I felt it was the wrong place to debate with you on the subject in the 'introducing myself' thread. This is for new forum members to be welcomed, not to witness petty arguments between existing members.
After giving the matter some thought, I am at a loss to explain two things, firstly how the note ended up in Gianijis joora, but more importantly, why on earth someone with such powers would waste their time in a market place doing such things in the first place. There are people dying, wars being made, starvation, famine, why then would someone of such 'magic' be wasting time acting as a freak show?
I have no enimity with your goodself, however, if you wish to put yourself on a pedestal, and rant and rave as to who should be excommunicated and who should not, and then give misleading information to others, in some cases without even checking first, then someone has a duty to point out that your view is your view only, not the Sikh view. This equally applies to me, my view is my view.
I do not wish to cause you any stress or anger, especially at your age, in fact, I have had an earful from my wife on the subject, and I apologise for taunting you about the imps. I am afraid I am a child at heart, so, ok, no more imp jokes.
However, if it takes my opinion to balance yours, I will continue to do so
Regards and best wishes