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What Is God?


Dec 3, 2011
Luckysingh ji I respect your great contributions. However we need to take stock sometimes if we are too adrift of what Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches us about the undefineable infinite creation/creator. One comment in reference to below,What makes you or me an expert on the rules of creator/creation to such a degree of definitiveness? Why couldn't the "imbalances' and "interruptions" we view as deviations instead not be the rules by design of the creator or creation.

We keep constantly falling into the trap that we are going to define creator and all creation. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji keeps warning us to not waste time on it. Why such a simple instruction or advice of our Guru ji's so hard to understand?

When we make global or God/creator like conjectures about waves and all that I believe we need to humbly step back and take stock of our self esteem and egos in relation to the vastness of creator and creation.

It is OK to be led astray accidentally but let us not lead ourselves astray by design. This applies to me as much as anyone so it is not a personal attack but just a comment.

Sat Sri Akal.

I understand what you are saying. We must not fall into the trap of defining, because once you begin to do that you start putting limitations and borders on the description.
God has NO defining limits or borders as such.

I wouldn't say we are defining creator, but we are trying to describe the work or the ''how?'' OR rules as you mentioned.

The statement
This is why any inbalances and forced interruptions into any part of creation result in a disruption to the whole universe!!<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->

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This is something that I have believed from a young age, long before I paid attention to sikhi.
I have studied science nearly all my life and when you do that nearly everything comes down to some kind of explanation that makes scientific sense.
Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that science has the danger of taking you away from God, but I dont' use it as the only basis and you shouldn't. It is very useful to help understand providing you keep within the limitations.

I firmly believe that all the problems be they personal, global, economical and ecological are all results of our own actions.
In this sense this wave theory that Prakashji mentioned makes quite a lot of sense.
I have NEVER come across this before and I haven't checked if such a concept is has been penned by anyone previously.
All the explanations that have been made are personal assumptions of 'HOW' this could be the way all creation works.

Although, like you said, we must always stay closely tight to the roots of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and don't let assumptions carry us away from the truth.


Apr 24, 2006
I have NEVER come across this before and I haven't checked if such a concept is has been penned by anyone previously.
All the explanations that have been made are personal assumptions of 'HOW' this could be the way all creation works.
Lucky Singh ji,
In that case, type in the word ਤਰੰਗ in srigranth.org Gurmukhi search function, and see how it is described in Guru Granth Sahib.

What are your views on these shabads?
Aug 28, 2010

Thank you very much for your explicit views .
Since I am a person with engineering background when I tried to understand the
messages of Gurbanee in context of some Basic Laws of WAVE THEORY OF MATTER
I was amazed to see the existence of close relationship betweeen the CORE MESSAGE of Gurbanee and Basic Laws of Modern Science.
I simply tried to share my observations. on this Forum This is already being
said by our GuRu only. it is how one realises the intrisic meaning of the messages.

That is How I understand the Core Concept of Gurbanee as Science of Word GuROO

Prakash .S.Bagga


Dec 3, 2011
Prakash ji, I have noticed you mention the 'wave' previously a few times, but i didn't quite grasp the angle you were approaching.
For some reason earlier today I could see how simple and informative the appproach actually was!! Even though it just didn't click before!!!

I also totally agree with your comment below.
GOD WAVE/WAVES are perfect and are not affected by disruption or intruption of smallar waves.
Rather smallar waves get alligned with GOD Waves.

I would probably say that the disruption doesn't affect God waves, but it does effect the waves emitting from the rest of creation. A little like rebound emissions with opposing characteristics.

I shall look at the shabads that Bhagatji has mentioned when I get a chance.


Dec 3, 2011
Lucky Singh ji,
In that case, type in the word ਤਰੰਗ in srigranth.org Gurmukhi search function, and see how it is described in Guru Granth Sahib.

What are your views on these shabads?

Amazing !!!
I didn't realise there were that many shabads that go in that same direction.
I'm sure that I have previously just associated and imagined only waves of the ocean when I have come across some of them.
I can now view them a little differently and with some better understanding.:interestedmunda:as some of them are referenced as waves of joy, pain, trouble and waves of desire..etc...


