Luckysingh ji I respect your great contributions. However we need to take stock sometimes if we are too adrift of what Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches us about the undefineable infinite creation/creator. One comment in reference to below,What makes you or me an expert on the rules of creator/creation to such a degree of definitiveness? Why couldn't the "imbalances' and "interruptions" we view as deviations instead not be the rules by design of the creator or creation.
We keep constantly falling into the trap that we are going to define creator and all creation. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji keeps warning us to not waste time on it. Why such a simple instruction or advice of our Guru ji's so hard to understand?
When we make global or God/creator like conjectures about waves and all that I believe we need to humbly step back and take stock of our self esteem and egos in relation to the vastness of creator and creation.
It is OK to be led astray accidentally but let us not lead ourselves astray by design. This applies to me as much as anyone so it is not a personal attack but just a comment.
Sat Sri Akal.
I understand what you are saying. We must not fall into the trap of defining, because once you begin to do that you start putting limitations and borders on the description.
God has NO defining limits or borders as such.
I wouldn't say we are defining creator, but we are trying to describe the work or the ''how?'' OR rules as you mentioned.
The statement
This is something that I have believed from a young age, long before I paid attention to sikhi.This is why any inbalances and forced interruptions into any part of creation result in a disruption to the whole universe!!<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->
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I have studied science nearly all my life and when you do that nearly everything comes down to some kind of explanation that makes scientific sense.
Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that science has the danger of taking you away from God, but I dont' use it as the only basis and you shouldn't. It is very useful to help understand providing you keep within the limitations.
I firmly believe that all the problems be they personal, global, economical and ecological are all results of our own actions.
In this sense this wave theory that Prakashji mentioned makes quite a lot of sense.
I have NEVER come across this before and I haven't checked if such a concept is has been penned by anyone previously.
All the explanations that have been made are personal assumptions of 'HOW' this could be the way all creation works.
Although, like you said, we must always stay closely tight to the roots of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and don't let assumptions carry us away from the truth.