurt because you don't like to be killed and hurt? That you forgive anyone for any transgression because like you, everyone makes mistakes and would like to be given a second, third, fourth and fifth chance? And given that you say:

“this essence entered into you at birth, remains with you your entire life, and is inside you as long as you exist, on death,”

Does this mean for example, that if you verbally, physically or even mentally hurt any living being, that in essence you are hurting and abusing God? That any identification and therefore division created, such as that “they are Muslims and we are Sikhs”, this is akin to not showing respect to God?


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Try to understand A Perfect Vibrating Wave of A Divine Element.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji everything is perfect whether we give it a name or a characterization with our limitations of it to be a wave, etc.

Lions Kill Giraffe - real attack - YouTube

Define the wave in the above and you have discovered the undiscovered!

Let us think:

  • Did the lions/lionesses sense a wave
  • Did the Giraffe give out a wave
  • Was their mutual understanding per wave theory that Giraffe to die so that Lions could eat
  • etc.
It all is. Isn't it! Innate and unexplained and the more we dig the less becomes known!

By the way we may think the video and cruelty as disgusting, the trees did not shed a tear or did they :dunno:. Trees perhaps happy that no more Giraffe to devour/kill them.

Is killing and dying human concept as most creation lets it to be! The following video,

Hurricane Wilma Video - Miami Beach, Florida - YouTube
The bottomline in all this is that more one wants to encapsulate, tries to define God/creator, etc., the further they remove themselves from Sikhism and Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Most fundamental of all teaching in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the teaching that the Creator cannot be defined and one should not try to define. The more you say the less has been said and forever more would need to be said.

It is totally another matter and more practical living objective espoused in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to be with all of creation as one to the best you can be.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry ji,

Would this imply for example, that you do not kill or hurt because you don't like to be killed and hurt? That you forgive anyone for any transgression because like you, everyone makes mistakes and would like to be given a second, third, fourth and fifth chance? And given that you say:

“this essence entered into you at birth, remains with you your entire life, and is inside you as long as you exist, on death,”

Does this mean for example, that if you verbally, physically or even mentally hurt any living being, that in essence you are hurting and abusing God? That any identification and therefore division created, such as that “they are Muslims and we are Sikhs”, this is akin to not showing respect to God?

yes, I guess it does
Aug 28, 2010
It is very surprising to know that
"Most fundamental of all teaching in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the teaching that the Creator cannot be defined and one should not try to define

This means that CREATOR is not defined in SGGS . If someone feels so then such one is totally doubting the real knowledge about CREATOR in SGGS .

One ie required to accept the definition of CREATOR as being reflected in a Quote from
Baanee Sukhmani as

"Prabhu Abnaasee Ekankaaru"..............How any Gursikh can overlook this definition
of Creator from SGGS .



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Prakash.s.bagga ji thanks for your post
One ie required to accept the definition of CREATOR as being reflected in a Quote from
Baanee Sukhmani as

"Prabhu Abnaasee Ekankaaru"..............How any Gursikh can overlook this definition
of Creator from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji .

There are many references to the creator. Such are some qualities identified by Guru ji's and others in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The one you refer to is not the only one.

Recognizing all that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji postulates the infinite one, fools will take one "Pangati", a small excerpt/cutting and mold it to their thinking to define the infinite in detail. Just as you have translated the stuff earlier in this thread to some type of wave of your imagination that only you know what it is.

Such is not what is espoused in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The issue with such lines of thoughts as yours is that it demands of you to be the master to describe more and this is how Babey/Shabey are created who somehow start claiming to know the infinite creator and ways to reach or influence such. Let me know where the wave is described in your chosen three words and quoted above as
"Prabhu Abnaasee Ekankaaru". All I can notice is the traps and misguidance and mis-direction whether intentional or out of ignorance of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Dec 3, 2011
Try to understand A Perfect Vibrating Wave of A Divine Element.