Jan 9, 2011
London UK


Mar 25, 2015
Here is indication by sant mani singh ji on God:

When asked about God at Orange County, California, sympathetically he replied, “You can’t say its reality. You certainly can’t say it’s a fiction because something exists. That something needs to be experimented. Nothing can be said about God. You can study about God but nothing has been known because all you know is from the outside, what we would call external. Until you enter from within, the internal can’t be known. By studying about God, you will miss the whole concept and the consequence to that is that you are left with knowledge only. To know is to enter the kingdom, to become one with eternity. Knowledge is from the outside and has nothing what so ever to do with God. Because God is happening.”

“Nothing is hidden from God because God is the inside of everything. The inside knows all. You can hide something from others, but you can’t hide it from yourself. And it is there that God is hidden.”


He went on to say “Why have we invented so many names for God? There must be a certain reason, because God cannot be named, a name can easily be changed, but God remains the same. So why has God been addressed? Because there are moments when you would like to scream out your inner feelings to God in sheer joy. Some name is needed. Muslim Sufis invented ninety-nine names of God that are so beautiful, but why not a hundred? Ninety-nine looks a bit incomplete. There is a certain reason the hundredth name is kept silent and that is the true name of God, which of course can’t be uttered. That is why Guru Nanak said ‘Satnam’. Your name is thee truth. But in reality you can’t utter it because it will lose its’ beauty. It remains un-uttered at the deepest core of the heart. What is God’s true name? Nobody knows that all the names are man’s creation. The true name of God is the existence that surrounds you.”

How can one call Him by all His names? The wise give him names according to His manifestations – Jap Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Ji He goes on saying. “those kind (the irreligious) of people haven’t known anything of spiritual experience. They’ve never felt any presence of God. The only way to receive God is to drop all your searching and seeking. The real question is recognition, not search, and the only way to know God is to live God.


Mar 25, 2015
For many years, many sikh intellectuals have interpreted mool mantar in a way where absolute reality of mool mantar is somewhere else- up there somewhere in sky via abrahamic notions not here and now-present. Absolute truth/God is here and now undivided in all of us among all experiencing itself, in fact everyone of us is God as God is one in all, all in one always experiencing itself- the absolute truth only but due to ignorance of our source we identify with ourselves with egoic I -conditioned mind.

Ik Oankar - One universal Eternal Absolute unchanged Awareness Being-Light-Knowledge- God- all in one, one in all- embodiment of stillness awareness, expressing itself in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously effortlessly.

Which is

Satnam- Eternal Truth Pure Existence

Kartapurkh- Creative consciousness

Nirbhauo- No fear- fearless as there is only one in all, all in one- fear from what? There is NO other. Ikoankar is all, all is ikoankar

Nirvair- No enemy of anyone- since its only one in all, all in one, there is no enemy.

Akaal Moorat- Timeless Being which is one being in all, all in one- One-JOT-Light-pure knowledge form.

Ajooni- Unborn non dual pure awareness being all in one, one in all.

Gurparsad- Pure consciousness/awareness bliss is realized by grace of true Guru-Satguru-sargun-manifested Guru in form of sri guru granth sahib/ invisible alive SatGuru within all- bestowed grace.


Mar 25, 2015
Here is God's natural non dual state according to Jaap sahib:

I came across recently with some deep profound gurbani quotes- Agam Gurbani sharing its ultimate truth our non dual ultimate truth nature in live present experience from Jaap sahib-

ਅਚਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਨਭਉ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ ਅਮਿਤੋਜਿ ਕਹਿਜੈ ॥

He who is without limit and motion, All effulgence, non-descript Ocean

Here is commentary based on my limited understanding- Absolute non dual- our undivided spirit-atma-paratma /pure awareness nature is achal- pure motionless afor (without thoughts/forna) stillness (morat)being - where there is anubhav parkash- spontaneous effortless intuitive infinite parkash(bhramgyan knowledge), unfathomable ocean of knowledge.

ਅਨਭਉ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ ॥ ਨਿਸ ਦਿਨ ਅਨਾਸ ॥
अनभउ प्रकास ॥ निस दिन अनास ॥
Thou art Self-luminous and remianest the same during day and night.

Here is commentary based on my limited understanding- Undivided Non dual Absolute truth(thou art) is embodiment of spontaneous effortless intuitive infinite parkash(bhramgyan knowledge) always remain the same during day and night.
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