I understand this interpretation and it is interesting.- the perfec vibration within everything.

However, I feel that if describing a wave as in scientific terms, then the God wave would not have any peaks or troughs. It would be a vibration that is 'constant' or one continuous frequency line without the waves.


It is an interesting thread with lots of varied inputs.
I don't see why there should be any problem with everyone of us having a personal image or description of God, that makes it easier to relate to.
Aug 28, 2010
Dear Ambasaria ji,
Refering to your message as
There are many references to the creator. Such are some qualities identified by Guru ji's and others in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The one you refer to is not the only one

I do agree that the one I refer is not the only one reference for the CREATOR but what I refer is certainly the ULTIMATE ONE which is accepted by GuRu Nanak Dev ji .
And all other references are for this ULTIMATE ONE only.
You may pl give a thought to a Quote as
"Nanak ka Prabh Poor Raheo Hae ,Jat Kat Tat Gosaain"

With regards



Apr 16, 2007
Most fundamental of all teaching in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the teaching that the Creator cannot be defined and one should not try to define. The more you say the less has been said and forever more would need to be said.

It is totally another matter and more practical living objective espoused in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to be with all of creation as one to the best you can be.

Sat Sri Akal.

Thank you :happymunda:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Dear Ambasaria ji,
Refering to your message as
There are many references to the creator. Such are some qualities identified by Guru ji's and others in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The one you refer to is not the only one

I do agree that the one I refer is not the only one reference for the CREATOR but what I refer is certainly the ULTIMATE ONE which is accepted by GuRu Nanak Dev ji .
And all other references are for this ULTIMATE ONE only.
You may pl give a thought to a Quote as
"Nanak ka Prabh Poor Raheo Hae ,Jat Kat Tat Gosaain"

With regards

Prakash.s.bagga ji stop quoting single pangtis/lines. Worst of all, please also stop assigning Guru ji's names to your interpretations based on such single lines. SGGS is one and only fortunate ones get to understand and see it as one versus mis-quoting and mis-directing with single lines and words. I don't profess to be the fortunate one who understands all of SGGS but we all attempt to learn more over time.

I bring to your attention again, the worst way of sharing meanings of SGGS (single lines, single words, etc.) and very disrespectful and additionally against TOS of SPN. I believe you know this very well from much such previous dialog in many threads.

Quote complete shabads with your understanding and we can dialog. I am sure others will participate if they so choose too.

Sat Sri Akal.


Aug 28, 2012
Waheguru Ji,

Please help me understand what Guru ji is describing in mool mantar(mangla-charan)

Characteristics of God given by Guru Nanak Sahib in mool mantar :

Ik Onkar : God is only one and is infinite

Satnaam : His/Her (genderless) existence is true

Karta Purakh : He is the creator of the universe and he resides in everything

Nirbhu : He has no fear

Nirvair : He has no hatred

Akal murat : His existence cannot be destroyed

Ajuni : He does not reincarnate or born in human form or in any species

Saibhan : He came into existence by himself.

Gur Parsad : He can only be realized by guru’s grace.

I am trying to wrap my head around what Guru Nanak Sahib is describing here. Is it some sort of super being? Or some sort of energy? Or is it simply ‘the nature’? What are your thoughts?

Bhul Chuk di Kheema

You are sounding like a person who has reached his destination and asking others where he is. You have correctly understood the Mool Mantra. It is sufficient to know about God in a gist. Nothing more can be said about God by us the mortals. We are born at his command and die at the time fixed for us to shed this body after doing our deeds, good or bad, traversing through several lives to reach God and merge with Him.
Aug 28, 2010
In the begining there was "WORD".The word was with GOD of THE WORD is GOD.
This is so stated in the western philosophy of Christinity.

The whole existence in the begining be known thru a SINGLE WORD "SABADu" as

so in context of Gurbanee GuROO and GOD are same.GuROO and GOD both are refernces for a SINGLE WORD (SABADu)

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